HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-07-14 03-237 RESOLVECOUNCIL Item xo+� Date: 7-1403 Item/g bject: Rmoke Accepting i Appropriating Deparbrrent of t emaMml Bacerity Funds For the Purchase of Temorimm Mitigation Equipment Responsible Department: Police The Bangor Police Nipaitment's Bomb Squad was recently awarded $470,000 In grant funding for the direct purchase of equipment. The grant funds were available m all dties and towns in Maine as part of the Fiscal year 2003 State Homeland Security Grant Program, which was funded by the Department of Homeland Security, Offlce for WmesUC Preparedness. The award, follow-up and oversight agency for this grant program is the Maine Emergency Management Agency. The Bangor Police Department was approved m purchase the following equipmenry bomb blast suits, bomb robot and a bomb containment mobile unit. The funding for the purchases is 100% federal, there Is no local match. Depart -vent Head ManageYs Comments: G✓, r' qty Manager Associated Information: city Solicitor _ Passage ][ Fimt Reading Page _ a_ X Referral - Finance Committee of July 23, 2003 03-237 Assigned to COwcIIor Creeve July 16. 7003 W CITY OF BANGOR (TITLE.) Resolve, Accepting & Appropriating Department of Homeland Security Funds for the Purchase of Terrorism Mitigation Equipment By the G'ty Coaxit of one City ofBangor. BE rT RESOLVED that the amount of $470,000 In Department of Homeland Security, Office for Domestic Preparedness funding, administered by the Maine Emergency Management Agency, is hereby accepted & appropriated for the purpose of purchasing equipment to be utilized by the Bangor Police Department's Bomb Squad. IN CITT COONCIL July 16. 2003 First eeadfag Referred to a C ttee cl cLew Jon ci3T m CfL July 28. 2003 Motion Mase and seeamed for Passage Paeead CI CLBB& # 03-237 R 680L VE (TITLEJceptin 6 Appropriating Oepaiteent of Hare t Security a or of T i ossa Mitigation equipment P FgnWto Coune110/6(lfl ®//e 1 •"'' Ag e=n[ Number: HSTSOI-O4A-L MIO m CUR(pl,�� FP �� r v v a z w ti LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TRANSPORTATION SECURITY ADMINISTRATION AND CITY OF BANGOR DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY L SPORTATION SECU ADM@]LSTRATION M Q: MS WCMffNf U"W S SENSW SECURITY MWWAA MTMT 6CQRROLL®V MTM FMOYISWNSM99CPAPMT ISN. n PNT TqW NTMyBE PEL6A96DWITHgITTMWUT!@1VFPA9SSIP W TIPADA@nSIRA'IIIR OPTHB'MNSPMtATpNSECUST'MIANISIAATRI. WASInn MnCM VNAMYJPJ2®RH.BA46MAY SFSULTMQVILPOJN.T'OR OTN9XPCItg1. P US.WYPAM@n AG MS, w CAVMLalR roK oLTERIANEOI US U.&C.g SU REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE TRANSPORTATION SECURM ADMINISTRATION AND CITY OF BANGOR REGARDING LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES AT BANGOR INTERNA AWORT (BGR) L PARTIES The parties to this Reimburremem Agreement (RA) orodsrwdse refereed Wherein as "AgreemeN" are the Transpona0on Security Administration (TSA) and City of Bangor. IL BACKGROUND Oa November 19, 2001, the President and Congress enacted the Aviation and Tramponatiov Security Act (ATSA), P.L. 107-71, 115 Stat. 597, which establisbM TSA as a new Federal agency. ATSA provides authority to the Adroinimator of the Transportation Security Admioishetion to carry, ow chapter 449 of Title 49 United States Code relating to civil aviation security, including responsibility for supervision of screening pasangers std property o ahpons, coal for ordering the deployment of law enforeemem persormel (LEAs) authorized to carry fueanms at each airport security passenger-screendng location to cuaurc passcoger solely and national security. $an 49 U.S.C. §§ 44901. Much of the sialsrity of the Administrator of the Transportatwn Security Administration provided by ATSA and the United States Code has ban delegated to ds Assistant Administrator for Aviaticns Operations and to the Federal Security Directors (FSDs). The FSO is TSA's representative for security motors o the airport. Pmsuantto 49 U.S.C. § 44903(c) today C.F.R. Part 1542, each AirportAuthority is required to establish an as transportation security program that provides a law enforcement presence ant capabilhy at the ahpon that is adequate m arsmc the safety ofpassengers. This reimbursable agreement is pan of ds cooperative effort of TSA through the FSD aed City of Bangor to deploy sufficient law evfircement officers to meet the¢ dual responsibility to ensure the safety of passerngess and to counter risks to Irsnsportotion security. III. AUTHORITY _ TSAemers imotbis RAunder the a uthorityof49U.S.C.