HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-10-21 Business and Economic Development Committee Minutes � BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE
TUESDAY, October 21, 2003
Meeting Minutes
Councilors Attending: John Rohman, Frank Farrington, Gerry Palmer, Michael
Staff Attending: Jonathan Daniels, Ed Barrett, Norm Heitmann, T.J. Martzial,
Stan Moses
Others Attending: D'Errico, Gagnon, Bouchard, Moores, Jordan, Torres
The meeting convened at 5:00 p.m.
1. Consent Agenda
a. Residential Rehabilitation Deferred Payment Loan; Christine M.
Chambrello, 25 Nelson Street.
b. Residential Rehabilitation Loan; Ronald & Paula Rideout, 289 Elm Street.
• c. Residential Rehabilitation Deferred Payment Loan; Barbara Neville, 97
Fifth Street.
d. Residential Rehabilitation Deferred Payment Loan; Delmont Richards, Lot
32 Pray's Mobile Home Park.
e. Extension of Tentative Developer Status — Penview Associates.
f. Extension of Tentative Developer Status — Robert E. Baldacci, Jr.
Rohman noted that there was a request to remove items a and d from the
consent agenda for a couple of minor adjustments. The Committee approved
the consent agenda with the exception of items a and d, which will be addresses
at a later time.
Martzial said that in item 1 of his October 17�' memo, 25 Nelson St., the contract
has changed from $4,771 to $5,808. Item 4, Pray's Mobile Home Park has
changed from $1,400 to $1,580. The Committee approved items a and d as
2. Bangor Water District Request for City Property.
Heitmann said that the Bangor Water District had requested to lease a portion of
City owned land around the water tower, and to lease a portion of the tower to
� Unicel. He said that if the Water District and Unicel come to an agreement, then
they would need additional land to accommodate a 12'x 24' building that Unicel
would need. The Water District is willing to pay the City one-half of the rental �
income it receives from Unicel. The Water District is asking for six 10-year lease
extensions in addition to a 40-year lease. Farrington wanted to know if this
agreement also locked in the revenue received. Heitmann said that we would
always get half of the revenue that the Water District receives from Unicel.
The Committee approved the Council Order to the full Council.
3. Residential Rehabilitation Loan Application. 18 Highland Lane.
Martizial briefed the Committee on this request to rehabilitate a condemned
single family house at 18 Highland Lane. The request is for $46,776. He noted
that staff recommends demolishing the property.rather than spending this
amount to refurbish it. Palmer said that this area has been before other
Committees with regards to the parking on this street, and agrees with stafF
The Committee approved staff recommendation to deny the loan.
4. Waterworks Development Agreement.
Rohman noted that he had a conflict of interest on this project, as his firm is the �
architect. Martzial said that Doug Bouchard, Executive Director of the Shaw
House. Martzial said that the development agreement between the City and
Shaw House Development Inc. needs to be amended due to the appeal by
Maine Central Railroad of the DOT decision on the railroad crossing. Martzial
said that the dates used in requiring evidence of construction contracts and
private lender financing commitments be extended one year, and the project
completion date be extended to December 31, 2005.
Bouchard discussed the various obstacles that they had overcome on the project.
He said that the City has been wonderful in helping to deal with issues. He said
• that everything is a go so far, and that they are waiting on the results of the
appeal by Maine Central Railroad.
Farrington wanted to know the remedial steps to be taken to solve this problem.
Bouchard said that perhaps Mr. Heitmann would know better the process.
Heitmann said that currently pending is an appeal filed by the railroad of the
DOT decision. He said that DOT is obviously on our side of the issue since they
approved the pole crossing. Depending on how fast the court wants to act it
should be about 6-8 months. The City has applied for intervening status with no
objections from the railroad or Shaw House. This will enable the City to
participate in the proceedings. .
� The Committee voted to send this request to the full Council for approval.
5. Proposed Penquis CAP Housing Development.
Martzial noted that earlier this year, Penquis C.A.P. had presented a residential
development proposal to develop a 16 unit affordable family housing project on
Griffin Road. Since then Penquis has secured financing and a letter of support.
Staff has determined that CDBG funds can be used for this project. Martzial said
that stafF recommends entering into a development agreement with Penquis
Stephen Moores, Director of Development at Penquis C.A.P., briefed the
Committee on a market study of the project, and requested financial assistance
to fill a gap of $130,000.
