HomeMy WebLinkAbout1955City of Bangor Maine a ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT FISCAL YEAR ENDED DEC. 31;1955 The Honorable Council. and Manager of the City of Bangor, Maine We have examined the financial -statements of the various funds (-exclusive of the. Water Fund) of the City of Bangor, Maine, for the -year ended December 31, 1955. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included such tests of the account- ing records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, the accompanying balance sheet and statements of revenues, expenditures, and unappropriated surplus present fairly the financial position of all funds (exclusive of the -Water Fund) of th-e City of Bangor, Maine, at December 31, 1955,, and the results of operations of the General Fund for the year then ended, in conformity with g-ener-ally accepted principles of governmental accounting applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. ERNST & ERNST ACCOUNTS AND AUDITORS January 27, 1956 CONTENTS General Fund Balance Sheet Estimated and Actual Revenues 1 F, General Fund, Appropriation, Expenditures and Unexpended Balances 3 General Fund, Analysis of Un.appropriat'ed Surplus ¢ Tax Collection During•Yea-r of Levy 5 Statement of Tax Deeds 5 Analysis of Taxes Receivable 5 Statement of Municipal Property 6 Combined Fund Bal-ance Sheet,!Resources 7 Combined Fund Balance Sheet, Liabilities 8 Statement of Trust -and -Agency -Funds 9 Capital Funds Balance Sheet 10 St.atoment of Debt Limit and- Borrowing Capacity 11 Future Debt Service on Present Debt 11 d Net Debt Ratio to Assessments and Net Debt Per Capita 11 GENERAL- FUND .BALANCE .SHEET CITY OF BANGOR., MAINE December 319 1955 ASSETS CASH ON HAND AND DEPOSITS CASH ADVANCES AND WORKING FUNDS Petty Cash 900.00 Postage Fund 500,;00 TAXES RECEIVABLE Uncollected Taxes ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Uncollected Taxes Securec by Tax Deeds Uncollected Taxes Securec by .Sewer Deed's' State Aid Road Grant Other, Miscellaneous INVENTORIES Office Supplies Public Works Revised Ordinances PREPAYMENTS TOTAL -ASSETS 8,798.01 4,037.50 6,006.57 25,17.7. 99 789.04 7,632<89 1,029.09 174,805.76 1,4.00.00 66,663.17 44,020.07 9,451.02 900.00 INABILITIES, RESERVES, AND SURPLUS LIABILITIES Prepaid 1956 Auto Excise Tax 29,761.11 Prepaid Federal Grant -Schools 32,724.00 RESERVES Encumbrances Abbott Square Parking Meter Fund Hay.ma,r.ke.t, S'%.' Parking Meter Fund. G'ar,l.and Street Field F'u,iid Harlow. St -r ee-t P r o pe r t y Po.li,ce _and Fire- Se-rvites State--A,id Road Con-s-truction Un;c-ollected Taxes. SURPLUS Cash Operating Surplus Unrealized Surplus 31,004.78 8,275.25 265.40 1,655.20 2,834.55 1,172.12 6,006.57 15 ,.474.09 62,485.11 66,687.96 67,.11.3.35 100,953.60 168,066.95 297,240:02 TOTAL LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND SURPLUS 297,240.02 ESTIMATED AND A-CTUAL.REVENUES For the Year Ended December 31, 1955 2. Estimated Revenue Total Excess or Revenue Billed & Cash Revenue Deficiency* Uncollected Receipts TAXES Prior Years Levies 50,000.00 53,807.36 .53,807.36 .3,807.36 Other Local Taxes 163,000.00 200,142.54 200,142.54 37,142054 Total 213,000.00 253,949.90 253,949.90 40,949.90 LICENSES .AND PERMITS For Street Use 56, 000.00 54, 200 35 54,9200.35 1, 799.65* Street Privileges and Permits 675.00 1,122.80 1,122.80. 