HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005-11-14 06-009 ORDERitem No
Date: 11-1405
RemdSee an Order, Authorizing An IntacommunlN Sign for Mary Snow School at the Intersection of
Milford Street and Essex Sheet.
Responsible Department: Code Enforcement
Vehide access to Mary Snow School is by way of Milford Sneed from Essex Street. For marry Years, there
has been a simple 2 Not by 2 Not sign on Essex directing travelers to the school. This sign has reached
the end of Its Ilk, and the school's Pro has offered to replace it with a new sign. The sign ordinance
requires Nat the design of off -premise Intramrnmunay signs be approved by the Council. Exact
placement relative to the intersection and for purposes of vehicle safety will be determined by the City
Background information from Code Enforcement is attached including infonnabon on the design of the
Department Head
This has been reviewed and is recommended by the Transportatlon and Infashucture Committee.
City Manager
associated IrHarmation:
Budget Approval:
Finance Director
X Passage
_ First Reading Page _ of
Assigned to councilor Allen 9ovMe: 14, zoos
(TITLE.) ORDER, Authorizing An Intracommunity Sign for Mary Snow School at the
Intersection of Milford Street and Essex 5treet.
The proposed design of an inhac immunity sign for Mary Snow School, as depicted on
the attachment hereto, is hereby approved for installation at the intersection of Milford
Street and Essex Street. Final location of this sign shall be subject to the approval of
the City Engineer or his designee.
November 14, 2005
Paa CLS10'.
C 06-09
fITlt�) AUChorizIng an Intracavity Siga
fo[ Xevy Snaa School at the lnttruCtlon
of Milford Street and Neaee Street
Aoignedl0Councilor "m
06 009
To: 1'sanapavauw and infraswcture Committee
CC: lith lting City Evgineaz
Fmm: Dan Wallington, Code Empowerment
pa@: 10117s(B
Re: Mary Slaw Sohwl Sip
Mary Snow Solool, as you mrsawarm, has ils only vehicle ascus off Essex Street put unload as
anyone temsmWs thve has over a pkN 2 fom by 2 foot(approx.) lidamed sign on Essex Stduecing
People m mass me Milford St. Bidencen to reach Mary Snow SeM1oot. The sign M1m reached the and
of ¢s life and 11 SCM1oops 111, it n an offy replies dwiN 1111, ,sip mectiw markirVgTOw0 The
//// 'simdmin regmms,beame to
off -prem mmtommnmryafgnma conncJapmomme
de girt placementtimmuemy iCity Bindan, know are
ees Of the rvisual clearances [ois Sip
,ueh�cle ca(ery Bum be dmaminedby me City Engmem. Below arethe relevant rinioneof Mary
bN'wmcdpd atbchetl is suppxdngdocwnmmsian submitted! by Mr. Bishop, Principal of Mary
6now Schodl.
P. Special innawmmunity service signs.
(1) Such Cps may be arced in any public right-of-way within me City of Bangor, including
museum highways and expressway systems. Soon eigm may only be ereckd by me Ciry ofBamem.
�- Both ends mall be limited W directing traffic TO Ne following mutiome
(a) Hospitals which provide emergency services; 24 hours a day.
(b) Public transportation facilities, including impose, railroad smtiom, bus terminals and f In.
(e) Publicrecreatiomi facilities, mm as beaches,patio, Spon marine, scenic= so historical sites,
museums and commit disputes and edumtinntl fu8ities. lAmended 4-22-1996 by Card No.
(d) Municipal subdivisions, such as cannel business districts and villages within the City
(e) Govemmemal buildings Or agenaim, such as City Nall, carry buildings, islands, stmmies
and fire aM police stations.
(2) Signs fm spcific Commercial enebluM1mmd shil net be personal
October f), 2005
(3) Signa shell be rectangular in shape with a while h:gmd on a blue backgmlmd. Ilse
orchesum length sMn be 48 inches, and the mavmum letla vu shall be four
No more than eight base of copy shall be permitted ca mry one sign
(a) Veaiced and]Leta] clearences of such signs slur]] wn6im b Sections LA -22 and 1A-23 of
the Manual on llnifoem Trai Como Devices for SlreW and Highways. Such sign "I
sent be eiment N coojuxtion sei&,nor be is conflict with, nor inta&re wit, nRcial highway
(b) Bach sign smell be owned by to City ofBounce, but the costs for construction, inatlllaUon,
and causes] Ash be beta "c urganiaation for which the sign was macetl.
[Amended 422-1996 by Ord No. 96-1741
(4) Special intnmmmumty signs directing as public to municipal subdivisions or Alleges,
such as central business or waterfront shanties, or to governmental buildings, such as
City Hall, counts buildings, schools, llbraches and Bre and poHU Stations, and signs
welcoming due public to the City of Bangor shall not be subject to Subsection INC)
above posts, shape and else of each signs shall be mimed and authorized by 16e Chey
Council. ]Amended 4-22-1996 by Ord No. 96-1741
43 2
os oos
P -
435 Broadway
Bongo; Me 04401
9414290 Bae: 941-6299
Stephen Bishop, principal
Cpmhia Brown, Guidance Counselor
Dan Wellington 10/7/05
Code Enforcement Offices
Bangor City Hall
Dear Sir,
On behalf of the Mary Snow Parentrreacher Organization, I am requesting approval to
install a school sign at the comer of Essex and Milford Extension Streets. This sign would
replace the existing sign, which is rectangular 10" x 12", (approximately), on a metal post.
The proposed sign would be six sided, 96 inches high and 12 inches across, with the
wording Mary Snow School and Expect The But visible from north and southbound traffic
on Essex Street.
The access w the Mary Snow School is difficult to find for those not acquainted with the
area. We feel that the proposed sign will be much more visible and inviting for students,
parents and visitors. -
Enclosed are the proposed plans, submitted to the PTO by Bangor Neon.
Thank you for your consideration of this matter.
Stephen BSshop
Cc: Alan Kochis, Bangor Schools
Kristi Solman, PTO
Denise Brookings, PTO