HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-08-11 03-270 ORDERItem No. 03-270
Date: August It, 2003
Item/Subject Order, Discontinuance of a portions of Hellion Street and parker Street
Responsible Department: Engineering
On July 19, 2003, Council Order 03290 was passed directing the City Engineer to begin the process
of discontinuing porlons of public some In accordance with by 23 M.R.S.A. to accommodate the proposed
Shaw's Supermarket project on Main Street. The developer also proposes to relocate and construct potions
of Hellier Street and a small section of Parker Street E tenslon, together with all necessary utilipes. The
Council also passed C.O. 03-239 on the same date, which authorizes entering into an agreement with the
developer In accomplish the relocation and infrastructure (at developer's a nse).
The attached order is the final step in the street discontinuance process, as required by state staWtes
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Department Head
Manag sCommems:
City Manager
Associated Information: Order, Report with Attachments, Notice, C.O. 03-290
Budget Approval:
Mnan a Director
Introduced for
I/ Passage
_ First Reading Page _ of
V a�aiscea m ce®ci�r •crwtey nye, ir. 2003
(TITLE.) Order, Discontinuance of Portions of Hellier Street and Parker Street
By the O fy Cburxll of the City o!& gor.-
THAT WHEREAS, the attached report and recommendations of the City Engineer
relative to the discontinuance of the portions of Hillier Street and Parker Street be
and hereby Is accepted; and
BE rr FURTHER ORDERED, that said portions M Heiler Street and Parker Street
Extension dghbof-way described in. the City Engineers report be discontinued as
public ways and removed from the official City Map.
Augect 11. 2003
Motion Mede and Seconded 03-270
for Passage
Paasea ORDER
*k;"'Title, niscontinmnce of Portims of Helper
Street and Parker street Ertensinn
Assigned to
Councilor (�/�'ZY
August 5, 2003
CIN of Bangor
To the Ory Council:
Pursuant to Council Order 03-240, passed July 14, 2003, directing the Clty Engineer to
disroironue a porton a the Helier Street right-of-way and in accordance with 23 M.R.S.A.
§3026, the Oty Engineer reports: That of his intention to discontinue portions of pudic street
right-af-way, the City Engineer gave written notice (copy atbached) together with a copy a
Council Order 03-240 to the following:
Shaw's Supermarket
Steve Hathaway
Boulos Development Corp.
c/0 Steve Sargent
16 Penobscot Meadow Drive
Appledore Engineering Inc.
Hampden, Maine 04444
15 Rye Street, Suite 305
Portsmouth, NH 03801
Mr. Bill Fmncini
Mr. Doug Sanborn
warmn Communications
Adelphia Communications
615 Odlin Road
444 Perry Road
Banga, Maine 04401
Bangor, Maine 04901
Mr. Jerry McKenny
Mr. Bob Peasley
Bangor Gas
Bangor Hydro
21 Main Street -
_ -PO Box 932 —
Bangor, Maine 09901
Bangor, Maine 09902
Mr. Greg Reed
Mike Fagan
Bangor Water District
PO Box 1129
35 Hillside Avenue
Bangor, Maine 09902
Bangor, Maine 04901
Said notice was also posted on the public bulletin board at City Hall and on two utility poles on
Hellier Street in the vicinity of the proposed discontinuance.
The proposed discontinuance is necessary to aaommodate the proposed expansion of Shaw's
Supermarket on Main Street. The developer of the project (BP Realty and Shaw's) has
requested this action and has acquired all property abutting the proposed discontinuance. In
conjunction with this project, the developer has agreed to relocate the street, construct all
necessary infrastructure to do so, and convey new public street right-of-way to the City for the
relocation. The street relocation is shown as "Area B" on "Exhibit A' attached. Council Order
03-239, passed July 14, 2003, authorized entering into an agreemeht with Me developer for the
street relocation. Further review of the request indicates Mat a small portion of Parker Street
right-of-way also needs to be discontinued. The entire area of public street right-of-way to be
discontinued is shown as "6gga A" shown on "Exhibit A" attached hereto. The discontinuance Is
a portion of Hellier Street and Parker Street recorded in City Plan Book 2, page 87 on file in the
City Engineers office dated November 8, 1881.
