HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-08-11 03-271 ORDERACTION
Item RP 03-371
Date: August U1 3013
Item/Subject: ORDER -Adopting Inaecmram Pegry-RIA Inveatmeat Accetrnt
Responsible Department: Finance
In June 2002, the City adopted an investment policy tat specifically excluded the Airports investment
fund. This exclusion recognized! the fad tat the Airport's Immstnent account Is more long-term In
nature and Is more appropriately able to bear some additional risk
The attached BIA Investment Account - Investment Policy contains appromlate terminology, identifies to
scope of investments covered, specifies maximum Investment terms, and establishes maximum and
minimum limits by investment type to ensure appropriate diversity and liquidity.
As to City mains an advisor for.investri purposes, It Is vital tat our imaestment objectives are clearly
In conclusion, the proposed policy represents a comprehensive review of and direction for to BIA
Investnent Account.
Manager's Comments:
Recommended for adoption Icy the Finance Commitee on August 6, 2003.
ary Manager
Investment Policy - BIA Investment Admunt
Duagev Appmvar:
J/C/GHQ, ,Rnanoe Director
Legal Approval:
City solkRor
Introduced for
_L Passage
_ Flrrt Reading
Page _ of _
Assigned to Come Treahle August 11. 2W3
(TITLE.) ONer, Adopting ImestmeM PoHcV - BM lnwshmeM llaount
By the Ory Cw x# of me dry dUngar.
ORDERED, THAT Me adaMrtd 1nrgMtent Policy -BIA Mvestm rt AaourR k Nrdsy dMp[etl.
IP psn WI O200L
eogse[ ll. 2003
Motfa Made � Seconded
fox Passage - p 03-271
Pa ad
L%E,)adopcfag IDveac.evc eol3cy - axe
acmevc upt
Assign to Lounctior/y/
City of Bangor- BIA Investment Account
Investment Policy
This Policy shall apply to the investment management of Bangor International Airports
(BIA) Airport Investment account.
This Statement of Investment Objectives and Policy Guidelines was developed to assist
in carrying out our responsibilities for balancing conservation, growth and prudent use of
assets in the BIA Investment Amount. To this and, this statement of objectives will:
• Address the funding and liquidity needs of BIA, recognizing current and projectetl
capital Projects.
• Establish formal yet fledble investment guidelines incorporating prudent security
divereificaton and realistic total return goals.
• Create standards of investment performance which have been historically
The Gtys principal Investment objectives are:
• Preservation of capital and protection of investment principal.
• Maintenance of sufficient liquidity W meet anticipated cash flows.
• Attainment of a market value rete of return.
• Diversification to avoid incumng unreasonable market risks.
• Protection tram inflationary erosion.
• Conformance with applicable Federal and State regulations and with the City
The standard of prudence to be used for managing the BIA Investment Account shall be
Title 80-A, Section 5718 of the Maine Revised Statutes which in general states that
investments shall be made with Bre judgment and care that persons of prudence.
discretion and intelligence, under circumstances then prevailing, exercise in the
management of their own affairs, rat for speculation but for investment, considering
safety, income and maintenance of liquidity.
The BIA Investment account program shall be cataract and managed with a degree of
professionalism that is wordy of the public trust. The Gly recognizes brat no
investment is totally riskless and that the investment activities of the City are a reader of
public record. Accordingly, the City recognizes that occasional measured losses are
inevitable in a diverslfled portfolio and shall be considered widnin the context of the
overall portfolio's return, provided that adequate diversification has been Implemented
and that the sale of a security is in the best long-term interest of the City.
The Finance Director and authorized investment personnel acing in accordance with
whfen procedures and exercising due diligence shall be relieved of personal
responsibility for an individual secuntys credit risk or market price changes, provided
that ft deviafions from expectations are reported in a timely fashion to the City
Manager and appropriate action is taken to central adverse developments.
Elected officials and employees Immlved in the investment process shall refrain from
personal business activity that could conflict with proper execution of the investment
program or which could Impair or create the appearance of an impairment of their ability
W make impartial investment decisions. Employees and investment officials shall
disclose to the City Manager any material financial Interests they have in financial
imtitutions that conduct business with the City and they shall suboneinale their personal
investment transactions to those of the City.
Under Me Maine Revised Slatutes and the Bangor City Code, responsibility for fire
Investment of the City's funds covered by this Investment Policy resides with the
Finance Director who is the City's Treasurer. The Finance Director is responsible for
developing City policy regarding the im absent and custody of the City's investable
funs, as well as the Clys internal procedures affecting hose funds. The Finance
Director shall implement this Policy after it is approved by the City Council.
The Finance Director has the authority to conduct Investment transactions and manage
the operation of the investment portfolio. In the absence of the Firrence Director, the
City Manager possesses the same authority. No person may engage in an investment
transaction except as expressly provided under the terms of this Investment Policy.
