HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-08-11 08-269 ORDINANCEItem No, 68 269
Date: August 11, 2008
Item/Subject Ordinance, Amending the Code of the City of Barger, Chapter 278, Taxicabs,
§ 278-6, Rates of Fares.
Responsible Department: Legal
This Ordinance amendment would increase the maximum drop rate charged by taxkab drivers
from $1.50 he $2.50. R wood also make the taxicab fares established in this Ordinance
maximum rates, which could be adjusted lower by drivers. This would be in place of the cuneM
set rates tram which a driver cannot deviate downward.
These changes were suggested at the Taxicab Advisory Committee meeting on July 24, 2008
and met with widespread appmval there. The Increase In drop rate was proposed as a way of
combagng the higher price of fuel.
It was also recommended at the meeting that the customary first reading and referral process
be waivetl in order to provide rellef from high gas prices more quickly.
Department Head
Manager's Comments: While this Ordinance appears under First Reading and e I re
may be Interest in considering with thls on the 11 instead of the 28'°.
City Manager
Associated Informatmn: /{/ w /
Budget val: (/�// Appro
Hnance Director
Legal Approval:
i idmr
lotroducell for
x Refenala ing t,TAW/lam+<� l%/r ur�(1r�S."ren
twaast 11, 2008
Fps;{ ae»%ease to fgavctlar ealmr
08 269
(TITLE.) Ordinance, Amending the Code of the City of Bangor, Chapter 278, Taxicabs,
§ 278-6, Rates of Fares.
the Cade of the qty of Bangor, Chapter 165, § 165-113 be amended as follows:
A. Foresee be collectedfrom my taxicab passenger or passengers shell bees-nogreaterthmthat shown
on the taximeter, and an owner or driver shall charge rates to such passenger or passengers for
taxicab services within the limits of the City of Bangor ether eater than the following:
(1) For the first 1/6 are mile or fraction thereof $ 32.50.
(2) For each 1/6 ofa mile or fraction thereafter: $0.35.
B. provided, however, that in addition to the miss offers permitted under Subsection All) and (2)
above, a fare of not more than $0.30 per minute may becbmged in the event that my taxicab is
forced, by reason ofthearfific conditions or other circumstances beyoral the drivels control, m travel at
a speed of less than 10 miles perhour for a continuous period ofmore then two minutes.
C. All taxicabs operated under a license granted by the City of9angar most display the rate card
provided by the City of Bangor which sets forth the maximum rates permitted under this chapter.
This hate card shall be placed so as to be in fall mod plain view of the passenger while riding in such
D. Additional passengers. If there is more than one passenger having the same origin and destination, OR
mus§-passenger.,sHe{4gey may be cheated not more than an equal proportionate pares of the
charges shown on the taximeter. At the option of the owner of such taxicab, an additional charge of
not more than $0.25 maybe made for each additiortal passenger having the same origin and
destruction as Ne first passenger. If there is more then one passenger and the descriptions are
diff nt, each passenger shell pay -rev be chareed not more than his or her equal proportionate part
of the charges shown on the taximeter at the first stop, and, at each subsequent stop, the remaining
passengersa be h ed not more thea their proportionate parts of the
difference between the muount than shown on the taximeter cud the amount shown by the taximeter
at the next preceding stop. However, notwithstanding the above requirements, the additional
passenger fare may not be charged to bearers of Greater Bangor Ride Tickets, provided that every
passenger boards together and travels on des same destination.
08 269
Waiting hone. If, at the nximst of the pxcsenger, the mnicab waits for the passenger after the taxicab
has arrived 9 the place of origin, at the expiration of five minutes after such taxicab has arrived, the
passenger may be charged at -non more than a maximum code of $20 per hour, or any sash traction
thereof, as the actual waiting time hears to one how. No charge shall be merle for waiting time in
advance of the time at which the taxicab is regwred in the rtquest for the taxicab service, nor for the
delay due to the inefficiency of the taxicab or its operation, nor fa mileage w time other then
proceeding in the most direct way an the destination.
M CI" Comm
dugust 11, 2MB
Motion Made and Secouded
Co Wive the nest Heading
and Referral
Vote: 6-2
Councilors, Voting Yes:
B1eocbette, D•Htrlco. Partington,
Wvea, Fa r and Wheeler
Couucllot voting No:
g amen,atone
Motion: Wade and seconded
for Passage
Vote: Y-1
Councilors Voting Yes: Bla
Wrico. Yarriogton. Mone
Falser, Stone and Wheeler
Couvcilora voting Bo: Crai