HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-12-29 11-047 RESOLVEItem No. L' X147 Date: 12-27-I0 Item/Subject: Resolve, Amending the Mail Area Trail Infrastructure Municipal Development and Tax Increment Financing District and Development Program Responsible Department City Manager Commentary: PURLiCNEARING Council Resolve 08-093 passed February 11, 2008 adopted a Mall Area Traffic Infrastructure Municipal Development and Tax Increment Development Program Wtake advantage of new development and investment in the Mall Area. The District captures the tax revenue generated by new private development within the districts boundaries and dedicates it M financing public improvements. These naw tax revenues generated by the Wal-Mart and ALSID projects can be used to fund traffic improvements on Stillwater Avenue and Hagan Road and will benefit existing development in the Mall area along with facilitating further investment and development In the area. This proposed amendment updates initial revenue, tax shift and costs estimates, extends the term of the district m 30 years, as well as adjusts the scope of some previously incuded improvement projects, and adds several new projects M Me list of proposed improvementsto be finance with tax increment revenues. The addition it projedsare related M the so termed "Ter RI Costs". In general Mer III Costs are Mose costs related to economic development with Me City. These costs can included such expenditures as: Me funding of development programs or events developed or funding Me marketing of the City as a business or arts local and funding to plan, design, construct, maintain, groom and improve new w existing recreational trails determined by DECD M have significant potential to promote economic development. Department Head Manager's Comments: This was reviewed with the Cool at a Workshop Session on December 16, 2010. Cal M City Manager Associated Information: Resolve Bull Approval: FI nce Director Legal Approval: selftfor Introduced for x passage First Reading page_ of _ Refemal i X17 ('41)) Dee®ber 2], 701D Assigned no Counclor — Nezlley In CITY OF BANGOR (TITLE.) RESOLVE. Amending the Mall Area Traffic Infrastructure Municipal Development and Tax Increment Financing District and Development Program WHEREAS, the City of Bangor (the "City') is authorized, pursuant to Chapter 206 of Title 30-A of the Maine Revised Statutes, as amended, to designate a specified area within the City as the Mall Area Traffic Infiastrudure Municipal Development and Tax Increment Financing District (the "District'] and to adopt a Development Program for the District; and WHEREAS, the City designated! the Mall Area Traffic Traffic District and adopted a Development Program for the Mall Area Traffic Cistrid on February 11, 2008 by Control Order 08-093; and WHEREAS, the City reams to amend the Development Program in order to extend the tens and include additional statutadly authorized projects in the project list to be funded through the revenues produced through the Mall Area Traffic District and to update the initial revenue, tax shift and costs diamonds; and WHEREAS, pursuart to Title 30-A M.R.S.A. Section 5226(5), a municipality may amen an adopted development program after the mee0ng procedural requirements for the adoption of a development program; and WHEREAS, it is expected that approval wlll be obtained firm the State of Maine Department of Economic and Community Development (the "Departi approving the amendment to the Development Program for the Mall Area Traffic District; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BANGOR THAT: Section 1. The City of Bangor hereby amends the Mail Area Traffic Infrastruchure Municipal Development and Tax increment Financing District Development Program, such amendment (the "2010 Amendmenn to be pursuant to tre following findings, terms, and provisions: Section 2. The City Council hereby finds and determines that a. At least twenty-five Percent (25%), by area, of the real property within the District, as hereinafter designated, is suitable for commercial uses as defined In 30-A M.R.S.A. § 5223; and b. The total area of the District does not exceed twa percent (286) of the lost acreage of Me City, and the total area of all existing and proposed development tax increment 1T ;A7 financing districts within the City, excluding the existmg Bangor Downtown District, pass not exceed five percent (5%) of the total acreage of the Cry; and C. The original assessed value of the District plus the orginal assessed value of all existmg tax increment financing disticts within the Goy, excluding the existing Bangor Downtown District, does not exceed five percent (5%) of the total value of taxable Gvoperty within the Gry as of April 1, 2007; and d. The aggregate original principal amount of municipal indebtedness financed by the proceeds from existing tax Increment financing districts within Penobscot County does not exceed $50,000,000; and e. The designation of the District and pursuit of the Development Program will make a contribution to the emnomic gnovrth and well being of the Cty of Bangor and the surrounding region and will tanthbute to the bettermeH of the health, welfare, and safety of the Inhabitants of the City of Bangor, Including a broadened and improved tax base and economic stimulus, and therefore constitutes a good and valld public purpose. Section 3. Pursuant to the provisions of 3RA M.R.S.A. § 5227, the percentage of increased assessed value to be retained as captured assessed value in accordance with the Development Program remains unchanged by the 2010 Amendment. Sffitlon_4 The City Manager, or her duly appointed representative, is hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to submit the 2010 Amendment to the Development Program for the Mall Area Traffic District to the State of Maine Department of Economk and Community Development for review and approval pursuant to the requirements of 30-A M.R.SA. § 5226. Sectio S. The foregoing adoption of the 2010 Amendment to the Development Program for the Mall Area Traffic Drstrkt shall automatically become final and shall take full face and effect upon approval by the Commissioner of the DepaNnent, without requirement of further aMon by the City, the Gry Coundl, or any other party. S *torr 6 The City Manager, or her duly appointed representative, is hereby authorized and empowered, at her discretion, from tlme to time, to make such revisions to the Development Program for the Mall Area Traffic Depict as the Cry Council, or its duly appointed representative, deem reasonably necessary or convenient in order to facilitate the process for review and approval of the District by the State of Maine Department of Economic and Community Development or for any other reason, so Ing as such revisions are not inconsistent with this order or the basic structure and Intent of the Development Program. IN CITY COMM 6 11-0 DeceWer 28. 2010 Motion Made and seconded to Open the Public Nearing I No one fom the Public Cave'forvard ._ ath. M ^®1c3pa1 1 Motion Made and Seconded to Close the PuhlloMMR1 Meariag InfrastmetureM I Develop"t and Poblic Nearing Closed Mtr! Made and Seconded for Passage Tu Increment Pimncing District and P ed j Deaelapcent Progra - C 8Bg I Aalguado Cbuwvr