§§ 106(m) and 114(m). TSAhas pmga icauthorityfor0sactivitiesundermkmm Bds RApursuantm49U.S.C.§§ 114(g), 44901(8), 44903(e) and 449220. Tis City of Bangor colors mtc this RA under the authority of Council Order 03-236, doe July 7, 2003. The purpose of this RA is to Ends) for LEOS provided bl to by the panic in Appeodh eimbuca mem (subject to the availability of appropriated agar POEM Department m the hourly raze,=rosily agreed vs RA, for providing qualified law enforcement services our and to provide law enforcement response to the security keeping with requirements provided by TSA This RA iassement through other United States Govawent progs® United States Govemmem does rot pay, find or reimburse to same expenses incurred by the qualified LEO in good on-site athe airport to respond to the security Dangm International Airport. The Bangor Police Department Ing double recovery for LEOs services performed m airports. (1) City of Bangor is responsible for providing qualified LEOs at airports it operates in accordance with the most recap version of Security Directive 1542-01-0] (series), or other subsequent and superseding regulations or dom®ents regarding Jaw enforcement services regardless of the slams of this R (2) TSA agrees to pay porsuam in Appendix A the fixed hourly rate ofthe qualified LEDs for omshe response to airport security passenger -screening checkpoints supplied by Bangor Police Department ptammnt to the terms of this RA- Payment is subject to the availability of epproprimed funds and compliance with the requirements of the applicable Security D'mective(s), the Airport Security Frogam, and minitations or documents regarding law enforcement services as noted in Sub article (1) of this Paragraph shove. Such appropriated finds shall cover such LEO services pmnled to the airport security pazsamgerserttmdng checkpoints from execution of this RA while this RA remains in face in Meadows with Article XV, Effective Data and Tenn of Agreement, Amendments, and Modifications of Us RA or until such time as this RA is terminated in aroordarce with Article WE, Termination. The applicable Security Directive (S.D.) under which TSA makes payment for services is the S.D. that was in effect on the day the Contmming Officer signs this RA. If the Cay of Bangor does not comply with all oftlte terms and requirements of this RA, in if disageemem arises on the interpretation of the provisions of this RA, or modifications and/or revisions thereto, the Connecting Officer in orientation with die FSD will attempt in resolve the matter. Ifthe matter cannot be resolved, the (3onttading Officer will determine with the FSD the materiality of the breach and/or resolution of the interpretation of the RA and the appropriate Whirls) that may be taken. The Contracting Officer's determination and proposed action will be nt writing and shall be presealM to the Cay of Bangor by either the FSD or the Contrecting Officer. A material beach and/or resolution of Are imeryr action of this RA may result in action by the Communing Officer including but vol limited m: suspension or lamination of the RA; withholding and/or termination of reimbursement to City ofBaneor. If action based on noncompliance is taken, the Connecting Officer's determination of material (reach and asmcisted nation may be appealed in accordance with Article XX of this RA. Should the City of Bangor have a continuing disagrcement wEh the interpretation of the RA that interpretation may be appealed also in accordance with Article XX of this RA The total estimated funding of this RA for Federal 6ual year 2003 is $25,580.96 and the total estimaed fording for Federal fiscal year 2004 is $79,056.00 and shall net ekceed $104,636.96 as payment for Bangor Police Department providing the required law enforcement services on-site at the airport for response to the security passenger- screening cbeckpoims it accordance with the terms of this RA, Security Directive 1542-01-07 (cries), the Airport Security Program, or other subsequent and superseding regulations or documents regarding law enforcement