HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-08-21 Business and Economic Development Committee Minutes BUSINESS & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE
Tuesday, August 21, 2023 @ 5:15 PM
City Council Chambers
City Councilors Present: Davitt, Hawes, Leonard, Pelletier, Schaefer, Sprague,
City Staff Present: Krieg, Laurie.
Chair Sprague called the meeting to order at 6:01 P.M.
Chair, Councilor Sprague
Chair Sprague presented to the Committee. Noted that there was a draft of a set
of action steps for addressing housing in the City that was attached to tonight's
meeting packet. Expressed that it is not representative of the views of the entire
City Council, but that it was prepared as a discussion document and will need
greater input and shared perspective. Feels that it is a good reflection of the
direction that the City can take over the next 12-18 months. Due to time constraint's
at tonight's meeting, suggested an in-depth discussion of this item be moved to a
future meeting and/or workshop. Chair Sprague also read through his emailed
comments, presented as a cover to the drafted action plan. Asked the Committee
for comments.
Councilor Davitt expressed support of a more in-depth discussion at a future
Councilor Leonard expressed that he is very supportive of the City having a vision
statement, and feels that it needs to be very clear to Council, staff, and
constituents. Feels that a clear rubric of ways for citizens to engage with the City
is needed, and is looking forward to discussing further.
Chair Sprague described the suggested steps as a "flexible strategic framework
which supports opportunistic decision-making." Noted that he would be supportive
of having the action plan addressed monthly, and felt that it would be helpful for
citizens to have a clear summary of the current status communicated on a periodic
PRESENTATION, No action requested
Development Director Anne Krieg introduced the agenda item. Stated that this is
part of a grant that the former Convention Bureau's Association received.
Risteen Bahr, chair of the local steering committee for RERC, presented to the
Committee. Presented a slideshow highlighting a description of the program, its
goals, and the implementation process and current status. Lisa Sturgeon with
Husson University presented on tourism data, Parks & Recreation Director Tracy
Willette presented updates on improving access to the Penobscot River, Shelby
Harten of Husson University presented updates on the promotion of collaborative
partnerships, and Vicki Rustbolten of Eastern Maine Development Corporation
presented on her organization's role in implementation.
Councilor Tremble asked if City Council has a role in deciding how the grant funds
are used, as he was concerned he may have a conflict of interests if this is the
case. Krieg and Bahr both confirmed that Council is not involved in these decisions
and that tonight's presentation is intended only to be informational, with no
requested action.
Councilor Davitt expressed that she is excited and impressed with the work being
done, and very appreciative of all that has gone into this process.
Chair Sprague also expressed excitement, but noted that he has not heard
anything about this in the entire time that he has served on City Council. Bahr
noted that the grant was only awarded in May 2022, but was happy to be at
tonight's meeting to educate Councilors and the public, as this is an example of
why this sort of informational session is needed.
Chair Sprague also highlighted the importance of this program alongside the City's
Economic Development Strategy, and continued communication between RERC
and the City.
3. ANNUAL HOUSING TIF REPORTS, Action requested to provide staff
Development Director Krieg introduced the agenda item. Noted that State law
mandates that these reports be accepted annually.
Councilor Davitt moved acceptance of the Annual Housing TIF reports, seconded
by Councilor Schaefer. Vote unless doubted, no doubt.
4. LD2003 — NEXT DRAFT FOR REVIEW, Action requested to provide staff
Development Director Krieg introduced the agenda item.
Planning Analyst Anja Collette presented to the Committee. Reported no major
changes since the last update to the Committee, and that staff is still following the
minimum State requirements in their wording of the ordinance. Did speak with City
Solicitor David Szewczyk regarding non-conforming properties, and confirmed that
the proposed density bonus would not apply in these cases. Noted that the bonus
would also not apply to single-family zones, only multi-family zones. Collette also
mentioned that City staff has already has some pre-application meetings with
individuals that may benefit under the new ordinance. Proposed bringing the
proposal to City Council for a first reading on August 28t", then to Planning Board
for a public hearing on September 5t", and back to City Council for a second
reading on September 11tn
Chair Sprague asked if any negative feedback has been received from citizens.
Krieg responded that staff has heard some concerns from residents in single-family
zones during public workshops. Highlighted that a property size of 20,000+ square
feet would be needed to add the additional four units in these zones, however,
which is uncommon and therefore provides some protection in these
Councilor Schaefer asked if lots with buildings that have been torn down would
count as empty lots. Collette responded that they would not, and that there is a
stipulation in the State law that closes this loophole. Properties would not be
allowed to have any more units than what was there before the demolition of any
Community Development Officer Robyn Stanicki presented to the
Committee. Stated that both of the proposed projects are to be funded
by excess CDBG funds, and both address needs-specific housing.
Stanicki stated that this proposal is from Design Wall Housing, and that
their overall goal is to use vacant buildings to create housing. This
proposal is specific to a site on Ohio Street, but they have noted plans
to acquire several homes in this neighborhood.
Councilor Davitt expressed support for the proposal.
Councilor Davitt moved acceptance of staff's recommendation to fund
the proposal with excess CDBG funds, seconded by Councilor
Schaefer. Vote unless doubted, no doubt.
Chair Sprague also expressed support for the proposal and noted its
correlation with his drafted action plan.
Community Development Officer Stanicki stated that this proposal is for
the construction of a three-phase development that will house clients
that are presently in housing that is less conducive to their needs.
Applicant found an old, dissolved subdivision on Finson Avenue to use
for this project. Proposed are several buildings, some with studio-style
apartments and some with a staffed, boarding-home structure. Reported
that the development will be constructed using funds from HUD, and that
this proposal is only for CDBG to fund the purchase of the land. Stated
that both of the proposed funding efforts hinge on one another.
Councilor Schaefer moved acceptance of staff's recommendation to
fund the proposal with excess CDBG funds, seconded by Councilor
Davitt. Vote unless doubted, no doubt.
Chair Sprague noted that this proposal also aligns with the drafted action
Development Director Krieg presented to the Committee. Reported that
staff is finalizing their decision on the architect for the project. The report
on management and programming will be on the next Committee
Development Director Krieg reported that staff is preparing an
addendum for the health industry. Will likely be on the agenda for the
second Committee meeting in September.
Chair Sprague mentioned that there had been a previous discussion of
collecting a report on the creation of science clusters, and requested that
this be re-addressed, as it was left that staff would collect more feedback
from those in the field. Krieg responded that she will reach out to key
stakeholders for feedback.
Development Director Krieg reported that there are still several open
positions in the department, but that there are some good prospects for
filling them. Recently filled the Economic Development Officer position.
Chair Sprague asked what the staffing strategy and structure is. Krieg
responded that the department divisions are Community Development,
Economic Development, Planning, and Code Enforcement. Each
division has a specific support position. For Economic Development, this
position is the Business Development Specialist, who will act as a
"salesperson" for the City. For Community Development, the position is
Community Development Analyst, and for Planning, it is Planning
Analyst (Anja Collette). Code Enforcement has their own staffing
Chair Sprague expressed that everyone will be happy when the
department is fully staffed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:09 P.M.
Meeting minutes respectfully submitted,
Sarah Pritchard
Admin. Asst.