HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-07-14 03-231 ORDERItem No. 03-231 Date: July 14, 2003 Item/Subject Order, Authorizing Acquisition of Right -of -Way for Ohio Street—Gruen Road Intersection Improvement Project Responsible Department: Engineering Commentary: The City Is planning on widening the Intersection of Ohio Street and Gnf0n Road to add additional turning lanes in conjunction with geometric and signal Improvements. This project was developed and approved through Me MM process and has received 80% Federal and State funding. In ander to proceed win the project, it will be necessary to acquire additional street right-of-way from Deerfield Associates. In lieu of eminent domain proceedings, Deerfield Associates is willing to convey the necessary right-of-way to the Clry for $1,195.00, but will need to receive a Mariam dead for an equal sized panel, subject an easement for all ngM-of-way purposes, to avoid placing the remainder of Meir property Into noncompliance with the OWs minimum lot size standards. The attached! Order approves acquisi0on of the land necessary fur Me nght-of-way widening from Deerfield Associates and further authorizes Me issuance of the restrided quitdaim dcetl. Department Head Manager's cemmeMa: fi(* ) Arof/ �/ ! City Manager Associated Information: Order, Sketch 7 Legal Approval: Sditlivr Introduced for 3 Passage _ First Reading Page—of— Referral age_ofReferral 03-231 a3. Aeeirped co Coovcilor .U1eo July 14, 2003 - CITY OF BANGOR MTLE.) Order, Authorizing Acquisition of Right -of -Way for Ohio Street — Gruen Road Intersection Improvement Project Bythe C)tyCww1 offhe 611yo/wngor. ORDERED THAT, WHEREAS the City of Bangor will be undertaking a project to improve and widen the Intersection of Ohio Street and Griffin Road; and - WHEREAS, it will be necessary to acquire additional right-of-way, to accommodate said project; and WHEREAS, Deerfield Associates is willing to convey land to the City of Bangor for additional street right-of-way subject to retention of an easement to maintain minimum lot sizeconformante; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER ORDERED THAT the City Engineer is hereby authorized to acquire 1902.42 square feet of property from Deerfield Associates, as shown in the "Griffin and Ohio Street Intersection Improvements Project" plan, for the sum of $1,195.00; and The City Engineer is further authorized to issue a quitclaim deed, subject to an easement retained by the City for all right-of-way purposes, for a parcel of land adjacent to 1030 Ohio Sheet, the enact location of which to be approved by the City Engineer, for the sole purpose of maintaining the minimum lot size of 1030 Ohio Street The Mal form of the quitclaim deed shall be approved by the City Solicitor or Assistant City Solicitor. IN cm cowwcn t 03-231 July 16, 2003 Passed ORDER IMLEJ dacLoriaiat Acm.ieiciao of signs-- of -way for onto S¢eet- Grp Intersection Ivporvevevt Project AesigneC to Councilor(�,��N/' 1 W, 03-231 Bk 9202 Ps184 45128 02-18-2004 8 01920P CORRECI'RDQI11'1 MUMIDEED DEERFIELD ASSOCIATES, LLC, a l mibi liability, corporation orgeviud and eustivg uvda'the laws of the Stork of Mauve and baying a place of brands located m Ranger, Maine, as grantor, for consideration paid, releases m the CITY OF BANGOR, a muoucipal corporation Iodated m Penobscot County, Mame, as Grades, a certain lot orpared of laud situmed in the City of Bangor, Penobscot County, Mauve, bounded and described as frllows: Begimiag 9 a point mthe west side of Ohio Street l the northerly comer of a parcel a land described in a deed recorded in the Penobscot Registry of Deeds in Volume 1954, Page 212 and designated as Parcel # 4l as showy on