HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994 CITY OF BANGOR MAI N E � �(�-� � ,� J � � �1 y�F BAN�� �� � �`.�� � p� --� ��I lr,i! `� �!� ;��1� ��,,;��" i��� � � �� �r Z =-- - - = M � _- - - ,QyO � �.. ^_� /yI �.' ) �I� ����,, �.- v =�1 � � • � >�RqT ED� F�� � � / \ , � -_, , ����. Financial Statements and Other Financial Information for the Fiscal Year Ended J u ne 30, 1994 CITY OF BA1�'QR, N�INE Annual Financial Re�rt For the Fiscal Year �ided Ji.u1e 30, 1994 TASLg C8� Ct'Y.1TIII1f15 r•�n�a�rar. �l� FJd�ibit P-age(s) Report of Independent Auditors General Pur�se Financial Stat��ts: Carnbined Balance Sheet-All Ftmd Z�s and Account Gr�ups. 1 1 - 2 Ccanbined Statement of Revenues, �en- ditures, and Changes in Ft�d Balances - All Governrr�ntal Ftmd T�pes and �ldable Trust F�uids 2 3 - 4 Stat�n�nt of Revenues, E�zdi tures, and C7�anges in Unreserved/ilndesiynated Ftmd Balance - Budget and Actual - General Ftmd 3 5 Cambined Stat�nent of Revenues, �erises, and �lges in Retained Farn i ngs/Ftmd Balances - All Firoprietary Ft,md T�pes and Similar Trust Ftmds 4 6 Ccambine�d Stat�t of Cash Flows - A11 Proprietary Ftuid Types and Similar Trust F�mds 5 7 - 8 Notes to Financial Stat��ts 9 - 34 SG�►,7e Ccxnbining Individual Ftmd and Account Group Stat�zts and Schedules: Gove.rnrnental F�mds: General Ftmd: Balance Sheet A - 1 35 Stat�nent of Revenues, F�lditures, and Q�ariges in Unreserved/Undesic�ated Ftmd Balance - Budget and Actual A - 2 36 - 39 i 5�1��e�di�7e Page ls) S�ciaZ Revenue F�.u�ids: Ccambining Balance Sheet B - 1 40 Ccanbining Stat�rlent of RevPnues, E�endi.tures and C�i�.nges in F�md Balances B - 2 41 Capital Firojects Ftmd: Balance Sheet C - 1 42 Ccgnbinulg Statement of Revenues, E�gaPndi tures and Changes in Ftmd Balances C - 2 43 �iterprise Ftmds: Cc�mbining Balance Shc�t D - 1 44 - 45 Ccambining Statem�nt of Revenues, �penses, and Changes in Retained Fanings D - 2 46 Ccxnbiiiing Stat�nent of Cash Flows D - 3 47 - 48 Trust and AgPncy Ftmds: Ccgnbining Balance Sheet E - 1 49 �endable Tivst Ftrrids - Stat�t of Revenues, �zdi.tures, and Q�ariges in Ftmd Balances E - 2 50 NonP�ndable Trust Ftmds - Ccxnbining Stat�nent of Revenues, E7�enses, and C�i�nges in F�md Balances E - 3 51 None�enda.ble Trust Ftmds - Ccxnbining Stat��t of Cash Flows E - 4 52 Schedule of Assessed Ualuation, Ccx�mit- m�ent, and Collectians F 53 S'1�1TTS'1'1"(�I� S'�'I'IC11T Tahie Paq�(s) Property Tax valuations, Levies and Collections - Last Ten Fiscal Periods 1 54 Loca.I Assessed Ualuations - Last Ten Fiscal Periods 2 55 General Ftu�id E�nditures by Fimction - Last Ten FisCa1 Periods 3 56 General Fimd Revenue by Source - Last Ten Fiscal Periods 4 57 Ratio of Annual Debt Service E�eriditures for General Bonded Debt to Tota1 General Ftuid E�ei�di tures - Last Ten Fiscal Periods 5 58 Debt Service Require�nents to Maturity - General Qbligation Bonds 6 59 General Bonded Debt as a Percentage of Assessed value and General Bonded �bt per Capita - Last Ten Fiscal Periods 7 60 Six Year Historical Trend Infornrztion - Defi.ned Benefit Pension Plan - Partici�ting Loca1 District Plan 8 61 , , BRANTNER THIBODEAU 8L ASSOCIATES Certified Public Accountants Key Plaza•23 Water Street Post Office Box 864 Bangor, ME 04402-0864 (207) 947-3325 INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Bangor, Maine We have audited the accompanying general purpose financial statements of the City of Bangor, Maine, as of and for the year ended June 30, I994, as listed in the table of contents. These general purpose financial statements are the responsibili ty of the City of Bangor, Maine's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these general purpose financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the general purpose financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the general purpose finan cial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as we11 as evaluating the overall general purpose financial statement presentation. we believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the general purpose financial statements referred to in the first paragraph present fairly, in a11 material respects, the financial position of the City of Bangor, Maine, as of June 30, 1994, and the resul ts of its operations and cash flows of its proprietary and nonexpendabl e trus t funds for the year then ended in conformi ty with generally accepted accounting principles. Our audit was made for the purpose of forming an opinion on the general purpose financial statements taken as a whole. The combining and individual fund and account group financial statements, schedules and statistical information listed in the table of contents are presented for purposes of additional analysis and are not a required part of the general purpose financial statements of the City of Bangor, Maine. Such information has been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audit of the general purpose financial statements and, in our opinion, is fairly presented in aT1 material respects in relation to the general purpose financial statemen ts taken as a whole. �.�...,r+:�v..-, d- �}' January 6, 1995 This �ge Ieft intentionally blank. CITY OF BA�R, N�l71�TE A11 Ftmd T�pes and Accbz.mt Grnup5 Ccxnbined Balance Sheet Ji,me 3 0, 1994 (with c�nparative totals for June 30, 1993) Goverr�rn�ntal Ftmd Z�pes Special Capital GPneral RevPnue Firo�e7 cts . Assets azad Ottier Dl9hits Cash on hand $ 2,242 $ 250 ,$ - Equity in pooled cash and investrnents (Note 2) 64,096 192,457 193,949 , Investrn�nts at ct�st (Note 2) 4,050,475 - - Receivables: Taxes, including interest, p�alties and liens (net of a11or�,rance for i.mc.rollectible taxes of $3,851 in 1994 and in 1993) (Note 3) 2,473,251 - - AccnLmts (net, where applicable of allowance for estirnated� rmcvllectible accbi.u�ts of $'156,850 in I994 and $180,100 in 1993) 508,131 - 6,364 I,aans (net of aZlawance for �cnllecti.ble accuLmts of $130,131 in 1994) - 2,908,350 - Deferred special assessr�nts - - 30,130 Due fzr.�n water district - - - Due fzr�n other fi.uzds I,402,12I - - Due fi2�n other governrnents (Note 5) 2,625,127 112,143 15,400 Investrnent in direct fin�ncing lease (Note 8) - - - Inventory, at cnst 307,4I2 - - Pre�.id e�er��ses 17,271 3,465 - Prt�perty, plant & �►�;gn�zt (net of acci.m�ulated depreciation) (Note 6) - - - Arrb�t pzrovided for landfill closure and �stclosure care cnsts (Note 20) - - - Amoimt to � provided for retir�nt of genera7 long-term debt - - - Due fizan bond txustee - - - L�eposi ts - - - Other assets (Note 10) - - 1,794,I68 Tota1 assets and other debits $ II,450,126 $ 3,216,665 $ 2,040,011 The acaxrga�nying notes are an integral �rt of these financial stat�lts. �iibit 1 Proprietazy Fiduciary F�md 7�pe Ftmd Type ACcn�t Gzroups Genes'al Genez'al Totals Trust and Fixed Larig-term (Merbranc�.un C�y) Ehterprise Agenc� Assets I�ebt 1994 1993 __ $ 3,800 $ - $ - $ - $ 6,292 $ 48,982 1,521,O81 I11,693 - - 2,083,276 8,979,329 10,178,885 4,053, 048 - - 18,282,408 I5,926,050 - - - - 2,473,251 2,829,403 3,416,459 11,213 - - 3,942,167 4,29I,I77 - 69,695 - - 2,978, 045 3, 005, 790 117, 742 - - - 147, 872 147,872 63,75I - - - 63, 751 92,943 - - - - 1,402,121 1,197,483 1,032,748 - - - 3,785,418 4,354,994 1,153,157 - - - 1,153,157 1,245,409 108,103 - - - 4I5,515 480,102 92,303 - - - 113,039 89,418 176,620,193 - 72,634,588 - 249,254,78I 236,042,520 - - - 522,700 522,700 - - - - 22,837,747 22,837,747 20,976,461 1,072,285 - - - 1,072,285 - 25,718 - - - 25,718 29,602 1,555,662 - - - 3,349,830 2,638,055 $196,961,887 $ 4,245,649 $ 72,634,588 $ 23,360,447 $313,909,373 $302,375,590 , 1 CITY OF BA�, Nl�l.INE A11 F�md Types and Accrn.mt Groups Ccxnbined Balance Sheet - Jtme 30, 1994 (with c�rative totals for JLme 30, 1993) Governmental Ftmd Types Special Capi tal General Revenue Proiects r.;ahi 7 i tiPP� Accni.mts �yable $ 732,312 $ 3I,571 $ 64,803 Workers' ccgnpensation (Note 18) 607,890 - - Accrued leave - - - Accrued �yrn1l & withholdings 1,647,079 54 - Accrued interest - - - Accxuued expenses - - - Tax cbllected in advance 20,705 - - Amoimts held for others - 61,857 8,310 D�eferred revenue (Note 11) 2,194,812 2,908,350 - Due to rehabilitation recipients - 32,082 - .Due to other ft.mds - - - Developer �yable - - - General and l.imited revenue abligation h�nds (Note 12) - - - Ueferred am�tmt on refimding - - - Arbitrage �yable - - - Qbligatians Lmder capital lease (Note 9) - - - Direct fin�ncing Iease �ymer�ts �yable (Note 8) - - - Unearned inc�arne - - - Deferred sewer assessr�ents - - - Estimated liability for landfill closure and �stclosure care msts (Note 20) - - - Other liabilities - - - Total liabilities 5,202,798 3, 033,914 73,113 Ft�d equitY Cantri.buted capita.I (Note 13) - - - Investrnent in general fixed assets (Note 6) - - - Retained earnings: Appropriated - - - Unappropriated - - - Ft md b�lances: Resei.v� for: Eric�m�brances 294,931 6,825 277,339 I,aaris (l�ote I4) - - - , �idawments (Note I4) - - - Llnreserved: � Desic�ated for subsequent years expenditures (Note I7) 2,572,871 I75,926 1,373,957 ihidesic�ated 3,379,526 - 315,602 Total fimd equity 6,247,328 182,751 1,966,898 Total liabilities and fLmd ��;ty $ 11,450,126 $ 3,216,665 $ 2,040,011 The acc�rg�nying notes are an integral �rt of these financial statements. Sxtiibit 1, lcc�t.I Proprietary Fiduciary Fl.a1d T�pe Ft.md T�e Acc�imt Groups General General Totals Trust and Fixed L�ong-term (Mer�orand�,m� Ch�ly) �iterprise Ac�cy Assets L�ebt 1994 1993 $ 1,024,808 $ - $ - $ - $ 1,853,494 $ 3,329,087 380,974 - - 817,763 1,806,627 2,629,4.71 225,787 - - 633,797 859,584 875,852 102,286 - - - I,749,419 1,892,527 713,104 - - - 713,104 764,336 5,285 - - - 5,285 20,676 - - - - 20,705 15,437 - 3,290,I54 - - 3,360,32I 3,206,216 899,120 - - - 6,002,282 6,123,163 - - - - 32,082 42,320 1,402,121 - - - 1,402,121 1,197,483 58,883 - - - 58,883 63,735 47,697,377 - . - 20,261,623 67,959, 000 64, 027, 090 (1, 026,242) - - - (1, 026,242) - 95,376 - - I56,259 251,635 242,936 116,587 - - 93,305 209,892 57,445 689,222 - - - 689,222 7I7,710 463,935 - - - 463,935 527,699 117,743 - - - 117,743 1I7,743 - - - I,397,700 1,397,700 - 27,131 - - - 27,131 - 52 993 497 3 290 154 - 23 360 447 87 953 923 85 850 926 106,470,703 - - - 106,470, 703 104,837,562 - - 72,634,588 - 72,634,588 67,901,839 2,619,353 - - - 2,619,353 3,085,035 34,878,334 - - - 34,878,334 33,035,917 - - - - 579,095 1,723,926 - 120,518 - - 120,5I8 108,529 - 526,258 - - 526,258 519,758 - 308,719 - - 4,431,473 3,072,361 - - - - 3,695,128 2,239,737 143 968 390 955 495 72 634 588 - 225 955 450 216 524 664 $196,961,887 $ 4,245,649 $ 72,634,588 $ 23,360,447 $313,909,373 $302,375,590 2 �diihit a CTIY QF E�I�Z, 1�II� All C�veinr�tal. Ftuxi T�s arxl �.ie Trust Ft�ls CYlr�bined Statar�7t of Reve�.�es, �'it�.�t�s, and Ch�x�s in F1md � Yeax' IIx�d �Ttme 30, 1994 Fiduciary C��errnr�tal Flmd 7�s Ftua� T� Tbta1 ` SpeGi.al C�pital E�'able (��3rorarx�hin C�al Rev�nie Prnjects TYust Chly) �: Tax�� - (l�bte 3) $ 31,799,013 $ - $ - $ - ,$ 31,799,013 In ta1 I7,375,553 1,085,626 380,897 - 18,842,076 Liar�ses and�nnits 276,167 - - - 276,167 C7r�rg�s far' sezvic�s 5,228,522 - - - 5,228,522 Fines, forfeits, and�r�alties Il,699 - - - 11,699 R�n� fmn use of mzley arxi�rty 928,054 4,294 76,562 2,496 1,011,406 Proc.��"am inarrz� - 305,539 - - 305,539 Qzitri�utica�s - - - 23,884 23,884 Zbta1 i'�ve�t�s 55,619,008 1,395,459 457,459 26,380 57,498,306 �rlit��s: Ga�eral g�veznr�t 3,116,856 - - - 3,116,856 Public safety 9,108,384 - - - 9,108,384 He�1th, w�lfare, and r�.�ticn 4,912,875 - - - 4,912,875 Puhlic tuil.r�i ng� and se.rvic�s 5,624,411 - - - 5,624,41I Other ag�ncies 1,715,417 - - - 1,715,417 F1�iucatia� 27,190,329 - - - 27,190,329 Other a�t�iatirns 1,654,568 - - - 1,654,568 C�mlmity devel��t �Ia� grdrlts - 1,313,147 - - I,313,147 F'�r�rrni c ina�ltive z�'�Ulving lc�r1 - 75,000 - - 75,000 Paylt�ts to h�efiG.iaries - - - 4,104 4,104 C,�pital ac�litica�s - - 4,418,774 - 4,418,774 Landfill clastu� and�stc1�� car� ($1,397,700 total a�r�c.ult deterntir�l far th� cun�t year tux�er' G7-�SB I8) less $1,397,700 � in GGZII�G Iiability) (l�bte 201 - - - - - Zbt.al �1dit�s 53,322,840 1,388,147 4,418,774 4,104 59,133,865 F�¢.�ss (deficiency) of rev�rn�s aver �a'itures 2,296,168 7,312 (3,961,315) 22,276 (I,635,559) T1� ac��r��ying notes are an intc�ral �rt of these firr�ncial stater�its. 3 � E�iinit a, (c�zit.7 ' � CfiI�.' QF&�tR, 1�INE All C�ivernr�tal Ftm�d Z�� arx3 F�S�hZe Trust Ftu�ds Ctzr�bined Statarmt of Reve�ues, E�adiL�,��s, and �s in �l.md &�laix�s Year Il'x�l Jtme 30, 1994 Fiduciary Gbve.�m�It�.1 �1md T�s Ftmal � 7bt.a1 ,�.al Capz ta.1 �l.e (1�t�na�i.rrt C�eral Reve�ue Pro'eLcts_ Zh.�st Q�iIyJ Qj-�pl- fin�rr-ir��� (US�S): �ratit�g transfers in (out) (882,872) - 899,316 - 16,444 , Ga�l �I.igatian 1xax3�ecis - - 3,275,000 - 3,275,000 Pi�cis of �fi mr1,n�� (I�bte 12) 3,546,771 - - - 3,546,771 Paynrs�lts to �d�xa'x�l esc2�w a�t (lebte 12) (3,546,771) - - - (3,546,771) Tbtal other finanr;nor soi.� (uses) (882,872) - 4,174,316 - 3,291,444 F�xss (c�fici�cy) of r�n.�es arx3 otlaer financing sa.