447.80 Business Licenses 1,650.00 1,565.00 1,565.00 85.00* Police.and Protective 1,736.00 2,18,6.75 2,186.75 450.75 Amusements 1,230:00 841.00 841.00 389.00* Professional and Occupational 70.00 153.50 153.50 83.54 Non Business Licenses.& Permits 3,840.00 3,550.06 3,550.06 2;89.94* Total 65,201.00 63,619.46 63,619.46 1,581.54* FINES, FORFEITS & PENALTIES Fines and Court Fees 20,000.00 22,506.12 22,506.12 2,506.12 Total 20,000-.00 22,506012 22;506.12 2,506.12 USE OF MONEY & PROPERTY Miscl. Rent and Concessions 200.00 340.52 340.52 140.52 Interest on Investments 1,200.00 1,790.00 1,790.00 590.00 Total 1,400'.00 2,130.52 2,130.52 730.52 FROM OTHER AGENCIES State Shared Taxes 42,000.00 43,720.40 43,720.40 1,720.40 State Grants in Aid 164,125.00 200.00 159,227.49 159,427.49 4,697.51* Federal Grants in Aid 54,845.00 51,881.81 51,881.81 2,963.19* Payments in Lieu of Taxes 1,773.00 2,273.60 2,273.60 500.60 Total 262,743.00 200.00 257,103.30 257,303.30 5,439.70* SERVICE CHARGES FOR CURRENT SERVICES General Government 7,380.:00 3.00 9,616.55 9,619.55 2,239.55 Safety 1,600.00 277.31 1,443.46 1,720.77 120.77 Highway 300.00 18.41 255.02 273.43 26.57* Sanitation 21, 800.00 12, 346.3$ 9; 246,.16 2,1,;592.54 207: 46* Health 970.00 2050 1,076.00 1,078..50 108.50 Welfare 6,846'.00 776.90 7,474.04 8,250.94 1,404.94 Cemeteries 2,150:00 2,721.13 2,721.1.3 571.13 Public Buildings 34,735.00 1,207.66 19,•589.14 20:,796.80 13,938.20* Schools 35,000.00 4,085;99 _31,196.60 -35,202. 59 282.59 Total 110,781.00 18, 718.15 82, 6.18.10 101,336.25 9, 444.75* TRANSFERS FROM OTHER FUNDS '• Transfers. from Other Funds 121,000.00 1011000°00 1019,000.00 20,000.00* Total 121,000.00 101,000. 101,000.00 20,000.00* REIMBURSEMENTS General Government 1,450.0.0 13.34 498 16 511.50 938.50* Welfare 25;228.00 :.990x90 .31,766.91 32,757.8 1 7,529.81 Total 26,678.00 1,004:24 32,265.07 '33,2.9.31 6,591.31 GRAND TOTALS 820, 803.00 19, 922.'39 815,192.47 835,.114.86 14, 311.86 w GENERAL FUND o APPROPR-IATION,,! EXPENDITURES AND UNEXPENDED 7 BALANCES, For the Year Ended December 31, 1955 Appropriation Total Original Increase or Amended Disbursements Encumbrances Disbursements Unexpended DEPARTMENT OR APPROPRIATION TITLE Appropriation. Decrease* Appropriation & Encumbrances Appropriation Legislative 6,300;00 .6,300;00 -6,202;10 17.44- 6,219.54 80.46 Executive 16,893000 16,893.00 15,214065 - 5.20 15,219.85 1,673.15 City Clerk 14,712;00- 1000 % 15;712.00 -16,587.84 -63.24 16;651.08 939,08* Finance 73,770.00 73,770.00 -68.,228.03-- 67,15 68,295.18 5,474.82 Registration of Voters 8,306,00-- .8,306. 00 79771.56- .53 7,772,09 533,91 Assessment 20,848.00 20,848.00 20,404.83 8.00 20,412.83435.17 Treasury 19,366,00 19,366x00 -17,798 39 126000 17,924.39 1,441.61 Purchasing Planning 8,040;00 8,040,00 7,489.76 18.33 7,50809 . 