services for aviation security. Reimbursement is 4rnited to paymem for actual hears ofLFA service at the agreedfind hourly rate. hetotaleAimatedfundingofihis RAwMlb isda uallyeitim bymodificationoffinsMorbypurchsseorder. The ental estimated fuMbg is wasideredto be a ceiling that CkyofBaogor may mt escced ("ceptat its own fruncid risk) without ted written approval of the ContmchN Officer. The funding ceding ane uat of this RA provided by Paragraph A of Ankle V. of $104,636.96 may only be increased by mutual agreement of the parties. It is estimated that finding for dus RA is sufficient to support providing the respired law enforcement services on-site or the airport for response to the security passenger -screening checkpoints in accordance with the tams of flus RA and meeting the level of effort and m the rate stated in Appendix A and Appendix A-1 from On effective date of the agreenarm through September 30, 2004. The funds preuntly available far payment ant allotted an this RA are $104,636.96 This RA may be incrementally burden during the fiscal year subject to the availability ofFedeml funds Funds Innocently available for payment ant allotted to this RA are $10,1,636M PREQ 04-LEF-010 OSAVO ONO-2q-ICMUFA2l-2B15BGR000.25407 $25,550.96 Federal fiscal year 2004 PR Number PREQ 04-LEF-010.1 Accourrmg late 05AVONNO-2004-laBLEFA21-2B15BGR000.25407 Amount $79,056.00 D. Billing Instructions Invoices shall contain de infornation listed bekw. City of Bangor shall submit invokes to the following with a Poll to" to the FSD: For FedEx or other overnight services. and/or US Mail: Chris Gorham Transportation Security Administration LEO Reimbursemerr Program TSA-Headquamrs, East Building Floor 8, TSA-7 601 South 121° Street Arlington, VA 22202-4220 Payment fir work performed under ibis RA will be made as soon as possible after receipt of invoices, subject to review and approval by the Cowxting Officer and other TSA designated rtpresentativea ShouMaoymlev informationmflectedonsubm'atedinvokre questiored, the Contracting Officer may withhold all amounts in question mail such time as the information is annfrmad. Invokes shall N submitted no more frequently than vwuddy, and shall only refiat the hours of LEO service Provided at We fixed hourly rate accumulated through City of Barrier nomad month<nd accounting cutoff date. City of Bangor invoke fimnts are acceptable. However, all invoices shall, as a miNnum include the fihlowing: 1. Reimbursable Agreement Number— this number appears at the top of the cover sheet for this RA. The complete munber most be provided and will appear is the fnllowmg alpha (A)-numeric (N) sequence: HSTS01-M-A-LEFNNN 2. Invoke Date 3. Invoice Number 4. Name ant Address of Party Requesting Reimbursement 5. Point of Contact, with Address,Telephone, Fax ant Email Correct Information 6. Taxldeatification Number 7. Period of Service for which Reimbursement is Requested (from and to dates) 8. Description of Services Performed 9. Toted Number of UO Hours Billed for Time Period 10. Tonal Amount of Reimbursement Requested 11. Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Banking hmfomation (only untamed on lost submitted invoice unless information changes) 12. Remittance Address 13. Certification ofItNuester, including the following language: ]his Is to cerHjy that the services ret forth herein were performed owing the period stated ant that the unwire afor hours actually worked 14. Signature of Requester's Authorized Representative with Date The Department ofTramgtar acer will make payment using the Aulommic Clearing House (ACH)Network, mdew City of Barilpor requests a waiver. After award, bra before submitting the fust invoice, the City of Bargor shall designate a financial institution for receipt ofelectmnio furls traafa payments. Said submission shall be done on a Standard Form 3881 which can be [wont m www.gsa.gov/forms. Submit this thim to the TSA Finance Office indicated for the receipt of Invoices. E. Prompt Payment Notwahsmvd'mg any other payment clause in this RA, the Goverment will make invoice paynmms under the terms and conditions specified in this clause. Payment shall be considered as being made on the day a check is dated or an electronic fads transfer is rade. All days referred to in this clause are calendar days, unless