HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-05-20 Business and Economic Development Committee Minutes �
� May 20,2009 � �
� . . Minutes
Councilors: Bronson,D'Errico, Crratwick,Nealley,Palmer,and Wheeler
Staf� Barrett,McKay,Hupp
� Others:
In Committee Chaar Hawes absence, Councilor Gratwick chaired the Committee.
1. Community Development Residential Rehabilitation Deferred Loan -
� . 212 Lincoln Street
2. Community Development Residential Reha.bilitation Deferred Loan—
� 5 Nelson Sireet
A motion was made by Councilor Nealley and seconded by Councilor Bronson to
� approve the Consent Agenda,and the motion was unanimously passed.
� 3. 2° Reading at 5127/09 Citv Council Meetin�
Ordinance 09-154,Amending the Code of the City of Bangor,Chapter 291-
Article III-Pazking,Section 291-37-B(1),Downtown Pazking Management
� Area—Violation Waiver Policy
This Ordinance amendment proposes to change the courtesy ticket grace period
� by reducing the number of courtesy tickets from 4 per year(within 90 days prior to the
ticket date)to 3 per year(within 120 da.ys prior to the ticket da.te}. This was
recommended by the Downtown Pazking Advisory Committee at its meeting on Apri116,
, 20Q9. City Manager Barrett reviewed this item stating that annually about 7,350 courtesy
tickets are issued. Esti�mated lost revenue of$10 fines that are paid that don't double and
are paid at the 85%rate(which is the collection rate on overtime parking tickets)would
� be about$62,494 annnally t�at the City does not receive in revenue due to the waiver fee
system. A motion was made by Councilor Nealley to support this recommendation and
forwazd it to the full City Council. Seconded by Councilor Bronson. So voted.
� /27/09 Ci Council Meetiu
4. 2nd Reading at 5 tv nt
� Ordiaance 09-153,Amending the Code of the City of Bangor,Chapter 291,
Article III—Parking,Section 291-45,Waiving Court Hearing for Violation;Fees
�This Ordinance amendment proposes to increase the overtime parking fee from
� the current$10 to$15 (both double after 30 days)as recommended by the Downtown
Parking Advisory Committee at its meeting on April 16,2009.
� City Manager Barrett stated that it costs the City more to enforce on-stsaet
downtown parking then is collected in fines. He added that however the parking
. enforcement program tends to encourage people to purchase parking permits,whereby if
� the pazking enforcement did not exist,this probably would not ha.ppen. The City �
subsid.izes the parking fund in the range of$300,000 per year from taxpayers when the
whole system is taken into account. There has been a suggestion to go from 1 hour �
parking to 90 minutes in the downtown;this is going to the Downtown Parki.ng Advisory
Committee for review. Ed noted that if this were approved,that this would have an affect
on the number of tickets written as the ticket enforcement would go from 4 times per day �
to 3 times per day. Going ta $15 fines would increase the parking revenue by an
estimated$67,000;the alternative that was also looked at by the parking committee and
by the BED committee at its last meeting was to go to a$2 increase wluch would �
increase revenue by an estimated$50,000.
Councilor Bronson made a motion to support this recommendation and forwazd it
to the full City Council. Seconded. Voted 4 to 1 to recommend approval. �
Councilor Wheeler suggested that for the next Downtown Pazking Advisory
meeting that invita.tions be extended to as many downtown merchants as possible,as he
has received compla.ints from several of them about the 1 hour time limit. �
5. Ezecative Session—BIA,Fuel Supply Contract— 1 M.RS.A. §40S (6){C)
A motion was made by Councilor Palmer and Seconded by Councilor Nealley to �
go into•Executive session.
6. Committee Action on Above Item �
No action was taken by the Committee. �
7. Ezecative Session-Economic Development—Negotiations of Lease Terms,
Stillwater Realty Trust,900 Hammond Street— 1 M.RS.A. §405 (�(C) �
A motion was made,seconded and passed to go into Executive session.