�s aver �di tz�s and ot1�r uses 1,413,296 7,3]2 213,001 22,276 1,655,885 �.md 1x�lanc�.s, 1prn'r�ningr of�ricr.l 4,834,032 175,439 1,753,897 24,826 6,788,194 Fi,uw1 1�lanc�s, e1d of pe�riorl $ 6,247,328 $ 182,751 $ 1,966,898 $ 47,102 $ 8,444,079 The aa�r�nying r.ntes arn an integral p�rt of tl�ese fi.nancial. stater�ts. 4 �dii.bit 3 CITY OF BA1�K'�QR, N�TE General Ftmd Stat�lt of Revenues, �cpenditures, and C'hanges in Unreserved/Undesignated Ftmd Balance - Budget and Actual Year E�ided Ji,me 3 0, 1994 variance - Favorable , Revaua�s: Budqet Actual (Unfavorable) Taxes (Note 3) $ 30,839,382 $ 31,799,013 $ 959,631 Intez��tal 17,104,284 16,837,617 (266,667) Li censes and penni ts 245,174 276,167 3 0,993 Charr�es for services 4,806,028 5,203,023 396,995 Fines, forfeits and penalties 17,800 11,699 (6,101) Revenue fi�am use of m�ney � and prvperty 559,405 530,633 (28,772J. Total revenues 53,572,073 54,658,152 1, 086,079 _ �e�din��s: General g�vernment 3,337,964 3,275,299✓ 62,665 Public safety 9,188,641 9,126,524 `� 62,117 Health, welfare, and recreatian 4,811,674 4,450,890✓ 360,784 Public buildings and services 5,783,664 5,659,277✓ 124,387 Other agencies 1,715,417 1, 715,417�/ - Fducation 26,403,722 26,429,703✓ (25,981) Other appmpriations 1,677,601 1,654,568 23,033 Total ex�enditures 52,918,683 52,311,678 607,005 � Excess of revenues over expenditures 653,390 2,346,474 1,693,084 Ot1�er f�*�*�c� sa�r�s (�ses) : Appzt�priatian fizxn desic�ated fimd 1x�lances 26,328 26,328 - Operating transfers in 370,900 370,900 - Operating transfers out (1,050,618) (1, 050,618) - Total other financing sources (uses) (653,390) (653,390) - F�cess of revenues and other financing sources over expPnditures and other uses $ - 1,693,084 $ 1,693,084 F�md �lance Lmdesignated/�reserved, at beg� �ng of y�ar I,797,207 Balances carried to succeeding year (110, 765) F�md 1x�lance �designated/i.u�reserved, at end of year $ 3,379,526 The acc�xrgx�nying notes are an integral �rt of these fir�ancial stat�lts. 5 �dii.l�it 4 CITY OF BA14�'OR, NI�l,IIVE All Pz�prietary Ftmd Z�pes and Similar Z�-ust Ftmds Cc�mbined Stat��t of Revenues, E7�erises and ��ges in Retained Farn�gs/Ftmd Balances Year �ided Ji.me 3 0, 1994 Pr�prietary Fiduciary F�md Type Ftmd 7� Total Nonex�endable (Mer�orand�ur► Gperating r�vaw�s: �iterprise TYust Ch�ily) Charges for services $ 23, 044,543 $ - $ 23,044,543 Interest - 62,358 62,358 . 2,776 2,776 Lot sales - 6,500 6,500 Total operating revenues 23,044,543 71,634 23,I16,177 q�Z'ating �s�s= Operating e�tises other � than depreciatian and atrbrtization 17,849,918 39,358 I7,889,276 Depreciation and amr�rtization: C�i assets acquired wi th awn ftmds 2,794,635 - 2,794,635 Qri assets ac�.ured wi th c�ontributions 3,657,779 - 3,657, 779 Tota1 operating ex�nses 24,302,332 39,358 24,341,690 Operating inct�rle (loss) (1,257,789) 32,276 (1,225,513) lu� op�er-ati� r�van�s (exp�s): Interest inct�xrle 665,718 - 665,718 Interest e�ense (2,492,025) - (2,492,025) Miscellancous inc�cxne 15,Z55 - 15,155 O�erating transfer fi�n Genesal Ftmd 787,897 - 787,897 Total nan operating expenses (1,023,255) - (I,023,255) Net inc�xne (loss) (2,28I, 044) 32,276 (2,248, 768) Add depreciation and airbrtization an assets acquired with cantributiaris 3,657,779 - 3,657,779 Incxease (decrease) in retained earnings/f�d 1x�lances 1,376,735 32,276 1,409,011 Retained earnings/fimd b�lances, at beg� �ng Of period 36,120,952 876,I17 36,997,069 Retained earnings/f�d }�.lances, at end of period $ 37,497,687 $ 908,393 $ 38,406,080 The acc�.nying notes are an integral �rt of these financiaZ stater�ents. 6 �iit�it 5 QTY QF�, l�Lil� All Pro�rietazy Flmd Z�s and Similar Tnist Ftu�x9s Chnbined 5'tatarent of C�sh F1ows Year' IIxi�d Jtme 30, 1994 � Pn�z�etazy Fic�c.i.ary F1.u�d T,� Fl�al 7� 7bta1 ' I�x��le ��di.un Cash flows fictn qoer'atirx�activitias: Ehtezprise Trt�st �il.y) Cash r�iv�l ftzm custarers $ 23,306,611 $ 9,276 .$ 23,315,887 Cash i�ivc�3 cn invt�strr�nts - 51,842 51,842 C�sh r�ivaal fi2�n inter�st rn la��s - - - C�st�p�nr�ts to s�g�aliers far' g� arad setvic�s (11,769,724) (706) (11,770,430) C�sh�yn�slt5 to etployc�es fcrr' SE�rviG�s (6,514,540) - (6,514,540) CaSh�id to 1x�iefi��ies - (38,652) (38,652) l�t c�sti �vvi.ded by (t�sed in) o�r'atarx� activities 5,022,347 21,760 5,044,107 C�sh IIows frutt r�.ital f;r�a�r-irrl activities: Interftmd 1a�s (z�r�nts) 220,640 - 220,640 �rating svbsidies r�.iv�x3 (g�idJ 770,943 - 770,943 Sttrl�'it la��s rr�c� - (2,500) (2,500) Sti.r�rit la�n �yrrr�ts r�ived - 4,912 4,912 l�t cash provicl�l by (t,�seci in) r�ital fix�ancirxJ activities 991,583 2,412 993,995 C�sh flot+�s f�n �gif�l �d z�l�ted f;r�rr=im activitiPs: Pl.'tac�ec.�Is frcm �1 and limita� reveAie d27ic�ati.Cn hn� 8,274,498 - 8,274,498 Acr�uisiticn and a�stn.icticn of c�pital assets (15,259,036) - (15,259,036) Princi�l �id ca1 �ads (7,002,718I - (7,002,718) Inter�st �i.d cn lxnds (2,483,802) - (2,483,802) Prac�ec3s fmn sale of equipr�t I09,550 - 109,550 Pnxneds fmn sale of land 4,200 - 4,200 GY�rit m�zies r�.iv�3 far c�pital assets 5,797,960 - 5,797,960 Ct�tri�.utirns z�.ived far' c�pital assets 11,100 - 11,100 I�strr��t capital prt�jecGs (200) - (200) Ti�strr�rlt lxnd & 1z�n�ecLs (968,364) - (968,364) l�t Cash (t�l in) c�a.ital and r�lated fi�nr-inor aCtiviti.es (I1,5I6,SI2) - (Il,516,812) C�.sh fl�a,,s fitm irn�tirx�asctivities: Inter�st ca�i iriv�stir�its 669,036 - 669,036 l�t sales (p��ses) of inv�strt�t5 (817,326) (22,855) (840,18I) l�t ca.sh prrxric3sd by (t�i in) il2vesting aCtivities (148,290) (22,855) (171,145) I�t incr�ase (�ase) in cash (5,651,172) 1,317 (5,649,855) C�sh at h�;�;� of�riai 7,176,053 1,978 7,178,031 C�sh at e�d of�ria�l $ 1,524,881 $ 3,295 $ 1,528,176 The aa��rlying mt.as ar� an int o e s ter�i . 7 Efdiihit 5, (Gtzit_J , Q'1'Y C�'fi�1�.�Z, 1�II�' All Prc�r'ietary Ftu�d Z�s anr3 Sirrular Tnast Ftmds Car�ira�i Statar�nt of C�sh F7aas Ye�.r' Fha�l �7.u� 30, 1994 Prr�ar�efiazy Fic�c.iary blmd T,� bl�ad T� 1bta1 . 1�.��ble (N�r.�r�nch.an . Il�ter�u�se Trust Ch7y) Raxnciliatical of cg�r-ating inazre to net c�sh Atz�'�-d�d bY c�xatirx� activities: �at.i.ng inccme (Ioss) S (1,257,789) $ 32,276 S (1,225,513J Adjustrns�ts to r�ciZe q.�ratir�g' inccrre to net c�sh PL�vi.d� bY �rati��9' activities: �ciatiCn arx�l arr�rtizatical 6,452,414 - 6,452,414 Provisicn far tmcollect.ih7e ac�vtmts 45,626 - 45,626 �s in assets and liabilities: (Incs�se) decr�ase in c�its 3,884 . - 3,884 (Incr�ase) decr�ase in aaxx.mts r�xiVable 170,757 - I70,757 (�e) d�ase in aa�ued inter�st cn 1a�ns r�iv�le - (10,516) (10,516) (Inc3�se) �.se in du� fizm state gave.rrnt�lt 46,195 - 46,195 (Inc�ase) decr�ase in cl�.ae frrrn tister district 29,I92 - 29,192 (Incz�.se) c��se in .inveztozy 57,164 - 57,164 (In�,se) �rease in p�.�id ��ses (24,106) - (24,106) Inc�.se (o�sel in acrxx.u7ts �yahle (292,2631 - (292,263) Incz�.se (�se) in aarized ��ses (251,784) - (251,784) Inc��se (a�5e) in d�fet22� r��nze 15,924 - 15,924 Inc�se (�se) in other liabilities 27,133 - 27,133 7btal adjvstrr�lts 6,280,136 (10,516) 6,269,620 I�t c�sh�C�vic3�by o�eratirig' activities $ 5,022,347 $ 21,760 $ 5,044,107 Zhe ac��ing rx�tes are an integral �rt of trnse f�nancial stater�ts. 8 CITY OF BAN�'UR, N�INE Notes to Financial Staternents J�e 30, 1994 Nt7l� I - S�mrary of Si�i fic�nt A�mt;*� Fblicies The City of Banqc�r, Maine, was incr�rporated Febru�zry 12, 1834, Lmder the laws of the State of Maine. The City operates Lmder a Coi.mcil-Manager form of goverru�nt and provides the following services as authorized by its char-ter: public safety, public cvr�rks, recreation, and education. The accoimting policies of the City of Bangor, Maine cnnform to generally accepted accounting principles as applicable to gov�rnmental units. The following is a simrt�a.ry of the more significant �licies: FIl�INCIAL REIX?RTIl� F�1'ITY For finaricial re�rting puiPoses, the City of Bangor should include as c�nent imits a1I legally sepa.rate entities that satisfy at least ane of the following c.riteria: * Elected officials of a prilr�ary gove,rnment are financially accroi.mtable for the entity. * The nature and siyriificance of the relationship b�tween the entity and a prilr�.zy governrr�nt are such that to exclude the entity fzr�n the financial re�rting entity w�uld render the financial stat�zts misleading or inc�nplete. Based upon the application of this criteria, it was determ.ined that no other goverrunental �its should be included in thi.s report. (A) Basis of Presentation - Ftmd Accot.mting The accbimts of the City are organized on the t.x�sis of ftmds and acct�imt grnups, earh of which is cnnsidered a se�rate accotmting entity. The operations of each fund are accnt.mted for with a se�rate set of self-1x�lancing acct�i.mts that c�rg�rise its assets, liabilities, frmd lxzlance/retained earnings, revenues, and e�g�lditures/expenses. The various fi.mds are sturm�rized by type in the fi.nancial stat�rrents. The follawing fi_md types and accni.mt groups are used by the City: FU1�ID TYPF�S Governrr�ental Ftmds are those tt�mugh which rrbst goverrnn�ntal fLmctions of the Ci ty are financed. The ac-rn�;si tian, use, and 1x-�lances of the Ci ty's e��dable finai�ciaZ resources and the related liabilities (except those accrounted for in prnprietary f�ds) are acootmted for through governrnenta7 funds. The measur�lt focus is u�n determirlation of changes in fin�ncial position, rather than upon net incrxne determu�atian. The follawing are the City's g�overnmerital fund types: General Fimd - The General Ftmd is the general operating ftmd of the City. It is used to acco�t for a11 financial resources except those required to be accbi.mted for in another fi.uzd. 9 CITY OF BAI�'�C1R, NIAIiVE Notes to Financial Statements June 30, 1994 1VC71'E 1 - Coi1t,rn�ar7 Special Revenue Ftulds - Special Revenue Ftmds are used to accbi.mt for the pzviceeds of specific revenue sources (other than expendable trusts or major capital pmjects) that are Zegally restricted to e.�enditures for specified pu�.poses. Capital Projects Ftu�id - Capital Pirojects Ftmd is used to accoimt for financial resources to be used for the acr�.iisition or cnnstruction of major capital facilities (other than those financed by Firoprietary F�ids) . PROPRIETARY FUI�ID TYPES The focus of Proprietaiy Ft.uid measurer�nt is upon deternunation of net inc�rae, financial position, and cash flows. The generally accepted accni.urting principles applicable are those similar to businesses in the private sector. Ehterprise Ftmds - Enterprise Ftmds are used to acc�o�t for operations (a) that are financed and operated in a rr�anner similar to pri�rate business enterprises - where the intent of the governing L�ody is that the c�osts (e�nses, including depreciation) of providing gooc�s or services to the general public on a cnntinuing lxzsis be financed or recnvered primarily t.hrough user charrjes; or (b) where the govPrning �y �,S deCiclled that perio�di.c deternu:nation of revenues earned, e�ei�ses incurred, and/or net incrxne is appropriate for capital maintenance, public policy, manag�nent crontxnl, acmtmtability, or other purposes. The following are the City's enterprise fz,mds: Sewer Utility Fund - This fLmd accotmts for the cbst of construction and operations of the Se�,rage Treatrr�nt Plant, the city sewer syst�n, and sewer se�ration, and is self-sup�rted thrc�ugh se�wer user fees. Airport F�md - This fLmd accn�ts for the operation of Bangor International Airport. The principal sources of revenues are landing fees and the sales of aviation fuel. Other revenue sources include lease of tP�ina1 s�.ce and lease of non-aviation industrial buildings. City Nursing Facility - This fi.md accbi,mts for the o�ration of a city � owned nursing hcgne. This is a 61 bed facility, and princi�l revenue sources are Medicaid and rental incr,�rr� fi�n excess s�.ce. The evrrent facility was the 1x�se hospital at the former Lbw Air Force Base, which closed in 1969. � _ Parking Ftmd - This fi.�d accntmts for the operatian of the city owned �rking lots and the Pickering Sc��re Parking Garage. Revenue sources include monthly lease of �a.rking s�ces, hourly/daily�rking fees, and fines and waiver fees for �rking violators. Certain of these facilities are operated tmder a priva.te manager�r�t cnntract. Bass Park Ftmd - This ftmd aca��ts for the operation of the Bangor AuditoriLun, Banqor Civic Center, Bangor State Fair, and Banqor Harness 10 CITY OF BAI�K'�QR, NIA.INE Notes to Financia.l Stat�lts Jtme 30, 1994 11�8 1 - C�ti.at�d Racing. Princi�l sources of revenues are ac�nissions, cbncession sales, and rPntals. The ftmd is i�arned after the Bass family which bequeathed the • property to the City for recreational puz�ses. Mtm.ici�l Go1f Course - This fi.md accr�imts for the operatic�n of a 27 hole munici�l golf crourse. Princi�l revenue sources are seasan m�nberships and daily greens fees. FIDIICIARY FU1�ID TYPE Fiduciary Ftmds are used to accn�mt for assets held by the City in a txustee ca�.city or as an agent for individuals, private or�anizatians, other qo�tal imits, and/or other funds. TYust and Agency F�,u�ids - Trust and Agency Fi�ids include e�endable trust, nonexpendable trust, and agency ftmds. None�ldable fi;mds are accnimted for and repr�rted similar to proprietary ft.mds since ca.pital maintenance is critical. E�i�dable trust and agency fimds are accoimted for and re�rted similar to gc�vernmental fi,mds. ACCYXINT GROUPS Accr�unt qroups are� used to establish acmcu�ting cbntrol and accni.mtability for the City's general fixed assets and general Iang-term debt. The following are the City's accoLmt gzr�ups: General Fixed Assets Accn�mt Group - This group of accbimts is established to accnimt for all fixed assets of the City, other than those acaoi.mted for in the proprietary fimds. General Lang-Term Debt Acc�tmt GZroup - This gmup of acootmts is established to ac�unt for aII long-term debt of the City, except that which is accu�ted for in the prnprietary ftmds. (B) Basis of Accntmting The rrbdified accrual 1x�sis of acco�ting is followr..