otherwise specified. (a) hmvioe Payments (1) For pmpoxs of this clause, invoice payment means a Govamnent disbursement ofmonies N Cay of Bangor under a contract or other authorization for supplies or services accepted by the Goveramcm. This includes payments for partial deliveries that have been accepted by the Government, final payments miler T" and labor-how contraas, and find cost or fie payments where amounts owed have been settled between the Govemmera sad the City of Bangor. (2) Except as indicated in Bab article (a)(3) and Auricle (c) of this clause, the due data for making invoice payments by the designated payment office shall be the lata of the following two events: (i) The 30th day after the designated billing office has received a proper inwice from the City ofBongor. (ip) The 30th day after Govemmern accepmrwe of services performed by the City ofBunion. On a final wvoice where the payment aornen is subject to contract settlement aauns, acceptance shall be dcemed to have crowned on the effective date of office contrsM warrior the However, tithe dedgreted billing f vs6pt, thein fats to yrnent d the invoice coed the actual date o3M day the invoice payment due date Bangor's be deemed at d, the 3oth day after the iceis Cityof ved angor's invoiceisdined,provideda proper unroialiis received there isrodisantre a ov quantity, quality, or City of Bangor compliancee cewith contract requirements. (3) An invoice is City of Bangor's bill or written raluest for payment ursler the accused for supplies delivered or ret vices performed. Minvoice shall be prepared and submated to the designated billing officer specified in tbe contract. A proper invoice mus[ include the items listed in Article V, Paragraph D above. Ifthe invoice does not w Wly with these requiremerae, [bent the City of Bangor will be notified of the defect within seven ('n days after receipt ofthe invoice W the designated billing offer. Unthnely notification will be taken into account in the covryulation ofary interest penalty owed the City of Bangor in the manner desafred in Sub nature (a)(6) of this clause. (4) An interest penalty shell be paid automatically by the Govemment, without request firm the Cay of Bangor, if payment is not made by the due dura and the conditions Usted in subdivisions (a)(4)(i) through (a)(4xif) ofthis clause aro mo, Wapplieable. () A proper invoke was received by the designated billing office. (d) A receiving report or older Govemment document&ion authorizing payment was processed and there was no disagreement over quantity. quality, or City of Bangor compliance with any contract term or condition. (m) In the case of firul invoice for any balance of funds due the Cay of Bangor for supplies delivered or services performed, the amount was not subject to further construct settlement actioro between the Govemmem and! the City ofBavgor. (5) The wt crust penalty amount, interest rare and the period for which the interest penalty was computed, will be separately stated by the designated payment office on the check, in accompanying remittance advice, or, in the case of wire tmmfers, by inappropriate electronic dam message accompanying the more transfer. Ifthe designated billing office failed to notdy Cay of Bangor ofa defective invoice within the periods prescribed in Sub article (a)(3) of this clause, then the due date on the connected invoice will be adjusted by subtracting the number of days taken beyond the proscribed notification of defects period Any interest penalty owed City ofBangor will be based on this adjusted due date. Adjustments will be made by the designated laymeat office for ertors in ca"baing interest penalties, if requested by City of Bangor. (i) For the sale purpose ofcompuling an interest penalty that might be dm the City of Bangor, Gowmrncnl acceptance shall be deco d to have occurred construsiwly on the 7th day (unless olherwiue specified as this contract) aver City of Bangor delivered the supplies or performed the services in accordance with the terns and coMiti ns ofthe earnings, unless there is a disegeememt over quantity, quality, or City of Bangor's compliance with a contract provision, Iv the evert that actual acceptance occurs within the corwtmcaw acceptarwe period, sloe dcmrmrevion of an irderest penalty shall be basad on rico actual