The City may engage the support cervices of outside professionab in regard to its
investment program, so long as it can be dearly demonstrated that Me" services --
produce a net financial advantage or necessary financial protection of the Citys financial
The following internal controls shall exist to precept possible loss of funds arising from
fraud, employee error, misrepresentation by third parties, unanticipated changes in
financial markets or imprudent senors by employees and officers of the City:
1. Separation of funclons: In order to minimize the possibility of an employee
personally barrefting from fire use of public funds, the separation of functions shall
be adhered to at all time. The authorized individual initiating the investnenl shall not
be soley involved In the remMkeeping functions of the investment program.
2. Separated f transadon audoodityf rdk and accounting:All records
generated from the purchase of investrnents shall be prepared by authorized
personnel. The accounting and auditing of said records shall be the function of the
Auditing Division.
3. Sucernsory control of employee actions: Whenever subordinate staff members are
authorizetl by the Finance Director to perform investment activities, superkslon of
their actions shall be exerdsed at all times. The Finance Director shall review all
Investment decisions and actions.
4. Documentation of transactions: All investment transactions shall be documented
utilizing appropriate investment forms and recorded in the investmem ledger and
cash book ledger of the respecthre rash funds.
S. Internal Auditing: Them internal controls shall be reviewed perlodically by the
external auditor of the City. The basic, timing and method of audit shall be
determined by said external auditor.
All investments of the City shall be made in accordance with Title 30-A, Sodom 51W
through 5719 of the Maine Revised Stables. Any revisions or extensions of these
sections of the Maine Revised Statutes will be assumed W be part of this Imestmem
Policy immediately upon being enacted.
The City has further restricted the investment of funds W Me following types of securities
antl transactions:
1. Permitted Asse[Clames:Fixed-income, Cash Equivalents (money markets) and
Common Stocks
2. Permitted Asset Allocation Range:
Fixeddncbndi 70-100%
Cash Equirslem; 2-20%
Stocks: 0-10%
Permitted Fixed Income Investments: The account's trued -income assets shall
be limited to: (1) Bonds, notes and bills that are issued by and a direct obligation
of Me United Slates Gown-ment; (2) direct obligations of the following United
Student Government agencies: The Governmerrt National Mortgage Association,
Me Federal Home Loan Bank, Me Federal Farm Credit Bank, Federal Home
Loan Mortgage Corporation and da Federal National Mortgage Association; (3)
Me dired obligations of arty stare of the United States or any subdiNsiom of any
state W which are pledged the full faith and credit of the state or subdivision, the
unsecured tlem of which is rated W or better by Standard and Poors or a similar
rating equivalent; (4) cer110celes of deposit fully insured by the FDIC; and (5)
mutual funds that invest solely in the foregoing permitted %cod income
Pati of4
I. Maximum Maturity: The maximum maturity for any ind ridual bond shall not
exceed 10 years from the date of purnimi
ii. Duration: The average effective durabon shall be maintained to stay within
tyro years of the duration of the Lehman Brothers Intermediate
GovemmenVCredg Index.
b. Equities (Stacks): The City acknowledges Net: (1) the invsstment horizon of the
investment fund is long-term; and (2) historically and over the long -tens, stocks
have outperformed bonds as an asset class. In light of Me foregoing, the City
has determined that investments in common stock, subject to constraints below,
is a prudent investment and therefore has authorized the allocation of a portion
of Me fund to stocks, namely that portion of the portfolio that represents
proceeds fore the sale of BIA real estate, as determined by W. The initial
amount shall be $627,500. At no time shall the allocation to stocks exceed 10%
of Me portfolio value.
I. Permitted Asset Classesand Range Benchmark
Large -Cap
S & P 5001ndex
Small -Cap
Russell 2000 Index
Investment constraints: (1) No more than 5% of Me total equity allocation
may be invested In Me security of any one company; (2) the large -cep equity
por tiollo shall be broadly diversified across business sectors and industries,
as classRed by Standard & Poors; (3) the equity exposure shall also be
diversified across asset Granas — large -cap, small -cap and intematiorak(4)
with respect to the composition of domestic equities, the inveshnent manager
is not permitted to over- or underweight Me sectors of Me S & P by more
than 50% from Me actual sector wggWngs of the S & P 500 Index, as
adjusted on a calendar quarter basis; (5) Mutual fund are perml0ed for small
cap and international exposure.
it. Periodic Realization and transfer of gains
Whenever the market value of the equity potion of the portfolio has
apprecieletl in value by more than 25%over the designated funds from real
estate sales Invested in stocks, the City shall be required to realize gains and
reduce Me investment in stocks b within 10% of the designated funds from
real estate sales invested. In conjunction with this reduction, Me realized
gains shall be transferred into fixed -Income Investments.
It is the intent of the City that the foregoing list of authorized securities be strictly
Interpreted. Any deviators from Mis list mus[ be preapproved by the Finance Director in
This Investment Policy shall he reviewed periodically by the Director of Finance and may
be amended by bar City Council as conditions warrent.
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