HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-08-27 07-279 ORDERItem No. 07 279 Date: August 27, 2007 Item/Subject. order, AuthoriOng the City Manager to Exeade an Agrcememwith The Maine Department of Transportation Regarding Overweight Construcdon Vehicles- Essex Street Bridge Reptacement Project #AC-IM-12M(200)E Responsible Deparbrcento Engineering The attached Order is a routine action that would allow overweight construction vehicles on City streets in conjunction with the Essex Street Bridge Replacement project over the Interstate. The contractor will be required to repair any resultant damage to Cary streets. The pmjed is expelled to start this fall and be completed next year. A Copy of the Agreement is attached. V Department Heatl Manager's Comments: T,14, i0R M ptµ,olAolow City Manager Legal Approval: NSolicimr Introduced for Passage _First Reading Page _of_ Referral 07 279 Assigned to Councilor 4taMck August 27. 2007 CITY OF BANGOR (TITLE.) Ordeir Authorizing the City Manager to Execute an Agreement with The Maine Departmem of Transportation Regarding Overweight Construction Vehicles - Essex Street Bridge Replacement Project #AC -IM -12"200)E By the OtyCoursdl of the Oty of Sonya - THAT the City Manager is heretry authodzed and directed to execute an agreement with the Maine Department of Transportation for transporting of construmon equipment that exceeds legal weight limits over municipal roads for the Essex Street Bridge Replacement Project #AC -IM -1264(200)E A copy of the Agreement is attached. R t n, 2007 C Pae'#ad I k 07-279 0RP RR un MMEJA, cute $¢cute 'av Agxee¢ea[ vl[L [he^'laiue. maR..� .m R�¢axd'n O ery gbt Cwet[uc[1oncV¢hlcl s-Sssex .. RRC-#4 -n n76a¢n ¢c^L�annn wnleee , i Lf-1266(200)8 _ ewiwmacaonaior ,wa. I h I 07 279 RECEIVED AU6 7 2007 Ed Barrett, City Manager �Twnn<oausomes CitycfBangor 73 Harlow St Bangor, ME 04401 Subject: Essex Street Bridge Replacement Project No: AC4M-1264(200)E CityofBangor Deer Mr. Eased: The Maine Department of Tnnsporlation will soon advertise the subject project for construction, and paramount to 29-A MRSA § 2382 (7) we have established a "C nsn ntam Area". A copy of 29-A § 2382 is enclosed for yaw information. Also included is an agriemenS which requires signature by the municipal officers, and additional background documents The agreement wipulmes that the municipality will issue a permit for a tinned period of time to the MDOT contractor for transporting commissions equipment (backhces, bulldozers, etc.) that exceed legal weight limits, over municipal roads. The agreement acknowledges the momicipality's right to require a bond from the contractor to "guarosow suitable repair or payment of damages" per 29-A MRSA. 29-A MRSA § 2382 (7) stores that "the suitability of repairs or the amount of damage is to be determined by the Deparbnent of Transportation an state -maintained ways and bridges, otherwise by the municipal officers". In other words, municipal officers determine the suitability of remain on municipal ways and bridges. The State cannot force municipalities to allow overweight vehicles to travel on posted municipal roads. Municipal postings supersede overweight permits. However, the agreement requires municipalities to make reasonable accommodations for overweight vehicles Nm are operated by connector and the MDOT in connection with the construction project The specific municipal roads involved are not necessarily known at present' as the contrsctor's plan of operation won't be known=61 just prior in the start of work, If Ne municipality plans to require a bond; the amount of the bond should be determined prior to the matt of work. If Ne project number administratively changes, you will be ratified, and the agreement modified accordingly. Plastic retum Ne completed agreement to my attention. Should you have any questions, please connect me at 624-3402. Siinnnserely, y. v -W awt4n/Lv��l/ Devin Anderson Bureau of Project Development 07 279 Return this AGREEMENT, when completed, re: Maine Department of Transportation ATTN.: Mr. Scott Bickford, Contracts & Specifications Engineer 416 State House Station, Child Street Augusta, Maine 04333-0016 Project No. 012642.00 Location: Bangor, Essex Street Bridge Pursuant to 29-A MRSA § 2382, the undersigned municipal officers of the City of Bangor agree that a construction overlimit permit will be issued to the Contractor for the above -referenced project allowing the contractor to use overweight equipment and loads on municipal ways. The municipality may require the contractor to obtain a satisfactory bond pursuant to 29-A MRSA § 2388 to cover the cost of any damage that might occur as a result of the overweight loads. If a bond is required, the exact amount of said bond should be determined prior to the use of any municipal way. The Maine DOT will assist in determining the amount of the bond if requested. A suggested format for a general construction overlimit bond is attached. A suggested format for a construction overlimit permit is also attached. This construction overlimit permit does not supersede rules that restrict the use of public ways, such as posting of public ways, pursuant to 29-A MRSA § 2395. The maximum speed limit for trucks on any municipal way will be 25 mph (40 Imx per hour) unless a higher speed limit is specifically agreed upon, in writing, by the Municipal Officers. CITY OF BANGOR By the Municipal Officials