HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009-12-16 Business and Economic Development Committee Minutes � � � BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Wednesday, December 16; 2009, 5:00 PM City Council Chambers � MINUTE-S Councilors: Chair Weston, Blanchette, Bronson, Gratwick, Nealley and Wheeler � � StafF: Barrett, McKay, Heitmann, Wallace, Hupp, Masters, Willette, Inman, Cyr Others: Reverend Carlson of PCHC � CONSENT AGENDA � 1. Community Development Residential Property Rehabilitation Loan —6 Grove Street Court 2. Community Developme-nt Residential Properly Rehabilitation Loan — 282 Pearl Street 3. Community Development Residential Property Rehabilitation Loan — 173 Third Street � 4. Community Development Residential Property Rehabilitation Loan — 12 Lee Stre�t A motion was made by Councilor Nealley and seconded by Councilor Bronson. No � discussion on the Consent Agenda. Consent Agenda was unanimously passed. � REGULAR AG�NDA � 5. Eastern Maine Medical Center/Acadia Hospital Lease Assignment to Penobscot Community Health Care � Rod McKay, Director of Community & Econorriic Development, reviewed this item for the Committee. Acadia Hospital leases land from-the.City on Texas Avenue for the operation of the Acadia Recovery Center(ARC) formerly known as the Hope House. Acadia Hospital would like � to assign their leas� of land from the City to Penobscot Community Health Care (PCHC). The � buildings are located on land leased from the City. The lease between Acadia and the City requires the City's consent before the lease can be assigned to another parly. The City's role is � to consent to that assignment as the landlord leasing the land. Staff has reviewed this request with the Health &Community Services Director and the Police Chief—they do not have objection to the assignment. Staff recommends that the Committee, when the assignment is � ready to be reviewed, recommend to the City Council to authorize the assignment in a form approved by the City Solicitor. � City Solicitor, Norm Heitmann, addressed the committee as well explaining the terms of _ the previous two leases (one in 1986 and 1989) on this property. The assignment provision on each of these leases has two parts— 1) they require the City's consent to the assignment as Rod has explained; � � 2) they also require the City to make a decision whether or not to relieve Acadia Health Care of the responsibilities under the lease. � � � ' � � Many leases have a requirement or provision that in the event of assignment the original � tenant stiN is responsible to the landlord for ali of the conditions and terms of the lease. The � language in these two leases states that unless the City exp�essly says that Acadia Health Care is not responsible for the lease upon assignment that they remain responsible. Norm added � that he would expect that Acadia's expectation would be that they would no longer be responsible, and he would suggest that this would be a responsible request on their part. Once the assignment is finalized — it would say the City consents to the assignment and Acadia is not � responsible for the lease. Councilor Nealley made a motion to approve staff recommendation that the Lease Assignment go from the acronym of ARC to the acronym of PCHC. Seconded. So voted. � 6. BIA Passenger Statistics for October 2009 - Risteen Masters; Marketing Manager at BIA, presented a report on passenger statistics for � October 2009. Highlights of the report were that BGR continues to overcome capacity reductions with � strong local demand that continues to be stimulated with adverti�ing and marketing campaigns; � new service to Tampa/St. Petersburg started November 20; and the new advertising campaign . has started with newspaper, radio and online ads. � 7. Standard Ground Handling Agreements (SGHA) between BRG and North American and World Airways � Airport Director, Rebecca Hupp presented this item to the Committee stating that BIA has been � selected by Global Aviation Holdings to serve as its exclusive teehnical stop for transit services for both North American Airlines and World Airways for a three year term. This will require BIA to enter into formal agreements with each of these carriers. It is the airport's desire to enter � into agreements with World Airways and North American Airlines under terms and conditions previously presented to the Council: The City's Legal department has reviewed and approved the SGHA format. The Airport requests the Committee's authorization to enter into the � appropriate agreements. Councilor Nealley made a motion to approve the Airport's request as presented. � Seconded by Councilor Gratwick. So voted. 