1971CITY OF BANGOR AUDITORS' COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Audit Scope We have performed our examination in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards and recommendations by the State Department of Audit of the State of Maine and the National Committee on Governmental Accounting of the Municipal Finance Officers' Association. Internal Control We have reviewed the system of internal control surrounding the financial and accounting functions of the City and found it to be generally adequate. We offer the following suggestions for further improvement in internal control and accounting procedure: 1. For several years we have commented on the fact that the same employees were making collections and keeping the necessary records regarding parking violations. It was pointed out that such a procedure was in direct violation of principles of internal control and to alleviate the situation we recommended that the City Treasurer assume the responsibility of collecting such fines. During 1971 this recommendation was not implemented. However, we understand that during 1972 the Treasurer will assume this collection responsibility. 2. The City employs an open invoice system for accounts receivable, but does not have a detail aged listing of the accounts for management's review. Since the City now has a computer system capable of providing such a detail listing, we recommend that the accounts receivable be placed on this system as soon as possible. 3. During our review of inventories, we found that the maintenance material inventory was not physically inventoried during the year. We also discovered that the perpetual listing of this inventory was not agreed to the general ledger at any time during the year with the result that at year-end the general ledger was at variance with the perpetual listing. We feel the control over the perpetual records could be improved and suggest that a complete physical inventory be taken in 1972. 4. The City now has a third generation computer with an abundance of available capacity and it would seem, therefore, that some additional accounting applications could be performed on this system. A preceding paragraph recommended an accounts receivable application and suggested that it would provide better control and improved detail records. We also feel that other applications such as fixed asset detail records, and perpetual inventory records, could be developed and placed on this system. We feel that automation of these accounting functions, as well as others, would bring about better accounting control'and provide greater information for management decision-making. We have not made feasibility studies regarding these suggestions, however, we do feel they deserve management's consideration. CITY OF BANGOR AUDITORS' COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS All of these recommendations have been discussed with the City Auditor and he has informed us that he will attempt to incorporate them within the City's accounting system. We would like to express our thanks to the officials and employees of the City of Bangor for their cooperation and assistance during the course of our examination.