HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-03-14 05-99 ORDERItem No 05-99
Date: 3-142005
Item/Subjert ORDER, Authorizing the Issuance of up to $2,550,000 Aggregate Principal Amount of
Bartel Obligation Bonds, Notes In Antidpetion Thereof, and a Tax Levy Therefor.
Responsible Department: Finance
The atbched Cauncll Order will authorize the Issuance of up to $2,550,000 of general obligation bonds to
forcing to acquire and Install fire suppression/sprinkler systems in various hangars and other
buildings at Bangor International Alrourt. These systems are required by the National Fire Protection Act.
Department Head
Manager's Comments:
The need to Install sprinkler systems In a variety of buildings at Bangor International Airport was
discussed coding the budget process, at which time staff recommended that bonds be issued for this
project given Its sire. These improvements are required to meet fire and life safety codes. Six
athrma0ve votes are required to authorize the issuance of bonds.
This item will require a publichearing
March 28, 2005
Assoclated Information: - Public NI
Mel�� MAIN 4"k
Finance Director
Legal Approval:
6tY Solicitor
Introduced for
Passage page of
X First Reading
X Rdmml- FinanceCommittee of March 21, 2005
March 16, 2005
�� ���.� Assignddb Cauneila Tceoale
ClI .) ORDER. Authorizing the Iswance of up to $2,550,000 Aggregate Primipal Amount of
General Obligation Bonds, Note in Anticipation Thereof, and a Tax Levy Therefore.
THAT Pursuant lo 30-A MRSA. §Sn2, Section 13 of Article VI of the City Charts
(Private and Special laws of 1931, Chapter %) and all amendments thereof and acts additional
thereto, and all other authority, thereon enabling, there is hereby authorized the issue and sale
at one time and from time to time of up to Two Million Flue Hundred Fifty TMusind Dollars
($2,550,000) aggregate principal amount of general obligation bonds of the Cty of Bangor.
The proceeds derived from the sale of said bands, including premium, if any, shall be used and
are hereby appropriated to pay a portion of the msis (as herein defined) of the following
Project (the "Project"):
Description Amount Life
Acquisiinon and installation of Fire
Suppression / Sprinkler Systems in various $2,550,1100 20 years
hangars and other bulltlings at Bangor
International Airport
THATthe estimated weighted period of utility for the property constituting the Project
to be financed with the proceeds of said bonds is hereby determined W be the period of time
indicated above for the Project
THf1T the date, maturities (not to exmed 25 years from the Issue date), denominations,
interest rate or rates (not to exceed 8.00% per annum), place of payment, and other details of
each issue of mid bonds, Including the timing and povisian for their sale and award and the
selection of an underwriter, shall be determined by the France Director with the approval of
Um France Committee.
THAT the bonds hereby authorized may be made subject to call for redemption, with or
without a premium, before the data fixed for fired payment of the bonds, as provided in 30-A
MRSA. §M2(6), as amended, as shall be determined by the Finance Director with the
approval of the Finance Committee.
THAT said bonds shall be signnd by the Finance Director, courrtersigned by the
Chairman of the City Council, sealed with the seal of the City, attested by Its Clerk, and shall be
in such form and comain such terms and provisions not inconsistent herewith as they may
approve, their approval to be conclusively evidenced by their executor thereof. Any issue of
bonds may be consolidated with and Issued at the same tone as any other issue of bonds
authorized prior th their Issuance, and the bonds may be divided Into multiple series and issued
in separate plans of financing, with the approval of the Rmince Committee and the Chairman of
the City Council.
THAT pursuant to 30-A MRSA. §5TF2, Section 15 of Article W of the City Charter and
any other authority thereto enabling, the Finance Director, with approval of Me Fireance
Committee and the Chairman of the City Council, Is hereby authorized to Issue temporary bonds
or rwtrs of the City in anticipation of the forgoing bond Issue, said bonds to he signed by the
Finance Director, countersigned by the Chairman of the City Council, sealed with the seal of the
City, attested by its Clerk, and otherwise to be in such form and contain such terms and
proWsions including, without limitation, maturities not to exceed 3 years from the issue date),
denominations, interest rate or rates (not to exceed 8.00% Per annum), placce of payment and
other details as they shall approve, Meir approval to be conclusively evidenced by their
execution thereof.
THAT any temporary bands or notes (including bonds or notes in renewal thereof)
authorized M be issued under this Order may be Issued in combination with temporary bonds
or notes (including bonds or notes in renewal thereof) and bonds authorized to be mauled by
the City Council at any time pdor M the date of Issuance of the temporary bonds or noes.
THAT the finance Director Is authorized M negotiate, execute, and deliver, in the name
of and on behalf of the City such contracts, agreements, and other documents, Including
agreements, contracts, leases, Instruments, documents and certitcates as may be necessary or
appropriate as determined and approved by the Finance Director in connection with the
financing of the Project which documents shall be in such form and contain such terms and
conditions, not inconsistent herewph, as may be approved by Me Finance Director such
approval to be conclusively evidenced by his execution thereof;
THAT Me Finance Director be and hereby is authorized M select the underwriter for the
Binds and notes and the Finance Director of the City he and hereby is authorized and
empowered to ezecute and deliver such contracts or agreement as may be necessary or
appropriate in connection therewith.
THAT the Finance Director be and hereby Is authorized to prepare, or cause be be
prepared, a Preliminary Of cal Statement and an Official Statement for use in the offering and
sate of the Bands or notes such Preliminary Oficial Statement and Official Statement M be in
such form and contain such information as may be approved by the Finance Director, with the
advice of the bond coursel for the City, and Met the distribution of the Preliminary Oficial
Statement and Me Metal Statement in the name of and on behalf of the City in connecton
with offering the bonds be and hereby is approved.
THAT the Finance Director be and hereby is authorized to select the registrar, paying
agent, and transfer agent (the "Transfer Agent-) for the bonds and notes and M ewxute and
deliver such contracts and agreements as may be necessary or appropriate to secure their
THAT the Bonds and rotes shall be transferable only on the registration books of the
City kept by the transfer agent, and said principal amount of the bonds of the same mabi ty
(but not of other maturity) in minimum denominations of $5,M and any integral multiple in
excess thereof upon surrender thereof at Me principal office of the transfer agent, with a
wrilMn instrument of transfer satisfactory M the transfer agent duly executed by the registered
owner or his attorney duly authorized in writing.
THAT the Rnance Director be and hereby is authorized to undertake all at; necessary
to provide for the issuance and transfer of such Bonds antl notes in book -entry form pursuant
to the Depo rhuy Trost Company Book -Entry Only System, as an altemadve to the provisions of
the foregoing paragraph regarding physical transfer of bonds, and the Finance Director be and
hereby is authorized and empowered to enter Into a Lelia of Representation or any other
contract, agreement or understanding necessary or, in his opinion, appropriate in order to
qualify Me bonds for and partidpate in the Depositary Trust Company Book -Entry Only System.
THAT the Rn once Director and Chairman of the City Council from time to time shall
execute such bands or notes as may be required to provide for exchanges or transfers of bonds
or notes as heretofore audiodzed, all such bonds or nota to bear the original signature of the
Finance Director and Chairman of the Cry Council, and in case any offices of the City whose
signature appears on any bond or note shall cease to be such officer before the deliver of said
bond or note, such signature shall nevertheless be valid and sulfcient for all purposes, the
same as 9 such officer had remained in office until delivery thereof.
THAT upon each exchange or transfer of bonds or nota, the City and transfer agent
shall make a charge sufficient to cover any tax, fee, or other governmental charge required M
be pall! with respect to such transfer or exchange, and subsequent to the first exchange or
transfer, the cost of which shall be borne by the City, the cwt of preparing new bads or notes
upon exchanges or transfers thereof shall be pair! by the person requesting the same.
THAT the bonds and notes Issued in anticipation thereof be Issued! an either a taxable
or a tax-exempt basis, or a combination thereof, as determined by the Rnaroe Director, with
Me approval of the Finance Committee.
THAT, if the bonds v rotes, or any part of them are iswetl on a tax exempt basis, the
officers executing such bonds or notes be and hereby are individually authorized and directed
to covenant and certify on behalf of the City that mo part of the proceeds of the issue and sale
of the bonds or notes au[Iwrized to be issued hereunder shall be used directly or indirectly to
acquire any securities or obligations, the acquisition of which would cause such bonds or notes
to be "arbitrage bonds'within the meaning of Section 148 of the Internal Revenue Code of
1986, as amended (the "Code'.
MRT,'d the tolls or notes, or any part of them, are issued on a tax exempt basis, the
officers executing such bonds or notes be and hereby are Individually authorized M covenant
and agree, on behaB of the City, to the benefit of the holders of such bonds or notes, that the
City will Be any required reports and take any other action that may be necessary to ensure
that Interest on the bonds or notes will remain exempt from federal intone taxation and that
the City will refrain from any action that would cause interest on the bonds or notes to be
subject to federal income taxation.
THAT the officers executing the bonds or nota be and hereby are individually
audhonzed to covenant, certiry, and agree, on behalf of the City, for the benefit of the holders
of such bonds or nota, that the CM will file any required reports, make any annual financial or
material event disclosure, and take any other action that may be necessary to ensure Mat the
disclosure requiranents Imposed by Rule 15:2-12 of the Secunfies and Exchange Commission,
If applicable, are met.
THAT, if the bonds or notes, or any par[ of them, are issued on a tax exempt basis, the
Finance Director be and hereby is authorized and empowered to take all such action as may be
necessary to designate the bonds or nates as qualified tax-escmpt obligations for purposes of
Section 265(b) of the Cade; h being Me City Council's intention that to the extent permitted
under the Code, the bonds or rotes be Section 265(b) designated and Mat the Fnance Director
With advice of bond counsel, make the required Section 265(b) election with respect to such
bonds to the extent that the decdon may be available and advisable as determined by the
Finance Director.
THAT the term "cost" or "costs" as used herein and applletl to the Project, or any
portion thereof, Includes, but Is not limited to: (I) the purchase price or acquisition cost of all
or any portion of the Project; (2) the cad of construction, building, alteration, enlargement,
reconstruction, renovation, Improvement, and equipping of the Project; (3) the cwt of all
apWnerances and other facilities either on, above, or under the ground which are used or
usable in connection vlrth the Project; (4) the cost of landscaping, site preparation, and
remodeling of any Improvements or facilities; (5) the cwt of all labor, materials, building
systems, machinery and equipment; (6) the mat of land, structures, real property interests,
rights, easements, and franchises acquired in connection with the Project; (7) the cost of all
utility extensions and site Improvements and development; (8) the cost of planning, developing,
preparation of specifications, surveys, engineering, fessibility studies, legal and other
professional services associated with the Project; (9) the cost of environmental studies and
assessments; (10) the cost of financing charges and Issuance costs, including premiums for
insurance, interest prior to and during construction and, following completion of mnstru:bon,
for a period not to exceed 3 years horn the issue date Hereof, underwriters' has and costs,
legal and accounting fees and costs, application fees, and other fees and expenses relating to
the financing transaction; and (11) the cost of all other financing authonzed hereunder,
whether related or unrelated to the foregoing.
THAT the investment earnings on the proceeds of the bonds, if any, and tree excess
proceeds of the bonds, if any, be and hereby are appropnMed for the following purposes, such
proceeds to be held and applied In the following order of priority:
1. To any cos of Me Project in excess of the principal amount of the bolls;
2. If the bonds or rotes are iss ed on a tax exempt basis, in accordance with
applicable terms and provisions of the Arbitrage and Use of Proceeds Certificate
delivered in connection with the sale of the bonds or nota Including, to the
extent permitted thereunder, to the Cry's Deraal Fund;
3. To the extent the City Council debermines tha any proceeds of the Bonds are
not necsuissry to the completion of the Project, to any other public municipal
purpose approved by the City Council.
THAT the Fnance Director, Chairman of the City Council, Clark, and other proper
officials of the City be, and hereby are, authorized and empowered in 0s name and on Its behalf
W do or cause to be tion all such acts and things as may be necessary or desirable In order to
eRect Me Issuance, sale, and dellw y of the bonds and notes as hereinbefore authorized.
THAT if the Finance Director, Chairman of Me any Council, or perk are for any reason
unavallabk to appow: and execute the bonds or any related financing documents, the person
or persona Men acting in any such capacity, whether as an assistant, a deputy, or othervdse, is
authorized! to M for such offic al with the same force and efied as M such official had himself
or herself performed such aa.
THAT in can of the years during which any of the bonds are outstanding, there shall
be levied a tax in an amount that, with other revenues, if any, available for Mat purposei shall
be wficlent M pay the Interest on said bonds, payable in such years, and the principal of such
bonds maturing in such years.
March 14. 2005
First Reading
tEe£ red co Ftnauce
March 2E, 2004
Notion Made and Seconded
to Ora public Hearing
public Nearing Opened
No no, from the public
ams forward
Nation Made and Secouded to
Close Public Hearing
public Hearin Closed
Nation Made and Seconded
for Passage
q 05-99
�P�'1,LE) Authorizing the Issuance of up to
12.550.Aggregate Principal haount of
general Obligation Bonds. Rotes In anticipation
wren , and a Tax evyere ore
Notice is hereby given that the Bangor City Council will hold apublic hearing on March 28,
2005 at 7:30 pm. at City Hall, Bangor, Maine on the proposed issuance of general obligation
bonds in the maximum principal meant of$2,550,000 to finance the costs to acquire and install
fire Suppression I Sprinkler Systems in various hangars and other buildings at Bangor
hHemational Airport The facilities financed are comet and operated by the City, but maybe
leased and used by retail and service providers at the Airport
The bonds will be general obligations of We City and 0 the extent not paid from specific feu or
other designated revmue sources, will be repaid from germ] tax revenues. These bonds will
pledge the fill faith and credit of the City of Bangor for their repayment.
All persons who desire to be hand on the proposed issuance of the general obligation bonds are
invited to Wend the public hearing. The City Council will consider the Wooden of a resolution
authorizing the issuance of the bonds immediately following the public hearing.
Copies of the proposed order will be on file and may be reviewed at the office of the City Clerk
prior to said public hearing.