daze of acceptance. The constructive acceptance requheatent does sat, however, compel Cmvemmerd officials to accept supplies or services, perform contract administration functions, or make payinmt )aorto fulfilling then reaponvbilities. (h) The following periods of time will not be included in the determination of an interest penalty: (A) The period taken to notify City of Banger of defects in lowness; submitted to the Goverment, but this may act exceed sewn (7) days. (B) The period between the defects mace and resubmission of the connected invoice by City of Bangor. (C) Any period of delay caused by incorrect electronic funds tmrisf (EFF) information, in accordance with the EFT clause of this coadracl. (0. Ince res[ penalties of less than $1.00 need not he NO (iv) Interest penalties are amt required on payment delays due to disagreement between the Govemmem ant City of Bangor over the payment amamt or other issues mwWiug contract compliance or on antimmLs tangentially withheld or retained in accordance with tetanus of We lZA. Contl disputeRad interestthalmy be payable, will be resaWd in accordance with TSA conduct disputes resolution pncedures. (6) An interest penalty shall also be paid automazically by the designated payment office, without request from City of Bangor, if a discowt far prompt payment is taken imp operly. The mtaeal pmahy will be calculated as described in sub article (a)(5) oft his clause on the aamunt of discount taken for the period beginning with the that day wer Use end of the discount period through the date when CRY ofT angor is paid. V AUDITS TSA shall have the right to examine or audit relevant financial records for aperbd of thirce (3) years after expiration of the term of this RA City of Bangor must maintain an esmblisbed accounting system that complies with generally accepted mounting principles. A. Audit and Records As used in than clause, records includes book; documixts, accounting procedures and practices, and other data, regardless of type and regardless of whether such items are in written form. in the form of computer data, or in amy other from B. Examination of Records This is a fixed labor -how rale RA, under which City of Bangor shag maintain and the Contracting Officer, Conorming Officer's Representative, or an authorized representative of the Contracting Odcur, or other authorized Federal ufrcial shall have the right to examine and au lit all records and other evidence sufficient to reflect property all hours claimed to have been incurred in performance of Us RA- This right of combustion shall include inspection at all reasonable tines of City of Bangor offices, or pros of them, engaged in performing the RA. City of Bangor shall provide noticeto TSA ofthe location and custodian of supporting documentation to include Time Sheets, Payroll Report or Other Dowmentation that substantiates the hums worked ands the RA and will make them available for review timing wrmal working bums whet requested by an wthoriui Federal official. C. Comptroller General The Comptroller General of the Gaited States, or an amhorized representative, shall have access to and the right to examine my of City ofBarlow's directly pertinent records involving trmmctions related to this RA or a subcommct hereunder. This Article may net be mmhned no require City of Bangor or mbcentrecbr to create or erotism any record that City of Bangor or subcontractor does not maimain in the ordinary course of business or permit to a provision of law. D. Availability City of Barger shall make available at as office mall reasonable times the records, materials and other evidence described in Articles (A), (B), out (C) of this chose, for examination, andi6 or repeoductim, until three (3) yeas ager final paymer under this RA, or for my longer period required by smoae or by other clauses of this RA. In addition: (1) If this RA is completely or parially termina", the records relating to the work twormated shall be made available for three (3) years after any resulting final termination settlement; and (2) Records relating to appeals order the "Comma Disputes' clause or to litigation or the settlement of account disputes arising miler or relating to this RA shall be made available muff such appeals, litigation, orcomract disputes are finally resolved. E. Flow Down Clause City of Bangor shall insert a clause containing all the terms of Article VI, ofthis RA, including [Itis Paragraph (E), in all subcontracts to perform services there order that are labm-Mur rete wntmms for LFAs. This clause may be altered only as necessary to identify properly the contracting parties and the Contracting Offiar urder tltis RA. F. Refund of Payments The Contracting Officer has the right to demand the rmmn of payments made to City of portent should the Contracting Officer determine that the hours used to calculate the invoice exceeds the actual hours worked by City of Bangor. W. CONTRACTING OFFICER'S REPRESENTATIVE The Contracting Officer will designate a Contracting Officer's Represmmtive (COR) to not as his or her authorized representative for coinfect administration functions which do not mvolve changes m the scope, performance. prim, schedule, or terms and conditions of the H.A. The deligation will be in writing, signed by the Contracting Officer, and will set firth the audmrities mdUmiWtansoftherepresmtative(s)o athe RA. Suchdesigrotion will rot muem anthordy to aigu contractual documents, order contract changes, modify cuntrrot term, or create my commitment or liability on the part of the Goverment different from that set forth in the RA City ofBangor shall immediately comae the Contracting Officer if there is any question regarding the authority of an individual to act as a representative of the Conhaction Officer underthisRA The COR for this RA is: Toni Smith Transportation Security Administration TSA Headquarters, East Tower Fkmr4g,TSA-7 601 South 124a Street Arlington,VA 222024228 (571)227-2460 VID. RECORDS AND RELEASE OF INFORMATION In the course of service under this RA, LEOs will have access to certain informatbn called "Sensitive Security INommtiod' or SSL which is prmecmd by Federal statute end regulation. LEOs may also create and maimein records that contain SSI, such ss investigative reports that relmeto aviation security. SSlisspucificallydef edin49 CFRI520.7 LFAs assigned to work under this RA are subject to the duties and requirements imposed by 49 CFR Part 1520, protection of Sensitive Security IMortnatioo. As such, they may net publicly disclose SSI m any contest, ivcludmg litigation or personal in a some open records act Poises, without the adverse approval of TSA as provided is 49 C.F.R.pan 1520. Ifaperty in a legal Proceeding seeks SSI in discovery or otherwise seeks disclosure of SSI boom a LEO perfotmwg duties reeler this agreeneen, the LEO must Provide immediate mace ofthe request for SSI to the FSD orthe FSD's designee, who will in turn, forward the request to TSA's Field Continued. LEOS asked to testify about purely factual manors that do net reveal SSI my do so without consultation with TSA. AR records created by LFAs that contain SSI sball be marked with the following legend: WARMNG: THIS 13IX;11NI iNT CONTAnis SENSITIVE SECURITY INFORMATION THAT IS CONTROLLED IMDER THE PROVISIONS OF 49 CFR PART 1520. NO PART OF THIS DOCUMENT MAY BE RELEASED WITHOW THE WRITTEN PERMISSION OF THE ADMD,ISTRATOR OF THE TRANSPORTATION SECURITY ADMIR TSTRATION, WASHINGTOND.C. UNAUTHORIZEDRELEASE MAY RESULT DICIVB. PENALTYOR OUTERACTION. P0RU.5. GOVERNMENTAGENCIES, PUBLIC AVADdHD.I IS DETERMDIED UNDER5 U.S.C.552. DL LEGALDOCUMENTS A copy of any summons, complaint, subpoena, or other legm document serval upon a Store or Ideal LEO that is related to alegal proceeding(bat seeks records or testimony contend" SSI shell be promptly forwarded to the FSD or the FSD's dmignce for forwarding ro TSA's Field C tmel. E. PROTECTION OF INFORMATION The parties agree that they shall take appropriate measures to protect proprietary, privileged, or otherwise confidential information ttat may come into their possession m a result of this RA, including SSI as explained in Article VDI above. RI. MEDIA INQUIRIES All media releases and other comae( with or by media specific m the Security Directive 1542-01- 07 (series), the Airport Security Program, or other subsequent and superseding regulations or docermnts regarding law enforcement services for aviation security shall be coordinated with the FSDorthe PSD'sdesignee. Allrcediamle smdothammectwdhorbymed oothetemrs rust conditions ofthis RA shall be comdimterl with the Contracting