In accordance with the rrotiFlcabon given, the City Engineer conducted a public hearing on
August 5, 2003 at the there and place indicated and Proceeded to discontinue the portions of
Hellier Streat and Parker Street Extension identified as " rg Illy of "€xhjbs[' attached hereto
and further described above.
No one appeared to speak relative to the discontinuance.
The City Engineer concluded the public hearing and made the "lowing determinabore:
1) With the proposed street relocation (Area B) the portions of public right-
of-way are rw longer needed to serve the Public interest.
2) The discontinued portions of right-of-way shall revert W Me abutter In
accordance with the agreement authorized by Council Order 03-239,
passed July 14, 2003.
3) No public easement for public utilities shall be maintained, except as
provided in We agreement authorized by Council Order 03-239, passed
July 14, 2003.
It is recommended that the portions of Hellion Street and Parker Street dghtrof-way described
herein be discontinued and vacated, and removed from the official city map.
Respectfully Submitted,
9� TD
James D. Ring, P.E.
City Engineer
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August 1, 2003
The City of Bangor is considering discontinuance of the portion of Hellier Street between
Patten Street and Parker $treat. This action is being pursued in order to accommodate the
expansion of the existing Shaw's Supermarket adjacent to this portion of Hellier Street. The
expansion project will include construction of a new section of Hellier Street and new public
utilities northwesterly and generally parallel to the portion to be discontinued. Upon
completion, the new street will be accepted as a public way.
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of City Council Order No. 03-240 passed July
14, 2003 directing the City Engineer to discontinue a portion of Hellier Street as outlined above
and in accordance with 23 M.R.S.A. §3026. The City Engineer will hold a public hearing on
August 5, 2003 a 10:00 a.m. EDT in the Engineering Conference Room, Ory Hall, 73 Harlow
Street' Bangor, Maine to consider discontinuance of said street and determine the damages or
benefits, if any, sustained by any party as a result of this action, apportion same, if any,
according to law, upon the lots or parcels of land damaged or benefited by such discontinuance.
Notice is hereby given to all persons Intere4ed In the premises to appear at the time
and place of meeting,'rf they see just cause Nen and there to be heats upon the subject.
James D. Ring, P.E.
City Engineer
City of Bangor, Maine
(TITLE.) Order, Authorizing Discontinuance of a Portion of Hellier Street
By the Ofy COondl of o5e Oty ofeang�
.THAT WHEREAS, Hellier Street is adjacent to an existing Shaw's Supermarket, _
WHEREAS, Shaw's Supermarket desires t0 expand,
WHEREAS, Shaw's Supermarket creeds the land on which Hellier Street is located
In order to expand,
WHEREAS, BP Really, Inc. owns the several properties accross Hellier Street from
the Shaw's lot, and
WHEREAS, Shaw's Supermarket, Inc., BP Realty, Inc., and the City have agreed in
principle t0 enter into Agreement whereby BP Realty and Shaw's will construct a
new nght-of-way and relocate all utilities from the current Hellier Sbeet to the
several lots owned by BP, Inc
NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, that the City Engineer be and Is hereby
authorized and directed th. begin the process of discontinuing that portion of
Hellier Street designated as Area A In Exhibit A attached hereto in accordance with
the provisions of 23 M.R.S.A §3026 and submit a written report to the Qty
Council for further action.
to Councilor Crowley
July 14, W03
(TITLE.) Order, Authorizing Discontinuance of a Portion of Hellier Street
By the Ofy COondl of o5e Oty ofeang�
.THAT WHEREAS, Hellier Street is adjacent to an existing Shaw's Supermarket, _
WHEREAS, Shaw's Supermarket desires t0 expand,
WHEREAS, Shaw's Supermarket creeds the land on which Hellier Street is located
In order to expand,
WHEREAS, BP Really, Inc. owns the several properties accross Hellier Street from
the Shaw's lot, and
WHEREAS, Shaw's Supermarket, Inc., BP Realty, Inc., and the City have agreed in
principle t0 enter into Agreement whereby BP Realty and Shaw's will construct a
new nght-of-way and relocate all utilities from the current Hellier Sbeet to the
several lots owned by BP, Inc
NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDERED, that the City Engineer be and Is hereby
authorized and directed th. begin the process of discontinuing that portion of
Hellier Street designated as Area A In Exhibit A attached hereto in accordance with
the provisions of 23 M.R.S.A §3026 and submit a written report to the Qty
Council for further action.