the Maune State Highway Commisnon Right of Way Map for Federal Project No. R -AD -12(1) Stale Aid Highway "2 At 9", S.H.C. File No. 10-147; thence N 41°12'40' W, by and almg the wet sole of Ohio Street, one hundred forty-seven and eight leads (147.8) feet e a pool; thevice S 48°4720". W len (10) flet to a point thence S 41012'40" E tom (10) feet from end parallel to the west side of Ohio Strad one hundred forty-three and ora cne hu tr dlha (143.01) feet to a point thence S 10°0014" W fifty -ane and nine Ridge (519) feet to a poi d on the notharly side of Griffin Road; thence N 37 53'17" E, by and along dk north side of Griffin Road, twentyIone and dirty -eight we hundrdds (21.38) feet m the southwest comer of set Parcel # 4-1; deuce N 1000'l4" E, by out along said Parcel # 4-1, dirty -seven sand seventy-nine one bundredfbs (3] 79) Neto the pound ofbegml The above described parcel of Ind us orientd a the Mame State Coordinate System (Fast Zone)NAD 1929 and contains 1902.5 square feet, The above description was prepared by James M Gres, PIS # 1129, 73 Harlow Street, Bangor, Mame, 04401. The porpox of dds del is to correct vandraptom mom in the property description of the quiRlaim deed from said Darfield AssocukS LLC e said City of Hargan dated June 4, 2003, recorded in the Penobscot County Registry of Deeds in Book 9031, Page 205. The said DEERFPLD ASSOCIATES, LLC has csPsdd this instrument w be sealed with its corpaak sal, ad signd in its canporate nameby Wa SA(2 M4 it; ho blz . deneonto dWy audorved, this , � dayof�"II- t 200-. Jas :.aa : W a a• m t �.��irg ♦ ' �� n8a _ _I . ._�rZ O3-231 Sk 9202 rsiss #5128 : a • TIMM Pock 6 � +,6Y �} 2003 Thw personally appeared the above -mored said capaci , and the and acknowledged the said iat4umeM[o be her free acl and deed mher said capacity, and the free ac[and deed of said body cwponre. SEAL U3-2id cosi-abs ' 10 -IS -03 QIIFTCI.AN'1 DEED The C= OF BANGOR, a municipal corporation located in Penobscot County, Maine, ss Grantor, for consideration paid, releases to DEERFIELD ASSOCIATES, LLC, a limited liadmity corporation organized and evening under the laws of the Stare of Maine sort having a place ofbusiness located in Bangor, Maine, as Gramee, a certain lot Or parcel of land amemd in the City of Bangor, Penobscot County, Mame, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the westerly aide of Ohio Stat the northerly comer of a parcel of land described in a deed from Green Place Associates to Deerfield Associates, LLC dated February 1, 20M and recorded in Penobscot County Registry of Deeds in Vol. 8062, Page 198; thence S 41024'49"R, by and along the west aide of Ohio St., five hundred eighty-four and five we hundredths (584.05) feet to a point; thence N 48035'11" E tlube and twenty-six one hundreddrs (3.26) feet to a point; thence N 41024'49" W, parallel to [tie west side of Ohio St., bw hundred eighty-four and five one bandoublis (58405) feet to a point thence S 48935'11" W three and twerrry-six one bunbradths (3.26) feet to thepoivtofbegirming The above description is oriented to gid norm ss shown on a plan recorded in the Penobscot County Registry of De 1s in Map File D37-78 and contains 1902.5 square feet The above description was Prepared by Imes M. Greer, PLS #1129, 73 Harlow St., Bangor, ME, 04401. Excepting and resdr v a public moment over the ®tire parcel for use of the payee] as right -of --way, including, but not limited to, the construction and maintenance of a public road, shoulder, sidewalk, sewer,' utilities, traffic lights, and an other public improvements as the City, in its sole Uaretioq may decide to install. Chsntee's use of the premises, beady the use, thereof as a member of &a geuaal public, is limited to mamaimin; the miamrw lot area required by City of Bangor roving for 1030 Ohio Sued, Bmgm tax assescor's map R-23, lot 2. _ The said CITY OF BANGOR has caused Us inst mnent m be sealed with its corporate seal, and signed in ifs corporate name by JAMES D. RDJG, Ivfraztrucmre & Development Support Director, dsereunto duly authorized, Us 14' day of October, 2003. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED M TFIE PRESENCE OF: VIDS BANGOR ing dmS MAINE REVENUE rlct HV I lal ., THIS FORM WITH SERVICE -8 COUNTY COUNTY REGISTRY OF DEEDS BOOK DO NOT DETACH! Bangor go�e1OsGa1m . were W32 PLEASE READ INSTRUCTIONS ON REVERSE BEFORE COMPLETING DECLARATION REAL ESTATE TRANSFER TAX DECLARATION TITLE 3a Al SECnoxS gcal threabn 4"1 nsEm Sell 1Will v 1. MUNICIPALRY OR TONARRI VNIY I cPenobscot BOOK PAGE Bangor (REGl6TRY use ONLY, GRANTEE(&1YER) 2 IOEMmS. NAMES) ci p FIp3T INITIAL) N0 SOCIAL 6EGm E IRNUMBERUM OR OORPORM Peal BAD FEOERIMENTIFICATION NUMBEI Baugore City of je 01 61 00120 " 3. NUMBER AND STREET mOR TONTJ cBangor s(pTE Ai ZIP CODE 73 Rarlose Street ME 04401 GRANroR WEER - y < OENRfV.NM1EI31 ryASi, FlPST, IrvITIAV ANO9]GAL3EcllRm xVMBEFN61p1 CORPCPAIE HFMEry)AW FEEPfl IOENTIFIC_ATIWNU6 ER(S) Deerfield Associates, LLC O 10 010 59 T E. HUMBER AND streetCITY OR TOWN STATE AND ZIP CODE 113 Thome -Road oilSullivan NE 04664 8. TAX MAP a LOT NUMBER(RpURP) - Wemingb Bal IF R%3-2 thaw PaPm le Mm AMMEemuee. aM�gy6�5 My.1,21act 0MU RALm DOES BUT HAVE TA% MAPS w all plaPu01 PROPERTYaeimt emN Y m=laM., 'or . was 0 He w'ui�nun rt¢M T. DATE OF TRANSFER MO. DAY R Nae mnnews) H 10 1 15 1031 OAPAMMe 0(m AppllmbM 8, shoat mmntq not emal or prMn Will, or reWlretl as be AN, for rel prWeM valued In morey, xlyNarre In marry o. eNem6e Ono Noue the vrcuMa am ma NgWa, Ea N is Oranarinbrerrss Fell s pm or not tsar WenWm say Is past, Mansell Is alae ere value of Na Bral VNUe le He evnmmea pfim flys propei[y Wold CONSIDERATION Mines omhrhal TMs willW wastal9Re hig Nrv�my the ane a macmed. me, av ren m W.20 par MOM, x The p vdil between the boyar Who to ealkr.) n exemm cam dne l4rez -,/a, --m1 VFLVE ),[s 6 W CON CFTICN g i (Cmy n tmGalme!•.o be Cully or paNMly weepy punnet bASA. IS FOR E%EMTIgmgleb nervb M "EXEMPTION yea �, ,,,jRa—,-104 pq.t-a( vET Q w 6� 3 �yyci. VIn ill were there""WVss He hall saheb sell Ntl the plow. V Me pvpaeJM wan Sher more or yeas then SPECIAL We as mann baby. (Be&as flm Net had fmwerwas aMares zoarorem.Nre.Imamemom)w sale, mtrenga, or wlwmr CIRCUMSTANCES tax may, °efl On eadmee Mail PLEASE EXPLAIrv. OYES. o" " 11. o Eyw,aA wirly the many have Cffg EWarts) nm ryalrm EnMmmrole all lmmine We because: MtlJroM New lrl as Mm No U,lWite Na evicted s a Mare raabaM, INCOME TAX "l pure saw yepulned the § Bell oanow", ba, been mi nam me sere Taa Aaaeaam. WITHHELD and "I remE to Who Ravanue sarades omaideUJIhe the prparty Mess then M.M. wMn N Wye Nttr hath d 4amM Qforenmllm lade mi per W AlaEM4FA. Iasi 3,A T2, Aware of paneXlce as an forth by Teale 3B, 6atlert 461 we bmeby Will or Mom tlur we have Men ovNnab mo When ane m ea bear of is, therms NOW belles, I b we. mlma am MOM b. GRANTEES) or AUTHORIZED AGENT DATE GPANTOFl(6)ar AVTWflQEO MaENT DATE OATH J hh R. Hamer, Esq. 10-15-03 �^'� i's AX IT _03 PREPARER ll e b m. WPemm or n span bels berm nsEm Sell 1Will v D p N/G R09ERTH. & CECELIA R. 0UDOT I - LITTLE o o N O s }4 LL it; o gl I� o 00 a w } O 0 0 0 0 iPll 36" GWNDA W E. 5' AND 5. I 4 AERIAL OTE it APPROXX, v I OHIO STIR E N'=�3 u Od La All IDD. . o APPRox. Rax _ '$ Z 7 �— — o 02_ PROPOSED ROW ,p O OF AREA I _ J902.62 SOFT. 1I T..d INSTALL 36" FOUNDATION, POLE, INSTALL 36 35' ARM. SIGNALS, SIGNS AND OLE 35- 35' I AERIAL DETECTION - NS AND