�d by the goverrn�nental fimds and e�7dable trust and agency ftmds. ilnder the n�ciified acc�val k�.sis of acc�o�mting, revenues are recnrded when suscepti.ble to acc�ual, i.e., h�th m�surable and available. Available means mllectible wirh;n the current period or soon enough therea.fter to be used to �y liabilities of the current period. �lditures, other thari interest an long-term debt, are recnrded when the Iiability is incurred, if ineasurable. In applying the susceptible to accrual cnncept to intergovernrnental revenues, the legal and cantractual rc�n�;renents of the n�r�erous individual prngrams are used as guidance. There are, hawev�s, ess�ntially three types of these revenues. In one, m�nies must be expended an the - specific puz�ose or project before any am�Lmts will be �id to the City; therefore, revenues are reco�ized 1a�.sed �n the e.x�aalditures recnrded. ZZ CITY OF BAI�'QR, NIAINE Notes to Financial Stat�r�nts Jime 30, 1994 11X71S 1 - Ci�tint,ed For the seaand type, m�nies are virtuatly imrestricted as to purpose of e.�enditure and are usually revncable Qn1y for the failure to ccar►ply with prescxil�d crxrpliance .requir�lts. These resources are reflected as revenues at the tim�e of receipt or earlier if the susceptible to accrua7 criteria are met. For the third type, monies are received in ad�ance and recorded as deferred revenues i.uitil the apprnpriate expenditures are made, at which time the revenues are recnrded. Licenses and pennits, fines and forfeits, and miscellaneous revenues are recnrz�ed as revenues when received in cash because they are generally not measurable tmtil actually received. Investrnent earnings and charr�es for services are recorded as revenues when earned, since they are measurable and available. The accrual 1x-�.sis of accbunting is used by proprietary fimds and nonexpe�ldable trust fi.mds. (C) F 1cim�brances Ehc�.mmbrance accn�ting, �der which purchase orders, cnntracts, and other ccgnni trr�zts for the e��di ture of fi,mds are recnrded in order to reserve that portic�n of the applicable appropriation, is �nployed in the governmental flmds. Open enci.m�brances are reported as reser�ratians of ft.md �.lances since the c�rmit�nts will be honored in subse�quent years. EYictnnbrances dv not constitute e��ditures or liabilities. (D) Budgetary Acc�Lmting The City utilizes a forn�►aZ budgetaLy acco�ting systen to control revenues and e�lditures accoimted for in the general fi.md. These budgets are � established in acct�rdance with the Yarious laws whirh govern the City's operations. The first Nlariday in April, the City Achni.riistrator suZrruts to the City Coi.mcil a pro�sed operating budget for the fiscal y�ar c�rrr�encing the following July 1. The operating budget includes prt�posed e��ditures and the means of fin�ncing them. The budget is legally enacted thzrough the �ssage of an appropriation resolve. The City Ac�ninistrator is authorized to transfer budgeted airbi,mts within de�rtrnents, excluding the school de�rtrnent. However, any revisions that alter the total expe�lditures or transfers between de�z-trr�its must be approved by the Ci ty Coi.mcil. No siynificant addztional. appz�priations were rc-�uired in 1993. With certain exceptions, �enc�nbered and �exp��ded appropriations lapse at year end. D�rtrn�ntal e�zditures may not exceed appropriations. Budget data, as presented for these ft,mds, utilize the rr�dified accrval h�sis of acc�oi.mting. . Budgetary cbntrols are mainta ined on the other governrnPntal ftmds through forn�al authorizations by the City Coi.mcil and qrant agre�rients. � 12 CITY OF BAAR"�QR, NAIIVE Notes to Financial Stat�nents J�e 3 0, 1994 11p'1� 2 - C�atint�ed General Ftmd revenues and e�gaenditures reported in the Stat�n�nt of Rev�nues, E�eriditures and C.T�riges in Tlnreserved/Ilndesignated Ft�d Balance - Budget and Actual (Budget Basis) (E�chibit 3) are presented on the b�sis budgeted by the City. The City follaws certain accnunting principles for budgetary reporting purposes that differ frrxn generally accepted accn�ting principles. Such differences and their effects on the General Ftmd's re�rted operations are s�nm�rized in the following re�nciliation: Other Financing Revenues �lditures Sources (Uses) Stat�n�nt of Revenues, E�i1di tures, and Changes in Unreserved/ Undesic�ated Ftmd Balance - Budget and Actual (�rhibit 3) $ 54,658,152 $ 52,3I1,678 $ (653,390) Activity in designated fi.md h�.lance 506,665 (302,486) (229,482) I994 enc�.mrbrances - (259,137) - 1993 enclm�brances �.id - 670,I34 - 1993 lkalances carried 454,191 902,651 Ccanbined Stat��t of Revenues, E'�g�endi tures, and Q�anges in Ftu1d Balances-Go�ta1 Ftu�id T�p�s-General Ft.u�d (Exhibit 2) $ 55,619,008 $ 53,322,840 $ (882,872) (E) Fboled Cash and Investrnents and Investrnents Fboled cash and investments and investrnents are descxilaed in Note 2 Investsnents are stated at cnst. (F) Inventory General Ftmd inventory is c�rg�rised of various e�ldable supplies cnnsi.m�d by operations and is stated prirn�rily at m�ving average mst which approximates rnarket. EYiterprise F�md inventories are ccarrprised primarily of cnns�nable supplies. These inventories are also stated at m�ving average mst which approxirnates market. The cost of c�2stunptiQn or sale is recnrded as an expe��diture in the General Fund and as an operating e.�ense in the F,riterprise Ftmds. (G) Genera7 Fixed Assets General fixed assets have been act�ui.red for general gc�vernmental pur�ses. Assets purchased are recnrded as e�g�zditures in the qoverrunental ftmds and capitalized at c�ost in the general fixed asset account group. Contributed fixed assets are recorded in the General Fixed Asset Accn�t Group at estim�ted fair rr�arket value at the time received. 13 CITY OF BAI�K''�QR, NglIlVE Notes to Fi.r��cial Stat�nents J�.me 3 0, 1994 NO'l'E I - CYntiuiaed Public dcxnain ("infrastxucture") general fixed assets cnnsisting of rnads, bridges, curbs, gutters, streets and side�a7ks, drainage syst�ns, and lighting syst�rls are capitalized along with other general fixed assets. No depreciatian has been provided on general fixed assets, nor has interest been capita.Iized. (H) Property, Plant, and Equignent - �terprise Ftmds Prnperty, plant, and ��;gnent awned by the various enterprise funds is stated at cost except for certain assets ce�ntri.buted by others whirh are stated at fair market value as of the date of contri.butian. Interest ce�st incurred during ct�nstructian of major prz�jects is capitalized and amortized over the life of the related asset. Depreciation has beeri prr�vided over the estimated useful Iives using the straight line metliod. Depreciatian an all assets has bre�z recrorded as an e�ense of the current period. The arrbi.mts applicable to assets acr�w:red fi�am cantri.butians has then been transferred to the related cbntribution account rather than to retained earnings. The range of the estimated useful lives of the various classes of entezprise depreciable assets is as follaws: Range of Estimated UsefuZ Life Asset Class Bui.Idings 25 - 40 y�ars Equi.gnent 5 - 20 years Pipelines and mains 100 years Aircraft operatic�nal assets: R1m�rays 4 0 y�.ars Buildings 20 years Machuiery and equign�ent 5 - 10 years (I) Uacation and Sick Leave Under terms of Lmian cnntxacts and personnel �licies, pezTr►anPnt full time City �loy�es are granted vacation and sick leave in varying airbimts. In the event of tenrunation an �loyee is reimbursed for acccmrulated Yacatian days up to the equivalent of thirty days vacation. IIrg�loyees are reimbursed for 33 percent of acci.nrnalated sick leave, up to 40 days, anly u�n retiren�nt with 25 years of service. For Goverrnnental F�md Types (General and Special Revenue), the City appropriates ftmds for accrued vacation in the y�ar the vacation is taken. Accnrdingly, acclIlnulated vacation time earned and not taken at the end of the fiscal year will be raised in subse�qu�nt years' budgets. The related abligatian, therefore, is recnrded in the general lang-term debt group of accbt,mts of the Ci ty. Acc�mrulated sick leave is not recnrded since it is not detenninable. 14 CITY OF BA1�K''�QR, N�IlVE Notes to Financial Statene�zts Jtme 3 0, 1994 11�7'I� 1 - CY�nti.II[aed (J) Capital Projects Ftmd - Ilndesic�ated F�md Balances Undesiqnated f�d 1x�lances in the Capital Projects Ftmd represent, on a cimn�lative L�sis, the excess of specific prr�ject resources over the related project c�osts for ccarrpleted projects. These amotmts are currently tmappr�priated and as such are ava.ilable for use within the Capital Pzrojects Ft�d for future capital c�anstruction. (K) Ccxrgx�.rative Total Data Total colLm�ms of the Ccanbined Stat�n�nts are captioned "m�r►�randt,un only" to indicate that they are presented anly to facilitate financial analysis. Data in these coltaru�is do not present financial position, resul ts of operations, or ch�lges in fin�lcial �si tion in c�nformi ty wi th generally accepted acmunting principles. Neither is such data crxr�rable to a consolidation. Interfi.md el�minatians have not been made in the aggregatian of this data. NOTE 2 - Equity in Fboled Cash and Investrr��ts and Investments The City mzintains a cash and investrnent �01 that is available for use by all fLmds. Earh f�d type's portion of this pool is displayed on the �.xnbined h�lance sheet as "�uity in pooled cash and investrrrents° and is �lassified as short term. Cash is invested in various interest bearing securi ties, whi ch can be redee�r�ed as needed wi thou t penal ty. In addi ti on, cash and investrnents are se�rately held by scxne of the City's fz.md types. Dep�si ts: At ye�r-end, the carzying amoLmt of the Ci ty's deposi ts was $1,91I, 090 and the �anlc 1a�.7ance c�as $1,204,994. Of the X�nk �lance $15I,800 Was fu11y insured and or cnllateralized and $1, 053,194 r�ras imin���1 and 1mc.rollatesalized. Investr��ents: Statutes authorize the City to invest in obligatic�ns of the U.S. 2�Yeasury, agencies and inst..n.unentalities, repurchase agre�r�ents, cbrporate securities, financial institutian stocks, and other stock investrr�ents. The City's inv�strnents are categorized below to give an indicatian of the level of risk ass�nr�d by the entity at year-end. Cateqory 1 includes investsnents that are insured or collateralized with securities held by the City or its agent in the City's narr�e. Category 2 includes tminsured investrn�erits for which the securities are held by the t.x�nks' trust de�rtrnent in the City's narn�e. Categozy 3 includes uninsured invest�r�nts for which the securities are held by the �nks' trust de�rtment or its agent but not in the City's narne. 15 CITY OF BA1�OR, N�.INE Notes to Financial State�nts J�e 30, I994 11�7TE 2 - CX�ati.nueaT Catecrory Carrying Market � 1 2 3 Arrai,mt Ua1ue U.S. Government and agencies $ - $I2,836,068 $ - $12,836,068 $12,765,344 Certificate of deposi t 50,000 - - 50,000 50,000 Repurchase agreenents - 3,813,680 - 3,813,680 3,813,680 Other - 534,324 2,241,139 2,775,463 2,793,993 IQ►� tru.st(457) - - 3,170,543 3,I70,543 3,170,543 Mutual ftmds - - - 853,395 853,395 $ 50,000 $17,184,072 $ 5,411,682 $23,499,I49 $23,446,955 Mutual fimd investments are not r�quired to be classified in any of the three aY�ve categories because they are not evidenced by securities that exist in gYiysical or l.x�ok entry form. 1VC71'E 3 - Prt�per�ty Tax The City's property tax c�ras levied July 1, 1993, on the assessed �ra.lue ' listed as of the prior April 1, for a11 real and personal prnperty located in the City. The assessed value for the list of April 1, 1993, u�n which the 1993 levy was L�sed, �ras $1,292,838,100. The estimated market value c�as $1,292,838,100 n�aking the assessed value 100 percent of the estim�ted market value. Taxes are billed on a s�n.iannual k�.sis. Taxes were due Septemt�r 1 and March I with interest due fi�am that date if im�id. C'��rrent tax collections for the y�ar ended Jtme 30, 1994, were 93.2 percent of the tax levy. Property taxes levied for the year ended JLme 30, 1994, are rect�rded as receivables. The recei�rables collected during the y�ar and the first 60 days of the subs�quent ye�zr are reco�ized as revenues for the year Pnded Ji.u1e 30, 1994. Receilrables estimated to be cr�Ilected subsequent to the 60 da.y perioal are c�onsidered to be deferred revenues. Prior y�ar tax levies w�se recnrded using this same principle. 16 CITY OF BA1�K�Q2, NI�LIIVE Notes to Fii�ancial Statements J�e 3 0, I994 1�'7lE 4 - Due to/D�ae frrm Other Ft�ds Individual ftmd interftmd receivable and �yable .�iances at �7Lme 30, 1994 were as follaws: Recei�rable Payable Genesal ftmd $ 1,402,121 $ - �-iterprise F�uids M�mici�.l Go1f Course - 29,879 Ci ty Nursing Facili ty - 376,251 Bass Park Ft,uid - 995,991 $ 1,402,121 $ 1,402,121 Nt7.l� 5 - Due Firnt Ot�'�er' Gbvex�t�lts Due fz2�n other gove�nts is crarrprised of the follawing arroi,mts at Ji.me 30, 1994. State of Ferleral Other Maine GoverrunPnt Tota1 Genera.l F�uid $ 83,937 $ 2,277,623 $ 263,567 $ 2,625,127 Special Revenue Ftulds $ - $ - $ 112,143 $ 112,143 Capital Prnjects Ftu1d $ - $ I5,400 $ - $ 15,400 �iterprise Ftmds $ - $ 206,834 $ 825,914 $ 3, 032,748 Of the Genera7 F�uld's $2,277,623 due fzrxn State of Maine, $1,569,521 represents sct2ool subsidies and state agency billings and $140,784 represents general assist.ance claims not yet received. l�bte - 6 Fixi�d Assets Arr�t.mts ccxrmitted for future e.x�aenditures an capital projects appr�xirr�.ted $1,431,782 at Jtu�e 30, 1994. Such airb�ts wi11 be ftmded by h�nd proceecls, appr�ved federal and state grant m�nies and m�nies appz�priated wi thin the various fi.mds. 17 C:I'IY CF E�Z, 1�II� l�bte.s to F�i�arx;�7 5'tatet�nts Jtme 30, 1994 , 1�IIE 6 - Qntirwed Ct�nstructica� in �ss is arr�sa�3 of t1� follaving: A�per�v�i Projcct F�ises to R�lan�.s Ftztt� Autlr�r'izaticx� Jtme 30, 1994 C�mnitt�rl Fir�aricirx� Sr1zb1 $ 430,573 $ - $ 430,573 $ - S�2�ets - 1,340,318 7;026 1,333,292 - Orher prt�je�cts . 