HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-10-07 Business and Economic Development Committee Minutes BUSINESS & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Monday, October 7, 2024 @ 5:15 PM Penobscot Room, Lower Floor of Penquis CAP MEETING MINUTES City Councilors Present: Dean, Fish (via Zoom), Fournier, Hawes, Leonard, Schaefer, Pelletier, Tremble. City Staff Present: Collette, Krieg, Laurie, Stanicki. Chair Hawes called the meeting to order at 6:17 P.M. 1. LETTER OF SUPPORT FOR BUBA OG COOKIES' RFSI EQUIPMENT GRANT PROPOSAL Development Director Anne Krieg presented the agenda item and gave overview of request for letter of support. Requested that Committee grant approval for staff to provide said letter. Councilor Tremble moved approval for staff to provide letter of support for Buba OG Cookies' RFSI Equipment Grant proposal, seconded by Councilor Schaefer. Vote unless doubted, no doubt. Motion passed. 2. CENTRAL KITCHEN —ARCHITECTURAL & OPERATIONS/MANAGEMENT PLAN, Review of current plans and management plan draft for input Development Director Krieg presented the agenda item and gave brief update on the Central Kitchen project. Caroline Paras, consultant, presented to the Committee via Zoom and gave a slideshow presentation with overview of drafted management plan. Councilor Pelletier requested that disability be added to the demographics portion. Councilor Tremble asked about the process for developing structure of the management— Development Director Krieg stated that this will be determined later in the process and discussed several options with Tremble. Councilor Fish asked about whether some of the data was based on local demographics or comparable kitchen projects — Paras responded that the data was taken from a prior survey conducted in the greater Bangor area and discussed with Fish. Paul Lewandowski and Paul Bryant, Paul Designs Project, presented to the Committee via Zoom and provided slideshow presentation and update on design development. Councilor Schaefer asked to confirm that the plans shown were the same ones submitted with the grant request — Lewandowski confirmed that they were. 3. PRE-APPROVED ARCHITECTURAL PLANS, Review of draft plans Development Director Krieg presented the agenda item. Devin Cough, Gawron Turgeon Dillon Architects, presented to the Committee via Zoom and provided overview of draft plans to the Committee. Councilor Schaefer asked whether one of the plans was designed to be fully accessible — Cough responded that it was. Schaefer also asked whether local developers had been shown these plans — Development Director Krieg responded that they had not but that she would be willing to do so. Krieg also gave overview of general review process and what other boards/commissions will be involved. Councilor Pelletier asked if there is an estimated building cost for each of these plans — Cough responded that that has not been determined yet. Pelletier also asked if there is potential to use any of these plans in the Grandview Avenue project — Development Director Krieg responded that there might be. 4. LAND USE IMPLEMENTATION PROCESS, Planning staff update Development Director Krieg presented the agenda item. Planning Officer Anja Collette presented to the Committee and gave update on implementation process for Land Use Code updates. 5. PRO HOUSING APPLICATION — HUD GRANT, Permission to pursue grant Development Director Krieg presented the agenda item. Community Development Officer Robyn Stanicki presented to the Committee and gave overview of grant proposal. Councilor Schaefer expressed support for the workforce housing component and discussed several ideas with Community Development Officer Stanicki and Councilors. Councilor Schaefer moved approval for staff to pursue grant, seconded by Councilor Tremble. Vote unless doubted, no doubt. Motion passed. Councilor Fish commented on affordability of housing being major barrier and discussed with Community Development Officer Stanicki. Community Development Officer Stanicki confirmed the schedule for full Council approval with Councilors and City Manager Debbie Laurie. 6. EXECUTIVE SESSION — 1 M.R.S.A. § 405(6)(C) — DISPOSITION OF REAL PROPERTY OR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, 1 item — Update Councilor Schaefer moved to go into Executive Session pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A. § 405(6)(C) — Disposition of Real Property or Economic Development, seconded by Councilor Tremble. Roll call vote conducted—all in favor, none opposed. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 7:13 P.M. Meeting minutes respectfully submitted, Sarah Maquillan Admin. Asst. C&ED