HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-03-14 05-100 RESOLVECOUNCIL, ACTION Item No. os-rnn Daft: March 14, 2005 Item/Subject: Resolve, Accepting and Approriating Grants from the Federal Aviation Administration and the State Department of Transportation for Constructing a De-icing Fluid Collection System at Bangor International Airport . Responsible Department: Airport Commentary: Increasing environmental avre ness of deicing fluid used at airports for deicing operations has triggered the Bangor International Airport to undergo the construction of a multi -phased deicing fluid collection sysytam. The total cost of the project is $1$84,222.00, the Federal portion is $1,315,010.90, State and City portion is $34,605.55. The City's portion is on the Airports budget. Rebecca L. Hupp Department Hand Marn�ager's Comments: FatA+*�r o�waQ . j7,1Nn.ww.��elrwawe G' "`" City Manager Associated Information: Budget Approval: A., raZ_ Finance Director Legal Approval: City Solicitor Introduced for Famage X First Reading T Referral to Finance Committee 121-05 page_of_ 05 -loo March 14. 2005 Assiuned to councilor esehvell a. CITY OF BANGOR F (TITLE.) Resolve, Accepting and Approriabng Grants from the Federal Aviation Administration and the State Department of Transportation for Constructing a De-icing Fluid Collection System at Bangor International Airport. WHEREAS, The City's applications to the Federal Aviation Administration and the Maine Department of Transportation for Airport Improvement Project grant funds to make Improvements to the infrastructure at Bangor International Airport have been accepted, and the Federal Aviation Administratrion and the State of Maine have agreed to provide the funds; and WHEREAS, Federal funds will cover 95% of the cost of the project with an additional 2.5% coming from the State of Maine and 2.5% from the Airport Revenues, BEITRESUVED BYTHECITYC"XR OFTHECIIYOFBANW&, 71/47 the City Manager is hereby authorized to accept the grants from the Federal Aviation Administration and the State Department of Transportation far constructing a De -Icing Fluid Collection System at Bangor International Almort under Airport Improvement Program (AIP) Project 3-23-0005-40-2005; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT There is hereby appropriated within the Airport Fund the amount of $1,384,222 recognizing the state and federal grant funds to be used for this project. The City Finance Director is hereby authorized to place these amounts within the appropriate accounts. m CTTY COUNCIL March 16, 2005 nrst Reading Referred to the Fiw4d Co®�tttee dN m "VVi IN CIW COUNCIL March 28, 2005 Motion Made and Seeonded for snag¢ p s d zl T4 y 05-100 RR S OL V �tITLN'I Accepting and pppropriatiog Grants 'Fr une reaerel AVIatIO Ac�lStfa a and the State Oepartmeat of Transportation System at Bangor Interoational crlw A rport 05 -100 STATE OF MAINE DEPARTMENT Or TRANSPORTATION 16 STATE HOUSE STATION AUGUSTA, MAINS 04333-0016 JOHN ELSE BROMPOI OWADA,OOLE GRANT AGREEMENT PART I - OFFER T0: City of Bancei (Hereinafter referred to as the "SPONSOR') PEON: The State Of Maine (acting through the Department Of Transportation, Office of Passenger Transportation, hereinafter referred to as the 'FSP ARTI®iT') WHEREAS„ the SPONSOR has submitted to the MPARTNENP a Project Pie-applicati On r Requtst for Aid involving a grant of State funds for a project for the acquisition, construction, establishment. safety, expansion, improvement or protection of the Senor International Airport (hereinafter called the AIRwaT^). - WHEREAS, the assmucamor has approved a project based upon this request for development of the AIRPORT (hereinafter called the •PROBIX'T-) consisting Of the following described airport development Construct Ib -Icing wastewater Collection and Disposal Systeu, Phase II. NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to and for the purposes Of carrying out the provisions of 6 V. R. S. A. all. 1. 17. 9, and 918.1, and in consideration of (a) the SPONSOR'S acceptance of this Offer, as hereinafter provides and (b) the benefits to a the public from the accomplishment of the PROJECT and the operations andmaintenance ntenance of the AIRPORT, as herein provided. THE MAINE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION I9 AN emRMASNR AMION -EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER Date Of Offer March 31, 3005 Project No. SAIP11.1003(4S) Bangor International llrHort T0: City of Bancei (Hereinafter referred to as the "SPONSOR') PEON: The State Of Maine (acting through the Department Of Transportation, Office of Passenger Transportation, hereinafter referred to as the 'FSP ARTI®iT') WHEREAS„ the SPONSOR has submitted to the MPARTNENP a Project Pie-applicati On r Requtst for Aid involving a grant of State funds for a project for the acquisition, construction, establishment. safety, expansion, improvement or protection of the Senor International Airport (hereinafter called the AIRwaT^). - WHEREAS, the assmucamor has approved a project based upon this request for development of the AIRPORT (hereinafter called the •PROBIX'T-) consisting Of the following described airport development Construct Ib -Icing wastewater Collection and Disposal Systeu, Phase II. NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to and for the purposes Of carrying out the provisions of 6 V. R. S. A. all. 1. 17. 9, and 918.1, and in consideration of (a) the SPONSOR'S acceptance of this Offer, as hereinafter provides and (b) the benefits to a the public from the accomplishment of the PROJECT and the operations andmaintenance ntenance of the AIRPORT, as herein provided. THE MAINE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION I9 AN emRMASNR AMION -EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER 05-100 THE D@AATMENT, PoX AMO ON AENALP OF THE STATE OF MINE, X RSEY OFFERS AND s AGREES to pay, s the State's Share of c red i acdamplishing the project. 2_5% percent of all approved project costs, subject to the following terms and Conditions: 1. The sentinels obligation of the State payable under this Offer shall be: TRirt -Sia Il Ousao9 your Hundred Twenty -Swan ($36,459.00) Dollars add 00/100. 2. SPASM SM11 -- a. Begin accomplishment of the PROJECT within a reasonable time after acceptance of this Offer, and; b. Carry out and complete the PROJECT in accordance with the terms of this Offer, and; 0. Carry out and complete the PROJECT in accordance with the plans - sketches and specifications ad approved by the DBPARTI®iT or as they may be .revised or modified with the approval of the and; d. Take necessary legal action to revoke any and all existing son - aeronautical rights of way or acembrances across the landing strip and prevent the issuance of any further such permits Or rights of way to cross said strip, and; Furman, to 6 M.A.S.A., operate and maintain the AIRPORT and all facilities thereon or connected therewith which are necessary for airport purposes, and not permit any activity thereon which would interfere with its e for aeronautical purposes except with the prior written approval of the DEPAEYI®Ts. and; f. Operate the AIRPOm'for the use and benefit Of the public on fair and reasonable terms without unjust discrimination, and g. insofar as is within its power and reasonably possible, the Sponsor will prevent the use of any land either within or outside the boundaries of the AIRPMm in any center (including the construction, ceation, alteration, or growth of any structure o other object thereon) whichwould sate a hazard to the landing, taking off, ormaneuvering of aircraft at the AIAPOET,.o otherwise limit the usefulness oftheAlRPORZ 3. The SPONSDR certifies that it holds property interests in the miens of land which are to be developed or used as a part of or in connection with the AIRPORT. 4. The SPONSOR shall keep an accurate accounting of all costs incurred On the PROJECT end submit a copy of such accounting [ the DEPAIMMIRT upon its request for reimbursement of such coats by the 5. This Offer shall expire and the State shall not be obligated to pay any of the costs o£ the PROJECT unless this Offer has been accepted by the PONSOR within sixty (60) days from the above date of Offer or such longer time as may be prescribed by the DEPAATMOSl in writing. 6. The Sponsor agrees to conscientiously perform preventative maintenance On the completed PRagamr and to make no application for State funds for repair or replacement of the PR0.RCT as a result of failure to perform such maintenance. LIABILITY; With respect to all operations performed by the COvevl@AgP and any Subconsulaants, the WEstamede and any Subcoasultants shall carry franswercial general liability or Other Coverage affording equal or greater protection a determined by the OswRR, in ane not less than $1,000,000 per claim and $2,000,000 i the aggregate. Such policy shall include products and Completed operations as well as contractual liability coverages. The contractual liability insurance shall cover the liability assumed by the CONSVLfd9T under this agre o indemnify, defend and hold harmless the Owner and its agents, repesentaeivesofficers and employees, with respect to my and all claims, = of a representatives, officers and employees. with respect c any art claims, c of action, losses, expenses or damages resulting in death, bodily injuryorproperty damage. PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY ]MC RANGE The CONESTES tlT and any subcsnsultante shall purchase and maintain a ig�Frofessiowl Liability insurance policy for a and omissions that provides minimum liability coverage uo£ $1,000,000 per Claim and annual aggregate. This policy shall cover negligent acts, errors or emissions by the CONSULTANTand subconsultants engaged by Consultant and any other per entity for whom the CWiSWN• TAis legally liable arising out of the rendition or pursuant Co this Agreamanc. FAMILIAAITT NITS LPWS AND INOEMNUICBTION: The COtlEVLTAFT is assumed to be am filiar with, and a all [ shall observe, and comply with all Federal and State laws, local bylaws, ordinances, and regulations inany ma affecting the conduct of work. The CONEOYfANT Shall hold harmless and inflemnffy the OWNER said its officers, agnts.- representatives and employees from any and all negligent, willful and wanton, intentional, malicious o nal acts and/or missions arising out of the CON=MNNT'S performance of the work, t The Sponacceptance of this Offer shall be evidenced by execution of this instrument by the Sponsor, as hereinafter provided and said Offer and acceptance shall Comprise a Grant Agreement c nstitutirsi the obligations and rights of the State and the Sponsor with respect to the accomplishment of the Project and the operation and maintenance of the Airport Each Grant Agreement shall become effective upon the Spanaoros acceptance of this Offer and shall remain in full force and effect throughout the useful life of the facilities developed under the Project but in any, event not to exceed ten (10) years from the dere of said acceptance STATE OF MAINE OeparimanC of Transportation/ ' Office of PassengerTransportation Ry544 Nopty D.Lone AirperL&4 Grant Administrator' 3 05-100 PART II - ACCEPTANCE The Citm of does hereby ratify and adopt all acacemea ne=aP a aavciee, t an is, and agrennents contained in the Project Applicationandi corporatedVmaterials referred to in the foregoing Offer and does hereby accept said Offer and by such acceptance agrees to all of the terms and conditions thereof. Pgecuted this 20th day of Ciy of Ba goz 2iz t Name Of Sponsor Ry Edward a Barlett Tine City Manager CERTIFICATE OF SPONSOR'S ATTORNEY 1, Nnmmn C Ncifmann TIT acting as Attorney for the City of $angOi (herein referred to as "Sponsor-) do hereby certify: - . Tha G.E have examined the foregoing Grant Agreement and the proceedings. taken 1 by said Sponsorrelatingthereto, and find that the Acceptance thereof is in all respects due and proper and further that, in my opinion, said Grant Agreement constitutes a legal and binding obligation of the Sponsor i accordance With the terms. Dated at Ra gores Mains. this 211th day of April , top$_. ity solicitjr, Title STATE OP MAINE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 16 STATE HOUSE STATION - AUGUST MAINE JOHN UPS SAM l April 12, 2005 Ms, Rebecca Hupp, Airport Director Bangor Airport 287 Godfrey Boulevard Bangor, Maine 0440y' �'/�hIJ�IP� ✓l✓ Dea Zd'tlS. H�sp.. I am pleased to advise you Naz on lvtarcb 31, 2005, David A. Cole, Commissioner, IvIDOT approved your request for Smte fuvds andslloceted$36,427.00 asthe State'ssbareto construct De loivg Wastewater Collecden and Disposal System at the Bangor International Airport Enclosed please find an original and four copies of the Grant Agreement for the Pryeet No.SAIP11.10W3 (45). Part E- Acceptance sbouldbe complebedby the City of Baneor and four copies of the original grant offer and acceptance returned to me as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please give me a call at 624-3254. Sincerely, Nancy D ey, Airports Ofcert asennt Administrator rta m End&