Officer. ftAnicle HIR. M GENERAL ALLOCATION OF LiABILM Unless specifically addressed by the terms of this RA or otlrrwise provided by Federal law, the parties agree to be responsible for the negligent or wrongful acts or omission; of their respective employees. Nothing in this RA or my appends thereto is hnereW to conflict with caner[ law or regulation or the directives of DHS.TSA, or any other Executive Department If a term of this RA or my appendix therein, is inconsistent with such authority, then that term shall be invalid to the extent of such inconsistency, but the remainder oftlat tern and all other terms ant conditions of this RA and any appendix thereto shall remain in full force and effect. mm "I CH It &TIMIYUCTRY w Nothing in(Ids RA is intended to d'winish or otberwise affect the authority of any agency, to cavy out its statutory, regulmory, or other official functions, nor is it intended to create any right or benefit, subdmaive or procMural, enforceable at law by any party against the United Stores, its agencies or officers, state agencies or officers carrying out programs authorized under Federal law, or any other person. XV. EFFECTIVE DATE AND TERM OF AGREEMENT, AMENDMENTS, AND MODIFICATIONS This RAwJlhecom mfi)cenblewhmsignedbyaflparties. The effective date ed term ofthis RA is October 1, 20M stall stmt continue in effect uruR September 30, 2004, unless terminated earlier by the par[bs as provided hernia. The renomination ofthis RA by either party does not, in htsel( relieve the City ofBangorfrom compliance with any Federal law, rule, regulation, or dvecthve in effect. Changes and/or modifications to this RA shall be in writing and signed by a TSA Cortraeiing Officer. and City ofBangor Airport IMector. The rata M mhon shag cite t subject RA, ant shag mate the exit Amore ofthe modification. No oral atatemeM by any person shaft be interpreted as modifying or otherwise affix" the turns of this Ra - XVI, OPTION TOEXTEND AGREEMENT The TSA may elect to continue performance soler this RA with the limits and at the odes specified in Apparent A ant AppeMices AA through A-3 as applicable to this RA. This option provisivv my be exemisad more than once, but the total eMeasion ofperfrtmance hereunder shaft not excere four(4) years. The Contracting Officer may exm= the option by written notice to City of Banger within thirty (30) days of the coal ofti a term of the IIA XVI. TERMINATION In addhionto arty other termination rights provided bythis RA, either party may terminate this RA at any time prior to its expiration date, with or without cause, ab without housing any liability or obligation to the termiomed party (other then payment of amounts due met owing and performance of obligations armaed, in each case on or prior m the termination date) by giving the other party at least thirty (30) days prior written native of termination. Termination by any party does not, in itself, relieve the City of Ranges from compliance with any Federal law, rule, regulation, or directive in effect. In the event of termination or exphetion of this RA, any fails that have rut been spent or obligated for allowable expenses prior to the time of termination, atm are not reasonably necessary to cover termination expenses shah be unilaterally d obligated via a modification the purchase order that is issued as a result of this RA. XVHL ORDER OF PRECEDENCE In the event of my moonsistency, betwcen the learns of the RA or any law, regulation, or Security Directive, the wcomis[moy shall be resolved by giving preference in the following order: (1) Laws, Regulations, Security Directives (2) This RA, them (3) The Appendices to this RA XIX. POWTS OF CONTACT Tice mri Wets of each party to this RA are: Toni Smith Contracting Officer's Representative Transportation Security Administration TSA Headquarters, East Tower, Flan 00, TSA-7 01 South 12u Street Arlington, VA 22202-42M Telephone 571-227-246] Email: tonLsmitb@dhs.gov Holly Hamilton Bolger Contracting Officer Tanaportatfon Security Administration TSA Headquarters, Weet Tower, Floor 44, TSA-25 601 South 120 Street Arlington, VA 22202-4220 Telephone: (571)227-3036 Email: holty.bolger@dhs.gov Donald F. Window Chieror Police 35 Court Stood Bangor, ME 04401 307-947-7384 don.wiodow@bgtmaorg The parties agme that if done