HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-07-14 03-233 ORDERItem Mo. ne-nxa
Date: duly 14, 2003
Item/Subject Order, Granting Utility Easement and Bill -of -Sale to Bangor Hydro Electric
Company - Telford Aviation Building, Airport Property off Win
RBeponedide Depmbrranb Engineering
The attached Order grubs an easement and bill -of -sale to Bangor Hydro Electric Company to relocate the
three phase electrical entrance that protides service to Me Telford Avfation building located on the south side
of the City of Bangor Alrport property located off Odlin Road. This involves replacing a pole, setting some
new anTors, and placing one new additional pole on the south side of Me building. Several years ago, the
City transferretl ownership of most of the elechical distriWtion system at BA ro Banger Hydro Electdc, who
Men became responsible for future maintenance. As Indicated In the attached BHE letter, apparently a
portion of Me pole line that serves TelfoM Aviation and the Fire Training Facilldes was never trnsfemed to
BHE Forthis reason, BHE is requesting a biIW-saleto transferthe line.
A cepy of the cover letter, bill -of -sale, proposed easement, and location map Is attached. The Airport
Department has reviewed SHE's request and finds it acceptable.
Department Hand
Manager's Comments:
IRY City pager
Associated IMormation: Order, BHE better, IHIW-Sale, Site location Map, Easement
Budget Approval:
Finance Director
l/ Passage (,eNOT
_ First Reading Page _ of
Assigned to councilor Greene July 16, 2003
(TITLE.) Order, Granting Utility Easement and Bill -of -sale to Bangor Hydro Electric
Company — Telford Aviation Building, Airport Property off Odlin
BytheCly Caoelofthe Qty of Bangor:
THAT, the City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to execute an easement
and bill -of -sale granting rights to the Bangor Hydra Electric Company to replace a
pole, set new anchors, and place one new additional pole on the south side of the
BE IT FURTHERED ORDERED, THAT the easement and bill -of -sale be in a form
acceptable to the City Solicitor.
# 03-233
(TITLE,) creotin utlup Hecemept a Bill -
to Reogor Hydra a eetr e y
Telford k tiw Roildin, Airport Pmpe"y
Assigned to Councilor
June 26, 2003
City of Bangor
Atm: Jim Ring
73 Harlow Street
Burger, Maine 04401
igmiixmLar ,g
E97 2CC9 ll
Bangor Hydro -Electric Company has been asked to relocate the tluee phase electrical
emtrance that provides service to the Telford Aviation building located on the south side of the
City of Borger airport property off the Odlin Road. This involves replacing a pole, setting some
new anchors and placing one new additional pole on the south side of the building.
My research indicates Bangor Hydra acquired ownership of the fust pole off the Odlin
Road in 1986, and acquired an easement Joan me City for this pole location, but the rest of the
Jim remained private. I could locate no documentation from 1986 an date, indicating a transfer of
ownership of the line to Bangor Hydro, therefore I believe it is still owned by the City. The
Bangor Fire Training Center established service from the line afew poles pan the Telford
building in 1997, but there was no transfer of ownership or easements taken at that time.
Since we are obligated by PUC regulations to own tines serving more them one customer,
Bangor Hydro would like to acquire a bill -of -sale and m ansememt Gom the City for the portion
of the line serving two customers. This will give us proper permission to maintain and operate
Else line, set the new pole and do the upgrades requested by Telford Aviation.
I have enclosed a billof-sale and an easement for your inspection. If this meets with the
City's approval, please have the documents properly eaecuted, and return them to me inthe
enclosed self-addressed envelope.
