HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-08-11 03-268 ORDERItem No. 01268
Date: August 11,2003
Item/Subject: ORDER, Authorizing Support for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police — Musical Ride Event
In the Amount of $2,000
Responsible Department City Council -
In accordance with the City's Non Profits Wnding Policy, the Finance Committee has reviewed a request
from the Maine Friends of Community Policing (KP) to waive Citic Center/Granstand base rental fees
associated with Its' Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)— Musical Ride event pianned for September
21, 2003.
The Musical tide Is a 32-horse/rider drill team that is one of Canada's national treasures. F will be
presenting two shows and a post -show reception to promote the Campaign for a Safe UMaine and W
highlight the University's new mounted unit and the equestrienne drill tem associated with t.
Along with promoting their programs, they wish ko raise monies to start an endowment fund to aid in
supporbig all the deWrtment's community policing efforts, such as do" and team mentors, student safe
walkers, k-9, and olds awareness programs.
In addition, the FCP have made arrangements ro honor dignitaries from Bangl sister city St. John, New
Brunswick and have invited the Consul General of Canada and Governor Baldaccl to participate.
The Finance Committee has recommended (3-2) that the Council approve such support in the amount of
$2,000. These funds will be expended from account 1001-76108300, which was established for this
Department Head
Manager's CmnareMs:
Flnance Committee recommends approval
r CM Manager
Associated Information: Letter of Request, Non Profit Wnding Policy
Budget Approval:
Flnance Director
�C Passage
_ First Reading Page _ of
msipM to Couch" Palaei AaGaet 11, 2003
(TITLE.) Order, Authorizing Support for the Royal Canadian Mounted Polite -
Musical Ride event in the Amount of $2,000
By Me Gry' CaaWl of Me City a liangw.
That Oie City of Bangor support the Royal Canadian MmmKd Police - Musical k'0e eren[ ant Doylde
$2,000 of fulling for this ¢vest.
august 11. 2003
Ill blade avd seconded
to Ialefinitely Postpone
I�efinitel Postponed
p 03-268
(TlTLEr) Authorizing $aPPort for the Yoyel
Canal Mounted Police — thmical Ride
event in time m
e Aort of $2.000
Assigned to Councilor 4V \
The purpose of this policy is to outline the circumstances under which the City of
Bangor will consider making a contribution to a non -pmt organization or cause
and to oudine a procedure and guiding principles for considering such requests
for support.
It is the policy of the City of Bangor to not contribu[e funds ro non-profit"
organizations for general or unspecified operating purposes. Generally, non-
profit organizations do not pay property taxes, and the City meets its obligations
to these agencies through the provision of standard municipal services. From
time to time, the City also receives requests for support from such organizations
for special projects or purposes. Here again, it Is the general policy of the City to
not provide such support unless an overriding municipal Interest is Involved and
the conditions specified below are met.
3.1 Operating Requests
When a request for general operating assistance Is received from a non-
profit organization, the City Manager is authorized to respond to that
request with a standard form letter indicating the City's policy as outlined
3.2 Special Project Requests
Should a request be contemplated for a special project or program, the
requesting organization must provide the following information to the City
Manager's Office:
3.2.1 A brief description of the special project or program;
3.2.2 Information on the number of individuals who will directly benefit
from the project or program, including the number who are Bangor
3.2.3 The total cost of the project or program and other sources of
funding already available or which are anticipated to be raised;
3.2.4 The benefits which the City of Bangor or its residents, taken as a
whole, may anticipate receiving from the project or program;
3.2.5 The amount of funding requested.
3.2.6 Such other Information as may be deemed useful In addressing the
criteria and guidelines outlined in Sector 3.4 below.
The City Manager or his/her designee shall provide requesting
organizations a standardized form or application format to insure that the
necessary information is available to the Council.
3.3 Procedure for Processing Requests
3.3.1 Upon receipt, the City Manager shall forward the request to the
members of the City Council with a request that those members of
the Council interested in tomnally considering the request Indicate
that interest within seven calendar days.
3.3.2 A request for funding will be forwarded to the Finance Committee
only in instances where three or more Councilors request that
funding be considered,
3.3.3 Should three or more Councilors not request oonslderat in within
seven calendar days, the City Manger shall respond to the
questioning organization in writing Informing them that the request
will not be considered by the City Council.