is a change regarding the information in this Article, the party making the change will notify the other parties in writing of such change. XX. RESOLUTION OF DISAGREEMENTS A. Material Breach If action based on noncompliance with the reams of the RA is taken under Article IV, the Contracting Officer's determination of a material breach and associated action rosy be appealed to the Assistant Administrator for Aviation Operations. Appeals must be submitted in writing to the Assisted Administrator for Aviation Operations, via the FSD and Cartooning olduer within 60 days of the receipt of the TSA determination that amateral beach of this RA has occurred. The appeal shill some the specific bas's for wresting the determination of material branch. The appeal will be reviewed by the TSA Assistant Administrator for Aviation Operations, who shat render a decision regarding the appeal with the wnmurace of the Director, TSA Office of Acgmsmons and the Depry ChieFCOnacel for ]kxmemer. B. Interpretation Should disagreement union on the interpretation of the provisions of thus RA, or ementlmeets and/or revisions thereto that camot be resolved by the Comm ming Officer in comminution with the FSD as provided in Article IV. C., tie areas) ofdisagrttmeN shill be stated in writing by each party add presented to the other party for consideration. If agreement on haerpretation is not reached within sixty (60) days, the parties shall forward the written presentation of the disagreement rthe TSA Assistant Administrator for Aviation Operations, who shall render a decision regarding the disagreement with the communion of the Director, TSA Office of Actmishion and the TSA Deputy Chief Counsel for Prusamment. Any appeal of decisions under A. or B. above will be subject to applicable Federal law X APPROVED BY The undersigned oepm and warrant that they have bll authority to sign the instant document and bind the panties in question. O� Edward A. Bar" Dat City Manager City of Bangor o ymitten Bolger ce ConM1 Tporhabtbn Secarly.Admbbtrstloe nm on Sec APPENDIX A BASE PERIOD FY 2003 (Jme 112003 - September 30, 2003) AirlaortCcIde Total Average OnSOe HoursPerwy Fixed Average Hourly Rate EstBlated FY 2003 Fundiag BGR 8 $26.21 525580.96 FY 2004 (Oetober 1, 20M —September 30, 2004) A�poftCode Total Average Oa -Site HoresPerMy Real Average Howly Rate Estimated FY 2004 Funding BGR 8 $27.00 $79,056.00 SPNSURVE SVW%J1V INFORMArIDWPOB OPPICIAL OSBONLY A.UHNG 9916 DJCIMRM CONIMISSEXSRIVESECNUTY MP TION THAT IS CONTROLLED UNDER THE PAOVISIONSHF I9 CER PARTISM. NO PART CP rHI9IXCVmXTMAY B6paLTN3ED WITI{C9rf TXEgRfIT01P6H1g861M OPTIP>ADmOSIRATO1tOt'TI¢IMNSPoRTAT10N9PDIRHYADIANISTMINASHRJGTON. CCrOf9R. ImAvnrwzcoaeLeave Bur vrslarmcm9PEwv.rroamlmArnox. EORUaus.aovEwmreNr aDeNCles, P1101lCAVgILABIIJIY'ttIBE OETEN9MDUNCEHSUSC §551 15 APPENDIX A-1 OPTION YEAR i —FY 2005 (October 1, 2004— September 30, 200$) Ort Code TOml Average On -Sive I Hours Per Day Fixed Av a Howk Rme EAimmed FY 2005 Fmdin BOR 1 8 $27.81 $81 05.20 M QTMS WCU1.0fl COH S SENSVR'E SF=Y mitltaIATIOV TXT9 C ROLLF➢I DEKT PROVISION RPMTISA. MJ PS0.gSeCCVPSM MAT®RSEOASE¢WITHdnTH0 WA1lT®i PHM95510N OPTH¢ADIAIdYTRASPMTOR OP TNPTMNSP$' TATATIWISENmttAOIANI61RAfIWJ. WASHMGION.M3¢590. IMAVPHOWZPOREL6t6MAYRe31LLTMQ Y R011®tACrlgl. FOR V.3. WV6RHe®Hr AGENCHt4. PUBLICAVgILABILIIYTOB6OE1£RIA11mDEK5V%C V1IDER5 VAC4552. APPENDIX A-2 OPTION YEAR 2 - FY 2006 (October 1, 2005- September $0, 2006) Code Total Avaege Ov-Site Homs Perp Pixel Average HOm Eme Emimatd PY 2006 Pw BOR 1 8 $28.64 $83628.80 WAEWNO nus oowxmrr Eav SENsmve eeeo wrowaA TEATMm RDLLEOw Tm AA"M OFOCMPAKTIM NOPARTOPTmSD UWNTS YMRELaAftOWREOVrPVEWRTTNP &S]W 16PDMIMSTMTOR OP T110ThVlSiOmAT10N SPLVPrtYM1.m11STeATW.W S1pNOTON.pCp59p. VNAVPNORPFORELEA4EMATPE4I6iW CMLP&iALTYp4pf1®tACIIW. FORUS.60VEeNFPNP pGENCRe, XIDWCAVAILgBhlrylpEEOEr@.MNEOI➢0E0.5 V.SG gf51 17 OPTION YEAR 3 — FY 2007 (October 1, 2006—September 30, 2007) AhWA Code Total Average O Site Hours Per Day Find Average Homl Rete Estimated FY 2007 Funding BGR 8 $29.50 586140.00 PRO OMOF<99C PART1 1p PMT OPTd9 WL11643X A0¢REI£PSFOtVRNO1RL MRITI@I pEPJ9661O1 OrTIEP WMTrrrATM0F Tr6 mAH6 AnM eecumm.we STMTIM,w Swucrorv. EC nM WAVn�YRESMTNCIvu FEfIgLTYQROn09tAC760N. eC0.0s.aovE9rvM16,Nr gG@KIpS, �CAVALM TYTOeem�0u sus C.gsa. 18