531.91 City Solicitor 6;611.00 6,611.00 3,847.41 3,847,41 29763.59 5,210.00 5,210;00 4,595.10 - 4,595.10 614,90 Police 245;198.00 2454148,00 235,717,00 11991.90 237,708.90 7,439.10 Fire 308,792,00 308,792.00 300.671.31 -444°-59 301,115.90 7,676.10 Electrical 82,845.00 82,845400 72,809.60 1;007.47 73,817.07 9,027.93 Civil Service Commission 250.00 250.00 152,76 152.76 97.24 Building Inspection 16,350.00 16;350000 15,41'9.39 15,419439 930.61 Public Buildings 46,608,00 19,400.00 .66,00800 62,09.41 520.23 62,615464 3,392.36 Public Works "589,045.00 4,465.00 593;510.00 551,910438 21,582,28 573,492.66 20,017,34 City Home & Hospital 82,732.00 82,732.00 89,162.65 314.59 89,477.24 6,745,24* Health Welfare 40,903.00 --350.00 "41,-253.00 40;176:93 -392.22 40,569.15 683,85 Sealer of Weights & Measures 62,579.00 50.00 -62,579.00 59,711498 25.00 -59,736.98 2,842.02 .Recreation Pensions 28;867:00 448.00 50.00 29,315.00 53.84 27,956.45 20,00 .53.84 27,976.45 3,84* 1,338455 Taxes Paid to County 71,600,00 94,500,00 '71,600,00 "94,500.00 71,495.63 71,495.63 104.37 Debt Service -92,-865.00 92,865.00 1,635.00 186,816,00 186;816.00 184,838.33 184,838.33 1,977.67 Contingent 25,000,00 21,663.00* 39337.00 3,000.00 3,000,00 337,00 Education 1,060,000.00 1,060;000:00 -1,068,819.57 1,068,819,57 8,819457* Public Library 39;400,00 39,400400-- - 39,400.00 392400;00 Civil Defense 6,746,00 6,746.00 2,319,43 3,345.33 "5,664,76 -1,081.24 Engineering 22,542;00 22;5442.00 21,216.46 12478 21,229,24 1,312.76 Municipal Auditorium 20,000.-00 4;000400* 16;000000 11,148046 1;042050 129390x96 3,809.04 TOTAL APPROPRIATION 'ACCOUNTS 3, 210, 829.00 3, 210, 829.00 3,119,08042-s-- 31,004-7-8- 3,150,085.03 609 743.97 * Deduct w I =. . GENERAL FUND. ANALYSIS OF UNAPPROPRIATED SURPLUS Year Ended, Deeember-3i,i955 'BALANCE AT JANUARY 1, 1955 ADDITIONS From operations: Excess of estimated revenues over expenditures for 1955: Revenues from general; -property and, p,oll taxes {Note) Departmental revenues Less appropriations Excess of. .actual over estimated revenues for 1955 Excess of appropriations over expenditures for 1955 Other: .Supplemental tax levy Profit, on sales of -City Property Prior year adjustments, etc. 'Transfer from capital fund DEDUCTIONS Appropriations for 1955 budget use `charged to unappropriat.:d surplus Transfer to fixed asset fund $2,450,026-.00 820.803.00 3,270,'829.00 3,210,829,00 BALANCE AT DECEMBER 31, 1955 Note: Total tax commitment for 1955: Real estate Personal property Poll Less transfers.to:. Recreation District tax Ove.rJay (allowance for doubtful taxes receivable) 81,942; 56.2-.76 567,737.66 21, 837.00 66,450.00 60,000.00 14-,-3-11 : -8-6. A -A 7 A I 07 $135,055.83 2,099.'83 6.06.72 194-..04 100.-00 $150,926.23 153,79 $2,'532,137.42 15, 661.42. 821111.42 $2,'450,'026.00 $181,090.55 138,056.42 S-319,146.97 151,080.:02 $168,066.95 4. 5. TA - X COL•LECTI0N DURING YEAR OF LEVY Year Ended Taxes N Uncollected 1949 Collections Percentage December Property Property Tax Tax Adjusted in Year of 31st. Tax List Rate per M Levy Levy of Levy Collections 1946' 28,888,387.00 48>90 1,434,650.00 1„435,059..00 1,.411,265.00 98;'3 1947 30,626,582.00 -5-5:40 1,721;621.00 1,721,701;00 1,685,968x00 97.9 1948 32,8.11,016°00 55.10 1,832;,152.00 1;832,233.00 1,796,,972.00 98.0 1949 36,528,744.00 54.80 2,027,398.00 2,013,993.'00 1,963,520.00 97.4 1950 36,454,766°00 53.80 1,986,835.00 1,982,0.12.00 1,926,261;00 97.1 1951 37,.555;470;00 56.00 2,126,983.00 2,122,.915.00 2,076,976.00 97.8 1952 38,077,27,0.00 53.00 2,018,095.00 2.;011,527,00 1,974,445.00 98.2 1953 .38,493,960,.00 City 58.85 Auditorium 1.15 Total 60.00 2,309,638.00 2;302,041.00 2,255,556.00 98:0 1954 39,602,.000.00 61.50 2,435,523.00 2,431,549.00 2,382,000.00 97.9 1955 40,227,790.00 City. 60.75_, Auditorium 1.65 Total 1. 