HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-08-11 03-269 ORDERItem No. oa-zea
Date: August 11, 2003
Item/Subject Order, Acceptance of the Extension of Bellevue Avenue as a Pudic Street
Responsible Department Engineering
The dead end portion of Bellevue Avenue located northerly of Garland Street has existed for many
years and been maintained by the City, but apparently never been accepted as a city street. Recently we
received a request from Dr. Vance Alcupis (75 Bellevue Avenue) that the street be formally accepted. This
request was brought before the IDS Committee which recommends the street be accepted as a public way.
Attached is a memo from the Qty Engineer that provides additional background information.
The attached order would accept the reportand recommendations of the City Engineer and establish
the extension of Bellevue Avenue as a public street.
Department Head
Man es Comments:
Cry Manager
Associated Information: Order, Report, Notice 7
Rnance Director
Ir duced for
_ First Reading Page _ of
Msign" to Co ntllor Farrington August 11, 2003
(TITLE.) Order, Acceptance of the Extension of Bellevue Avenue as a Public Street
By the City Counr/ of the Ci y of Bangor:
THAT WHEREAS, the attached report and recommendations of the City Engineer
relative ro acceptance of the extension of Bellevue Avenue be and hereby is accepted,
BE IT FURTHER ORDERED, that the extension of Bellevue Avenue, consisting of a 60
foot wide fight -of -way extending northerly 539.91 feet from Garland Street and more
fully described in the attached report of the City Engineer, be and hereby Is accepted
as a public sheet named Bellevue Avenue and added to the Official City Map.
IN CM Caawcn
August 11. 2003 A'03 269
Motion Node and Seconded
for Passage
Passed ORDER
_ Title, Acceptance of toe sxteoaloa. of, '.
Bellevue Avenue as a Public Street
Assigned to
Councilor &� lk7
August 5, 2003
City of Bangor
To the City Council:
In accordance with a request from Dr. Vance A. Amps, who owns property and resides at 75
Bellevue Avenue, the City Engineer has extensively researched City records relative to the
status of the dead end pardon of Bellevue Avenue edending northerly from Garland Street and
determined the following:
1) This portion of Bellevue Avenue has edsted for many years but has never been
formally accepted as a public street.
2) The City of Bangor has been maintaining this portion of Bellevue Avenue since its
existence in the same manner as other public streets.
3) Dred descriptions of all abutting properties refer to a 60 foot wide street night -
of way
ightof-way known as Bellevue Avenue Extension.
4) In 1984 residents on the street petitioned the City to formally accept the
extension of Bellevue Avenue. A determination was made that the street was
not constructed to applicable city standards.
5) The City Engineering Department designed and prepared a plan numbered H-
125, dated May 21, 1984 for roadway reconstruction plus sewer and storm drain
improvements. This plan is on file In the City Engineer's office.
6) All the improvements shown on plan H-125 were constructed and the abutting
property owner's were assessed! the cast of these improvements. However,
there is no record that the extension of Bellevue Avenue was subsequently
accepted as a public street
Dr. Aloupis has requested that the Oty formally accept the extension of Bellevue Avenue as a
public street. Gven the history outlined above, It is appropriate that the City formally accept
the street as a public way.
In accordance with the provisions of 23 M.R.S.A., the City Engineer sent written notification W
all abutting property ovmers of the Citys intent to accept the street. The Miming is the
notifiadon list
Ellen J. Nichols
Israel S. kreger
378 Garland Street
% Bellevue Avenue
Bangor, Maine 09901
Bangor, Maine 04901
Rachel D. Schiro
Dr. Vance Aloupis
78 Bellevue Avenue
792 State Street
Bangor, Maine 09901
Bangor, Maine 09401
Stephen IS Brenda Cook
Russell K. Harrington, Jr.
67 Bellevue Avenue -
33 Grove Street
Bangor, Maine 04901
Bangor, Maine 04401
Anthony Reynolds
Verizon Communications
Chris Reynolds
Adelphia Communications
Vance A oupis Jr.
