HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-12-05 Business and Economic Development Committee Minutes BUSINESS & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Monday, December 4, 2023 @ 5:15 PM City Council Chambers MEETING MINUTES City Councilors Present: Fish, Hawes, Leonard, Schaefer (via Zoom), Tremble, Yacoubagha. City Staff Present: Krieg, Laurie. Chair Hawes called the meeting to order at 5:15 P.M. 1. EXECUTIVE SESSION - 1 M.R.S.A. § 405(6)(C) - Disposition of Real Property or Economic Development— 1 item Executive session ended at 5:19 PM. Councilor Leonard moved Committee action on the previous item; seconded by Councilor Fish. Roll call vote conducted — all members in favor, none opposed. Motion to recommend the approval of a credit enhancement agreement (at 50% for 7 years) for the property at 27 State Street passed. 2. TIMELINE FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM CONSOLIDATED PLAN, No action requested Development Director Anne Krieg presented to the Committee. Gave an overview of the upcoming Consolidated Plan and its timeline. Krieg asked the Committee for any questions or comments —there were none. 3. DOWNTOWN RE-DISTRICTING PLAN OVERVIEW, No action requested Development Director Krieg presented to the Committee. Gave an overview of the project and update on its current status — currently being worked on at the staff level. Krieg asked the Committee for any questions or comments. Chair Hawes asked to clarify the timeline— Krieg confirmed that the goal is to have it completed and enacted by March 2024, due to the proposed changes within the assessment district. Councilor Tremble asked if the assessment district has been changed since it was enacted, and what the process is for changing it. Krieg responded that she was not sure but that she can find out. City Manager Debbie Laurie added that she does not believe it has been changed and that State law allows for City Council to enact it. Councilor Yacoubagha asked if the plan to change the assessment district will be discussed with the public. Krieg responded that it will be, and that specific outreach will be conducted with business owners. Yacoubagha asked if property owners within each affected zone will be met with — Krieg responded that a comprehensive public hearing will be held, likely in January, and all affected property owners will be notified. Councilor Leonard asked what affect this will have on the comprehensive parking plan and whether the Downtown Parking Advisory Committee will be consulted. Krieg responded that if the parking areas are expanded during this project, then it will affect which areas need to be studied during the creation of the parking plan, but that there are no other foreseen effects. Confirmed that the DPAC will be consulted. 4. DOWNTOWN BUSINESS PARTNERSHIP APPLICATION TO MAINE OFFICE OF TOURISM GRANT, Action requested to confirm support Development Director Krieg presented to the Committee. Reported that the DBP has also applied for a MOT grant and asked for confirmation of the Committee's support for both DBP's application and the City's application. Councilor Leonard moved to support the Downtown Bangor Partnership's application for a Maine Office of Tourism grant; seconded by Councilor Fish. Roll call vote conducted — all in favor, none opposed. Motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 6:29 P.M. Meeting minutes respectfully submitted, Sarah Maquillan Admin. Asst. C&ED