62°40 2,510,214.00 2.;506,641.00 2,453,226.00 97.9 Note: The poll tax is included in the years prior to 1952,because'former account methods did not distinguish between poll tax collections and property tax collections. STATEMENT OF TAX -DEEDS Year Ended December 319 1955 Y E A R Balances 1954 Taxes Redeemed Property Cancelled Balances l/l/55 Interest Titles Taken- 12/31/55 and Cost by City 1948 .77..77 9>81 67.96 1949 112°06 23.19 88,87 1950 346.77 148.6 3 198.14 1951 962.54 493.10 22.45 446.99 1952 . 1,942.08 945.55 996.53 1953 69238.45 4,017.32 12.75 2,208.38 1954 12,421.52 7,630.38 4,791.14 9,679.67 12,421.52 13,234.98 68.20 8,798.01 ANALYSIS OF TAXES. RECE-1-VABLE, As At'December 319 1955 Y E A R Taxes N Uncollected 1949 .62.81 -� 1950 135.60 1951 311.20 1952 473.62 1953 2,809.05 1954 5,355.1-3 1955 57,515.76 T 0 T A L 66,663.17 STATEMENT OF MUNICIP:A-U-PRO-P_RRTY December 319 1955 CLASSIFICATION 'AMOUNT City Hall -2-43;493.13 Auditorium 64, -130.00 Health Department 2,181.75 Police Department 16,528.60 Fire Department - 179,'0-2-5.89 Highway .and Bridges -- 3-;-940,341.69 Municipal Garage- -and -Police- Station 200,'000.00 Park Property -.497,643.00 Gravel Bank Property 20,000.00 Electric Department 101,098.15 Wardroom- York Street 2,660.00 City Home and Hospital 256,066.78 Recreation Department 4',-457.00 Cemetery Property 42,,900.30 School Property 3',592 . 830.'97 Municipal Dock 10,000.00 Garland Street Athletic -Field --90,000.00 Other Miscellaneous -Property 69,'336.92 TOTAL 9,332,'894.18 I '4 6. COMBINED FUND BALANCE .-SHE.ET--E.XCL.U.ShY�,:OF.-THE-,W-ATER-FUND As at December 319 1955 RESOURCES 'Cash on Hand and Deposits Postage Meter Fund :. Savings Accounts Securities . 'Custody of,Kirstein Fund Trustees - Hersey Fund,Investment in City Hall Accounts Receivable State Aid Grants Due from.Other Funds Taxes Receivable Accounts Receivable -Tax -Deeds Accounts Receivable -Sewer Deeds Office Supplies Inventory Public Works Inventory Revised Ordinances -Inventory Prepayments City Property Tax Deeds Fixed Properties To be Provided in Future Periods TOTAL RESOURCES Trust & Municipal Fixed Grand General Agency Capital. Debt -Asset Total Fund Fund - -Fund Fund. Fund All Funds 175,705.76 83;414°78 57;075.05 316,195.59 500.00 500.00 26,442.96 26,442.96 240,500;00 240-0500.00 15,082.68 .15,082.68 100,000.00 100,000.00 25,177.99 25,177.99 6,006.57 6,006.57 223,000.00 223,000.00 66,663.17 66,663.17 8,798.01 8,798.01 4,037.50 4,037.50 789.04 789.04 7,632.89 7,632.89 1,029,09 1,029.69 900.00 900.00 5,803.91 5,803.91 9,332,894.18 9,332,894.18 90,000-00 1,420,500-00- _ _-1),510,500.0 297,240.02 465,440.42, 147,07`5.05 1,643,500.00 9,338,698.09 11,891,953.58 1 J' COMBLNED FUND BALANCE-EXC.LUS.°IVE-.:-0FvT.RE.=W_A.:T:.ER_TUND Asat .December 311 .1955 Trust.& Municipal -Fixed Grand .General Agency Capital Debt ,Asset, Total Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund.. All Funds LIABILITIES AND RESERVES Notes Payable Due to Other Fundsa Bonds Outstanding Abbott Square Park-ing-Meter Fund Haymarket Square Parking Meter Fund Garland Street Field Harlow. Street Property Police and Fire Services Federal Grant Schools -Prepaid Automobile Excise Taxes -Prepaid State Aid Construc.tion.Imp.;Fund Reserve for Encumbrances Reserve for Uncollected Taxes Reserve for Miscellaneous Investment in Fixed -Assets Surplus TOTAL LIABILITIES & RESERVES 999300°00 99,500°00 909000.0090,000.00 .1P 544, 000--00 195446000:00 8,275.25 8,275025 265;40 26540 1,655.20 1,655.20 2,834.55 2,834.'55 1,172 12 1,172.12 32,724600 32,724°00 .