Farrington clarified that this request would come from block grant funds and not
City money. Martzial confirmed that these funds would come from federal HUD
funds. Farrington wanted to know how we could justify the return of real estate
taxes to Penquis C.A.P. Martzial said that this parcel is assessed at $16,000, with
$400 per year in taxes. If this project goes forward the projection of taxes is
• $16,000 per year, and if we return $10,000 per year to the developer for debt
service, then we will still receive a net of$6,000 per year in taxes on this parcel.
Palmer noted that this is exactly the kind of housing that we need in our
The Committee voted to approve this request and send it to full Council.
6. Discussion on Development Agreement Between Merrill Merchants Bank and the
City of Bangor on the Proposed Redevelopment of the Penobscot Theater
Company Building.
7ohn Rohman noted that he had a conflict of interest and sat out for this item
and the next agenda item.
Heitmann said that this involves the acquisition and renovation of the Penobscot
Theatre building at 183 Main Street by Merrill Bank. This is a $1.25 million
project which would provide for a 100% TIF for 20 years for the renovations.
Deborah )ordan, Executive Vice President of Merrill Bank, discussed the details of
the proposed renovations. Crowley expressed the similarities between this
project and the Waterworks project in preserving historical buildings. Crowley
�- said that we are not losing dollars in tax revenues.
The Committee approved the proposed development agreement to full Council.
7. Discussion on Penobscot Theatre Company's CDBG Application.
Stan Moses said that the Theatre is asking for a loan of $155,000 to carry out
the first phase of a long-term project that will correct life safety code issues and
improve handicap accessibility. Mark Torres of Penobscot Theatre discussed the
specific improvements.
Crowley wanted to know if this plan included an elevator. Torres said that this
funding would be enough to cover the sprinkler system and alarm only. Crowley
commented that this structure should play an important part of the development
and use of downtown. He noted that the building needs some extensive work to
restore it to its originally designed stellar structure. Palmer said that it was very
appropriate for the City to try to save this historic building.
Moses said that he has encouraged Torres to think of future applications for
funding for handicap accessibility improvements. Moses said that Torres was
interested in more than a loan from the City. Torres said that the Theatre has
great financial need and is at limited staff. He would like to put their financial
house in order without compromising programs and reserves. He noted that the �
funds from the sale of the smaller theater building will go into a reserve account,
and the Theatre is hoping to eliminate additional debt to start rebuilding their
equity. Moses said that HUD allows us to provide assistance in the forms of
grants. Crowley wanted to know why this was not presented in the form of a
grant request and not a loan. Farrington said that a grant request afFects the
budget. Moses said that the Committee often receives loan application requests
that are handled as deferred loans, and we do not have a grant program in our
housing rehab program. He said that depending on the need of the client, we
would process a loan application as a deferred loan, however it takes the
Council's approval to do so. Palmer wanted to know when this could happen,
• and Moses said that it could happen at any time in the process. Daniels said that
he recommends that this request should move along as a loan package with a
request for a grant to be made at a later date if desired. Crowley said that he
would feel more comfortable with this recommendation.
The Committee voted to approve the loan and refer it to the full Council.
� 8. Discussion on City Application for the Municipal Investment Trust Fund Program
through the Department of Economic and Community Development.
Daniels said that there is $10 million available in funds for projects across the
state. The program works through Community and Economic Development and
we have been preparing to submit an application for two projects by November
1�. Each application can only be granted up to $500,000. Priority one is the
bulkhead, floating docks and water's edge, and priority two would be the
realignment of Cedar Street. Moses discussed the reason for the bulkhead
project being priority one is the fact that we will be having a large ship coming
into the waterfront next summer. Moses said that the City needs to come up
with $1.3 million to match the $500,000 grant. He discussed the existing funds
available. Moses discussed the Cedar Street renovation project. He said that the
City has the possibility of receiving 80% funding for this project through BACTS.
The Committee voted to approve the applications.
Crowley asked about the renaming of the Waterfront and Front and Railroad
Streets. Barrett said that he has a lengthy list of suggestions for renaming these
areas. He suggested sending this list to the Council for their review and
� recommendations.
The Committee briefly discussed that a representative from Halifax Airport will
attend the next meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 6:19 p.m.