HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-07-24 Business and Economic Development Committee Minutes BUSINESS & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Tuesday, July 24, 2023 @ 5:15 PM City Council Chambers MEETING MINUTES City Councilors Present: Davitt, Fournier, Hawes, Leonard, Pelletier (via Zoom), Schaefer, Sprague, Yacoubagha. City Staff Present: Collette, Krieg. Councilor Fournier called the meeting to order at 5:15 P.M. 1. CULTURAL COMMISSION GRANT APPLICATION EDIT, Action requested to approve changes Development Director Anne Krieg presented to the Committee. Reported that the Cultural Commission Grant review process occurs twice a year and is overseen by a subcommittee. At most recent Grants Committee meeting, members elected to edit a few items in the application to provide better clarity. Chair Sprague asked if there were any significant edits to highlight. Krieg responded that the edits were minor and primarily served to clarify applicant eligibility, the application approval process and that the Commission's role is to make a funding recommendation to City Council, and that applications cannot be retroactively funded (i.e. cannot apply for funding for an event that will occur before the approval process is completed). Councilor Schaefer moved approval of changes, seconded by Councilor Davitt. Vote unless doubted, no doubt. 2. PROPOSED CHANGES TO HEIGHT REQUIREMENTS IN THE MULTIFAMILY & SERVICE DISTRICT, Action requested to accept staff's recommendation Planning Analyst Anja Collette presented to the Committee. Reported that proposal is to increase the height allowance in the M&SD from 45' to 60', which would bring the allowance from roughly four stories to five stories. This would allow for more units/density. Noted that M&SD primarily falls around downtown area and that this proposal is line with the Comprehensive Plan and would make denser projects more affordable. Councilor Davitt asked how this proposal came to be discussed by staff. Collette responded that it has been a long-standing discussion, but recently an interested party contacted staff and it was decided that, since the proposal is in line with the Comprehensive Plan, it would be an opportune time to propose a formal zone amendment. Councilor Davitt moved acceptance of staff's recommendation, seconded by Councilor Yacoubagha. Vote unless doubted, no doubt. Councilor Yacoubagha asked if height allowances had been included as a question on the survey for the Comprehensive Plan, and noted that she was aware that this was being discussed. Councilor Schaefer asked if the amendment would apply only to new constructions or if it would also apply to existing structures. Collette responded that it would apply to both. Chair Sprague asked if the next step would be to present the proposal to the Planning Board. Development Director Krieg responded that it will go through the standard zone amendment process and be presented to City Council for a first reading, then the Planning Board, and then back to City Council for a second reading. Chair Sprague asked if the Comprehensive Plan specifically mentions increasing height allowances. Krieg responded that it mentions increasing density and allowing for multi-family projects. Meeting adjourned at 5:23 P.M. Meeting minutes respectfully submitted, Sarah Pritchard Admin. Asst. C&ED