HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-04-17 Business and Economic Development Committee Minutes BUSINESS & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Wednesday, April 17 @ 5:15 PM Penobscot Room, Lower Floor of Penquis CAP MEETING MINUTES City Councilors Present: Fish, Hawes, Leonard, Schaefer, Tremble. City Staff Present: Collette, Stanicki, Szewczyk. Chair Hawes called the meeting to order at 5:29 P.M. 1. STAFF CHECK-INS A. SHORT-TERM RENTAL PROCESS Planning Officer Anja Collette presented to the Committee and gave progress update. B. QUARTERLY HOUSING UPDATE Planning Officer Collette presented the agenda and gave update. Chair Hawes thanked staff for monitoring housing projects and providing quarterly updates. C. CDBG ACTION PLAN UPDATE Community Development Officer Robyn Stanicki presented to the Committee and gave update. 2. ANNUAL AFFORDABLE HOUSING TAX INCREMENT FINANCING (TIF) REPORTS, Action requested to accept reports Community Development Officer Stanicki presented the agenda item and gave overview of the submitted reports. Councilor Schaefer moved to accept the reports, seconded by Councilor Fish. Vote unless doubted, no doubt. 3. PROPOSED LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE CHANGE — NON- CONFORMING SECTION — LEGAL DEPARTMENT, Action requested to recommend passage City Solicitor Dave Szewczyk presented to the Committee and gave overview of the proposal. Councilor Fish asked for some specific examples of non-conforming residential uses — Planning Officer Collette responded and clarified uses and the proposed amendment. Councilor Dean asked if this would allow for a garage to be built that does not conform to setback requirements — Planning Officer Collette responded and clarified that setback requirements will need to be followed for any new structures. Councilor Tremble asked if Planning Board approval would be required for allowed expansions — Planning Officer Collette responded that only permitting from Code Enforcement would be required. Tremble expressed some concern about not allowing for expansions for non-conforming commercial properties, and asked if there is any process for requesting an exception be granted in certain cases. City Solicitor Szewczyk responded that there is a process through the Board of Appeals to request a variance. Councilor Schaefer moved to recommend passage, seconded by Councilor Leonard. Vote unless doubted, no doubt. 4. EXECUTIVE SESSION — 1 M.R.S.A. § 405(60(C) — DISPOSITION OF REAL PROPERTY OR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT — 1 /TEM FROM C&ED, Action requested to provide staff direction Councilor Schaefer moved to enter into Executive Session pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A. § 405(6)(C). Public meeting adjourned at 5:44 P.M. Meeting minutes respectfully submitted, Sarah Maquillan Admin. Asst. C&ED