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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-04-22 02-179 ORDERItem No. 02-175 Date: 4-22-02 Item/ Subject: ORDER— Immunization Program Grant Renewal --Nursing Responsible Department: Health & Weftare This is the eighth renewal for the Immunization Grant which runs from 1/1/02 to 12/31/02. Funding for the year remains at $10,000. Additional revenues are generated through clinic fees. For your information, a copy of the Specifications of Service is attached. Department Head Managers Comments: l�a�+ atipr." City Manager Associated Intormation:64.t3 Ht Finance greROr Legal Approval:_ 1 CirySolldtar Introduced far X Passage _ Furst Reading Page __L_ of _ A- _ Referml 02-1]9 - AsaigMdtOComtilor Baldacci AP^l 22, 2002 CITY OF BANGOR (TITLE.) : Order. Authorizing the CIV Manager to Ezr_ute a Grant Agreement with the ramrtmcnt of Human Services— Immunization Nursing By the Ot y Coond/ of the City of Bangor. ORDERED, THAT Me City Manager is auti erlead to apply fw and accept from the State of Malnq Department of Human Services, Bureau of HWIM a grant in Me amount 0$10,000 for continuation of Immunization Services to O administered by Me City of Bangor, Department of Hea1M and Welfare for the period 1/2/02 to 12/31/03. Pape 3 o 10 02-179 RIDERA SPECIFICATIONS OF WORK TO BE PERFOR 11he specifications ofthis contact will Pond three specific initiatives: 1. Maine heads to provide more opporla fides for immunization to our children. Maine is expo eaft a droit• omNatimal rmmunimtim Surmymtes fm children age 2 and under. Ourimmmirmim mvemge ale fm youngchilAm reaches abigp M89 %in 1995 and haz since drop*to B4%, awwdwgb dmahorn Poe Cmmm for Disease Control (CDC). This drop coincides with fimdug cub to public immmivtion clinics made inam but 1990'x. Ito seemed thin we provide veccvudm optima to all children, age bink through 10 yams mthe made MveeregnNless Hepatitis to payfd; Mbrovidesu veselnced Co mune; Owing na fiM mchmge: Hepatitis B; DmPII'd; Mb; rpv; Pneumacoxd Cmjtigme; Varicella; and hIIvht all childrenin ine. Ma SPECEFIC ACTIONS ARO[BJD THIS INTTATNE A. A. in fy todouble inwromnumber 600 ores hefchildhocde bluib thuouided in fy2000 b increase it m 600 dorm m children age bath through IB rare. B. Provimmunization. 4tion. clinics mmombfmthepury sc widt Aduldithood lt unimtion. This ren be done in conjunction with Adul[ Immunisations. C. Nournesto trovid regatenambt with data Administration pr the pmvidd spreadsheet with acuate dam t [am quand monthly m the Maine Immunization Program at Iona[ quarterly. Monthly reporting is enmuagd. 2. Risk groups with seems to free Hepatitis A & B Version. Within mega 12 months. home Imes experienced as incomes inthe number of mess Mhepautu A among srxadly active mm who have sex with mm (MSM). In addition, most maps of scum hepatitis B in Mame cam om to occur among sexually active adults without other tisk factors This contract wit serve as a pmactive way to address m identified Public Hmhh concent then left trended, may spread into a wider problem. Bangor City Public Health Department oumently houses an SM dine to close proximity to theh Immunization Clinic. This Contract will Pond the two programs to Wr"k together m vaainam individuals with high-risk behavior (w defined below) fm HepamB A& B with fiee vaccine i marled "e Maine htmmmetiuo Program. • High risk fa Hepatitis A is being defined (Por the impose of thin egecoseep W Mm who have am who Mm and individuals with Chronic Liver Disease. • High nA for Hepatitis B is darned (ft this consomme) as Household sees sexual cnouco of HBV mMox; Swampy active hoemsexual persons; Sexually active hmrosmmal mm and individuals wit QooniC Live lhwwe. Hap. A & B vaccine will be made available to complete the series, after me mtl ofthe commot The Maine Immunization Program desires to provide mrmin Adult High you bythe Mawehomunimtim Pm®mn. SPECIFIC ACTIONS AROUND THIS INTTATIVE: A. Provide immunization to identified high ask adults, as cooperation with the Bangor City Public Health Department STD clinic, who meets the above mentioned maeria with recommended doses of hepatitis A and/or Hepatitis B vaccine. The vaccine for these high risk gaups is being provided flea of chug Por the purpose ofthis agreement through the Maine Immunization Program. 0T-179 B. Strive fro -completion of 80% if the mine Hepatitis vaccination Series in these identified High Risk Adults. C. Collect and Document requested data on provided date reporting forms, and provide dam to the Maine Immunbutim Program on a quarterly basis. These repose will be due an 6/15, 7/15,10/15, and 1/15/03 for the corresponding quarters. 3. Maine is expanding it's immunization efforts for of Adults, regardless of risk statue. Several vaccines for admits are now being made universally available, Gee of charge, for all aduln in Mauve. new include: Tissues Cid); influenza; Adult Pneumowcwl; MMR(aa a fust dose); and Varicella bur wake who have not had disclose pox and are at risk as such). The City of Bangor will continue m provide and expand services a open clinics for Muln, as well as, chilNm wthe SPECIFIC Mame arta. SPECBgC ACwW vR 500fID 'IHISsofimmuni A. univesaprovh450oUd above immunied fetofchin ]Ise venal vaccines listed above is provided flee ofcharge through the Maines 4 public clm Program. B. humaniJpoblicclkicspv onemonth in for tlmpuryase ofAdult humanization. 'file cavbedmam junction with Childhood Immmimtioos. C. Docommtdspreatenmmbenoammuk Vaccine Administrationceand on thevide provided spreadsheet with accmaf dam collected and provided f the Maine Immunization Program quarterly.