HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-03-19 Business and Economic Development Committee Minutes � � BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC DE'VEL�PMENT COMMITfEE Mareh 19, 2008 � Minutes Councilors Palmer, Wheeler, Farrington, D`Errico � StafF: McKay, Heitmann � Others: Barrett, Tuttle, members of the public � 1. Bangor Daily News Request ta Instali Webcam - Grant Building � Jeff Tuttie from the BDN was present to discuss the request to place their webcam on the Grant Building focusing on West Market Square. Wheeler asked the reason. Tuttle said it is a central City location and it would give the downtown exposure. The webcam is certainly on the racino construction. Tuttle has spoken with John Diamond at the � University of Maine system regarding the technicai issues in moving the camera. The webcam uploads a phato every 8 seconds to the website. Responding to Farrington, � UMS is receptive. Paimer discussed issues with the warranty of the roof being compromised with a tripod. A motion was made and seconded to recommend approval. � 2. Amending Development Agreemer�t and Lease with Eastern Maine Healthcare Sys�ems and Affiliated Healthcare Management � In 2005, McKay said the City entered inta an agreement with EMH for the sa(e of the former Slager property on Union Street for its use in expanding the EMH Healthcare Mall on Union Street. That agreement split the parcef into two pieces, firont and rear � portianj and set mirtimum deveiapment standards for the haspital. When the minimum develapment standards were met, the City wauld agree to sell them the first parcel. � Subsequently the Doug Brown building was constructed on the site. In 20Q7, the Council was approached by EMH with a propasal to ask the City if it would agree to the hospital meetings �ts minimum development s�andards on Union Street if EMN was to � build a warehause distribution site some where within the City other than on the Union Street property. EMS desires to move the Affiliated Healthcare from the Nealthcare Mall to another location due to truck trafFic mingling with out-patient traffic. The Council � agreed providing that the project was started by April 2, 2408. It would have started by that date except the property purchased by EMH on Hildreth Street is owned by praperty awners wha have a payment penalty that is involved w�th the sale, a large � portion of which goes away after April 8�". EMH has asked for an eight-day extension and staff recammended a 30-day ex�tens�on, A matian was made and seconded to recommend the date be extended ta April 30, 2008. � 3. Maine Air National Guard Re uest for Land q � Bolduc said this has been to the commit�ee previously. The MANG is interested in acquiring approximately 2.28 acres of land at the corner of Griffin Road and Maine � Avenue, which is part of lot 1$ in the BIA Commercial Industrial Park. Prior to an official acquisitiori process, the Guard wanted to get a sense of Cauneil`s support. Any formal � � action would be an amendment to the City's lease agreement with the MANG. ■ Farrington (mic not on) said the Guard is reluctant to put up a purchase price but to ■ provide in-kind services and asked the value of the property and the nature of the ofFset to justify to others who might wish similar treatment. Bolduc said the 3.6 acres is , valued at approximately $150,000-200,000. There is a surface drainage ditch that bisects the property which would affect the value. Responding to Farrington, McKay spoke — away from the microphone — couldn't hear. Farrington spoke about restrictions � on the lease to enhance the value of the properry that the City kept for any future development. The Commander of the Civil Engineering Squad of the MANG, said the � Guard has three deficiencies to correct. One is that there is a sign at that intersection and it needs to be improved. They would like an illuminated sign. Also the gatehouse has been improved to make the base more secure. They don't want to move the � gatehouse but it is constraining to get larger vehicles through. A larger right of way would help. Any fuel spill that happens on the lower part of the base ends up in that intersection, and the City is studying the area. It needs to be improved. The MANG 1 would be taking the least valuable portions and leaving a piece of properry that is marketable and valuable. Wheeler said the City needs to be consistent and fair with all interested parties. He sees fairness as a standard and consistency as a principle. He ' said he has no objection to the transaction. Palmer talked about the MANG working with the City Engineer to suggest improvements to the subject intersection. No action was required by the Committee which positively supported the concept. � 4. Request for Consent of Assignments of Dorks R Us Lease � Heitmann said the parking lot behind the Ground Round is leased to the Ground Round by the City. The least was in 1982 for a period of 50 years. Anytime there is a transfer, a refinancing, etc., it requires the City's consent to an assignment of the lease. The lease provides for that consent. A motion was made and seconded to recommend � approval to full Council. 5. FGS/CMT Fessenden Geo-Environmental Services Construction Materials Testing � — Option to Acquire Property at 113 Maine Avenue A motion was made and seconded to indefinitely postpone this item. , 6. Executive Session - Economic Development— Negotiations for Disposition of Property— 113 Maine Avenue — M.R.S.A. § 405(6)(C) � A motion was made and seconded to move into executive session. 7. Committee Action on Above Item, if necessary � No action was taken by the Committee. , � � �