HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-06-17 Business and Economic Development Committee Minutes BUSINESS & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Monday, June 17, 2024 @ 5:15 PM Penobscot Room, Lower Floor of Penquis CAP MEETING MINUTES City Councilors Present: Dean, Fish, Fournier, Hawes, Leonard, Pelletier, Schaefer, Tremble. City Staff Present: Krieg, Saavedra. Chair Hawes called the meeting to order at 5:15 P.M. 1. UPDATE ON BANGOR FAIR Development Director Anne Krieg introduced the agenda item. Chris McGrail & Stesha Cano, Cross Insurance Center, presented to the Committee and gave updates on this year's Bangor State Fair. Chair Hawes asked the Committee for any questions or comments. Councilor Leonard expressed appreciation for the after-action report from last year's fair that was distributed to Committee members. Councilor Tremble asked if having the midway open on the Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday would not be profitable— McGrail responded that historically it has not been, which is why they elected to close it on those days this year. Councilor Fish asked what sub-committees for fair planning were established this year and what is foreseen for these committees in the future. Cano responded that entertainment, parking, food & beverage, ticketing & gates, grand stand, community involvement, safety, and staffing were all established as sub- committees this year, and that management found them to be very helpful. 2. HOUSING PRODUCTION STUDY — PROGRESS AND DISCUSSION WITH CONSULTANTS Development Director Krieg introduced the agenda item. Sarah Kirk & Sophie Danish, HR&A Advisors, presented to the Committee via Zoom and gave progress update on the housing production study. Asked Committee members for their priorities for the work of the study. Councilor Fish recalled that it was previously discussed that "missing middle" was identified as underserved demographic for housing. Asked where data is being acquired from and how it is being interpreted specifically for Bangor. Development Director Krieg responded that Housing Officer Kyle Mullins has been compiling some data for consultants; Kirk responded that consultants are in the process of identifying which groups should be approached for outreach and that some stakeholders have been contacted. Noted that real estate databases are used to gather some data, as well. Councilor Pelletier asked what expected timeline is for completion of study and expressed concern over delays. Kirk responded that they expect to be completed in 3-4 months but they can expedite the process to meet the deadline for earmarking of remaining ARPA funds. Councilor Dean asked why MLS is not being used for gathering data and noted that Councilor Fish has some expertise in this area and could potentially help. Kirk responded that it would be helpful if MLS data could be sent to them. Councilor Leonard recalled discussion about identifying housing needs for younger homeowners and upcoming workforce as a priority. Reiterated Councilor Pelletier's concerns about the timeline. Councilor Fish reiterated that MLS data would likely be helpful, and also noted many local real estate groups have been prepared to respond to outreach from consultants and provide their own data. Development Director Krieg confirmed that they are included in the list of stakeholders. Chair Hawes what would be a reasonable expectation for next discussion. Development Director Krieg responded that process should be expedited and another update can be given in six weeks. Committee members and Kirk expressed agreement with this plan. 3. AGREEMENT RENEWALS FOR LYFT AND UBER Airport Director Jose Saavedra presented to the Committee and gave overview of agreement renewals for Lyft and Uber— noted that there are no changes. Councilor Schaefer moved acceptance of the renewal terms for both Lyft and Uber, seconded by Councilor Dean. Vote unless doubted, no doubt. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 5:52 P.M. Meeting minutes respectfully submitted, Sarah Maquillan Admin. Asst. C&ED