1,001,548 806,954 194,594 - $ 2,772,439 $ 813,980 $ 1,958,459 $ - A sunrazy of �s in genera_7 fi� assets follaNs: C,�pita.l Baianc� ZYansfers & Pr�ject &�.lanc� �Time 30, 1993 Ac3�itirns L�ietirns Qasa�uts JLme 30, I994 I.�d, .�bt�ilding5, and ct�s�tactia� _in pr�ss: r�a $ 3,iso,s� s - � - $ - .� 3,iso,s� City far�lase�pr�'ty 78,611 - - - 78,611 F��i 7dit�gs 18,068,183 5,461 (48,191) 1,772,860 19,798,313 � Sctx.x�l builditx�s 8,456,386 - - 6,402,576 14,858,962 � Ree�.�ticn fac_ilities 2,713,391 - - 118,188 2,831,579 Q�a.structicn in pt�s 8,364,780 4,395,409 - (Il,946,209) 813,980 1bta1 ]�iad� buildux�s. arx3 ar�struCtiCa1 in �ss 40,862,193 4,400,870 (48,191) (3,652,585) 41,562,287 Public c�rrain: St.reets 15,051,104 - - 3,262,094 18,313,198 Si�nalks 1,569,011 - - - 1,569,011 ffiic�s 1,136,815 - - - 1,136,815 Parkina structt,�s " I4,000 - - - 14,000 IIectric�l 744,067 - - - 744,067 S(-,cmn 5e�rs - water' lines 343,521 - - - 343,521 Other�z�talic c�rt�in 645,297 18,357 - 36,471 700,125 ?btal �lic arrrain 19,503,815 18,357 - 3,298,565 22,820,737 �uiPrmt: VehiCles 5,162,530 281,937 (355,911) 268,622 5,357,178 C�rp�.iter 484,619 52,487 - 23,829 560,935 Or1�r 1,449,499 41,085 - 61,569 I,552,153 Schzal ot1�r 439,183 342,I15 - - 781,298 1btal e�uipr�nt 7,535,831 717,624 (355,911) 354,020 8,251,564 Tbtal fi.�d assets $ 67,901,839 $ 5,136,851 $ (404,102) $ - $ 72,634,588 18 CITY OF BA1�,�',QR, N�.INE Notes to Financial Statenents Ji.me 30, 1994 1�71� 6 - Claatinueal A s�rmary of pr�prieta�.y fi,md type pmperty, plant, and �l;pr►�nt at �Time 30, 1994, follaws: I,and $ 938,2Z5 Buildings, plant and ��;pment 40,781,444 Pipelines and mains 29,015,810 Airport op�eratianal assets 157,802,545 Parking structures 6,455,571 Construction in process 12,414,053 247,407,638 Less: acc�,urrulated depreciation 70,787,445 ,$ 176,620,193 In 1994, total proprietary ftimd type interest incurred was $2,492,025 a11 of which c�as ct�arged to operations. 11U1� 7 - GlDez'ati*� IA-;i� General Ftmd The City leases certain recreatior�al. pr�perty to third �rties i,mder an operating lease expiring in 2026. This lease has a ten y�ar rene�al optic�n. Minirrnnn future rentals to be received i.mder this lease are: Year �ided Jt.me 30 Amo�.mt 1995 $ 11,500 1996 11,500 1997 11,500 1998 11,500 1999 11,500 _ 2000 - 2026 57,348 Total Nlinim�n Future R�ta1s $ II4,848 Airport Ftmd � The airport is the lessor of various buildings and 1and parcels under operating leases e�iring in various years through 2032. Minirrnun future rentals to be received on nancancellable leases as of J�e 30, 1994 are: Year �ided Jt.me 30 Arr�rmt 1995 $ 618,296 1996 ' S60,866 1997 518,642 1998 464,188 I999 203,254 - ' S'ubser�uent to 1999 1,413,934 Tota1 Minim►.m� Ft.�ture Rentals $ 3, 779,180 Minim�un future rentals do not include c�ntingent rentals that may be received �der certain leases of buildings because of revenue pzroduced or usage in excess of specified arrb�.mts. Cantingent rentals in 1994 were $1,319,590. � ' I9 CITY OF BA�, NIA.INE ' Notes to Financial Stater�ents Jtme 30, 1994 NIDIZ 8 - Di.r�ct F;*�[-;no Ler7Se Certain facilities owned by the City at the Airport (building #488) were financed by a third �rty. These facilities are leased by the City to a ccarq.a�ny imder a direct fir�ancing lease e�iring in 2006. As �rt of the financing arrangerient betwee�7 the City and the third �rty, a �rtion of the lease paylr�ents to � received by the City has been assigned to re�y the Bank d�bt incuzred by the third �.rty to aanstruct the facilities. At Ji.me 30, 1994, financing lease �ymei�ts, net of interest, awcd to the third �rt.y tmder the arrangement aggregated $689,221. Minim�un Iease �yments to be received by the City fi�m the user c�rrg�ny as of J�me 30, 1994 are: Year ended June 30 Amo�,mt 1995 $ 92,253 1996 92,253 1997 92,253 1998 92,253 1999 92,253 Subsequent to 1999 691,892 � $ 1,I53,I57 • The follawing lists the cca*r�nents of the investmerit in the direct financing lease at J�e 30, 1994: Net investrnent in direct financing lease $ 689,221 Add tmearned inc�attle 463,936 Tota1 Ir►inirrnun lease �yments to k� received 1,I53,I57 Less: Ct�rent �rtion 92,253 I�ong-tezm $ 1,060,904 1VC7lE 9 - C�pital Le�se - The City's General Ftmd currently leases heavy machinery and a tele�hane system �der capital leases; in addition the Sewer F�.uld leases heavy machinery tmder a capital lease. Following is a schedi.ile, by year of future mirulrn.un lease �yments i.ulder these leases, together with the present �ralue of the net mini.mum lease �.yrr�nts as of JLme 30, 1994. Year Ehding Sewer General Jtme 30 Ftmd Ftmd 1995 $ 33,392 $ 41,Z64 1996 33,392 28,634 ' I997 33,392 17,811 Z998 33,392 16,148 133,568 103,757 Less r Interest S 16,981 S 10,452 Pres�nt value of net minisrnmi lease payments $ 116,587 $ 93,305 20 CITY OF BA1�'OR, NIAINE Notes to Financial Stat�lts Ji.me 30, 1994 11�71'E IO - Ot1'�er Assets Other assets are ccxrprised of the following: Capital II�iterprise Total Frojects Ftmd Ftmds F'�mds Investrn�nt in bolid proceec�s $1,794,168 $ 701,866 $ 2,496,034 Investznent for capital pzrojects - - - Investrnent in RRG insurance - 53,260 53,260 Operating rights (net of air►�rtization) - 447,733 447,733 Bond issuance cnsts (net of amortization) - 352,803 352,803 Total other� assets $I, 794,168 $ 1,555,662 $ 3,349,830 1R71� IZ - IJ�fezz�d Rev�t,es Deferred revenues cQnsist of the follawing: General Special EYiterprise Ftmd Revenue Ftmds Ftmds Taxes $2,132,489 $ - $ - I�aans - 2,908,350 - Advance Deposi ts 47,323 - 27,958 Perforrnance Band 15,000 - Outside ccxrrrn.mity's share of Waste c�ater treatrnent facility - - 871,162 $2,194,812 $2,908,350 $ 899,120 Deferred tax revenues consist of those tax revenues not avai.lable to meet the needs of the current period (See Note 3) . Deferred revenue of the Special Revenue F[md represents future revenue equal to loans made pursuant to the Cc�nrnmity Developrrlent, Urkx�n D�velo�zt Action Grants, and Econanic Incentive Revolving I�oan F�md over the past y�.ars. Pursuant to the te.zms of these grants, loans made are recbgnized as an e�enditure in the Special Revenue Ft�d when they occur wi th ct�rz•esponding recr�gni tion of grant revenues. F'ur'ther, pursuant to regulatians gvverning such fi,mds, re�yment of loans thus outstanding are c�nsidered pzngram inccgne as received in subsequent years and is available to the recipient for additional use withiri the prngram. The future revenue associated with loans outstanding is, therefore, reflected as deferred revenue. 21 CITY OF BAI�K',QR, N�.INE Notes to Financial Statenents Jtme 3 0, I994 N01�3 12 - Ia�g-Terut Ligbt The follawing is a s�zy of long-term debt transactions of the City for the period ended J�e 30, 1994: D�ebt �yable at June 30, 1993 $64,027,090 New debt issued and bridge laan 18,576,997 L�ebt retired (14,645,087) � Debt �yable at Jt,me 30, 1994 $67,959,000 The City is subject to the laws of the State of Maine which limit the arrbi,u�t of long-term debt to 15 �rcent (depending on haw funds wi11 be used) of its Iast fu11 state valuation. The statutory limit for Jtme 30, 1994 was for $197,812,500 with a debt mar�in of $129,853,500. The follawing is a st.um�ary, by pur�se, of the outstanding debt of the City at Jtme 30, I994, and related limitatians: Percent of State Assessed Lebt Ualue of Statutory Debt . Outstandinq SI,318,750, D00 Limit Marrrin e ScYx�ol $13,387,143 10.0 0 $131,875,000 $118,487,857 Sew�.r 34,654,045 7.5 0 98,906,250 64,252,205 Air�z`t 6,014,905 3.0% 39,562,500 33,547,595 A11 other 13,902,907 7.5a 98,906,250 85,003,343 Total $67,959,000 15.0% $197,812,500 $129,853,500 A11 other debt outstanding is cc�nprised of the follawing: General Ftmd $ 6,874,480 49.5a Paz'king Ftimd 5,216,797 3 7.5 0 Golf Course Ftmd 256,691 1.8 0 Bass Park Ftmd I,088,100 7.8% City Nursing F�md 466,839 3.40 $13,902,907 100.0a 22 , CITY OF BAI�',QR., N�INE Notes to Fir�ancial Statenents Ji,u1e 3 0, 1994 11bte l2 - C�tin[aed General and limited revenue obligatian h�nds �yable at Ji,me 30, 1994, consisted of the following issues: Fina7 Interest Maturity rates date 1975 Pern�zent Public Irrg�rovemei�ts 6.50 S/Ol/95 1978 Perm�nent Public Improve�n�ents 5.80 7/01/98 1981 Pesm�nent Public Iirprover�nts 10.00 6/Ol/01 1984 Permanent Public Improven�nts 5.90 to IO/25/94 8.75 I985 PP,�r�anent Public Itrg�r�v��ts 5.20 to 10/25/95 . 7.90 Z986 Pennan�nt Public Irrtpzrov�nts 4.25 to IO/25/96 6.50 1987 Pern�nent Public Irrrprt�vert�ents 5.70 to 10/25/97 6.80 1988 Perm��ent Public Iirpzrovements 7.37 to 10/28/07 8.60 1989 Pe.z�r�nent Public Irr�orove�r�ents 6.70 to 9/Ol/09 7.00 1990 Pezmanent Public Improv�nents 7.00 to 8/O1/10 7.10 1991 Pent�anent Public Improv�r�nts 5.00 10/Ol/12 I992 Pennanent Public Improv�nents 5.00 to 11/01/12 5.30 1992 Pern►anent Public Irrprovenents 4.75 to II/01/02 5.40 I992 Terminal E�a.nsian 4.40 to IO/01/I2 6.70 1993 Perma��ent Public Irrg�rov�ts 3.30 to 10/01/00 4.65 1993 SRF Treatirtent Plant 2.46 IO/Ol/13 1993 SRF Cc�nbined SG�s OvPsflow 2.45 10/01/I3 I994 Refimding Bonds 2.35 to 8/OI/10 5.20 Total ' Less current portian (due fiscal year 1995) Authorized Genexal EYlterprise Tota1 and issued City Schaol Ftmds Ji,me 30, 1994 4, 050, 000 190,836 - 169,I64 360,000 3,260,000 685,541 - 99,459 785,000 3,065,000 214,200 835,800 - I,050,000 �� 1,800, 000 149,449 - 30,551 180,000 1,575,000 140,994 56,I97 97,809 . 295,000 865,000 192,888 31,231 10,881 235,000 � 1,785,000 161, 727 92,003 451,270 705,000.�j� 3,200,000 - 367,100 1,512,900 1,880,000 5� 13,025,000 402,000 2,392,000 1, 716,000 4,510, 000 9,265,000 612,000 - 2, 793,000 3,405,000 19,000,000 - - 18,050,000 18,050,000 12,550,000 - 6,360, 000 5,560,000 11,920,000 575,000 515,000 - - 515, 000 5,750,000 - - 5,750,000 5,750,000 3,314,000 3,275,000 - 39, 000 3,3I4, 000 1,864,000 - - I,864,000 1,864,000 I,986,000 - - 1,986,000 1,986,000 11,155,000 334,845 3,252,812 7,567,343 11,155, 000 $100,084,000 6,874,480 13,387,143 47,697,377 67,959,000 1,315,793 1,042,844 2,638,863 4,997,500 $ 5,558,687 $12,344,299 $45,058,514 $ 62,961,500 5 23 CITY OF BA1��C?R, NI�l.INE Notes to Fin�zcial Stat�nents J�e 3 0, 1994 , 11bte I2 - C�ati.IIta�d The City is a rr�rnb�er of Maine Vocational Region Four (M.V.R. No. 4), which territory is crxrprised of three cities, including Bangor, 11 towns, one plantation, four S.A.D. 's and one C.S.D. The City is res�nsible for its prt�portianal share of M.V.R. No. 4's long-term debt as well as the debt incurred by all local goverrnnent tmi.ts which prnvide services within the City's 1x�imdaries. . The City's portian of this debt (c�arrm�nly ca7led overlapping debt), is s�mm�rized below: Percentage Lebt Applicable Overlapping Units • � Outstandinq to the Citv L�ebt Ci ty $67,959;000 100.00% $67,959,000 Co�ty 3,315,000 22.94% 760,46I Bangor Recreation District 80,000 100.00a 80,000 M.V.R. No. 4 � : 1,569,205 33.59% 527,096 Total � $72,923,205 $69,326,557 .� This resul ts in a per capi ta Ci ty debt of $2, 056 (Table 7); pex� capi ta overlapping debt of $2, 097; ratio of City debt to the City's Ji.me 30, 1994, assessed valvation of 5.3 percent (Table 7); and a ratio of overlapping debt to JLme 30, 1994, assessed valuation of 5.4 percent. The following table sets forth the ratio of 1z�nded debt to assessed valuation, by ft.md type; and per capita debt ratios, by f�d ty�e; for the fiscal year ended Jtu1e 30, 1994. Amoi.mt of Debt by Fimd Genera7 Ftmd �iterprise Ci ty School F�ds Tota1 $ 6,874,480 $ 13,387,143 $ 47,697,377 $ 67,959,000 Debt as Percent of Assessed Ualuation General Ftmd Ehterprise City Schaol �ids Tota1 .5% 1.1% 3.7% 5.3% (Tab1e 7) Per Capita D�bt by Ftmd General Ftmd EYiterprise City Sc.hool Ftmds Total $ _ 208 $ 405 $ 1,443 $ 2,056 (Tab1e 7) 24 - CITY OF BAI�,�G`OR, NIAINE Notes to Financial Staterr�ents � Ji.me 30, 1994 l�bte 72 - C�xit_i.nueal The annual future princi�l and interest �yrr�ent ra��;rements for a11 debt outstanding as of Jtme 30, 1994, is as follows: Year �ided Tota1 J�e 30 Principal Interest R��;rer�nt 1995 $ 4,997,500 .$ 3,424,688 $ 8,422,188 1996 4,977,500 3,094,lI3 8,071,613 1997 4,652,500 2,829,184 7,481,684 1998 4,597,500 2,570,706 7,168,206 1999 4,292,500 2,325,724 6,618,224 Subseq�uent 44,441,500 13,969,827 58,4II,327 $ 67,959,000 $ 28,214,242 $ 96,173,242 C�i January 1, 1994, the CiLy issued $11,155,000 of general obligation �nds with an average interest rate of 4.83o to advance refund $5,495, 000 and $4,210,000 the callable portion of outstanding 1989 and I990 general obligation lxmds, res�ctively. The net prr�ceecZs of $Il, 028,500 (after �yment of $153, 730 in tmderwriters and issue discbi.ults and the receipt of $27,250 in accrued interest) plus an additional $300,000 of cash were ' used to purchase U.S. qovernment securities. These securities were de�sited in an irrevocable trust with an esc�row agent to pr�vide for all future debt service �yir�nts on the ref�ded portion of the 1989 and 1990 general obligation bonds. As a result, the callable �rtion of the 1989 and 1990 general obligation k�nds are cbnsidered to be defeased and the liability for those �.nnds has been rerrbved fizxn the General Long-term �ht Accbi.mt Group, Sewer Utility Ftmd and Parking Ftu�id. The Ci�ty ac�nce refunded the callable �rtion of the 1989 and 1990 general abligation Lronds to rEduce debt service �ym�zts by approxunately $408,000 and $302,OOOin the General Ftmd and �iterprise Ft�ids, respectively over the next 18 years and to obtain an econcanic gain (difference be�1 the present values of the debt service paymerits on the o1d and new debt) of $230,000 in the General Ftuid and $84, 000 in the EYiterprise Ftuids. As of Ji.me 30, 1994, $3,163,900 and $6,541,100 of general abligation L�nds outstanding in the General Z�ong-term L�ebt Accntmt Group and �itezprise Fc.mds, respectively are considered defeased. The Sewes Utility and Parking enterprise fi,mds have recorded a deferred - amoi.mt on refi.mding, which is the difference between the reacr�uisition price (fl.u7ds required to ref�.md o1d debt) and the net cat�ying tralue of the old debt. The deferred arr��t on reftmding will be air�ortized over the re�r�aining life of the old debt. 25 l CITY OF BAl�'OR, NIA.INE Notes to Financial State�n�ents Jtme 30, 1994 11X71E 13 - C�tr`i.buted C`apita.Z A simrnary of crianges in cnntributed capital follaws: Contributed capital at June 30, 1993 $104,837,562 � Contributions 5,290,920 Depreciation on assets acr�uired with cbntributions (3,657,779) Contri.buted capital at Ji.u�e 30, 1994 $106,470, 703 AX7I'S 14 - Related PdtLy TzansaCtic�ns During the fisca.I year ended June 30, I994, the City purchased various gooc�s and services for appr�xur�ately $38,167 fiz�m a related party, who was a rr�nber of the Ci ty Coimcil. NDIB 15 - 1��dahZe and �pe�alahle �Yvst � �i��� None�ndable and E�pPndable T`rust fimds lx�tances w�re ccgrprised of the following at Ji.me 30, 1994: ilrie�lded Princi�I Incexne None�ndable Trusts Cernetery: Pezpetual Care $ 373,252 S 129,448 Parks: Bass Park - 16,288 Arthur C�iapin F�.u�id 14,538 15,207 I4,538 31,495 City Missiorlazy: Hiram Fogg 1,000 2,040 Louis & So�Yii.a Kirstein 500 1,550 Hiram Oliver 2,000 4,507 Penobscot Association for the Blind 11 I Lorenzo Sabine 1,000 1,ZZ8 ° Stetson 12,000 9,986 16,511 19,202 26 " CITY OF BAI�'QR, NIA.INE Notes to Financial Statem�nts J�e 3 0, 1994 . 