HomeMy WebLinkAbout2001-07-17 Business and Economic Development Committee Minutes BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE � 7uly 17, 2001 @ 5:00 p.m. Minutes Councilors Present: Joe Baldacci, Dan Trembie, Judy Vardamis, John Rohman, Gerry Palmer Staff Present: Ed Barrett, Rod McKay, Jim Ring, Rebecca Hupp, Lee Umphrey, Mike Dyer Others Present: Doug Clendenning 1. Bass Park a. 2001 Bangor State Fair Update Mike Dyer told the Councilors that they would be receiving by mail an official invitation to the press conference and noted that it starts at 1:00 p.m. and not the traditional noon time. The timing change is due to the fact that Mad Science are 2500 miles away and they will be doing a show that afternoon at about 2:30 p.m. or 3:00 p.m. for the press while they ! are still at the press conference. The ribbon cutting will be on Friday, July 27 at 6:00 p.m. Mayor Rohman will be there for the ceremony as weli as Jack McClay, the Bass Park maintenance supervisor, who is retiring on September 1, 2001. This is Jack's twenty-seventh and last fair. The pre-sale wristband admission promotion is already underway. Mike states that this promotion ends Friday, ]uly 20 at 4:00 p.m. So far the pre-sale is going well. But it is difficult to tell only because the majority of tickets will be sold on Wednesday afternoon, Thursday and Friday. Compared to other years, the sale is going fine. Mike states that during the months of]une and ]uly, there has been a lot of hype in regards to the new Jurassic exhibit. The full fair schedule will be in the Bangor Daily News on Thursday, ]uly 26. As discussed previously, ticket prices for adults and seniors have gone up $1.00, but the price for 12 and under remains the same at $2.00. The one new event this year is the Young at Heart Day on July 30 including special entertainment for seniors citizens and free admission between Noon and 6:00 p.m. NASA will be sponsoring, at no charge, a • walk through exhibit. The expanded independent midway space is sold out. Right now there is � only 1 booth available in the merchandise pen. StafF is estimating close to $28,000 or $29,000 in rentals from the independent midway. The sponsorship commitments are currently $36,000 which is a little bit higher than last year, but less than hoped for. As usual there will be a couple of last minute national people, Dunkin Donuts and somebody else coming through so that number could go up to about $40,000. Mike would like to point out that the August issue of Downeast Magazine has got a lengthy feature in the"Best Of". Under best fairs, the first listed is the Bangor State Fair which is the good news. The bad news is they gave an incorrect phone number. They have half of the new number and half of the old phone number. The dates are right. This was not something staff solicited, had control of, or were unaware it was going to happen until we opened up the magazine and saw it. Any little bit helps. The posters are all distributed from Camden to Downeast, down to Calais. Mike stated that everything is in place. There seems to be a lot of interest in the fair. Mike has included in everyone's packets a complete fair schedule. Mike would like to call to everyone's attention a newly revised grounds map and he thinks that this is the best effort yet in producing a • map that is easy to follow. Mike told the committee for promotional purposes, post cards (approximately 16,000 to 17,000) were sent to surrounding towns outside a 25-mile radius of Bangor, not including larger towns with adequate newspaper coverage. This is so people may plan far in advance. Councilor Vardamis asked Mike if he has tried to get first timers to attend or people who have not been to the fair in a long time. Judy says people have stated they have not attended the Bangor State Fair because it's too crowded, dirty, costs too much, etc. During the run of the fair, Bass Park will be conducting a survey at the Bangor Mall. The first question on the survey is have you attended or do you plan to attend this year's Bangor State Fair. If the answer is"yes", we thank them and move on to someone else. We want to survey the people who do not plan to go to the fair and find out the reasons why. Usually it is a fair preference. Mike thinks the two new features, Jurassic Park and Mad Science will be really big attraction like four years ago with the sharks. The sharks were � something that was not normal for a fair so it attracted people. The Department of Agriculture has supplied information to Bass Park � regarding Mad Cow, but the Fair Committee is doing their own signs that will be posted on the back of the Grand Stand facing Old MacDonald's � Farm area. The sign will read "If you have been in a foreign country in the past week, please do not go on beyond this point". There will also be brochures handed out as an educational tool on the subject matter. The Fair