Bangor Gas
792 State Street
Bangor Hydro
Bangor, Maine 09401
Bangor Water District
A copy of the notification is attached.
In accordance with the nodfadon, the City Engineer held a public meeting on August 5, 2003
to explain the acceptance process and provide opportunity for abutters to comment on the
proposed acceptance.
The fallowing attended, representing Dr. Aloupto
Vance Alcupis, Jr.
Anthony Reynolds (both manage Aloupis properties)
Chris Reynolds
Each spoke in support of the proposed street acceptance. They also conveyed a request from
Dr. Aloupis to exterW the public street right-of-way an additional 50 feet beyond what is shown
on plan H-125, in order to provide improved access to additional property owned by Dr. Aloupis.
No other comments have been received horn other interested parties.
The City Engineer concludes that the extension of Mime Avenue should be formally accepted
as a public street and makes the following recommendations:
1) Accept a 60 foot wide street right-of-way as a direct extension of the currently
accepted portion of Bellevue Avenue which runs from State Street to Galland
2) The new street right-of-way shall be as shown on the City of Bangor's
Engineering Department plan H-125, dated May 21, 1984, on fie in the City
Engineer's Office plus an additional 50 fact of length extending in a northerly
direction into to Aloupis property. The right-of-way to be accepted as a public
street is more fully described as follows:
Beginning at an Iron rod located on the northerly line of Garland Street and
intersecting with a direct extension of the westerly sideline of Bellevue Avenue as
shown on page 82 of the City of Banger Plan Book 2 on file In the City Engineer's
office, said iron roof also being the southeasterly comer of land now or formerly
owned by Ellen J. Nichols desuibecl in Penobscot Registry of Deeds, Volume
4485, page 202; Thence following a direct extension of said Bellevue Avenue
westerly sideline a distance of 545.98 feet to a point; thence deforng 90
degrees to the right and running 60.00 feet easterly to a point; thence deflecting
90 degrees to the right and running in a southerly direction parallel be first
described bound and 60 feet easterly there of a distance of 533.83 feet to the
northerly line of Garland Street; thence westerly along the northerly line of
Garland Street 61.27 feet to the point of beginning.
3) No assessments for benefits should be assessetl or payment for damages made
W any abutter.
4) No additional construction or infrastructure Improvements are to be made at this
5) Because existing addresses have been established for a long time, the street
right-of-way to be formally accepted should be named Bellevue Avenue and
added to the official city map.
Respectfully Submitted,
� 7
James D. Ring, P.E.
City Engineer
QB -269
August 1, 2003
Dear Residents:
As you may or may not be aware, the dead end portion of Bellevue Avenue has never
been formally accepted as a public way although it has existed and been maintained by the City
for many densities. I am not certain why this is the case, but old records on file in this office
suggest that it was not originally constructed to City standards.
In 1989, the Oty apparently, received a request to improve the street, sewer, and storm
drainage system to Oty standards so that it could be accepted as an official city street The
Engineering Department prepared a plan for these improvements and construction was done.
The cost of these improvements were shared by the abutting property owners. However, I can
find no record of formal street acceptance after the improvements were compared.
I have recently received a request by Dr. Vance Aloupls to have this portion of Bellevue
Avenue formally accepted by the City of Bangor as a public way.
As noted above, the City has been maintaining the street like a public my for years and
I can see no reason to not formalize the status of this street I would also point out that
technically, the City is not obligated to maintain unaccepted streets. Accordingly, I am in the
process of preparing a Council Order to formally accept this section of Bellevue Avenue as a
public way. The acceptance order All likely be on the Agenda for the August 11, 2003 meeting
of the City Council. I have also scheduled a public informational meeting on this matter for
3:00 p.m. next Tuesday, August 5, 2003. The meeting will be held in the Engineering
Conference Room located on the second floor at City Hall - 73 Harlow Street.
I would encourage you to attend the meeting if possible. If the time is not convenient,
please feel free to contact me directly at 995-9920, extension 201 If you have any questions.
James D. lung, P.E.
City Engineer
CC: Utility Companies