11bte I5 - C�xitinued I7rie�zdec� Princi�.l Inct�ne Education: Bangor High School 200 1,108 , FYench Meda1 35,738 5,284 � HoltQn Public School 2,000 6,879 Louis & So�ahia Kirstein 5,000 3,012 A.E. Weh�r, Jr 1,000 645 43,938 16,928 Aid for Aged Wat�en: Charles Adams 10,000 2,397 Thc�nas Cl��rn Coe 3,000 719 Anna H. Pier�e 4,000 959 Annie Stetsan 5,067 1,131 Geoz�e Stodcler 11, 000 2,637 Wakefield 10, 000 5,386 43, 067 13,229 Other Ft.uids: Lbrothea Miller 507 384 Bangor Fir�r�n's Relief 7,639 6,046 � � Bangor Ftiel Society 4,500 303 . Kirstein City Hospital 507 1,313 Ax`thur Morey 1, OI3 3,504 Melvin Murch 5,733 I1,653 O'Cannell Thtst 1,000 5,169 TtvitChell Trust - 114 Flora Seavey 1,500 683 C�arlotte Ha11 5,984 13,323 .-. Pfaff Trust 811 1,354 Fbrter - Pulsifer 5, 000 7,318 Jewish War Veterans 758 151 34,952 51,315 Revolving L,a�� , Sophia Kirstein Stucierit L�n 120,518 - Total ncme�ldable tru.sts $ 646,776 $ 261,617 E�aendable Trusts . Dental Cliruc $ 31,726 $ 4,115 . Preservation of Rect�rds 10 33 - Adopt A Park 10,795 423 Total expendable trusts $ 42,531 $ 4,571 27 G7'IY (�'&�, 1�Il� I�bt.es' tA F�nan�ial $�tg�� Jtme 30, 1994 11�T1E 16 - Segt�rrL,S af 1�,t-��r,:�Activitias T7�re are s� servic�s prc�ric�xi by the City whirh ar� fir�anc�by user �z�s - Sec�r, Air�rt, City N�n�ir�g Fa�ility parkirig, $-�ss Par�c and iv�,u�lici�.1 Q�1f C�x.a^se. 2he key finanrial �� far' t1��r'iai e�c�xl J�n�e 30, 1994, far' t1'r�.5e servicps ar� as fallows: City Rass N�,m_icip� Sewer' Air�,rort N��sinr� Par�ii7g P�.rk Gb1f Ca�se Tbtal �ratirx� r�ve�i.ae $ 4,962,387 S 12,304,221 S 2,700,865 S 623,392 $ 1,967,335 S 486,343 S 23,044,543 �Zat.�x� �e�s�sr L�prt�i.atic�i and �rnrt.izati.cn* 1,614,959 4,089,139 127,155 320,554 254,633 45,974 6,452,414 Ot�h�' 2 535 292 9 873 956 2 537 406 422 321 2 114 877 366 066 17 849 918 4 150 251 13 963 095 2 664 56I 742 875 2 369 510 412 040 24 302 332 �ratirx�' �nart� (loss) 812,136 (1,658,874) 36,304 (119,483) (402,175) 74,303 (1,257,789) I�at.ulg r�vern�e (�se) (1,539,791) 227,823 (43,952) (337,097) (100,102) (18,033) (1,8I1,152) C�r'atira3 transfers fmn C�.ral Ftmd - - 16,954 493,621 277,322 - 787,897 Net inc�t� (lass) $ (727,655) $ (1,431,O51) $ 9,306 $ 37,041 $ (224,955) $ 56,270 $ (2,281,044) Ad3itic�s to a�triY�,it.ed c�pital $ - $ 5,279,819 $ - S - $ - $ 11,100 $ 5,290,919 A�.quisiticn of�rt,y Xz7ant and eq�uipr�lt $_3,387,109 $ 11,744,010 $ 12,966 $ - $ 76,967 $ 37,984 $ 15,259,036 TbtaZ assets $55,344,238 $131,807,412 $ 1,053,108 ,$ 4,945,295 $ 3,073,620 $ 738,214 $I96,96I,887 Net � capital $ (854,007) $ 7,333,517 $ (349,974) $ (336,868) $(1,072,041) $ (Z18,334) $ 4,602,293 Ba�ds �yable • $34,654,045 $ 6,014,906 $ 466,839 $ 5,216,797 $ 1,088,101 $ 256,691 $ 47,697,379 Ftmd �n�i ty $19,340,419 $123,443,556 $ (137,242) $ 15,208 $ 878,522 $ 427,927 $143,968,390 * Incluc�s �:aticn ara�l arrortizaticn of $ 3,657,779 ca� assets aa�zi�d with anis�ibutic�s. 28 CITY OF BA1�'�C?R, N�.INE Notes to Financial Statene�lts �Ti.u1e 3 0, 1994 11�7I� 17 - Dl�si�]ated Ftmd �i7anrr� General Flmd Designated fcmd �a-zZances represent those portions of the General Ftiuid k�lance sgeclficaZly designated for the following: 1994 1993 De�r�trnental t.x�lances carried forward $ (2,237) $ 6,195 Sc.tiool de�rtrnent - regizlar 25,893 220,648 adult education 37,572 47,044 special revenue (38,135) 157,356 school Itmrh 106,554 97,713 trust & agency (18,882) (S0,496) Aut�tive er�ui�xr�nt replac�zt acc�o�t 378,620 169,3Z5 Bus service equi�nent replac�nent accbLmt 34,331 65,735 Fire equip�nent replace�nent acc�oimt 12,300 - Capital i.mprov�nents 436,562 394,628 Reserve for self insurance 758,228 303,662 Credit reserve ftmd 826,419 1,026,419 Carnernn staditun 111,904 I08, 046 Ad�nces to enterprise fi.mds 600,000 500, 000 Arbitrage reb�te - city 24,262 23,426 - school de�.r't�t�ent 131,997 127,449 Subtotal 3,425,388 3,167,140 Accrued teacher �yzroll (1,315,206) (1,310,330) Accrued teacher subsid� receivable 462,689 463, 726 _ Net acc�rued teacher �.yro11 (852,517) (846,604) Total general fi.md designated fi,md }aalance $ 2,572,871 $ 2,320,536 111C71B 18 - C�inti.t2c�at ZOss, Litigdticea and Otr�'Matter5 Contingent Loss The City is self-insured for wc�rkers' cr�r�nsation liability and enyaged an actuary to detennine appropriate liability as of L�cem�r 31, 1993. The portion of the liability associated with enterprise ftulds is recnrded in the proprietazy ftmd. The �rtian associated with general City opPxations is reaorded in the general fimd to the extent of the claims estimated to be �id durinq the next fiscal year and in the general Iong-term debt accni.mt grnup to the e�ent of clairns estimated to be �%d subsequent to the next fiscal y�.ar. Li tigatian � A subcnntractor for the Sewer Ftmd's secnndary treatrr�zt facility has suxinitted a c�ntract claim in the amoi.mt of $497,394 for additional c�osts 29 CITY OF BA�, NIAINE Notes to Financial Statements Ji.u7e 30, 1994 11bte 18 - CY�ti.ntaed alleged to have been incurred by itself. It is estimated that the City's ct�st to resolve the claim could range fizxn $40,000 - $215,000. In an att�t to rec�over the City's cnsts in responding to and settling c�ntractor, subcnntractor and surety claims arising out of the late r�va1 of an active pipeline that crossed the secondary treatrr�rit plant project site, the City has asserted a claim a�inct the pipeline's owner. The City has asserted clairns against the architect and gPneral cantractor of the Airp�rt's termunal building ex�nsion project apprt�xirnating $2,589,000. In turn, the archi tect claims $165,745 and a cnntractor clairr�s $1,372,000 is due fizam the City for additiona2 services. Also, there are various mechanics liens claimed by subccu�tractors of the general cnntractor, which are covered by the g�neral c�antractor's �yment band. In Sept�nber 1992, the City received a "Notice of R�t�ntial. Respansi.bility" Lmder Maine's Uncbntrolled Hazardous Substance Sites law. The notice involves the planned cleanup of several hazardous waste disposal sites. The City may be Iiable because the sites were forn�rly operated by the cacarr�ny the City used for the disposal of c�aste oil during the 3960s - 1980s. The Maine De�rtinent of �ivirt�nmental Pzrotection's preliminary estimate of cleanup aosts at the pri.m-�ry site exceer.�s $10,000,000. It is estimated that the City's cost cnuld range fi�m $80,000 - $100, 000. There are `rarious other claims and suits pending against the City which arise in the norm-�1 course of the City's activities. In the opinion of - City manage�nent the ultimate dis�sitian of these various claims and suits wi11 have no material effect on the financial �sition of the City. NUTE I9 - R�.sioa Plans Introduction The City of Bangor pr�vides retir�r�ent pensions for its erploy�es through a nim�ber of v�hicles, including Defined Benefit Pension Plan, Defined Cantri.bution Pension Plan and Social Security. Included in the L�fined _ Benefit Pension Plan are the Public Teachers' Plan and Partici�ting Loca1 District Plan at Maine State Retir�r�ent. The L�fined Contribution Pensian Plans are section 401 (a) and 457 Deferred Ccargaerisation P1ans adrninistered by IQ�!/RC. Finally, those erployees not eligi.ble for cnverage Lmder �ither the Defined Benefit or Defined Contributian Plans are pr�vided fu11 Social Security cnverage. - A. Defined Benefit Pension Plans The City of Bangor's teachers and teacher-defined sct��oo1 de�rtrr�ent persannel are c�overed for retirenaent benefits i.mder the State of Maine's Public Teacher's Plan in the Maine State Retir�r�nt S�st�n (D�SRS) . Other � 30 CITY OF BA�, N�.INE Notes to Financial Staterr�nts Ji.u�e 30, 1994 11bte 19 - C�ntirnled non-teacher personnel and m�uzici�.l �loy�es (i.e. City �loyees) are covered i.u�der the City of Bangor's Partici�ting Loca1 District (PLD) plan in the MSRS, which is a self f�ded retir�7t plan ac�rninistered by N�SRS an be.t�7f of the City. The Maine State Retirenent System ("Syst�n"), is an agent multiple-�loyer public �loyee retirelr�ent system that acts as a ct�mrr�n investrnent and ac�ninistrative agent for cities in the State. Fixed-term cantract �loyees and �rt-timers that work less than 720 annual hours are exempted frrxn NlSR�S cnverage. 1. Participating Loca1 District Plan AIl full-time pennanent City erg�loy�es are required to participate in the S�st�n tmless the �loy�e is cnvered by an individual fixed term �ntract. Benefits vest after ten y�ars of service. City �r►ploy�es who retire at or after age 60 are entitled to an annual retiren�nt benefit for life, in an arrbimt equal to a fraction of the average final ce�ensation muZtiplied by y�ars of rr�n�rship service after the date of establishment. Average final c�ensation is defined as the average annual rate of earna.ble ccgrg�nsation of a m�r during the 3-5 years of creditable service, not necessarily c�nsecutive, in which such average annual rate of earnable c�r�ensation is highest. The system also provides . death and disability bPnefits. These benefit provisions and all other reql.urements are established by State Statute and the adopted City plan. City �loyees are required to contribute 6 1/2 percent of their annual salary to the 5�sten. The City is required to contribute the r�n;ng arr�t,mts necessary to fLmd the S�stem, using the actuarial }�sis specified by statute. The City's �yrz�11 for �loyees ct�vered by the Syst�n for the ye�.r ended Jtme 3 0, 1994 c�as $ 17,578,929. The arrbt.mt shown helow as the "gension benefit abligation�� is a standardized disclosure measure of the present value of p��sion benefits, adjusted for the effects of projected salary increases and step-rate benefits, estunated to be �yable in the future as a result of employ�e service to date. The measure is int�nded to help users assess the fimding status of the Syst�n on a going-cancern .�sis, assess prngress made in accimrulating sufficient assets to �y 1�eriefits when due, and rr�ake c�risons amang �nployers. The measure is the actuarial present value of credited projected benefits and is independent of the fimding metY�od used to determu�e cantributions to the S�St�n. The pension benefit abligatian r�ras ccgrg�uted as �.rt of an actuarial valuation performed as of Jtme 30, 1994. Si�ificant actuarial ass�tions used in the valva.tions include (a) a rate of return on the investrr�it of present and future assets of 8 percent a year ccxrg�otmded annually, (b) additional projected salary increases of 6 percent a year, attri.butable to seniority/merit, and (c) 4 percent aost of living retirement benefit increases. Total tmf�ded pen.sian 1�xiefit abligatian _ applicable to the City's enployees was $41.3 million at Ji_me 30, 1994, as follows (in millions) : 31 CITY OF EiAl�'QR, NIA.INE Notes to Firlancial Statenents Jl.me 30, 1994 11pTE I9 - C�7atimaed 1994 Pensian benefit obliga.tion: (in millions) Retirees and �eneficiaries currently receiving bpnefits and ternunated �loy�es not yet receiving benefits $ 52.2 C'i.zrrent �loyees- Acc�m�rulated erploy�e �ntributions including alloca.ted investment earnings 13.3 IInployer financed vested 24.1 �loyer fir��ced nanvested 5.2 Tota1 pensian benefit obligation 94.8 Net assets available for benefits, at mst (market value is $65.3 at Jt.uie 30, 1994) 53.5 UnfLmded pensian benefit abliga.tion 41.3 Unfi.mded pension Lenefit abligatian: As a percent of total pensian benefit obligatian 43.60 As a percent of cr�vered �yn�ll 234.7 0 R�quired cbntributians are detennined se�-ately for service retir�r�nt benefits, survivr�r b�iefits, and disability k�riefits elected on or after Jarluary 1, I977. The Systen's fi.mding policy provides for actuarially detennined periodic cantri.butions for no.rn�al cbst and for arrortization of any Luzf�ded actuarial accrued liability so that sufficient assets wi11 be available to �y benefits when due. For determ�n�ng plan costs, assets are valued at "actuarial value. " The actuarial ft.mding method used to cr�npute actuarially detPrmined contxi.bution requirer��ts is the entry age normaZ met.t2od, a m�ethod i.mder which the actuarial present tra.lue of the projected benefits of ea.ch individual included in an actuarial valuatic�n is allocated on a Ievel �sis over the earnings or service of the individual between entsy age and asstmied exit age. The portion of this actuarial present value allocated to a `raluation year is called the normzl ct�st. The portion of this actvarial present value not provided for at a valuation date by the actuarial present value of future nozmal ct�sts is called the actuarial accrued liability. The significant actuarial assi.m�ptions used to ct�rg�ute the actuarially detennined cnntribution requirement are the same as those used to c�ute the pensian bPnefit obligation as descr�bed ah�ve. The cnntributian to the S�st�n for 1994 Was $5,04I,I80 and was made in accnrdance with •actuarially determined r��;r�its ccxnputed through an actuarial vaZuation perfonraed as of Ji,me 30, 1992. The contribution car�sisted of $1,795,690 nonnal cost (10.220 of clrrrent crovered payiroll) and $2,101,413 arrbrtization of the unf�ded actua�ial acc�ued liability (11.