8. Continued Discussion of Golf Course Membership Structure � This item v�ras initially brought to the Committee at the November 18, 2009 meeting; the Committee had requested further information be brought back to today's meeting. At today's � meeting Tracy Willette, Director of the Parks &Rec Department, summarized that he is proposing to create one membership structure for both residents and non-residents; that this is different then what has been done in the past as it will be a more competitive plane with other � local golf courses in the Bangor area. In addition, Tracy submitted a second option for the Committee's consideration based on the discussion at the Nov. 18 meeting. The second option would still keep their single membership structure in place but ofFer a 10% discount for Bangor � � � � . � residents. Staff requests Committee's consideration and approval of their proposal as presented. City Finance Director, Debbie Cyr presented further ir�formation on the financial .status � up through the end of November 2009 that further breaks down the expenditures side for the Bangor Municipal Golf Course. The golf course is an enterprise fund; there is no general fund tax money that goes to support the golf course. The golf course actually supports the general � fund, specifically in three particular areas. For the 2010 fiscal year, the general fund is taking in � . from the golf course $27,600 to support Tracy's time along with 2 administrative assistants from Parks and Rec. In addition to that, the golf course is charged in City-wide indirect costs, � and that for fiscal year 2010 it is $26,400, which is meant to recover the costs of the Finance Departrnent who processes all of their items. The final item is that one-half of the net cash • flow of tlie golf course on an annual basis is transferred into a Parks and Rec reserve fund � within the general fund. The budget for fiscal year 2010 is the first year that it was going to tie close enough that we did not actually budget for any money to be transferred from the golf course to be put into that reserve. Prior to that it had always been budgeted. � . Brian Inman reviewed the financial results from July— Nov. 2008 as compared to tfiat same period for 2009. This past summer, course usage was down'due to weather in June & ! July, but usage was up in Sept. through the fall which made up for the difference in revenues. - hie also reviewed the new proposed 2010 rates;with Bangor residents receiving a 10% discount. � Councilor Nealley made a motion to move the recommendation of the Parks and Rec Dep.artment for a fixed rate membership structure with a 10% discount for Bangor residents at � the•Municipal Golf Course as presented. Seconded by Councilor Gratwick. Councilor Wheeler added that in the coming year a survey of inember satisfaction with the.Bangor Municipal Golf Course be done in order to get a handle on feedback on various aspects such as cost, etc. � Councilor Weston inquired as to how will the public be informed of this new fee schedule. � Tracy Willette replied that it will be done through print media, local &cable tv, the golf course web site, the membership list to which a mailing will go out to and the Parks & Rec web site. � Brian Inman added that the golf course also has a notebook at their club house where goifers can leave their name and email address if they have questions or concerns. The majority of inemberships will be sold by the middle to the end of April —it is required that membership rates have to be paid in full by May 15. � Motion passed unanimously. Chair Weston asked that Tracy and/or Brian come back to the Committee around May. � 15, 2010 to report on the results of the new fee schedule. � . �, � A motion was made by Councilor Gr.atwick to go into Executive Session— 1 M.R.S.A. ,� §405 (6) (C ) Seconded-by Councilor Nealley. 9. Executive Session - Ecbnomic Development— Negotiations for Disposition of Property � —498 Maine Avenue— 1 M.R.S.A. § 405 (6) (C) 10.Committee Action on Above Item � No Committee action was taken. � A motion was made and seconded to go into Executive Session — i M.R.S,A. §405 � (6) (C) 11. Executive Session — Economic Development— Negotiations for Disposition of Property � —Court Street— 1 M.R.S.A. § 405 (6) (C) 12. Gommittee Action on Above Item � No Committee action was taken. , A Eno�ion was made and seconded to go into ExeEutive Session — 1 M.R.S.A. §405 . �6' tC' � 13. Executive Session — Economic Development— Negotiations for Disposition of Properly — Maine Business Enterprise Park— 1 M.R.S.A. § 405(6) (C) _� 14: Committee Action on Above Item No Committee action was taken. � 15. Review of the City's Economic Development Functions and Activities � Postponed to a later meeting. � � - ,' � � �