8. Committee Action on Above I#em- �
A motion was made, secanded and passed to recommend to the City Council �
st�aff's recommendation that the annual rent for the period May 1,2008 through Apri130,
2018 be$20,910 and thax the rent for the following 10-year period not be°set at this time. �
9. Ezecuhve Session—Economic Development—Negotia#ions of Lease Terms,
Cabrel Company,396 Griffin Road— 1 M.R.S.A. § 4Q5 (6)(C) �
A motion was made, seconded and passed to go into Executive Session.
10. Committee Action an Above Item � � �
A motion was made,seconded and passed to recommend to the City Council
' sta�s recammendation that the annual rent for the period January 1,2009 through �
December 31,2018 be$32,000 and that the rent for the following 10-yeat period not be
set at this time.
' June 17,2009
� Councilors: Chair Hawes,Bronson,D'Errico,Palmer and Wheeler
Staff: Barrett,McKay,Ring and Caruso
Others: Phil Johnston representative for the County Cotut; Brad Ryder of Epic
' Sports;Bangor Police Chief Gastia
Item#1 was taken out of order; it was placed after Item#6.
' 2. SST Aero Lease Agreement
' Tony Caruso,Assistant Director at Bangor International Airport,presented this
item to the committee stating that SST Aero Services is a Bangor,Maine based company
owned by Telford Allen III. SST Aero provides aircraft maintenance,aircraft leasing and
' logistics. SST also has operations in Georgia and Africa. SST Aero is requesting to lease
the middle bay of the airport's corporate hangar for its headquarters. The.lease term
would be for one year with two one year options to renew beginning at$19,392(1�yeaz),
� $20,364(2°d year) and$21,384(3�yeaz). The rates that are proposed by City airport
staff are consistent with the airport's established rates for this building. The tenant will
also make$25,000 in improvements to the facilities that include a restroom,small
' kitchen area and office space. The lease has been reviewed by the City's Legal
A motion was made by Councilor Palmer to accept the staff recommendation as it
' rela#es to SST Aero Services and the Bangor International Airport. Seconded by
Councilor Bronson. So voted.
' 3. Hancock Street—proposal to Add On-Street Pazking
City Engineer Jim Ring presented this item to the committee stating that Public
' Works Director Dana Wazdwell has suggested that addirional parking spaces can be
added where none exist on Hancock Street,between Oak Street and Exchange Street.
Jim reviewed a possible layout plan that Engineering has done for the Committee's
' consideration. This layout plan shows that a total of 10 spaces could be added that do not �
presently exist. Engineeri.ng does not feel that it will have an effect on trai�c flow in this
area. At this point in time this is a preliminary concept-it would have to go to the
' Parking Advisory Committee for further review.
Councilor Bronson stated that he feels this proposal to add on-street pazking is a
good idea and that it should be done. Councilor Palmer expressed concerns with the
' traffic coming down the hill towards the new court house. Ring replied that in previous
discussions with the City Council and ttus committee had with the court house about the
' entrance(to the court house)with regazd to safety and security that there are bump-outs
around the mai.n entrance down at the intersection of the lower block of Hancock Street
with Exchange Street;and there are also protective ballards that are mcorporated as part
� of the plan. Jim added that as faz as the other comments about reversing traffic flow
. ,
would be a problem rnoreaver for the entire circuIation. Councilor Palmer also asked if
the street could be narrowed at the top or bottom or both. Ring replied that at the bottom ,
of the street during peak traf�ic flow periods,unless volumes change a lot, it could result
in`stacking' of traffic. For the Court House project there was a traffic movement process
done for NIDOT. This did not lead to a recommendation for making changes,at least in �
circulation. Councilor Palmer added that the concept of safety and security aze
important; he expressed that the lane of pazking is a good idea as it will allow more
parking and will calm traffic to some degree. Barrett stated fihat this item will be '
explained in fiuther detail to the Parking Advisory Committee,and as it comes back it
will have to�come back as an ordinan.ce amendment which will require a first and second
readings;then it will come back in front of the BED Committee with details. '
A motion was made by Councilor Palmer to forwazd this item to the Pazking
Advisory Committee for their review. Seconded by Councilor Bronson. So voted.