%% of current cbvered �yrt�ll) . The City cantributed $3,897,103 (22.18% of current crovered �.yzroll); �loyees c�antributed $1,144,077 (6.50 of current c�vered �.yrr�ll) . 32 CITY OF BAI�QR, N�.INE Notes to Financial Statements Ji.me 3 0, 1994 11�7TB 19 - Cc�tin�ed 2. Public Teachers Plan The crovered teacher's �yroll for fiscal yea.r 1994 was $14,664,788. The State of Maine �id the erployers share for its Public Teacher's Plan. In the case of federally fi.ulded �sitions, the fimding grant �ys the erployers share. During fiscal year 1994, $116,230 in �loyer's share Was ch�rr3ed to various school grants for $705,093 in cnvered �yrt�ll. 3. Historical Trend Information Ten-y�ar trend information calculated in acctirdance with GASB #5 is not available. Six year historical trend inforn�a.tion is cantained in Tab1e 8. B. Defined Cantributian Pension Plan The City of Bangor provides pension benefits for cert.ain of its full-time �loyees through both 401 (a) and 457 L�ferred Ccxtpensation Plans (defined contributian plan (DCP)) administered by IQ�!/RC. In a DCP, benefits depend solely on amoi.mts c�ntributed to the plan plus investrnent earnings. Partici�tion for fixed-term cx�ntract e�loyees is pzrovided in lieu of the defined benefit plan through the Maine State Retirc3nent S�st�n. Covered employ�es are eligible to �rtici�te and are fu11y vested fizan the date of employment. The City cantributes at various rates depending upan �Ioyment contracts. The cr�ntribution rates rrazy fizam 10.00 - 33.Oo of annual earnings. The cnvered �yroll in fiscal y��r 1994 was apprraxirnately $469,600 and City cnntributions totaled approximately $58,600. AII airbt.mts of c�pensation deferred �der the 457 p1an, all property and rights purchased with �those am�i,mts and alI incrrxne attributable to tt�ose arrbunts, property or rights are (i,mtil �id or made available to the �1oy�e or other beneficiary) solely the pr�perty and rights of the City (without Il�ing restricted to the provisiculs of benefits i,u�der the plan), � subject ar�ly to the claims of the City's general creditors. Participants rights i.mder the plan are �,a7 to those of general creditors of the City in an arrptmt equal to the fair value of the deferred accn�t for each �rtici�nt. � The City has no liability for losses �der the plan but does have the duty of care that wnuld be required of an ordinazy prudent investor. The City believes it is tml.ikely that it wi11 use the assets to satisfy the claims of general cxeditors in the future. C. Social Security . The City of Bangor does not have a section 218 agreelru�t to provide fvll social security cnverage to its' e�loy�es. The City prnvides fu11 social security coverage to �.rt-time, seasonal and tengz�rary e�nploy�es i.mder the C2�mibus Budget Recnnciliation Act of 1990, and IRS regvlations; which became effective July 1, 1991. F: 33 CITY OF BAl�R, NF�IlVE Notes to Financial Stat�r�ents Jt.me 3 0, I994 1VD7� 20 - LandfilZ Qas� ar�d R�stclos�� C�r� Casts Federal regulatians (Subtitle 'D') stipulate that landfills which have not accepted MS'�J (Munici�.I So1id Waste) in recPnt years are exempt fi�n specific postclosure care and manitoring requir�r�ents, prnvided that such landfills are closed prior to G�tober 8, 1994, and in acce�rc�nce with � applicable State regulations, subject to certain cnnstructian requir�nents. In Ji.u1e 1994, the State of Maine legislature approved new state landfill closure regulations drafted by the Maine DepartrnPnt of E�ivironmental Pirotection. These regulations included a "Reduced Closure Option" pr�vision which allowt.�cl qualifying law risk Iandfills to be closed prior to Octaber 8, I994 if federal constxuction standards were m�t with no further requir��ts for specific postclosure m�nitoring and maintenance pr�grams. The City of Bangr�r's Kittredge Road Landfill qualified for the "Reduced Closure Option" and is in full campliance with its pz�visians. The estimated liability for Zandfill closure and �stclosure care cnsts is $1,397, 700 as of Ji,me 30, 1994, which is 1x�sed on IOOo usage of the landfill. The estimated total current cost of the landfill closure and �stclosure care is �sed on the arr►�unt t1�at wnuld be �id if services ra��;red to close, rrbnitor and maintain the landfill were acquired as of Jime 30, 1994. The actual cost of closure and postclosure should not ch�nge si�ificantly fizxn the arrr�i.ult estimated. At June 30, 1994, $522,700 of the closure and postclosure care c�osts had been ft.mded by the issuance of general abligations �nnds and the interest earnings therer�n. It is antici�ted that $392,000 will be provided by the State of Maine and the remain�g cnst of $482,300 wi11 be prnvided Y�y the issuance of general obligation h�nds in the future. ' 34 Sr1�er.�e A-1 CITY OF BAl�'OR, NIAINE General Ftmd Balance Sheet Jtme 30, 1994 (with c�r�rative totals for Jtu1e 30, 1993) 1994 I993 Assets Cash $ 66,338 $ 81,213 Invest�nerits 4, 050,475 3,020,456 Receivables: Taxes, including interest and liens 2,473,251 2,829,403 Accb�ts 508,131 75I,287 . Due fi�m other governments 2,625,127 2,682,528 Due fiz�n other fi.mds 1,402,121 1,138,980 Inventory, at cost 307,412 314,836 Other assets 17,27I 21,221 Total assets $ 11,450,126 $ I0,839,924 7.i�,�i 7 i�p� Accnunts �.yable $ 732,312 $ 1,292,497 workers' c�rg�. self insurance 607,890 619,800 Taxes collected in advance 20,705 I5,437 L�eferred revenues 2,194,812 2,389,108 Accrued �yzro11 & withholdings 1,647, 079 1,689,O50 Total liabilities 5,202,798 6,005,892 Ftmd �c�s Reserved for encim�brances 294,931 716,289 Unreserved: Desic�ated for subsequent years' exg�7di.tures 2,572,871 2,320,536 T7ndesic�ated 3,379,526 1,797,207 Total fi.md �.lances 6,247,328 4,834,032 Tota1 liabilities and it.uid .�lances $ 11,450,126 $ 10,839,924 35 � �ri�7a A-2 QTY C�'�, 1�LIlVE CFr1ez`a1 Fl.ux1 Stater�t of Re�es, �iti�, and � in Lh��s�f[�ic�si�at.ed F1.md �lan� - ��t and A�.�al Ya�r IIac�i Jtme 30, 1994 varian� - � Favorable (ihif�e) C�ri�eci Ia�ed t.o 7/1/93 Buda�t Actual ,��7 us Carria�l �.�: Ta�s: Re�1 and� g�rty $ - $ 27,956,651 $ 28,180,OI3 $ 223,362 $ - Ct�rige in deferz��c-t.y tax r�velues - - 226,937 226,937 - Payrrmt ca� lieu of ta�s - 92,731 92,731 - - Autcnnbile and h�t e�ise t.a�s - 2,395,000 2,922,952 527,952 - Inter�st a� delinqtitelt taxes - 395,000 376,380 (18,620) - Tbt.ai t�s ' - 30,839,382 31,799,013 959,631 - Int.ergovenmmtal r�v�nta�: ,State r�vezue str�ring - 2,105,682 2,240,576 134,894 - Sc1�1 subsidy - 8,486,225 8,502,360 - 16,135 Ot-her - N�mici�l 454,191 3,666,929 3,762,818 (1,789,012) 1,430,710 Sctxz�l - 2,845,448 2,786,054 - (59,394) Tbtal in ta1. z�ve�ue 454,191 17,104,284 17,291,808 (1,654,118) 1,387,451 Oth�' �1ue: Lic�es and�zmits - 245,174 276,167 30,993 - Ctraz�es far' servic�s - N�.uziCi�.l. - 3,210,876 3,450,682 228,517 Il,289 - Sc1�roI - 1,595,152 1,752,341 - 157,189 Fines, forfeits, and�lties - 17,800 Il,699 (6,101) - Revt�ue fmn use of mriey - Nh,�iici�I - 541,905 488,O80 (53,825) - and prc�rty - S�I�1 - 17,500 42,553 - 25,053 Tbtal ot1�r r�velue - 5,628,407 6,021,522 199,584 193,531 Zbtal r�veli,�5 454,191 53,572,073 55,112,343 (494,903) 1,580,982 36 : : . , Sdr�d�l_P A 2, (Qnt.) C:i'IY C�'E�2, M�.Il� C�al Ftmd Statar�t of Rev�.res, �adit��s, and Q�s in L�iz�s��ia�sir.�at�3 F1md E�lanc� - �t and Acti�a.I Ye�r FY� Ji.me 30, 1994 varl.anc� B�lanc�s Fawrah7e ll�avc�rable) . C�rz'ied I�ased to 7/1/93 Bi,�t Act�l .�m�7u5 C�rr'i�-1 ��1iti�: cgaeral. g�c�crlr�t: �ci7 - 70,941 65,980 4,961 - �t.�tive - 1,461,913 1,443,083 32,860 (14,030) City c7erk - 312,577 305,969 6,608 - Financ� - 612,675 589,459 23,216 - , Assessnelt - 228,204 224,207 3,997 - Ins�1c� - 68,228 68,226 2 - P7arn�i r�r - 176,616 179,151 (2,535) - Le3a1 - 164,946 159,566 5,380 - R�^�ame.Z - 108,003 108,259 (256) - Ecrxrsnic c�veZopr�rit and r�se,�rr1�1 - 133,861 131,399 2,462 - Tbtal ge�r`al gr�verrtr�t - 3,337,964 3,275,299 76,695 (14,030) `. Pu�lic S�fety: Fblic� - 3,835,273 3,834,033 4,703 (3,463) Fir� - 5,353,368 5,292,49I 60,877 - Tbtal ��h7 i c safety - 9,188,641 9,126,524 65,580 (3,463) He�lth, welfar�, and r��tia�: He�lth and welfar� 460,386 3,987,425 4,016,937 1,857,617 (1,426,743) Pat�s arxi' z��atical - 824,249 894,339 (70,090) - Tbt.al 1�lth, w�lfare & r�'�atical 460,386 4,811,674 4,9I1,276 1,787,527 (1,426,743) Putal.ic 1z�iidux�s and servict�s: R�h1ic servict�s - 5,651,067 5,551,263 99,804 - Nbtar�ro1 - 20,000 - 20,000 - PriVate s�1xx�1 setvic�s - 1I2,597 108,014 4,583 - Zbtal p�ablic Zxzildirx�s and sezvic�s - 5,783,664 5,659,277 124,387 - . 37 . .Sd�r3�7P A 2, lLtzit.) C�'I�.' �'�, 1�Il� Ge�erdl F1md Stat.er�it of Reverttzes, �x•lit��s, and �qes in I�erv�d/Uho�sic�ated Ft.a�d�.Iar� - Bi.x�et arxi Acti.ra.I Ye�r Fhc�l Jtme 30, 1994 Uarsan� • �lanc�s F�rable (L�ifav�ble) C��r'i�i Ia�ased tA 7/I/93 �.x�et Actual .�t m�1 us C�.rried Ot-her' a,g��ies: . T�1�s �i.d to Cc�.mty - 1,I12,052 1,112,052 - - Puhlic 1i�y - 603,365 603,365 - - Tbtal ot1� agarlc.ies - 1,715,417 1,715,417 - - F�alucatiai: _ R��ular' 220,648 22,782,446 22,977,916' 25,I78 A�1i�7 t echicaticn 47,044 795,596 574,337 - 268,303 S�Gia1 z�velt� 157,356 1,109,692 1,190,423 - 76,625 Sc'h�l 1tmCh 97,713 840,636 807,548 - 130,801 Trust & age�cy (80,496J 875,352 321 744 - (526,888) ZbtaZ ec�caticn 442,265 26,403,722 26,871,968 - (25,981) Oth�r a�rc�r'iaticns: Rec�atica� district tax - 90,O80 90,080 - - J � � � Fh�isirns and ot�rr frirx� �iefits - 100,782 100,780 2 - Ckrltux�lt - 30,317 9,576 20,741 - L�bt servic� - 1,456,422 1,454,132 2,290 - Tbta1 ot1a� a�zg�riatirns - 1,677,601 1,654,568 23,033 - Tbtal �diti�s 902,651 52,918,683 53,214,329 2,077,222 (1,470,217) F�ss (c�ficiency) of revern.res aver �x3itt�s (448,460) 653,390 1,898,OI4 1,582,319 110,765 ' 38 .Sc��ri�7p A 2, (Ct7rit.1 CITY OF'&�, 1��IIVE C�aeral Ft�ad Stater�nt of Revei�s, E�iclit�,�s, arx3 Ch�s in I�ireserv�i/[h�a�sic�t�3 Ftux�l�alance - Bi.ick�t and Actual Year �x�d Jtme 30, 1994 varianc� � B�.lana�s 1�`awrahZe (�ifav�ble) C�rieci I.apsed to 7/1/93 Bix�t Actual Sl.uplus Carried pt-�r- f;n-ar�;r Q su�r�'S (�)_ �.pzz�priatirn fmn c�:sic�at�i fimd h�l�s - 26,328 26,328 - - G�ratirxJ trar�.sfers - 108,179 I08,179 - - City N�,�sirlg Fac.ility suhsidy - (16,954) (16,954) - - Parkirlg Ftmd sti�sidy - (493,621) (493,621) - - �.ss Park sl�sidy - (277,322) (277,322) - - . Tbta1 ot1�r financirx� sa.�s (uses) - (653,390) (653,390) - - , F�s (defic.ie�cy) of r�n.�s av�r ' �dit�s and ot1�r �s (use5) $ (448,460) $ - $ 1,244,624 1,582,319 $ 110,765 L�ir�served/tmc�sic�nated itmd h�.lat�, be3irmilx� of�riaai 1,797,207 Ihireserv�/tmc�sic�nat_ed itmd�, e�d of�r.ia�l $3,379,526 39 SF�r3�7P B-1 Q'I�' QF�R, 1�IlVE S�ial Rec�rn.te Ftu�ds �r�tzirurx��lanc� St�t Jtme 30, 1994 (with arr�r-ative totals for J�u�e 30, 1993) F�nic • Qxrmmity Lh�n Ir�c�tive L�vela�nslt L�velc�Zr�it Revolvirx� Tbtals B1c�k C��nts Actial GYants Lcx�n Ftux� 1994 1993 A� C�sh $ 22,954 $ 7,634 $ 162,119 $ 192,707 $ 178,542 Interast r�ivable - - - - - Ir.�n.s r�.itrable 1,840,216 I,115,131 83,134 3,038,481 2,944;199 Alla�an� far� �Ilectible - (130,L31) - (130,131) - Due fran ot1�r .f�s - - - - 58,503 A� fizm other govezrnt�ts 112,143 - - 112,143 98,947 Pr�id �2ses 3,465 - - 3,465 - Tbta7 assets $ 1,978,778 $ 992,634 $ 245,253 $ 3,2I6,665 $ 3,280,191 I�abilities Aaxx.ults�yahle $ 31,571 $ - $ - $ 31,571 $ 56,577 Aaxued�yro11 & witl�nldings 54 - - 54 3,153 Airrn.mts held far ot�rs 61,857 - - 61,857 - Due to mlr�hilitaticn r�ipi�ts 32,082 - - 32,082 42,320 I�fe.r�al r�n�e 1,840,216 985,000 83,134 2,908,350 2,944,199 ' Due to other fi�s - - - - 58,503 Tbtal liabilities 1,965,780 985,000 83,134 3,033,914 3,104,752 Ftr��1�'r�s R,�serve far' e�c[.rr�lc�s 6,825 - - 6,825 I8,900 L2�ic.�at.a�1 fimd lx�lan� 6,173 7,634 162,119 175,926 156,539 Tbtal ftmd 1�latx�s 12,998 7,634 162,119 182,751 175,439 Tbtal IiaL�.ilities and ftmd b�lanc�s $ 1,978,778 $ 992,634 $ 245,253 $ 3,216,665 $ 3,280,191 40 �. . , . .. ��i7P B 2 Q�'i' C?F'&�l�Z, 1�IIVE S�:roCa.a1 Revern�e F1.ux�s C�nbiriirig Statar�t of R�s, E�it��, and C�x�s in Fl.md B�.Iaric� Year' Ilx�ed Jtme 30, 1994 �1'11C ' Q�17I1.II71� �1 IT1C�'1t1.V� �(/�IOj�?T31t �1�7C�1t RE�DIV111C� �V�S: BIGr.k �"IIc 1tS ACt1C%1 �Ic 1tS I�C�i1 FLII7C� Zb�S Interg�tal $ 1,085,626 $ - $ - $ 1,085,626 Prrx�-�n inarre 298,736 - 6,803 305,539 Reva1� fmn use of rrrriey arad pc�rty 3,389 4I 864 4,294 Tbtal rev��s 1,387,751 41 7,667 1,395,459 �qo�nht►�s: ' Aa�uisitirn of real �rty 8,748 - - 8,748 Put�lic rnarks facilities site irr�r�nts 6I3,374 - - 613,374 Clearanc� 11,056 - - 11,056 C�le e'1far�r�rlt 249 - - 249 Dis�siticn of r�al �.y 4,I49 - - 4,149 Ar)ni n i 5��� 204,372 - - 204,372 Retr�bilitatical and Fr�servaticn activities 432,850 - - 432,850 Plar�iing 27,985 - - 27,985 F�nnic c�velopr�t 10,364 - - 10,364 F�nrtic incr�tive Ia�2s - - 75,000 75,000 Tbtal e�di.t��s 1,313,147 - 75,000 1,388,147 F�cr..