-29,-7,61.11 29,761.11 ---6;006.57 6,006,57 319004,78 31;004,78 15,474009 15,474.09 465;440=42 -57475�;05 522,515.47 9,338,698-09 9,338,698009 168,066,95 168,066.95 297;240.02. 465,440.42 147,075.05 1,643,500.00 9,338,698;09 11,.891;953°58 T STATEMENT OF TRUST. AN.D.A-GENCY FUNDS 9. As.At December 319.1955 Fund -Balance Total Cash Securities Income Principal Fund FUND Adams •Bangor. Children's Home 10,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 Bangor Firemen's Relief 1,230.08 40;000.00 10,000,00 496.13 40,`000;00 10,733°95 40,000.00 11,230.08 Bangor Fuel Society Bangor High 4 500000 4;500,;00 4,'500.00 School Loan 285.37 64008 221.29 285.37 Bangor Mechanic Association 12,000.00 12,-000;00 12,000.00 Bass Park Cemeteries 7;068,35 7,068035 7,068;35 Arthur Chapin 20,957.75 59,500.00 80,.457.75. 80,457.75 Thomas U' Coe 21608.56 14;500000 2;570.71 14-;537°'85 17,108.56 Hiram H. Fogg 126.30 •3,-000.00 1,000,00 126.30 3;0fl.Os00 -It"000000 3;000.00 1,126.30 French Medal 2,636.11 -4,500000 2,386.11 4-,750.00, 7,136.11 Hersey Holton Public School 1.100000.00 - -10,& 000-e0,0 100,000.00 Home for Aged Women 60-.,14 2,000.00 60,14- 2,000.00 2,060.14 Kirstein-City Hospital & Home -500:00 25,000.00 25;,000.00 25,000.00 Kirstein Missionary; -581.37 -300.00 81.37 500,fl0 1,000.00 .500.00 1,081.37 Kirstein Scholarship 272.30 5,000.-00 272.30 `59000w00 5,272.30 Kirstein Student -Loan --15,082.68 3,000.00 - --18,082..-68 18,082.68 O'Connell Trust 367.14 1,000000 367.14 1;000000 1,367.14 Hiram P. Oliver 275.00 21000.00 275.00 2;000000. 24275.00 Pierce 41000.00 4,000-.00, 4,000.00 L.E. Sabine 291.81 1-1000.00 291.81 1,-000.00 1,291.81 Stetson Missionary -3,051.00 12,000.00 3,051.00 12;;000.00 15,051.00 Stetson -5,000;00 .-5,000°00 5,000.00 Geo. T. Stodder 11;000.00 11,000;00. 11,000.00 Mildred Varnum Wakefield 300.00 :300000 300.00 State Sales Tax -Auditorium 38.33 10,000.00 10,000;00 10;000,00 Employees' State Group Life Ins„ 2,,764.°19, -38.33 29764:; i9 - 38.33 2,76-4.'19 Teachers' State ,Group Life Ins. 1,763045 - --1,76-3.45 1,763.45 Community Chest 25.00 25.00 25.00 Miscellaneous Employee Deductions 1,381,90 1-9381.-90 1,381;90 Union Dues-Public.Works 128.00 12$.00. -128.00 Employees' Retirement 10,493.25 10-,'493;25 10,493025 Teachers' Retirement 19,249.80 -19.,249-0-80 19 1.,249.80 Workmen's Compensation 2,605.14 -2-Y:605.14 2;605.14 Withholding Tax 27 26260 27,2b2e60 27;262.60 Employees' Saving Bonds 2#472-.25 2,472.25 2,472.'25 State Plumbing.Fees 9.65 9..65 9.65 State Hunting &. Fishing Fees 1,052.9d -1,052.90 1,052.90 T O T A L S 124,940.42 3409500.00. 