Committee is also putting up very graphic signs to help prevent e.coli. The signs basically states if you touch an animal, wash your hands. These will be around the petting zoo with directions to the nearest wash stands. The Committee is actually putting a couple of old sinks that came out of the old restrooms in the auditorium on the side of one of buildings. The intent is to wash after petting the animals and before hands or food goes into any mouths. Councilor Tremble asks if there is something like disinfectant wipes that can be put at the petting zoo. Mike Dyer states the wipes are not � effective in combating the germs. In years to come, the petting zoo may need to be located to a more convenient location. Mike thanks everyone and looks forward to seeing him or her at the press conference or ribbon cutting ceremony. 2. Bangor International Airport � a. T-hangar Space Construction/Development Rebecca would like to bring the T-hangar issue once again to the Committee. She has received questions from Councilors, specifically Councilor Tremble, for an update on the project. As you will recall, in the winter time frame, there was an individual who was interested in building T-hangars at the airport. She states for those who know aviation, know that our current facilities are not adequate. For that reason, the airport was approached by a private developer who expressed an interest in developing T-hangars with his own money and then turning the facility back over to the City. In doing so, the private developer would assume some of the financial risk, which would benefit us. But in exchange for the financial risk the private developer would retain one bay in the hangar. Rebecca stated that the Airport has been working with City Engineering and Planning for the appropriate permits, plans, and specifications. There were a couple of things that came up. One, if other individuals were interested, allowing them to have the opportunity to submit a proposal for the project as well and also having something that was standardized so that we know what we are getting and there is an actual dollar limit. � Jim Ring presented a plan view drawing of the hangar. The proposed � hangar would be 40 feet wide by 240 feet long. ]im stated that plans and specifications have been developed. Jim also presented a site pian to show where the T-hangar is proposed to be located in respect to existing buildings. Specifications were developed by the City so that we know we are going to get a good quality building. Rebecca explained that the Airport is proposing to issue the RFP as early as the week of July 23 with the Proposals due by August 13 and back to the Committee by the third week of August around the 22"d, 23rd� 24cn This is very crucial since the Airport is working with a private developer and time is of the essence. Rebecca stated that this project is something the City really needs to get done this year. She asked the Committee for any feedback they may have at this time. Mayor Rohman asked if there is the same number of T's. He states there seem more than originally stated, which is a good thing. There are actually less. There are eight and there used to be ten T-hangars. Rebecca stated that it is more cost effective to add two sets of eight rather than one set of twelve. Jim explained there are space limitations due to an access road. ]im stated permits such as with DEP are underway � anticipating the project moving forward. Permits are being done to prevent delays. If no proposals are received, nothing is lost in timing, but if we wait until after proposals are received to do the permits, the project will be done late into the fall. Councilor Tremble asked how payment remittance would be handled. Rebecca replied that we would reimburse the developer for the costs incurred. Councilor Tremble asked if tenants leasing space would pay the Airport. Rebecca confirms this. Councilor Tremble asked if it is a condition that the developer has to have tenants before construction. Rebecca says yes. Councilor Tremble asked if the developer is still interested in moving forward, and Rebecca responded yes. Dan is curious as to why it has taken so long to get to this point. Jim said that when the project was looked at a few weeks ago, the specifications were not complete. He went on to say that this is City property and we need to be sure of what we are getting. Dan asked if the plan is still to go on an existing pad. Jim stated because of building codes, this cannot be done. Rebecca added that the pad is not level. Dan asked what the construction time is assuming we are on schedule. Jim told Dan and the committee that this is a simple building. There would need to be lead time for the steel. The hangar should be in place before this winter. � Councilor Vardamis again asked if the developer is fine with the schedule. � Rebecca said that the last time she spoke with