�ss (deficiezcy) of r�vewes aver' �aditl,a�s 74,604 41 (67,333) 7,312 Ftmd 1�lanc�.s, at be3irmux� of�riai (6I,606) 7,593 229,452 175,439 Ftmd�nc�s, at ex3 of�ricn $ 12,998 $ 7,634 $ 162,119 $ ]82,751 41 ScheduZe C-1 CITY OF BAI�'-rOR, NIAINE Capi ta7 Pzroj ects F�md Balance Sheet Ji.me 3 0, 1994 (with cc�rrgx�rative totals for J�.me 30, 1993) I994 1993 Assets Cash $ I93,949 $ 1,091,356 Investrr�rit in laond proceeds 1,794,I68 910,789 Accbtmts receivable 6,364 - Deferred street assessrnents 30,130 30,130 Due fzzam State 15,400 - Tota1 assets $ 2,040,011 $ 2,032,275 T.ia '7i�e, Accoi.mts payable $ 64,803 $ 278,378 Arrbi.u�ts held for others 8,310 - Total liabilities 73,I13 278,378 � ���:� Reserved for enciunbrances 277,339 988,737 Unreserved: Iaesigr�ated for capital prnject e�gaenditures 1,373,957 322,630 ilndesignated: Deferred street assessnents 30,130 30,130 Ft,iture can.struction - General 263,597 390,525 Ft,iture canstructian - Sctiool 21,875 21,875 Total f�d �lances 1,966,898 I,753,897 Tota1 liabilities and fimd k�lances $ 2,040,011 $ 2,032,275 42 �d�Ie C-2 C�'IY �'B�, 1�II� C,�pital Pr�jec�s Ftua� Q�nbinirx� Statar�t of Reve��s. �dit�,�s, arx3 Ch�r�g�s in Fiva� Balanc�s Ya�r' II�d �Ti.me 30, 1994 Rasezves Otr�r for Ftzt� - Bui.Z�li� Streets Sc1xx�ls Prc�je�ts Ccnstructi� Tbta1 l��es: Inter�t incur� $ - $ 19,901 $ 21,938 $' 21,552 $ 711 $ 64,102 Intergaverrnrmtal 23,199 181,836 - 175,862 - 380,897 Other 12,460 - - - - ]2,460 Tbt.al r�ve�ues 35,659 201,737 21,938 197,414 711 457,459 E�i.t[�: C.�pitai ac�Yiitic�s 181,380 2,303,917 443,244 1,490,233 - 4,418,774 . Landfill clast,a� and�st- c1as�� c�r� ($1,397,700 (total airoi,mt c�te.nnin�3 far t1� y�ar' i,u�x�r C�SB IS) less $1,397,700 �x� in GG71.1�G liahility) - - - - - - L�ficie�cy of r�values ove.r' �xiitl.u2�s (145,721) (2,102,180) (421,306) (1,292,819) 711 (3,961,315) Q(-1�C- firtarr-im�CPS (L�S) G�ratirx� transfers in (out) 90,000 319,820 - 593,891 (104,395) 899,316 GFner'�1 ca�zligatical 1.x�acl�s - 2,101,25Q - 1,173,750 - 3,275,000 Tbtal ot�r financ_irlg socu22�s(t�.ses) 90,000 2,421,070 - 1,767,641 (104,395) 4,174,316 Fa�ss (c�ficielcy) of x�v�rn,aes and ot.�r so�z�s aver �litl.�s arx3 other uses (55,721) 318,890 (42I,306) 474,822 (103,684) 213,001 Ftmd ��, at 1-pm'rming of�riai 34,660 (42,117) 851,879 466,945 442,530 ' .l,753,897 TrarLsfers fmn (to) r�serves far futlu� a�a.structirn 14,631 5,746 - 2,867 (23,244) - Residual equity transfer 6,430 29,773 - (36,203) - - Flmd h�l.an�s, at e1d of peria�3 $ - $ 312,292 $ 430,573 $ 908,431 $ 315,602 $ I,966,898 CITY OF RAI�'QR, NIAINE Eriterprise Ftmds Ccanbining Balance Sheet Ji.u�e 30, 1994 (with c�xrg�.rative totals for Jt.u1e 30, 1993) Sewer Utility Airport Ftmd Ft,md Assets Ctirrent assets: Cash $ 735,342 $ 613,544 InvestinPnts - 5,658, 016 � Due fi�xrt inrater district 63,751 - Due fizxn other govezTunents - 930,157 Interest receivahle - - Accnt.mts receivable 1,854,416 1,56I,346 Less: allawance for estimated i.mcnllectible accnLmts 22,553 236,095 Net accntmts receivable 1,831,863 1,325,251 Investrn�nt in direct financing lease - 92,253 Inventory, at cbst 24,476 50,163 Pre�id e�enses 4,879 48,736 Total current assets 2,660,311 8,718,120 Property, pZant & ec��;prnent: Z�and 683,865 - Buildings, plant & equignent 32,086,302 - Pipelines & mains 29,015,810 - Aircraft operational assets - 157,802,545 Parking structures - - Constructian in process 46,703 12,326,650 61,832,680 170,129,195 Less: acc�nulated depreciation 10,69Z,583 53,626,292 Net prt�perty, plant & e�.ii�nent 51,14I,097 116,502,903 Other assets: Investrnents - 4,520,869 Investrnent in bond proceeds - 497,507 Investrr�erit in 1x�n pr�ceeds - - Investrnerit for capital projects - - Investrnent in direct financing lease - 1,060,904 Investm�lt in RRG insurance - 53,260 Due fi�n h�nd trustee 1,072,285 - I�eferred sewer assess�nents 117,742 - Operating rights (net of accLunulated amortization of $852,267 in 1994 and $805,137 in 1993) - 447,733 Band issuance'cnsts (net of acc�urn�lated arrbrtization of $62,259 in 1994 and . $41,506 in 1993) 352,803 - � To�ta�lsassets $55,344,238 $131,807,412 .Sct�e�di�7 e D-1 Ci ty Mtuuci�I Nursing Parking Bass Park Golf Totals Facili ty Fimd Ftmd Course 1994 1993 $ 150 $ Z72,929 $ 2,416 $ 500 $ 1,524,881 ,5 7,176,053 - - - - 5,658, 016 3,288,834 - - - - 63, 751 92,943 102,591 - - - 1, 032,748 1,573,519 205, 021 4;909 66,688 300 3,692,680 3,770,100 9 502 4 909 3 162 - 276 221 230 595 195 519 - 63 526 300 3 416 459 3 539 505 - - - - 92,253 92,253 18,555 - 14,909 - 108,103 165,266 4 095 - 34 593 - 92 303 68 197 320�910 172,929 115,444 800 11,988,514 15,996,570 39,575 - 214,775 - 938,215 936,215 2,671,392 - 5,121,138 902,612 40,781,444 36,775,149 - - - - 29,015,810 27,841,939 - - - - 157,802,545 140,577,316 - 6,455,571 - - 6,455,571 6,455,571 - - 40,700 - 12,414,053 19,944,794 2,7I0,967 6,455,571 5,376,613 902,612 247,407,638 232,530,984 1 978 769 1 702 807 2 622 796 165 198 70 787 445 64 390 303 732 I98 4 75a 764 2 753 817 737 414 176 620 193 168 140 681 - - - - 4,520,869 6,072,724 - - 204,359 - 70I,866 805,787 - - - - - (200) - - - - 1, 060,904 1,153,156 - - - - 53,260 53,260 - - - - 1,072,285 - - - - - 117,742 117,742 - - - - 447,733 494,863 - - - - 352,803 373,556 19,602 - - 25,718 29,602 �� _ $ 1,053,108 $4,945,295 $ 3,073,620 $ 738,214 $196,961,887 $193,237,741 44 CITY OF BAI�'QR, NI�I.IlVE Enterprise Ftmds Ccgnbining Balance Sheet Ji.me 30, 1994 (wi th ccam�rative totals for Jt.me 30, 1993) , Sew�r Utility Airport Ftmd Ftmd I�iabiliti�s a�d Ft�al �uity Current liabilities: Accn�ts �yable $ 100,198 $ 789,104 Ac�rued �,yzro11 and withholdings 13,213 51,732 Direct financing lease �yrr�lts �yable - 31,176 Unearned inC+c�rte - 61, 077 Due to other fi,mds - - I�orkers' cnmp self insurance 37,372 104,327 Accrued leave 32,753 134,047 Accrued interest 459,117 92,805 Accrued ex�nses - 5,285 • Deferred revenue 871,162 I,500 Other cvrrent liabilities 188 16,993 Current installrr�its - general and � 1imi.ted revenue obligation �nds 2, 000,315 96,557 Tota1 current liabilities 3,514,318 1,384,603 Long-te.nn liabilities: Direct financing lease �yments �yable - 658,046 Unean7ed incc�rrte - 402,858 Deferred sewer assess�nents 117,743 - Deve.Ioper �yable 58,883 - General and limited revenue obligation bonds (net of current portion) 32,653,729 5,918,349 D�eferred arrbtmt on refi.ulding (558,397) - Capital lease obligations I16,587 . - Constructian retainage 9,950 - Arbitrage �.yable 91,006 - Workers' ccxrrp self insurance - - Tota1 long-term liabilities 32,489,501 6,979,253 Tota1 liabilities 36,003,819 8,363,856 Contributed capital: City 4,305,O50 - � Federal, state and other 5,107,365 94,213,978 Cust�rs 882,408 - Tota1 cvntributed capital 10,294,823 94,213,978 Retained easn�ngs: Appropriated ' S09,155 1,979,911 Unapprt�priated 8,536,441 27,249,667 Total retained earnings 9,045,596 29,229,578 Total ftmd c-�uity 19,340,4I9 123,443,556 Total liabilities and itmd equity $55,344,238 $ 131,807,412 Sch�aTi�7e D-1, (C�t.) Ci ty Nh.aii ci�l Nursing Parking Bass Park Golf Totals Facility Ftmd F�md Course 1994 1993 $ 59,991 $ 15,604 $ 46,107 $ 13,804 $ Z, 024,808 $ 1,701,635 23,724 1,833 7,726 4,058 IO2,286 200,324 - - - - 31,176 28,489 - - - - 61, 077 63,764 376,251 - 995,991 29,879 1,402,121 1,138,980 99,376 7,163 I7,175 - 265,413 247,127 34,826 5,086 15,999 3,076 225, 787 210,224 4,246 144,243 9,914 2, 779 713,104 764,336 - - - - 5,285 20,676 20,198 - 6,260 - 899,120 789,856 � - - - - 17,181 - _52,272 335,868 88,313 65,538 2,638,863 2,616,064 670 884 509 797 1 187 485 119 134 7 386 22I 7 781 475 - - - - 658,046 689,221 - - - - 402,858 463,935 - - - - 117,743 117,743 - - - - 58,883 63,735 414,567 4,880,928 999, 788 191,I53 45,058,514 42,783,291 - (467,845) - - (1,026,242) - - - �- - - II6,587 - - - - - 9,950 - - 4,370 - - 95,376 92,061 104 899 2 837 7 825 - 115 56I 287 766 519 466 4 420 290 I 007 613 191 153 45 607 276 44 497 752 1 190 350 4 930 087 2 195 098 310 287 52 993 497 52 279 227 83,989 3,324 766,746 85,000 5,244,109 5,478,6I6 20,748 116,000 875,272 10,823 100,344,186 98,466,564 - - - - 882.408 892,382 104,737 119,324 I,642,OI8 95,823 106,470,703 104,837,562 - 14,876 ' - 48,438 66,973 2,619,353 3,085,035 (256,855J (104,116) (811,934) 265,131 34,878,334 33,035,917 (241,979) (104,116) (763,496) 332,I04 37,497,687 36,120,952 - (137,242) 15,208 878,522 427,927 I43,968,390 140,958,514 $ 1,053,108 $4,945,295 $ 3,073,620 $ 738,214 $196,961,887 $ 193,237,741 45 CITY OF BAl�'�QR, NIA.INE Ehterprise Ftmds Ccambining Stat�nt of Revenues, Ex��.ses and G7�anges in Retained F�rnings Year Ehded June 30, 1994 Sewer Utility F1md Op�r'atztxJ z�v�aas: C�r�es for services S 4,962,387 olaer'ati�3 �= Operating e�enses other thai� depreciation and arr►�rtizaticm 2,535,292 Depreciation and amortization C�i assets acr�uired with awn ftmds 1,335,558 C�i assets ac�uired with contributions 279,40Z Total operating e�g�enses 4,150,25I Operating inaxne (loss) 812,I36 N[gi op�rating r�v�ae (�-se1 = Interest inc�ne 53,944 Interest e�ense (1,604,690). Miscellaner�us inccune 10,955 Operating transfer fi�n General Ftmd - � Net non operating revenue (e�ense) (1,539, 791) Net inccxne (loss) (727,655) Add depreciation and amortization on assets ace�vired with ct�ntri.butions 279,40I Increase (decrease) in retained earnings (448,254) Retained earnings, at beg�nn i nq of per'iod 9,493,85� Retained earnings, at end of period $ 9, 045,596 Schea�?e D-2 q( 21t,.� 17 t.-S ----� .342.� z�° �C� I'�•�e �1 Z S o•� �26.�j Q?.(� ��a - +���.� ���. i �� 17.0 ��t3.Ct 2??.?9 � ci ty (r?•� �I3�. Z�.� �J Mi.mi ci�1 Air�rt Nursing Parlun� Bass Park Golf Ftmd' Facility Ftmd Ft,md Course Total $ 12,304,221 S 2,700,865 S 623,392 S 1,967,335 .� 486,343 S 23,044,543 9,873,956 2,537,406 422,321 2,114,877 366, 066 17,849,918 936,674 67,517 306,648 102,541 45,697 2,794,635 � 3,152,465 59,638 13,906 152,092 277 3,657,779 13 963 095. 2 664 561 742 875 2 369 510 412 040 24 302 332 (1,658,874) 36,304 (119,483) (402,175) 74,303 (1,257,789) . � �` %/'`�. 604,707 392 ` 4,870 � � 1,805 - 665,718 (381,084) (44,344) (341,967) �(101,907� (18,033) (2,492, 025) 4,200 - - - - 15,155 - 16 954 493 621 277 322 - 787 897 227 823 26 998� 156 52 I77 2Q� IS 033 1 023 255 (1,431,05I) ` 9,3 1 24,9 ) 56,270 (2,281,044) 1 3 152 465 59 638 13 906 152 092 277 3 657 779 1,721,414 68,944 50,947 (72,863) 56,547 1,376,735 27,508,164 (310,923) (155,063) (690,633J 275,557 36,120,952 $ 29,229,578 $ (241,979) $(104,I16) $ (763,496) $ 332,I04 ,5 37,497,687 � � Zi4.a t��.�' l v87�� L� �z��= �`-� ��° I �'2 �o-Z 4•� �i 3 .�-- �3.� 2tS . � �7$. S' �t� ��.� ��t3. (� �7?,3 787 1 • �1 S� r?- `T �-t�3�,� 7_s�� � 7SL � � g � r�s.c.� 3�z,� 2s� 1 ��• � .� � , 46 CITY OF BAI�CIR, N�lINE F�iterprise F�mds , .. o . , Ccgrtbining Stat�nerit of Cash 'F16ws � ' • � Year EYided J�e 30, 1994 , � . . Sewe.r' ° � � ° Utility ' ` ° Ftmd Cash flo�vs frcm q�c'ating activiti�s: Cash received fizxn custcaners � � $ 5, 049,241 Cash �.yments to suppliers for gc�oc�s and services (I,918,181) Cash �yn�ents to �loyees for services 1649,649) Net cash pmvided by (used in) op�xating activities 2,48I,4II C'ash�flow5 fzrin n�i.tal finan�-;nQ activiti�S: Interfi.md loans (repaymeizts) - Operating subsidies received (�i.d) - Net cash provided by (used in) noncapital fin�ncing activities - Cash fluv5 fnzn c�api tal aud z�.Zated f;nan�-;nQ activities: Pzroceec�s fi�xn general and limited revenue obligatian bonds 8,2'74,498 Acr�u.isition and construction of capital assets (3,387,109) Princi�l �.id on h�nds (6,331,850) Interest �.i.d on bonds (1,650,535) Prrroceec�s fi�m sale of equip�nent 109,550 Proceecls fz�m sale of land - Grant manies received for capital assets - Cantri.butians received for capital assets - Investrn�nt capital projects - Investrn�erit 1z�nd & �n prnceec.�s (I,072,285) Net cash provided by (used in) capital and related fir�ancing activities (4,057, 731) C.�.sh flows f_znrn iilv�sting aCtivities: Pvrchase of investrn�ts , � - Interest on investrnents � � `�57,107 Net cash pzt�vided by (used in) investing activities • - ' � � 57 107 * .. . Net increase (decrease) •in cash � • � (1,519,213) Cash, at beginn?ng of period � 2,254,555 Cash, at end of period � . ' � � , $ . 735,342 Sche�ahi7e of naac�sh ; ;nQ, capital and ` f;nanC;nQ ar-r;vities= . . �, . 1) During the y�ar, the Sew�r Utility Ftmd acx�uired $149,979 of fixed assets that were fir�nced through the vendor by means of a capital _ lease. Of the total purchase price $33,392 �as �id c9awn and the 1�alance due wi11 be �id in annual insta7lments starting in the next fiscal year. S�e D-3 Ci ty Mtmi ci�l _ Air�rt Nursing Parking Bass Park Golf Ftmd Facility Ftmd Ftmd Course Total _ $ 12,467,245 $ 2, 754,831 $ 621,462 $ 1,927,789 $ 486,043 $ 23,306,611 (6,670,757) (I,028,219) (309,739) (1,626,762) (216,066) (11,769,724) (3,262,885) (1,710,346) (123,208) (583,507) (184,945) (6,514,540) 2,533,603 16,266 188,515 (282,480) 85,032 5,022,347 - 75,752 - 117,510 27,378 220,640 - - 493 62I 277 322 - 770 943 - 75,752 493,621 394,832 27,378 991,583 - - - - - 8,274,498 (11,744, O10) (12,966) - (76,967) (37,984) (15,259,036) (114,206) (52,280) (349,374) (88,313) (66,695) (7,002,7Z8) (382,867) (27,164) (343,425) (60,980) (18,831) (2,483,802) - - - - - 109,550 4,200 - - - - 4,200 5,797,960 - - - - 5,797,960 - - - - 11,100 11,100 (200) - - - - (200) 36,820 - - 67,101 - (968,364) (6,402,303) (92,410) (692, 799I (159,159) (I12,410) (II,516,8I2) (817,326) - - , - - (817,326) 604 710 392 5 022 1 805 - 669 036 1212,616) 392 , 5, 022p 1,805 - (148,290) _ (4,081,316) - (5,64I) (45,002) - (5,651,172) 4 694 860 150 178 570 47 418 500 7 176 053 $ 613,544 $ 150 $ 172,929 $ 2,416 $ 500 $ 1,524,881 2) During the year, the Sewer Utility and Parking Ftmds issued general obligation �nds to advance refi.uzd a �rtion of outstanding 1989 and 1990 general obligation _ 1x�nds. See Note 12 for further description of the effects of the transactian.. 