4. Ordinance,Amending Map Entitled"Downtown Parking Management District" '
Chapter 291, Section 37-B of the Code of the City of Bangor,by Deleting Spaces
2218,2219,2246,2247,2248 and 2249 on Exchange Street t
Rod McKay reviewed this item stating that it relates to the Court facility plan for
Exchange Street. There are 6 parking spaces on Exchange Street adjacent to the new �
Court House and there are 2 across Hancock Street in front of Bank of America that are
involved. The Court House plans would eliminate the 2 spaces in front of Bank of
America closest to the Hancock Street,Exchange Street intersection. Alsv would '
eliminate 4 spaces adjacent to the new Court facility on Exchange Street and would
designate the other 2 spaces on Exchange Street,immediately adjacent to the Court
House,as parking for the disabled. These plans were reviewed by the BED Committee '
previously and have been reviewed and approved by the Planning Board(but the
Planning Boazd cannot approve parking ordinance changes). Where the 2 spaces are by
Bank of America,there will be a sidewalk widening at the intersection of Hancock Street t
which eliminates several spaces and the next 2 spaces(the only 2 spaces on Exchange
St.)will be parking far the disabled.
Councilor Wheeler made a motion to forwazd this item on to the Parking '
Advisory Committee. Seconded by Councilor Bronson. So voted.
Phil Johnston,representative�for the Courts,spoke to the committee stating that:
a)the plan is not changing so the approved project and approved site plan is as originally '
shown. b)in addition to the bailards that will be at the curb line of the expanded
sidewalk or in the azea where the pazking spaces were in front of the buildi.ng there is also '
a set of steps. So there is a slight change of elevation which will become another
obstruction to someone coming down the hill. He added that another item of note is that
Mike Coty,Directar of Judicial Marshals,had intended to be here tonight but he had a '
conflict so that is why Phil is speaking to the committee in his place.
Councilor Palmer inquired as to the scheduled opening of the new facility.
Mr.Johnston replied that the courts will take occupancy in the first week of October 2009
with actual staffing intended for later in the Fall,date yet to be determined. A grand ,
public opening will occur in the spring of 2010 once everything is operational. He added
that the courts aze very pleased with the cooperation of the City's Engineering and �
. '
Planning Depts. and that the contractor on this project has been asked to keep the City
' informed as well.
5. Ordinance,Amending Map Entitled"Downtown Pazking Management District"
' by designating spaces 2250 and 2251 as"Parking for Persons with Disabilities"
Rod McKay stated that this Ordinance would change the two on-street pazking
' spaces on Exchange Street closest to the entrance of the new Court facility from `One
Hour Pazking' to `Parking for Persons with Disabilities'. Where the 2 spaces are by Bank
of America there will be a sidewalk widening at the intersection of Hancock Street which
� will eliminate several spaces;the next 2 spaces on Exchange Street will be parking for
the disabled.
Councilor Wheeler made a motion to forward this item on to the Pazki.ng
' Advisory Committee. Seconded by Councilor Bronson. So voted.
� 6. Amendi.ng Downtown Pazking Management District by changing"Pazking
Limited to One Hour"spaces on some streets to"Parking Limited to 90 Minutes"
(for discussion and refemal to the Parking Advisory Committee by request of
� Councilor Wheeler)
Rod McKay reviewed this item for the committee stating t.hat the proposal is to
' change 1 hour pazking in certain areas in the downtown area to 90 minute parking. This
is at the request of Counciior Wheeler.
Counciior Wheeler sta.ted that he has been asked by operators of downtown
' businesses if something could be done to allow customers and potential customers more
time to shop and/or eat without worrying about getting an overtune parking ticket. He
requested that this be forwarded to the Pazking Advisory Committee for an extension of
� parking limits from 60 minutes to 90 minutes in the following azeas: Main Street&om
the Opera House down to the intersection of Ma.in and Hammond Streets on both sides;
then on Hammond and State Streets&om the intersection with Main Street up to the
' intersection of State and Exchange Streets. The other area would be the entire length of
Central Street from the intersection with Hammond Street to the intersection with Hazlow
Street. He asked Chair Hawes to request the public in attendance to make comments.
' Brad Ryder owner of Epic Sports stated that he feels that the extending of pazking
to 90 minutes would be beneficial. He'd also like to see if there's a renewed interest for
� 2-hour free parking at the parking gazage,as it has been awhile since there was a
campaign for that.