17,110.44 448329.98 465,440.42 CAPTT.AL FUNDS BALANCE -SHEET. As.at December 31, 1955 RESOURCES LASH ON DEPOSIT '57,075:05 FUNDS TO BE PROVIDED,,FUTURE PERIODS 90,000.00 TOTAL .RE -SOURCES 147, 07 5.0`5 LIABILITIES AND RESERVES DUE TO OTHER FUNDS RESERVES Purchase of Land -and School Construction 2,,`808.'58 Replacing Variou-s B-a,ss Park Structures 4`,•137.66 Survey & Construct -ion of Municipal Wells. & -Pumps -3 00'0.'00 Construction of Municipal Swimming Pool & Bath House 20,728.81 Sewer Installation.with-•Pumping Station -26,400;00 - 579075.05 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND RESERVES 147,075.05 IN 1 'h 10, i1% STATEMENT OF DEBT. LIMIT-AN,WRORROWIN:G-CAPAC=I•TY 11. December 31.9 195.5 ' Assessed Valuation April 1, 1955 40,227,790,00 Debt Limit (73% % of Valuation) 3,170,842.00 City of Bangor Liabilities: Bonded Indebtedness, 1,544;000.00 Notes Payable 999 500.00 1;643;500.00 Net -Borrowing Capacity, 1,527,342-00 Totals 1544,000.00 FUTURE DEBT SERVICE. -O -N --PRESENT DEBT December 31; 1955 Bond Note Note Interest Maturities - Interest 24,914.00 22,520.50 20;154.50 17,816.00 15,737.00 13,694.00 i 1,-685.50 9;717.00 7;926.00 6,396.-00 5,049.00 4;4$8.00 3,927.00 3,366000 2,805.00 -2, 244.00 -1168T00. 561.00 14;'000.00 14;000,00- IL -500.00 10;000.00. 10;000.00 10000.00 1011000.00.- 10,000.00 0;000.0010,000.00 10;000.00 175, 7'99.50 99, 500:06 273> 76 203.76 149.38 120000 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20:00 Total Bond Year Maturities. 1956 148,000.00 1957 148,.000.00 1958 146,.000.00. 1959 130,000.00 1960 128,000.00 1961 126,000.00 1962 126,000.00 1963 114,000,00 1%4 97,000.00 , 1965 84,000.00 1966 33,000.00 1967 331000.00 1968 33,000.00 1969 33,000.00 1970 33,000,00 1971 33,000.00, 1972 33,000:00 1973- 33, 000;00- . 1974 33,000.00 Totals 1544,000.00 FUTURE DEBT SERVICE. -O -N --PRESENT DEBT December 31; 1955 Bond Note Note Interest Maturities - Interest 24,914.00 22,520.50 20;154.50 17,816.00 15,737.00 13,694.00 i 1,-685.50 9;717.00 7;926.00 6,396.-00 5,049.00 4;4$8.00 3,927.00 3,366000 2,805.00 -2, 244.00 -1168T00. 561.00 14;'000.00 14;000,00- IL -500.00 10;000.00. 10;000.00 10000.00 1011000.00.- 10,000.00 0;000.0010,000.00 10;000.00 175, 7'99.50 99, 500:06 273> 76 203.76 149.38 120000 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20:00 Total f?ayfrients-to--be-trade from Future Genera Water . Debt- Service Haid; . Fund 187,187.76 168;280..26 18,907.50 184;724.16-- -166;059.26 18,665,00 177,803.88 :159,381.38 18,422.50 157,936.00 139;756.00 18,180.00 -153,837;00 -135,899>50 17,937,50 149,-774.00 132,079.00 17;695.00 147,745.50 130,293,00 17,452.50 133,757.00 116;541.00. 17;210.00 114,946000 -97,841:00 17,105.00 90,390.00 -90,390.00,, -36,454,766>00 38,049.00 38,049.00 1951 37,488.00 37,488,00 -.03246 36,927.00 36,927.00 1, 308, 50Q. 00 36,366.00 36.,366.00 41:46 35;805:00 35,805000 38,4931960.00 -35,244.00 35,244000 1954 _34;-683-.M 34-,683.00 .04365 34,122,00 34,1'22.00 1,643,500.00 33,561.00 33,561.00 52.09 1,820,346.40 1,658,771:40 161,575.00 NET DEBT RATI-0-3'0-ASSESM ;N -T -S AND NET DEBT-PER^CA-PITA Net -Debt Net Ratio to Per Capita Debt Assessments Assessments- Net Debt Year 1946 693,050.00 289888,387.00 .02399 23,96 1947 625,500.00 301--626,582.00 .02042 21.63 1948 -570;1-50.00 32;°811;016:00 .01738 19.71 1949 -968;000.00 -36.528,744- 00 -02650 33.47 1950 1;339,000.00 -36,454,766>00 03673 42.43 1951 1;217,000,00 37,555,470.00 -.03246 38.63 1952 1, 308, 50Q. 00 -38,077,270.00 .03436 41:46 1953 1;818,500.00 38,4931960.00 .04724 57,62 1954 1,728,500.00 39;6021000.00 .04365 -54.77 1955 1,643,500.00 40,227,790,00 ,04085 52.09