HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-10-03 Business and Economic Development Committee Minutes BUSINESS & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE
Tuesday, October 3, 2023 @ 5:15 PM
City Council Chambers
City Councilors Present: Davitt, Leonard, Schaefer, Sprague, Yacoubagha.
City Staff Present: Collette, Krieg (via Zoom), Laurie, Stanicki.
Chair Sprague called the meeting to order at 5:40 P.M.
Committee Chair Sprague
Chair Sprague presented to the Committee. Noted that there are only two more Committee meetings
before the end of the Council year. Reported that he went through previous meeting agendas and
summarized outstanding issues. Noted that no substantive discussion required this evening, only
intended to review and present as overview to the next set of Committee members at the start of the
new Council year. Reported that Development Director Anne Krieg has identified several items that will
be included on the next meeting's agenda. Noted that this summary is only reflective of his own opinions
and that he welcomes any edits from other Committee members. Can be discussed at the next meeting
after all members have had a chance to review. Asked Committee members for any questions or
comments at this point in time.
Councilor Davitt expressed that the summary seems comprehensive and that she does not feel that
there is anything missing. Expressed gratitude for this effort as she will not be returning to City Council
after the end of the Council year. Expressed a desire to resolve as many outstanding issues as possible
before the end of the Council year, but understands that this may be dictated largely by staff capacity.
Councilor Leonard expressed agreement with Davitt. Stated that he has nothing to add. Expressed a
desire that this become the precedent for Committee Chairs to present this summary at the end of each
Council year. Noted that this will help the next Committee Chair prioritize issues.
Councilor Yacoubagha expressed appreciation. Noted that it is helpful to see how much has been
accomplished over the last year.
Chair Sprague confirmed that this will be brought back to the next meeting for further comment.
2. EMERGENCY OVERNIGHT SHELTERS, Action requested to provide staff direction
Planning Analyst Anja Collette presented to the Committee. Reported that a proposal has been drafted
based on the Committee's previous recommendations. Primary edits were to include a provision that
emergency shelters be located a minimum of 100 feet from residential zones, and the addition of further
stipulations regarding transportation plans, operations security, etc. Noted two Committee
recommendations which staff elected not to include: (1) did not rename the use due to Emergency
Overnight Shelters being the term used by HUD, and staff recommending alignment with their
terminology, and (2) did not eliminate the cap on maximum capacity due to discussions with existing
shelters indicating that there is no expectation to exceed the current limit. Staff would like to present
this proposal to the Planning Board on October 17tn
Councilor Schaefer asked that the definition be included in any public notices to prevent confusion over
the Emergency Overnight Shelters term.
Councilor Davitt moved acceptance of staff recommendation to forward the proposal to the Planning
Board, seconded by Councilor Yacoubagha. Vote unless doubted, no doubt.
Councilor Yacoubagha expressed hope that the Planning Board hearing will be respectful and open-
minded, as she is concerned given previous negative feedback from the public. Does not feel that there
is any further improvement that can be made to this proposal. Davitt responded that public feedback,
both positive and negative, will be present regardless, but noted that the Planning Board is tasked with
not making an emotional decision regarding their recommendation. Also noted that the cap on
maximum capacity, as well as the fact that there no current plans to develop new shelter space, may
help appease those members of the public that were previously opposed to this as an allowed use.
Collette added that previous pushback from the public may have been due to the larger amount of
proposed siting for this use, but that staff has narrowed this down quite a bit in their newest proposal.
Councilor Schaefer expressed that it will be important to emphasize with the public that this proposal
has been amended since the last public hearing.
Chair Sprague commented that he does not wish to discourage public comment.
Collette confirmed that staff will send a public notice with the recommended clarifications and a link to
the City's webpage on the topic.
Chair Sprague added that it may be helpful to personally reach out to those members of the public who
commented at the last public hearing.
requested to provide staff direction
Community Development Officer Robyn Stanicki presented to the Committee. Reported that staff aims
to balance the interests of stakeholders with those of the City in implementing a pilot program for rental
registry licenses. Highlighted the importance of how this program is presented to the public, so as not
to appear adversarial or punitive. Expressed a desire to collaborate with Committee members to
capture as many hypothetical scenarios as possible regarding possible barriers, so that these can be
proactively addressed. The pilot program discussed previously was intended to be implemented during
a period before the full valuation of the City's housing stock takes place, and during which it could be
assessed for efficacy and regulations made permanent incrementally. Noted that examples are
provided in the Committee's meeting packet.
Councilor Davitt expressed support for this approach and feels that it will show good faith to the
community. Feels the approach of a voluntary buy-in to the program will be especially helpful.
Councilor Yacoubagha commented that she is especially supportive of the specific inclusion of
collaboration with landlords and feels this outreach is important.
Councilor Schaefer asked if rental registration could be a requirement for TIF and CDBG funding. Also
noted that the City could proactively offer this assistance during the inspection process.
Councilor Leonard expressed a desire to establish a rental advisory committee for the City.
Chair Sprague noted that, while the City's housing plan has not yet been finalized, this is an important
component of it. Outlined the City's previously stated goals in regards to the timeline for housing efforts.
Recommended that the enactment of registration strictly for inventorying purposes be implemented
immediately, outside of the full pilot program. Feels this will also reflect that the City is serious about
addressing housing.
Councilor Davitt expressed support for Sprague's recommendation.
Councilor Schaefer expressed support for Sprague's recommendation and asked if full buy-in to the
pilot program could be incentivized by offering a discounted rate on license fees upon full
Chair Sprague expressed support for Schaefer's recommendation and noted that ARPA funds may be
able to subsidize these incentives. Also recommended that the City use this opportunity to define the
various types of housing, as referenced in comments made to Council by Planning Board member pon
Meeting adjourned at 6:20 P.M.
Meeting minutes respectfully submitted,
Sarah Maquillan
Admin. Asst.