him, the schedule was fine. But the more complicated it becomes and the longer it drags out, a frustration point could set in. Rebecca went on to say that it is nothing the City has done, but things like where to put the hangar, environmental processes that we have to go through, etc. The developer has asked Rebecca why it is taking so long. Jim stated that even if we had a signed deal, before the project starts, approvals have to be secured and that takes time. Councilor Tremble asks if the monthly hangar rent would be $400 to $500. Rebecca said that she does not think it would be that much. 3. Community and Economic Development a. Economic Development Marketing Plan Update Due to time, Councilor Baldacci has suggested a second meeting be scheduled to discuss marketing update either on Tuesday, 7uly 24th or Wednesday, July 25�'. Councilor Baldacci would like to focus on what Joanne is doing in the marketing area. � b. Schedule Council Tour of Freese's Building Ed suggests scheduling the tour before the next meeting at 4:00 p.m. The Committee agrees with 4:00 p.m. on August 7. c. Community Development Rehabilitation Financing — 72-80 Columbia Street Rod McKay presented an overview of financing for the rehabilitation of 72- 80 Columbia Street. The Thomas Hatch Block Limited Partnership plans to rehabilitate the property located at 72-80 Columbia Street into 8 apartments and approximately 1600 sq ft of commercial space. Rod has proposed that financing will be provided by Bangor Savings Bank, Penquis Cap, Maine State Housing Authority under the Maine State Service Center Community Task Force will match loans, and owner equity (see Memo dated July 12 for a breakdown of financing). Bob and Suzanne Kelley (House Revivers) will perform the rehabilitation work. House Revivers have performed several other projects in the downtown area. Rod stated that the financing is a little complicated, but makes the project work. It is a historic property so there will be a historic tax break. At this time Rod is only proposing approval of two community development loans. One is a � deferred loan and the other a straight loan. The Committee recognized • told the Committee this will not happen without City assistance. This project is dependent on the Maine State Housing Authority funding. Mayor Rohman will send MSHA a letter stating the Council's support. A motioned was made and seconded to approve the two community development loans. d. Executive Session: Property Disposition — BIA Commercial/ Industrial and Maine Business Enterprise Parks Councilor Baldacci motioned to move into Executive Session and was seconded by Councilor Vardamis. It was motioned to move out of Executive Session. e. Executive Session: Land Disposition — Maine Business Enterprise Lots4 & 5 Councilor Baldacci motioned to move into Executive Session and was seconded by Councilor Vardamis. . It was motioned to move out of Executive Session. f. Maine Business Enterprise Park—Amending Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions. Staff is proposing an amendment to prohibit gas stations, warehouse and distribution (as a primary use), and automobile repair, sales and service It was moved and seconded that this item be recommended to the . Council. g. Continuation of Review of Guidelines for Leasing and Deposition of City Owned Development Sites Rod McKay reviewed changes that were discussed in the last meeting. Handouts were provided to Councilors and staff to visually view these changes. It was noted that there does need to be some type of standards. It was moved and seconded that this item be recommended to go before the full Council. h. Executive Session: Property Disposition — Penobscot Riverfront � Redevelopment Project � Councilor Baldacci moved to go into Executive Session, seconded by Councilor Vardamis. Councilor Baldacci moved to go out of Executive Session. i. Request by Barrett Paving Materials Inc. for Disposition of and Easement on Waterfront Property for Installation of Raii Siding Barrett Paving Materials requested review of obtaining supplies by rail stating they are limited to refiners on water. They are not looking to replace barge shipments,just supplement it. It was noted that there would be zoning issues involved in this move. Rod stated that the City should not encourage or assist further expansion. Councilor Tremble � would like to make it clear we would help them with their problem. A motioned was made to follow staff recommendations and was seconded by Councilor Vardamis. Councilors Rohman, Palmer, Vardamis, and Baldacci favor the motion. Councilor Tremble dissented. j. Executive Session: Personnel Matter: Update on Recruitment • Process for Director of Business and Economic Development It was moved to go into Executive Session and seconded. It was moved to go out of Executive Session. With no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned. �