3.4 Fnance Committee Consideration
Should the request be scheduled for France Committee consideration, the
Committee will evaluate the request based on the following criteria:
3.4.1 The extent to which City support is essential for the program or
project to take place. Support should generally be provided only in
Instances where it is or is anticipated to be essential for the project
or program to occur.
3.4.2 The benefit which the City of Its residents will receive. This should
include an evaluation of the need for the program and project an
its anticipated Immediate and long-term Impact.
3.4.3 The number of City of Bangor residents to be directly benefited.
The extent to which the program or project is open or available to
the largest possible number of the class or targeted beneficiaries
should be taken into account. Programs or projects which benefit
small or select numbers of individuals shall generally be denied
QieeabatunName Ftirads of Community Policing
Depaz[ tof Public Safety
Ampww MouesGdWaiver office for the use of Bangor Historic Track/Grandiand/Civic
Sunday, September 2; 2003
r, Mefly describe the accused which tun
The Friends of Community Policing at the Unsteady ofMawe will be accou0ting a very
special program, involving the'Musid hide' of the Royal Cunadien Mounted Police. no
Musical Ride u a 32-horse/rider da tram that is one of Cartoon's national treasures and we feel
honored W have been able W get them W come W Bangor so quickly sinre Um wool wait for a spot
on their Wurs is seven years.
We wish to protect two shorn at Haogor Historic track and a pantshow reception in the
Ctiric Center on ibis Sunday to promote the Cam umpn for a Safe HMamn said to highlight one
new mounted unit on campus and the equestrienne drill team associated wrtlr it. The fast show
would beglr at 11: 00 a.m., the second show at 3:00 p.m. and the reception would follow the
conclusion of me second show. Along with promoting our programs, we wish to mise monies to
start an endowment Brad W aid in supporting all of the department's community politlrg efforts,
such as dorm and team imprints, student Safe Wallace, R -p, and arms awareness programa,
einfrmabotiontherombar godraidualsydivowd1drardylkneEdfinsinflae
Of Bangor
MV i
We are currently awaiting wood from a potemul major sponsor to underwrite most of the
mstlwvolved,indudmgOdl ecesaofbringiog52Prssonsaud36horses WBangor. Since
3.4.4 The extent to which the program or project will further the goals,
objectives, and priorities of the City. The Council should evaluate
the extent to which the program or project specifically addresses
an established Council goal, objective, or priority. In addition,
consideration will be given to whether and the content to which the
program or project can be reasonably expected to reduce the
demand for City services or direct expenditures.
3.5 Council Approval
Should the Finance Committee recommend City support for the
program. or project, the Committee shall recommend a source of
funding and an Hem shall be placed on the City Council agenda.
The final decision will be matte by the full City Council at the point
where it approves or disapproves of the necessary funding.
4.1 Traditionally Funded Requests
The City Council has traditionally funded the following organizations
and programs as an element of the annual budget process and may
continue to do so:
4.1.1 a of July Corporation
4.1.2 Bangor Convention and visitors Bureau
4.1.3 Private School Transportation, Books, and Testing Materials
4.1.4 Bangor Public library
4.1.5 Maine Shakespeare Festival
4.1.6 East/West Highway Association
4.2 Purchase of Goods and Services
Nothing in the policy shall be construed so as to limit the ability of
the City of Bangor to purchase goods or contract for services from
non-profit agencies.
4.3 Memberships
Nothing in this policy shall be construed so as to limit the ability of
the City of Bangor to participate in membership organizations such
as the Maine Municipal Association or National League of Cities or
to provide financial support to non-profit agencies working
specifically on City of Bangor legislative or programmatic issues
where such support either directly supplements or replaces staff
efforts or the efforts of contracted for profit agencies.
4.4 In -Kind Support
The City Manager is authorized to provide in-kind services or
support to specific projects or programs sponsored by non-pmft
agencies where:
4.4.1 Such projects or programs meet the intent of this policy;
4.4.2 Existing City staff and resources are available for the
purposes requested and can be provided within authorized
budget levels;
4.4.3 The total anticipated support costs are not anticipated to
exceed $5,000;
4.4.4 The provision of such support will not violate any other
administrative policy, rule, or regulation governing City
operations; and
4.4.5 The Manager finds that the support provided is in the
general interest of the citizens of Bangor.
