HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-04-01 Business and Economic Development Committee Minutes BUSINESS & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Monday, April 1, 2024 @ 5:15 PM Penobscot Room, Lower Floor of Penquis CAP MEETING MINUTES City Councilors Present: Dean, Fish, Fournier, Leonard, Schaefer, Tremble, Yacoubagha. City Staff Present: Collette, Hernandez-Smith, Innis, Krieg, Mullins, Stanicki. Councilor Schaefer called the meeting to order at 5:15 P.M. 1. LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE AMENDMENT PROPOSAL — INCREASE HEIGHT LIMITS IN SOME RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS, Action requested to recommend to Council Development Director Anne Krieg introduced the agenda item. Planning Officer Anja Collette presented to the Committee and gave overview of the proposal. Councilor Tremble asked to clarify the existing height limits vs. the proposed height limits — Collette clarified. Tremble also asked about screening requirements for HVAC and solar arrays — Collette responded that no screening requirements are proposed, especially for rooftop solar arrays, due to difficulty to achieve, but added that staff can look into this if desired. Tremble did not think this would be necessary. Councilor Schaefer added that screening could be detrimental to efficacy of solar arrays. Councilor Fournier asked if this proposal will be presented to the Planning Board — Planning Officer Collette responded that it will. Councilor Schaefer asked that staff ensure that existing properties are protected from possible adverse effects of increased building heights when finalizing the amendment's language. Planning Officer Collette responded that there are already some protections existing and that staff will ensure that this is maintained. Councilor Tremble asked if this amendment had been specifically requested by interested parties — Development Director Krieg responded that it had. Councilor Fournier expressed support for the proposal and noted that any comments on possible revisions from the Planning Board would be welcome. 2. GENERAL STAFF CHECK-IN A. JANE'S WALK — MAY 4, 2024 Planning Officer Anja Collette presented the agenda item and gave overview of the event and staff's participation. B. INTRODUCTION OF NEW STAFF MEMBERS Development DirectorAnne Krieg introduced new staff inembers—Housing Officer Kyle Mullins and Economic Development Officer Biguita Hernandez-Smith. C. ACTIVITIES FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT WEEK 2024 Development Director Anne Krieg introduced the agenda item. Community Development Officer Robyn Stanicki presented to the Committee and gave overview of planned activities. Councilor Yacoubagha asked if activities would provide any overview of efficacy of program over the last year — Community Development Officer Stanicki responded that these activities are more casual in nature but can provide some overview of program efficacy. Noted that there is a targeted evaluation process that occurs yearly. Yacoubagha requested that Committee receive copy of this yearly evaluation report moving forward —Stanicki and Development Director Krieg confirmed that this will be done. Councilor Fish asked to confirm workshop dates — Community Development Officer Stanicki confirmed and mentioned option for Zoom participation, as well. 3. LEASES A. EXTENSION — THE FIRST PARKING LOT Development Director Anne Krieg presented the agenda item. Councilor Schaefer asked if there are changes to the lease— Development Director Krieg confirmed that there are not. Councilor Tremble asked to clarify the terms of the lease — Development Director Krieg clarified. Councilor Tremble moved to approve the extension of the parking lot lease to The First, seconded by Councilor Fish. Vote unless doubted, no doubt. Motion passed. B. SUBLEASE — PARKING LOT ON ODLIN ROAD (BY GROUND ROUND, FORMERLY) Councilor Tremble reported a conflict of interest regarding the agenda item. Councilor Leonard moved that Councilor Tremble has a conflict of interest, seconded by Councilor Fish. Vote unless doubted, no doubt. Motion passed. Assistant City Solicitor Grace Innis presented to the Committee and gave overview of proposed sublease. Councilor Fournier asked to confirm the term length of the existing lease — Assistant City Solicitor Innis confirmed and noted that term length of sublease is shorter. Councilor Leonard moved to authorize the City Manager to enter into sublease agreement for parking lot on Odlin Road, seconded by Councilor Fish. Vote unless doubted, no doubt. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 5:32 P.M. Meeting minutes respectfully submitted, Sarah Maquillan Admin. Asst. C&ED