HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-09-16 Business and Economic Development Committee Minutes BUSINESS & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Monday, September 16, 2024 @ 5:15 PM Penobscot Room, Lower Floor of Penquis CAP MEETING MINUTES City Councilors Present: Dean, Fish, Fournier, Hawes, Leonard, Pelletier (via Zoom), Schaefer, Tremble, Yacoubagha. City Staff Present: Collette, Hernandez-Smith, Krieg, Laurie. Chair Hawes called the meeting to order at 5:15 P.M. 1. REVIEW OF DRAFT POLICY FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (TIF) AND CREDIT ENHANCEMENT AGREEMENT (CEA) REQUESTS Development Director Anne Krieg presented the agenda item. Economic Development (ED) Officer Biguita Hernandez-Smith presented to the Committee and gave overview of TIF/CEA programs and draft policy. Councilor Tremble asked for clarification regarding TIF and the tax contributions of those receiving this — ED Officer Hernandez-Smith clarified. Councilor Fish asked about the need for these funds and whether there are developers who may be in need of this assistance but whose projects do not meet the minimum threshold. Development Director Krieg and City Manager Debbie Laurie responded and clarified the reason for setting a $1 million threshold. Councilor Tremble expressed support for the draft policy. City Manager Laurie noted that this will be on next City Council agenda for approval. 2. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN — PROPOSED AMENDMENTS Planning Officer Anja Collette presented overview of the proposed amendments to the Comprehensive Plan. 3. ELECTRIC VEHICLE (EV) CHARGING HOST SITES INITIATIVE PROPOSAL Planning Officer Collette presented the agenda item and gave overview of proposal. Councilor Tremble expressed support for the proposal and asked how long the typical charge time is — Planning Officer Collette responded that it is typically 30 minutes. Councilor Dean asked how many EVs are registered in the City— Planning Officer Collette responded that she was not sure but that she would follow up with the City Clerk. Clarified the reasons for pursuing this initiative. Planning Officer Collette asked Councilors if they wanted a user fee charged for EV charger vendors — Councilors generally agreed that they would. Councilor Tremble asked if same parking space size requirements would apply — Planning Officer Collette responded that they would. 4. COMMUNITY PLANNING MONTH PROPOSED ACTIVITIES FOR OCTOBER 2024 Planning Officer Collette presented the agenda item and gave overview of proposed activities. 5. REQUEST FOR SUPPORT OF A J-1 WAIVER TO ALLOW FOR RECRUITMENT OF PHYSICIANS FOR ST. JOSEPH HEALTHCARE — REQUEST FROM APOGEE MEDICAL GROUP, MAINE PC Chair Hawes asked if she should recuse herself for this agenda item as she is employed by St. Joseph Healthcare. Councilors agreed that she should — Hawes recused herself and Councilor Schaefer assumed leadership for this agenda item. Development Director Krieg gave overview of the request. Councilor Fish asked if this would apply only to new hires or if it would apply retroactively to those already hired — Development Director Krieg responded that she was not sure about this. Councilor Yacoubagha commented that this seems to be primarily for recruitment, and added that she thought this waiver was already in place — discussed with Krieg and Councilor Schaefer. Councilor Schaefer expressed support for the request. Councilor Leonard move support for request, seconded by Councilor Tremble. Vote unless doubted, no doubt. Motion passed. 6. EXECUTIVE SESSION — 1 M.R.S.A. § 405(6)(C) — DISPOSITION OF REAL PROPERTY OR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT— 1 ITEM, Possible action out of session Councilor Tremble moved to go into Executive Section pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A. § 405(6)(C), Disposition of Real Property or Economic Development. Roll call vote conducted — all in favor, none opposed. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 5:43 P.M. Meeting minutes respectfully submitted, Sarah Maquillan Admin. Asst. C&ED