Councilor Palmer stated that he feels that the proposed areas are appropriate. He
' also asked for clazification of what the financial implication would be with the proposed
time change. Police Ctuef Gastia stated that this proposed time change would produce
less revenue as there would be fewer tickets written. He added that in 2008,on the Main
' Street and Central Street areas there were 724 tickets written—those were primarily$10
tickets($7,240). About 80%of these tickets issued are collected and therefore the
revenue from that would be about$5,792.04. If the City went to a 90 minute versus a
� one hour the difference in the number of tickets issued would be about a 20-25%
decrease-the revenue in that particular azea would drop$1,400 or better. Keeping in
mi.nd that there are some projected increases based on the pazking ticket fee increases,(as '
included in the proposed budget is based on what is expected to be brought in),and also
taking into account the change in the number of courtesy tickets that will be issued,any
decrease is going to hurt. He added that he looked at the police department's ability to '
handle a change from one hour to 90 minute on only certain streets and overall they
would be able to handle the change. The fact that a11 1 hour spaces would not be changed
to 90 minutes would be problematic. If all were changed, it would be much easier to deal '
with for the police parking enforcement. He suggests that a much more in-depth look
should be done to determine how this change would affect the enforcement abilities in the
downtown. Electronic ticketing is a possibility but the initial cost to put this into effect �
would currently be around$45,000. There has been some interest from Republic Parking
to help with looking at the parkin.g issues to see how the system could be made more
efficient,but currently it is cost prohibitive to go to electronic ticketing at this time. '
Councilor D'Errico asked how costly it would be to make the changes in the
signage to 90 minutes. Gastia replied that Dana Wardwell of Public Works was going to
look into the cost issue of having the signs made up as well as the cost of having them �
installed. Gastia also added that the parking tickets would also need to reflect this
proposed change; currently a new supply of tickets are due to be ordered sometime in the
upcoming Fall, so if this proposal goes through,now would be a good ti.me to make the �
change to the tickets. Councilor Wheeler oi�ered another possible solution with regazd to
decals of a particular color—these could be given to downtown employers and employees
to put on their windshields that would entitle thern to pazk in the parking garage for as ,
little as$5 per week/$20 per month.
Councilor Wheeler made a motion that this item be referred to the Parking
Advisory Committee. Seconded by Councilor D'Errico. So voted. ,
At this time,Chair Hawes had to leave and in her absence Councilor • �
Bronson chaired the remainder of the meeting.
1. Authorizing.Amendment to the Crround Lease Agreement for Development of ,
Land the Purchase Option A�greement-Hodgdon Defense Composites,LLC
Rod McKa.y reviewed this item stating#hat on June 23,2008 the City Council '
authorized a Lease and Purchase Option Agreement with Maine Marine Manufacturing,
LLC for 16.62 acres of City property in Hampden lrnown as Stern's Pit adjacent to the
Hampden marina. They intend to build coastal patrol boats. That agreement was to go in �
to effect July 1,2009. Recently,Maine Marine Manufacturing,LLC has changed its
name to Hodgdon Defense Composites,LLC. They have aiso asked that the agreement -
dates be extended for a one yeaz period. They recently secured$3.8 million in funding �
from the Maine Technology Institute. They are still waiting for contracts for the
purchase of the boat. The U.S. Government has not yet issued a request for bids for this
type of vessel, so that is holding them up. The one year extension that they have '
requested wi�l require that they start construction in 2010 instead of 2009;everykhing else
in their ground lease agreement remains the same.
Councilor D'Errico stated that this should be continued as it is a very valuable
� economic development project and that the City should work with it as close as possible.
Councilor D'Errico made a motion to pass this on as a Council Order. Seconded
by Councilor Wheeler. So voted.
� Councilor Palmer also concurred with Councilor D'Emco as to the unportance of
this company to our community and the Bangor branding that it will bring.
' 7. Ezecutive Session—Parking Lease Negotiations—Penobscot County—
1 M.RS.A. §405 (6)(C)
' A motion was made, seconded and passed to go into Executive Session.
� 8. Committee Action on Above Item �
No Committee action was taken.
� �