The City Manager shall review this policy as necessary and recommend such
changes as may be appropriate to the full Council.
Passed: 7-23/2001 by CO 01-3011
I. Adveedeiog—Rog E5,0M.00
2.S yNi;htRv m-150 @$2500 3,75000
3. Merchaotli+e: Cost$6,000 Cavdim, add 25% 1,500.00
4.Ti4n galea: 4,OW@850 34,OW.00
TOTAL 4425000
Mmes Evames 40,191]5
at EndowmeWDWosit 4,05815
ie/0'(, a,O� q/m
`oiSeD �'R^ /Lw-/�'"" ��µE,ri .G✓�clyd�- Qdm".'a"�
bas is a fwd -raising effort for our armament, we hope to keep macs to a animism on where
washboard a waiver offees would greatlyhelp in that effort.
y. 5mciffiv and,to the t itmonthly the diameter which the City of Banner or i
as a whole nominate mnr or r
I am not sure evuctly what is mi emed as an answer to this question, considering the
mvtevtofQuesti0112. However,we wWsureNatffiisaMacdonisgoinWt wa
considerable amount ofpubtimiry for the now. One local mora isiov station has already asked to do
umber of pieces prior to Ne shows, including travelling to Canada to fellow the Bide as it
moves into Meme. In doing so, many Of am Canadian neighbors m Ne East will be informed and
likely eat' n to travel to Bangor for this appearance, which in a rarity he the Coned Staten and
needy as rare m the Mantimes.
The Convention and Visitors Bureau has willingly joined m our efforts and will have
mforrim on tables and brochures about the area available to people attending the shows.
P —word hi
immidt thmjwmayah nm Ne soon bdm
Being able to bring an Inmmationally promment turning performance of the RCMP
Musical Indent Burger,Maine is a media event Ofgreat proportion. Asmeationedbefore,they
are m great demand and the fact that we were able to get them to commit to perfnmmnces here is
a definde plus. We haw been able, fir a relatively short period of time, to get a grant deal of
resignation farm local business people and community leaders W belping us identify the beet
movest0 make— in order for as to sadsfy our needs for the Community POBning Endowment and
in order to make this a great event for the City of Bangor.
At this writin& we have not yet heard whetter or not the appropriate persons from 8t.
John,NB beabletobeapaaofthinbneftime. WehopesO,bemrsswe are firmbeBevemm
Ne mural needs of our state and its bordering provinces and iu the great spirit of cooperation we
know ¢nista bmween the two countries.
Name0fAuthonsed Representative: Norman H."Nomd"Daly
Address: rq Annbar Drive, Old Town ME 0gg68
Telephones: 827-8386
&Mail: Nnn.drzarmaolmm—or — N
CouneBor Bigaetmm Qhree signatures are required mOrder for this request to proceed)
I. Hole155Mt dry, br we d. 33 mow, 2 ughb
2. Peed for hmsea: Blue Sal Pexis&Nee&
Hay -1,000%s-25 bJ @3.95 ach-98.75x2
Depe -25 boles @395 Bach -9875x1
98.75 -
Oa%- 50016s =10 bogs a dey @5.50 ^ 55 00 x 2
S vings-72 ba ps day @325ewh=23400x2
Depa 30 bn98@3.25=ff.50x1
3, AdveAswg:
BDN 1,500.00
Radio 1,507.W
Television 1, W
4. Bas PuWL is Cma Rev
5. MI me l -36w/ homes, 13 emery fm Bear-49@Mcky
6. Sound Sysa -Am tcEnergy
].R apbmS by Bveoing-Ovic CenRr
Average 81695&17% service chvge x 250
8. Cot Recovery for RC EP enw
9. Miswllmwus(pmw Bowaa, bemen, phomgsphy, etc.)
10. Prwting torte
Proguw l/cw/ Mc cover (5,000)
Ticket -isvo shows @M colors ands 6m
Bs -268