47 CITY OF BAI�K''�C?R, NIA.INE �iterprise Ft�ds Ccaribinulg Stat�7t of Cash Flows Year Ehded J�e 3 0, 1994 Sewer Utili ty Ft,md Recnnciliation of operating inc�ne to net cash provided by (used in) operating activities: Operating inct�ne (loss) $ 812,I36 Adjustrnents to recbncile operating inc�r� (Ioss) to net cash prnvided by (used in) operating activi ties: Depreciation and arrbrtizatian 1,6I4,959 Provision for i.u1cn11ecti.ble accnimts (2,806) C�ianges in assets and liabilities: (Increase) decrease in de�si ts - (Increase) decrease in accoLmts receisrable 57,662 (Increase) decrease in due fizxn state govez�lt - (Increase) decrease �n due fiz�n r�ater di.strict 29,192 (Increase) decxease in inventory 10,520 (Increase) decrease in pre�id ex��ses 2,404 Increase (decrease) in accnt.mts �yable (13,640) Increase (decrease) in accrued e.�enses (39,155) Increase (decrease) in deferred revenue - Increase (derxease) in other liabilities 10,139 Total adj ustrnents 1,669,275 Net cash prnvid�d by (used in) operating activities $ 2,481,411 a � � r � _ � Sr-t��7e D-3, (C�t.J . C1�/ MLII11C].� Airport Nursing Parking Bass Park Golf Ftmd Facility Ftmd Ftmd Course Tota1 S(1,658,874) S 36,304 S(119,483) S (402,175) S 74,303 $ (1,257,789) 4,089,139 127,155 320,554 254,633 45,974 6,452,4I4 43,112 1, 033 4,909 (622) - 45,626 3,884 - - - - 3,884 162,356 (3,227) (1,930) (43,804) (300) I70,757 - 46,195 - - - 46,195 - - - - - 29,192 48,270 7,373 - (8,999) - 57,164 (14,557) (773) - (11,180) - (24,106) (144,555) (39, 731) (18,828) (68,137) (7,372) (292,263) (12,834) (169, 061) 3,293 (6,454) (27,573) (251,784) 668 10,998 - 4,258 - 15,924 16,994 - - - - 27,133 4,192,477 (20, 038) 307,998 119,695 I0,729 6,280,136 $_2�533,603 $ I6,266 $ 188,515 $ (282,480) $ 85,032 $ 5,022,347 48 �P �1 CTIY C�'H�2, 1�I1� Tivst and A�1Gy Fl�s Q�r�binirxJ&�lanc� Staeet Jtme 30, 1994 (with art�zative totals far Jtme 30,1993) - I�a��hle TYust Ftux�s Tbtals Ott�er' Rec�lvi�'ig' �ble Agr�1cY F1mds Zc�n Ft�s Zbtal TYust Ft.ux�ls Flmd 1994 1993 Ass�ts C�1 $ 3,295 $ - $ 3,295 $ - $ 108,398 ,$ 111,693 $ 501,147 Investrr�ts , at mst (�r3�et �rdltae, 1994 $4,058,721 1993 $3,611,9I1) 784,580 50,823 835,403 47,102 3,170,543 4,053,048 3,544,036 Rec�.ivablPs: Aaxxmts - - - - Il,213 Il,213 385 rr�n� to stiz�its - 69,695 69,695 - - 69,695 61,59I Tbtal assets $ 787,875 $ 120,518 $ 908,393 $ 47,102 $ 3,290,154 $4,245,649 $4,107,159 T•ia i7iti,� Arrncurts held by ag�ncy fimd far othet.�s �= S - �= S - S 3,290,124 S3,290,154 S3,206,216 �1zY31�'.�� R�serv� far' 1cz�rLs - ]20,518 120,518 - - 120,518 108,529 Reserv� fC�r' etac�Z,armts 526,258 - 526,258 - - 526,258 519,758 Ihir�s� - a�si�ated far' subseq�ue�t �x�it�u'�s 261,617 - 261,617 47,102 - 308,719 272,656 Tbtal ftmd�nc.�s 787,875 120,518 908,393 47,102 - 955,495 900,943 Zbtal Iiahilities and fiuld�larx�s $ 787,875 $ T20,518 $ 908,393 $ 47,102 $ 3,290,154 $4,245,649 54,107,159 49 ��e S-2 CITY OF L3A1�'UR, N�.INE �zdable Trust Fi.mds Stat�n�nt of Revenues, E�enditures, and C�iariges in Ftmd Balances . Year �ided Ji.me 30, 1994 Ret��s: Interest $ 2,496 Cantributions 23,884 Total revenues 26,380 ��= Payn�ents to beneficiaries 4,104 Tota1 e�enditures 4,104 E�ccess of revenues over e�lditures 22,276 Fc.a'ld �1anCe5, at beg�nn�ng of per'iod 24,826 � Ftmd k�.lances, at end of period $ 47,102 50 , . . .. „ .Sr3�i�7P U3 Q'IY QF&�11�2, Ng1IlVE l�arl�c�'1aL�hle Tn.ast Ft,ux�s Q�nbiivlx,f Stater�t of h'e�v�naes, F�ses, arx� C�r�r�qes in Fluxi Balanc�s Ya�r' II�id� Jt�e 30, 1994 . Orher Revolving �a.tirx�revea�s: F1.mc3s Ia�n Fl.n�cl 7bta.1 Inter�st $ 49,663 $ 12,695 $ 62,358 Or1'aer' 2,776 - 2,776 Lc�t sales 6,500 - 6,500 Tbtal r�v�sitaes 58,939 ]2,695 71,634 �'atux3��: F�r�tual cat� fe�s 35,56I - 35,561 Dists.it�utic� to Parks & Rec�,aticxl 2,000 - 2,000 O[-her�.yrr�nts to h�ieficiaries 1,091 - I,091 Misc�llaneot.Ls - 706 706 Zbta1 expe�s 38,652 706 39,358 l�t inarre 20,287 11,989 32,276 Ftmd�lana�, at 1�girming of�ricx�l 767,588 108,529 876,117 Ft,u�id�Ianc�, at end of�ria3 $ 787,875 120 518 $ 908,393 51 sa�P � c� c��, r�� 1���peld�hLe Tnast Ftmds Ctrr�bining Statar�t of C�sh F7ays � Ye�r' �ic�l Jt.� 30, 1994 Ot1�r Rewlving Fl,mds Ir�n Ftmd TbtaZ (�.sh fI.ays fzan q�r-atirxJ activiti.es: C�sh z�ived frtam custat�rs $ 9,276 $ - $ 9,276 C�Sh z2�ived c� invastrr�ts 49,663 2,179 51,842 C�sh�id to �ficiaries (38,652) - (38,652) C.�sh�.id fc,�' o�zatirx� �s - (706) (706) l�t c�sh pr�viciyd by qx�.'atirx� activities 20,287 1,473 21,760 Cctstl f10�+s f2�an D�2i.1�tl finarr-irrr�i.Viti.eS: Stiaah�it Ia�ns rr�a� - (2,500) (2,500) , Stua�it la�n �ym3lts r�ived - 4,912 4,912 Net cash prc�vided by r�pital financiux� activities - 2,412 2,412 Ca.sh flac.+s fzan .ir�stirx�activities: l�et sales (�rases) of investrr�nts (14,566) (8,289) (22,855) Net c�sh pn7vicl9d by (tas�I in) investing activities (14,566) (8,289) (22,855) " l�t ulc�ase (c�c�ase) in cash 5,721 (4,404) 1,317 C�sh, at �irming of peri.ad (2,426) 4,404 1,978 C�sh, at e1d of�ria3 3,295 � $ 3 295 Recrnc.iLiatica� of o�ratirx� inarre to net cash prc�vided by o�atirx�' activities: G�ratuxJ irlcz�r� $ 20,287 $ 11,989 $ 32,276 Adjustrnsits to r�i1e cg�r`ating inccrre to net c�sh Pz�vid�d bY c�s'dti��9' activities: (Inc�.se) in aarued inter�st cn la�r�s n�i�l.e - (10,516) (I0,516) Tbtal adjvstrt�ts - (10,516) (10,516) l�t cash provic3�d by q�r'ating activities $ 20,287 $ 1,473 $ 21,760 52 ��>>e F CTTY OF BAI�'�OR, NIA.IIVE Assessed Ualuation, Ccamnitrr�nt and Collections Year F,rided Jime 3 0, 1994 Ualuatian: Tand and buildings $ 1,180,513,300 PerSonal prt�pert.y 112,324,800 , Total Yaluation $ I,292,838,100 Ccx�tnitrnent: Real estate and personal prop�erty $1,292,838,100 Tax rate .0220 Total catmu trr�ent 28,442,438 Add: Supplenerltal taxes c�rrrttitted 106,570 28,549, 008 Less: Collectians - 1994 26,499,976 Atx�.tements 380,322 1994 Taxes receivable at Jvne 30, 1994 $ 1,668,710 53 ' Tahle 1 CITY OF BA�, N�INE ProperLy Tax UaluatiQns, Levies and Collections La5t Ten Fiscal Periods Col�ections Fiscal Assessed Pr�perty Property in Year %-age of Year Ualuation Tax Rate Tax L�vy of Levy Collections 1985 484,384,300 32.00 15,500,298 15,112,575 97.5 1986 513,223,900 32.00 16,423,165 15,812,838 96.3 I987 547,229,100 31.30 17,128,271 I6,416,426 95.8 1988 891,549,000 20.30 18,098,445 I7,436,509 96.3 ' 1989 1,022,201,700 19.50 19,932,933 19,124,842 96.0 1990 1,183,632,000 17.75 2I,009,468 I9, 765,915 94.1 I991 I,220,826,100 18.90 23,073,613 21,313,338 92.4 1992 1,241,555,000 21.30 26,445,122 24,316,637 92.0 1993 1,266, 015,200 21.40 27,092,725 25,020,672 92.4 -� I994 1,292,838,100 22.DO 28,442,438 26,499,976 93.2 54 Tah7e 2 CITY OF BAI�R, NIA.INE Loca1 Assessed Ualuations Last Ten Fiscal Periods Fiscal Tota1 Assessed Personal Year Tax Rate Ualuation Real Pr�pert Piroperty 1985 32.00 484,384,300 438,259,600 46,124,700 1986 32.00 513,223,900 455,361,100 57,862,800 1987 31.30 547,229,100 486,352, 000 60,877,100 1988 20.30 891,549,000 804,676,300 86,872,700 1989 19.50 I,022,201,700 927,665,500 94,536,200 1990 17.75 1,183,632,000 1,082,126,000 101,506,000 Z991 18.90 1,220,826,100 1,116,894,300 103,931,800 1992 21.30 1,241,555,000 I,137,729,400 103,825,600 1993 21.40 1,266, 015,200 1,156,474, 000 109,541,200 1994 22.00 1,292,838,100 1,180,513,300 II2,324,800 55 , This �ge left intentianally blank. CITY OF BAPK'�UR, NI�.INE General Ft.md �eriditures by F�.mction** Last Ten Fiscal Periods Public Health, Taxes Buildings Fiscal General Public Welfare & Paid to and Public Year Governrrient Safety Recreation Coimty Services 1985 1,664,091 4,956,714 1,416,060 363,532 3,433,451 1986 1,771,212 5,624,974 1,540,I7I 403,473 3,584,628 1987 1,938,210 5,715,586 1,633,783 457,391 3,681,371 1988 2,352,271 6,I30,389 1,554,841 728,922 3,813,924 I989 2,280,921 6,879,079 1,952,226 875,380 4,306,620 1990 3,516,105 7,184,337 2,222,650 1,040,520 3,847,293 1991 3,617,711 7,644,841 2,794,883 1,187,147 4,126,514 1992 3,184,909 8,054,011 4,527,871 1,247,890 4,049,770 1993 3,188,999 8,678,863 4,155,679 1,119,341 4,302,728 1994 3,275,299 9,126,524 4,911,276 1,112,052 5,659,277 ' * Lbes not include Fducation - related debt ** Budget �sis - Schedule A-2 Table 3 Desic�ated . L�bt* Ftmd Education Service Balance Other Total 11,461,231 937,055 775,000 854,508 25,861,642 13,201,683 1,097,488 641,996 657,498 28,523,123 14,35I,668 1,150,489 - 686,374 29,614,872 18,112,132 Z,225,692 - 683,111 34,601,282 20,338,411 1,186,968 - 794,605 38,614,210 22,289,738 1, 021,821 - 974,004 42,096,468 24,847,977 1,150, 036 - 768,477 46,137,586 25,486, 072 1,2Z0,420 - 747,193 48,508,136 25,854,492 Z,I60 983 - 765,860 49,226,945 26,871,968 1,454,132 - 803,801 53,214,329 56 - CITY OF BAl�'�QR, NIAINE General Ftmd Revenue by Source* ra�t Ten Fiscal Periods Fiscal Fiz�perty Other Licenses & Fines & Year Taxes Taxes Pennits Forfeits 1985 I5,967,934 1,727,442 234,607 60,879 1986 16,430, 725 1,949,307 243,345 63,378 1987 17,111,568 2,160,807 154,283 5,368 1988 I8,058,106 2,442,975 192,845 10,203 1989 I9, 710,247 2,588,696 237,847 Il,931 1990 20,261,206 2,681,592 2I1,100 9,453 1991 22,211,177 2,612,983 199,007 15,355 1992 26,029,037 2,699,585 232,584 12,486 1993 27,061,008 2,956,39I 270,248 11,788 1994 28,406,950 3,392, 063 276,167 11,699 � * Budget k�sis - Schedule A-2 Tahle 4 Use of Inter- Char�es Money & Goverrunental for Reim- Total ' Propert: Revenue Services burse�nents Revenues 1,733,772 6,601,075 533,474 259,294 27,118,477 I,568,448 7,625,529 638,603 259,065 28,778,400 � 1,467,622 7,992,324 620,355 307,099 29,819,426 1,426,272 8,749,115 2,972,056 282,274 34,133,846 1,112,318 10,I10,512 3,448, 093 737,504 37,957,148 1,932,699 Il,685,235 4,323,202 816, 097 41,920,584 1,162,157 12,269,912 5,154,889 1,423,846 45, 049,326 505,967 lI,366,929 5,937,666 2,804,902 49,589,156 381,952 14,094,486 6,586,779 - 51,362,652 , 530,633 17,291,808 5,203,023 - 55,112,343 a 57 Table 5 CITY OF BAI�'QR, MAIlVE Ratio of Annual D�ebt Service F�eriditures for G�neral Bonded I�t to Total C�eneral Ftmd E�endi tures - I�ast Ten Fiscal Periods Percentage of Debt Service , Total General Total to Total Fiscal Banded Debt General Ftu�id General Year Princi,�7 Interest Service E��ditures* Expenditures 1985 676,481 658,671 1,335,152 25,861,642 5.163 1986 823,010 678,892 1,50I,902 28,523,123 5.266 1987 912,892 661,378 1,574,270 29,614,872 5.316 1988 973,945 712,404 1,686,349 34,601,282 4.873 1989 1,102,988 692,541 1,795,529 38,614,210 4.650 1990 1,039,852 959,567 I,999,419 42,096,468 4.750 1991 1,460,II0 1,087,678 2,547,788 46,137,586 5.520 I992 1,552,596 1,005,862 2,558,458 48,508,136 5.274 I993 I,54I,233 1,177,919 2,719,152 49,226,945 5.524 1994 2,209,846 1,235,184 3,445,030 53,214,329 6.474 * Budget 1x�sis - Schedule A-2 58 � Tahle 6 CITY OF BAl�'QR, N�IlVE Debt Service Rc�uir�nts to Maturity General Qbligatian Bands Fiscal Total Year Princi�l Interest R�17r�n�nt 1995 4,997,500 3,424,688 8,422,1 SS 1996 4,977,500 3,094,113 8,071,613 1997 4,652,500 2,829,184 � 7,481,684 - 1998 4,597,500 2,570,706 7,168,206 1999 4,292,500 2,325,724 6,618,224 2000 4,182,500 2, 092,242 6,274,742 2001 3,946,500 1,874,577 5,821, 077 2002 3,302,500 1,694,431 4,996,931 2003 3,272,500 1,539, 021 4,811,521 2004 3,227,500 I,369,120 4,596,620 Subsc�uent 26,5I0,000 5,400,436 31,910,436 $ 67,959,000 $ 28,214,242 $ 96,173,242 59 - TahZe 7 CITY OF RAl�'QR, Nl�l.INE , General Banded Debt as a Percentage of Assessed Ualue and General Bonded Debt Per Capita Zast Ten Fiscal Periods w �' 21P.r'c� BQI1� �iP11er'd.� L�ebt as a Bonded Fiscal Percentage of Debt per Year Bonded Debt Ualuation Assessed Ua1ue Capita 1985 12,510,000 484,384,300 2.6 395.35 1986 12,235, 000 513,223,900 2.4 386.65 1987 12,740,000 547,229,I00 2.3 402.62 1988 14,590,000 891,549,000 1.6 461.08 1989 31,040,000 I,022,201,700 3.0 980.94 . 1990 33,695,000 1,183,632,000 2.8 1, OI9.18 1991 50,405,000 1,220,826,100 4.1 1,524.61 1992 55,860,000 Z,241,555, 000 4.5 I,689.60 1993 64,027,090 1,266,015,200 5.1 1,936.64 1994 67,959,000 1,292,838,100 5.3 2,055.56 Based an 1980 population of 31,643 thzrough 1989 and 1990 �pulatian of 33,061 thereafter. 60 Table 8 QTY C�'�, 1►�Il� Six Ya�r Hi5tar'ical TY�-x3 Infarrrstirn L�fir� F�'i.sica� Beaefit Plan - Partici�tirx� Itral District Plan Fisc�l Ya�r' 1989 1990 1991 I992 1993 1994 ��yr�ll S 13,536,500 S 15,156,900 S I5,731,400 $ 16,223,381 S 16,875,589 $ I7,578,929 I�nral r�tis�m.nt azsts 11.04 0 9.510 10.400 10.56% 9.990 10.ZOa Lhifi,mcbd liabili ty 10.72 0 9.92 0 11.13 0 10.60% 10.98 o I1.960 , 51�viwrs �iefits .150 .14% .120 .140 .13% .120 Tbtal e►�alay�' a�tri�utirns 21.91% 19.57% 21.650 21.30% 21.10% 22.180 1�rtzZ r�tiret�lt crsts $ 1,494,426 $ 1,441,418 $ 1,636,06I $ 1,713,189 $ I,685,871 1,774,606 L�iftmcl�d liability 1,451,109 1,503,561 1,750,900 1,719,675 1,852,940 2,101,413 51�vi�rs b�e.fits 20,304 21,220 18,878 22,713 19,808 21,084 Tbtal ar�Czlayer cnsts S 2,965,839 S 2,966,199 S 3,405,839 S 3,455,577 .S 3,558,619 S 3,897,103 IIt�zloyc� a�nLzil.xiticn rate 6.500 6.50% 6.SOo 6.500 6.50% 6.50% IIrplayse cc�tr'ibuticn aasts � 879,870 S 985,196 S 1,039,190 S 1,060,560 S 1,098,821 S 1,144,077 Zbtal c�ntri�uticn $ 3,845,709 $ 3,951,395 $ 4,445,029 $ 4,516,137 $ 4,657,440 $ 5,041,180 61