If you have my questions regarding this matter, please call me 973-2579. Thank you for
all of your time
Jack Rawclifte
Rightnf-Way Agent
Enclosures sera,,. s..a.rom.asse,w.,omoz.wsz
ca�.aa.,, port rns-saa
corporation, located in the County ofPenobwot and State of Maine, being the owner of certain
goods and chattels described below and being located in the City of Hangar County of
Penobscot, State of Maine, for consideration given by BANGOR HYDRO -ELECTRIC
COMPANY, aMaine corporation having a place of business at 33 State Street, Bangor, County
ofPembscot, State of Maine, the recoptwhereofis hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant,
sell, convey, transfer and deliver, unto the said Bangor Hydro -Electric Company, the following
described goods and chattels, namely:
An eight pole three phase ability line, beginning man existing Bengor Hydro -Electric
Company utility pole 91, located 240 feet, more or less, westerly of the Odlm Road, thence
extending southwesterly, westerly and northwesterly, a distance of 1,520 feet, more or less, to
building 4600 now leased by Telford Aviation. Said fine consisting of the following:
One, (1), 40 foot SPP pole dated 1988
One, (1), 40 foot SPP pole (no date)
Four, (4), 45 foot SPC poles dated 1962
One, (1), 40 SPC pole dated 1962, _
One, (1), 35 foot SPP pole dated 19M
1,520f t of throe phase 44 ACSR wire
Anchors, goy wires and other necessary fixtures and supports.
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD a6 and singular the said goods and chattels to the said
Bangor Hydro -Electric Company, its successors and assigns, to dark own use and behoof
And it does hereby covenant with the said Bangor Hydro -Electric Company that it is the
lawful owner of the said goods and chattels; that they are five from all encumbrances, that it has
good right to sell the same as of said; and that it will warrant and defend the same unto it the
said Bangor Hydro -Electric Company, its successors or assigns, against the lawful claims and
demands of all persons.
IN WFINESS WHEREOF, the said City of Bangor, has caused this instrument to be
executed by its duly authorized representative this day of July, A.D. 2003.
Witness: City of Bangor
Edward A. Barrett- City Manager
KNOW AIL MEN BY THESE PBFSEMS, Out ted CITY OF BANGOR, a material impression
passed in be CowLLy ofBabbswl, nod Sia¢ ofHatif%b was be owes in to simple of return Inds bossed
in rbc City of Bangor, County offeenobem, Stere ofMaim, and described an Sullivan, viz'.
Being the a anion or the premises mmeyed by me Uniced gkke of America to Le bounce
Main by done dined Atoll 2n,1969, end recorded in BE, Peroh+w, County Rommy of Bonds in
Book 2156, Free 450; Said forms of Bar prebal met located on the xwstetly aids atlas
Odin Road, answers said Red uW bbibut All nines leased by Oe City of Banger m Telbb
Aviatiw.6eidbaJtlingp600 iai,twn onaaitepbn entitle4 "Bangcrintetnnional AiRott
Talmud AAaflon Mdtion Site Plan DE.P gift Peter #L -297618 -RN', deW November 5,
2002, on fdeat the CiN ofBarigm Engiunenng Dearmteof filermme: MPIIENC✓;
Ise GraMr for itself and its heirs, execWms, admirdstMora, successors and eatigu, cowards aid
agrees to aM wit We GmMee, its rvsessmen and worgnq that it will not even or maintain or permit be erecdout
or revenue of my bwldin& ,miler, mobile ones, swimming pool, in other summers, of any " m rsmre,
wimin 15 Ret ofadd pine, my or of of whish in ran opinion of the Gral its smissr es and migw, would
adnnger or interim with the exercise of my of be sides, privileges antleaammli fsreby conveyed.'
TO HAVE AND TO HOLD tM1e and rights, privilege aid eazemmts to said Bangor Hyder-Eledim
Company. to successors and mign4 forcer,
Us WITNESS WHEREOP, be said City of Harbor bas armed His mumment to be atembed by its duly
uutborrism tu'entalive this_ day of July, AD. 2003.
City ofBmgm
pAward A. Bmetl - City Manages
County of Potassium, am _ July �2003.
Personally addresses be ansvarem m Edward A. Barrett aM acknowlMg W ,M foregoing instrument to
M his face am and dmd. io M5 nfmcevd cupsity, end Ou fae am and dead ofOu Ory cf Bm,g«.
Nclary Put to
Prins Nmoe ofNGdry: