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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-06-12 06-215 - 06-221 RESOLVE"bee" N ` 0-0 215 Date: 6-12416 xBm 06 221 IIem/Bubjx RESOLVES, Adopting Die Fowl Year 2007 School Deparfmeat ReMmsible DeparMent: School Departmet Commentary: The following seven resolves will adapt the FY07 School DepaMlent Budget. They are as Ulm: 1. Resohre required by Tolle 20-A MRSA far the Vocational Education Region #4 operating budget of $2,474,069 (Bangoes assessment will be $421,018 and Is imluded in the DepartmerWs budget) and Vocational Mucatim Region #4 Adult Education Budget of $255,542 (Bangor's share is $8,125). 2. Resolve approAng me Sdtoo$ DeparbnerWs FMerpnse Fund Budgetof $1,808,174. This covers Adult Education, Food 5ervim, and Reading Assessment Programs. 3. Resolve approving the School Department's Special Revenue Fund Budget of $2,469,789. These are various grant programs. 4. Resolve approving the School Departments Test and AgemY Budget of $1,636,624. In addition and In amordance with the new requirements of ID 1, the following Articles must also be approved. 1. Article 1 will appmpdate the tool share of the bstal casts of die Essential Programs and Services funding model in the amount of $14,146,260. 2. Article 2 will appmimate the non -state funded debt service allocation in the amount of $822,167. 3. Ankle 4 will appropriate the total school budget in the amount of $36,060,918. Deparpnent Head These are the various meolves required to adopt the school budget for me coming year. Clry Manager Associated Infomratlon: Resolves Budget Approval: n tel. .d,eRW r Flnance Director Legal Approval: ry Solicitor Passage First Reading Page_of_ Referral 06 215 Assigned to councilor Palmer ]ane 12, 2006 CITY OF BANGOR (TITLE.) Resolver vocational Education Region #4 Appropriation Pursuant to TiBe 20-A, Chapter 606,15601-15619, Maine Revised statutes Annotated ey the Oty COUndiof the City of Bangor.• RESOLVED that the United Technologies Center Region #4 budget for 2006-2007 as approved by the Cooperative Board be approved in the amount of $2,474,069 (Bangor's 2006- 2007 assessment will be $421,018.00 for operating costs. This amount is included in the Bangor School Departments 2006-2007 budget. RESOLVED, that the United Technologies Center Region #4 budget for Adult Education for 200e-2007 as approved by the Cooperative Board be approved in the amount of $255,542.00 (Bangors 2006-2007 assessment for Adult Education will be $8,125.00. This amount is included in the Bangor School Departmenfa 2006-2007 budget. Statement of Fact: The purpose of this action is to comply with the State's requirement for local legislative body votes appropriating funds for education per Title 20-A, Chapter 606, 15601- 15619. IE CPR COMM June 12. 2006 :Heath g CL IN CITY COUNCIL Jose 26. 2006 Motion Made and see" ed for Passage el Pas� V 1 215 RESOLVE fpITLE) VocaCioval EducaCiooa EeRiov 96 Appropriation Pursuant to Title 20 -A 06artet 606.15601-15619, Maine Revived Statute Annotated NrlgoW b Cwx4r os 216 Assigned to councilor Allen June 12. 2006 CITY OF BANGOR (TITLE.) Resolver Approving School Department Estimates of Revenue from State Sources and Budget -Enterprise Fund By the Gty Corm[%/ of Ute Gty ofBangor. RESOLVED, that the City of Bangor accept the following categories of funding as provided by me Maine State Legislature for the year beginning July 1, 2008 and ending June 30, 2007, and approve them as the Bangor School Department's Enterprise Fund Budget for the same fiscal period. And be It further resolved that the Bangor School Department's Enterprise Fund for the period of July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2007, is hereby approved as follows In the amount of $1,808,174. Estimated Amount Division Name to be Received 150 AdultEducation Programs $ 827,153 501 Food Services Program 1,171,021 505 Reading Assessment Program 10,000 TOTAL $ 1,808,174 I9 CITY CMNCIL d 2006 i P�Mead I CITY CLHBR I8 an C00MCIL ]we 26. 2006 Motion Hade and Seconded for Pasaage Peeved R 6 6 3 01 V5g LP Sauvic�eeasAeaPsnWdofovBuWMioee¢g eeeCwS-CLeno[ofel[mOteiWSatet9[[P�a0 evdt e ams,ed m Connem.�_SYYli� H 217 assingedto councilor stone June 12. 2006 s i CITY OF BANGOR (TITLE.) Resolve, Approving School Department Estimates of Revenue from State Sources and Budget -Special Revenue Fund BY the LHy Council of the CHyofBangor: REWL ICED, that the City of Bangor accept and authorize the School Committee to expend the following categories of funding as provided by the Maine Stene Legislature for the year beginning July 1, 2006 and ending June 30, 2007 In the amount of $2,469,789: Estimated Amount Division Name to be Received 201 Title 1A $ 1,180.933 202 Title V (Innovative Education) 16,136 203 IDEA Part B (Local Entitlement) 856,547 204 Title IID(Elsenhower) 29,021 206 This IIA (Teacher Quality) 533,085 211 Title IV (Drug Free Schools) 38,604 228 Local Entitlement Pre School $ 15,463 TOTAL $ 2p89,789 IH Mw wwO June 14, 2006 Piisf eding K� IR CITT COORCLL June 26, 2006 Notion !lade esd Seconded for Ps)s�e Passed Maur to 06-21) RE SOL PE amp Annrwine SCM1ool PeoattmevC Utlmates of F eooe from state !tames t.l ¢ ooe prod Amlpw to Coa r�� ` A "Cty��JA^t'^ 06- 218 Nef Y to councilor saves June 12. 2006 CITY OF BANGOR 10333 (TITLE.) Resolver Approving School Department Estimates of Revenue and Budget— Trust and Agency Fund By the City Council of the City of Bangor. RESOLVED that the Bangor School Department Trust and Agency Fund budget for July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007 to be approved in the amount of $1,636,814: Estimated Amount Division Name to be Received 701 Bangor Regional Program $ 430,761 Multi -handicapped 702 Bangor Regional Program $ 242,463 Hearing Impaired 703 Bangor Regional Program $ 283,473 Acadia Hospital 704 State Agency Client Funds $ 500,000 705 Bangor Regional Program $ 36,465 Multi -handicapped Summer 707 Elizabeth Means Fund $ B,Dw 710 Gifts & Donations $ 5,000 724 Vocational Education—Co-op $ 92,472. 730 Southern Penobscot Regional 38,000 Program for Children with Exceptionalities TOTAL $1,636,624 M CITT MUCIL June 12, 2006 ft: f Yeaala CIl'4 um f 06-218 88 S 0L V6 8J SaY Sehaal ttaeat EstJua[es of vand Rudy¢d -T[ue[ A91igmml to'�COJOa/Yt�OIr V 1 V Assigned to a•ealcee i� 12, 2051 211 CITY OF BANGOR (TITLE.) Resolve, Making an Appropriation for the School District Contribution to the Total Cost of Funding Public Education from kindergarten to Grade 12 as Required by 20-A MRSA Section 15690 1. A -B BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BANGOR THAT In accordance with 20-A MRSA Section 156901. A. and B., the following separate article appropriating $14,385,616 as the Oty's contribution to the total cost of funding public education from kindergarten to grade 12 is hereby approved. Article 1: To see what sum the municipality will appropriate for the total cast of funding public education from kindergarten to grade 12 as described in the Essential Programs and Services Funding Ad:. (Recommend $29, 848,669.21) and to see what sum the munidpalky will raise as the munlcipelity's co mibution to the total cost of funding public education from kindergarten to grade 12 as described in the Essential "rams and Services Act in accordance with Maine Revised Statutes, Ttie 2", section 15688 Recommend $14,146,260 En Ianadon: The municipafdys contribution to the total cast of funding public education from Kindergarten to Grade 12, as desoibed In the Essential Programs and Sendces Funding Act, is the amount of money determined by the state law to be the minimum amount that the municipality most raise in order to receive the full amount of state dollars. IP CITY COOPCIL Jose 12. 2006 fixe[ Eadfag CLP&C IM CITY 000pCII.- Juve 26. 2006 Nation Xade sed Seconded for ga. Pass:rta .�\.. hr X 06-219 SES0LV6 UMEJ Makin¢ so Appropriation for the School Merritt Contribution to the Total Cost of fwdine Public Education Eros Kindergarten to Grade 12 as Required by )0-A MCs on ISR90 - 06 220 V Assigned to Creeve Suve 12. 2006 CITY OF BANGOR (TITLE.) Resolve, Making an Appropriation for Non -State Funded Debt Service Allocation for the Bangor School Department as Required by 20-A MRSA Section 15690 2. A. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BANGOR THAT In accordance wXh 20-A MRSA Section 15690 2. A., Mere is hereby approved the following separate school budge artide raising and appropriating $822,167 in local funds for annual payments on debt service for non -state funded portions of Scrod conduction projects and minor capital projects. ARTICLE 2 To see what sum Me municipality will raise and appropnate for the annual payments on debt service previously approved by the dry council for non-srate funded portions of school construction projects and minor capital projects in addition to the funds appropriated as the local share of the school administrative units contribution to this total cost of funding public education from kindergarten W grade 12. Recommend $822,167.00 Explanation: Non state funded debt service is the amount of money needed for the payments of spool departmdrt long term debt for major capital construction projects and or minor capital renovation projects that are not approved for state subsidy. The bonding of this long term debt was preNousty approved by the Bangor City CourcH. IN CITY Cowen June 12, 2006 Fiv'ae fading t� C dF9C M CIW COUNCIL dune 26, 2006 Motion We and Seconded for Paee e Passed igy MPGR p 06-220 R NNOLVN 11ITL6a - State Funded Debt Service l ocaciw for f�Lnnl M a�=; as B an4t d b_v 20-A M4pWtsC vewf t, fi f 06-221 Aasigned to Pay ingtoa .ivae 12. 2006 CITY OF BANGOR (TITLE.) Resolve, Making an Appropriation far the Total School Budget for the Bangor School Department as Required by 20-A MRSA Section 15690 4. A. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BANGOR THAT In accordance with 20-A MRSA Section 15690 4. A., ihe following separate article authorizing a total FY2006 School Department budget in the amount of $38,060,918 Is hereby approved. ARTICLE 4: To see what sum the municipality will authorize the school committee M expend for the 6scel year beginning luly 1, 2006 and ending lune 30, 2007 from the school administrative units ocntribudw to the total cost of funding public education from kindergarten to grade 12 as described in the Essential Programs and Services Funding Act non -state funded school construction onjects, addidorwl loci funds for school purposes under the Maine Revised Statutes, Tide 20-A section 15690, unexpended balances, tuition receipts, state subsidy and other re elpts for the support of schools. Reonmmend $38,060,918 Explanation: The school administrative unit mus[ include a summary amde Indicating the total annual budget far funding public education from kindergarten to grade 12. The amount recommended must the gross budget of the school system. This artide does not provide money unless the other articles are approved. IR CITY COwR Tuve 1 2006 116 et ead nr TY mom IX CITY C CIL Jum 26, 2006 mcia�waa aaa setoaaea far ease eas LTY CLYBH A 06-221 RRS01VB (TITve av Avvrvvv for [6e Total School Budge[ for the Bevgar e vm[ ae Beauired 6y 20A Mass, Section 6690.6.a