HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-07-07 Community and Economic Development Committee Minutes COMMUNITY& ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE • Wednesday, June 7, 2000 @5:00 PM MINUTES COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Councilor Baldacci, Chair Councilor Rohman Councilor Crowley Councilor Palmer Councilor Vardamis OTHER COUNCILORS PRESENT: Councilor Aube � STAFF PRESENT: Edward A. Barrett, City Manager Rodney G. McKay, Director of Community &Economic Development T.J. Martzial, C.D. Housing Programs Manager . Sally Burgess, Business &Economic Development O�cer Steve Bolduc, Economic Development Officer Kate Weber, Planning Officer Dan Wellington, Code Enforcement Officer Norm Heitmann, City Solicitor John Hamer, Asst. City Solicitor • Jim Hodges, Parking Enforcement OTHERS PRESENT: Tom Jordan, member of NOE Board of Directors Bob Sanders, resident of Holden Kerry Sack, DMHMRSAS, Region III, Bangor The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM by Committee Chair, Councilor Baldacci . 1. Northeast Occupational Exchange Board(NOE)—Downtown Parking (Councilor Baldacci asked to be excused from voting on this item due to conflict of interest.) Rod McKay, Director of C&ED,reviewed the parking siivation as it was presented by Northeast Occupational Exchange at the C&ED Feb. 9, 2000 meeting. At that meeting, Councilor Aube had suggested that an explanation from NOE's Board of Directors and Administration be made available as to what they had envisioned for parking for their employees when they selected their downtown business location at 29 Franklin Street. At today's meeting,NOE Board member, Tom Jordan, spoke to the Committee on behalf of his fellow Board members. He stated that NOE's reason for choosing the Franklin Street location was based on economics as well as to accommodate their clients—some of who walk to the facility. He stated that several years ago before they purchased the building,their Director, Dr. Tingley, had approached the City � regarding parking. At that time, the City offered parking spaces for$20-25 per space per naonth; however, at that time,the NOE Board did not feel they couid handle this � cost so they turtaed the City's proposal down. At this tizne, Mr. Jordan, on behalf of NOE emplayees, proposed that the City pravide windshield stickers for 4-hour parkang. He indicated that this would assist those employees who need to have their cars readiiy accessible in oxder ta transport patients in a crisis situation. Councilor Crowley stated that currently the downtown parking situation is being seriously looked at by the City with the reactivatian af the Downtown Parking Caxnmittee. This committee will laok at the needs of dawntown businesses and customers in order ta determine and prioxitize solutians for the growing demand far parking. He further stated that the final solution to any parking needs in the downtown should come, hawever, as a result of the Parking Committee's recammendations. COUTICI�OT Baldacci inquired as to how many employees actually need their cars accessible on- street. Mr. Jordan replied that 12 spaces are needed. Discussion continued on wher� available spaces are located and what the current rates are. As a final recommenda- tian:to NQE, Committee and Staff suggested that NQE provide helpful inforrnatian to the Parlcing Committee such as exact number of employees who need their cars accessible for ernergency use arzd any ather specific inf'ormation which would assist in finding a per�nanent solution. In the meantime, it was also suggested that NOE talk with Suzanne I�e11y of I�elly Management and Penobscat Cot�nty with respect to working aut a teznporary parking solution in her lot which is used for the Harlamon�. Street Courtyard project. � Cauncilar Baldacci asked that City Staff make sure that notices of ineetings af�e Downtown Parking Comm.ittee be mailed ta NOE in advance of each meeting so th�.t their boaz�d meznbers can attend thase meetings. The first meeting is on June 13 at 4 PM in the City Cotuacil Chambers at City Hall. 2. Request to Purchase City Properry: 12v& 19v Stiles Lane Rad McKay, Director of C&ED, reviewed for the Committee a request fxorr� I��r. Jaznes Leonaxd of Bangar to purchase two vaca�t parcels on Stiles Lane, a paper street. The parcels are 1�own as 12v Stiles Lane and 19v Stiles Lane. The lats have an assessed value of$100.00 each. Mr. Leonard knows that the lots are undevelopable but he would like to add them to his other holdings in the area. Staff recammends the City retain ownership of both these parcels in arder ta preserve park space along the Kenduskeag Stream and ta retain awnership of Lot 75 which is adjacent to the Kenduskeag Stream, Staff further recommended that Committee inquire if Mr. Leonard wauld be willing to trade a parcel of his property immediately adjacent to the Kenduskeag Stream for Iat 76A. A motian was made and seconded ta approve Staff's recammendatians as presented. Sa voted. 3. Request for Rzght-of-Way—Land 4wned by City in Holden for FAA/BIA C?uter Marker Mr. Bob Sanders of Holden presented a request to the FAA to use an access road in � Halden that serv�s their Runway 33 Outer 1Vlarker at BIA. In their response to Mr. Sanders they indicated to him that this raad is owned by the City of Bangar. Mr. Sanders purpose for this request is that his property is land-locked which he has a deeded right-of- • way to; however, this is not constructed and would be costly for Mr. Sanders to do. The , FAA has no objection to his using the road but did request that, if he were to use the road, he build a parking axea for FAA vehicles at the end of the road as it now exists. Mr. Sanders also indicated that in the future he may build a house on his property. If he is given permission to go ahead with using the City's access road, City Solicitor Norm Heitmann recommends that the City reserves the right to terminate the permission upon notice. If the FAA ever changed its use of the property, or if they left and the City had some other use for the property, the Ciiy may not want to allow Mr. Sanders to continue to use the road. Councilor Crowley raised a question with regard to Mr. Sanders plans to build a house—how would that affect the road access. City Manager, Ed Barrett replied. that Mr. Sanders could the�build his own road parallel to the access road. A motion was • made and seconded to approve Staf�s recommendation as presented. So voted. 4. Community Development Rehabilitation Loan 94-96 Fourth Street, 8 units T.J. Martzial, C.D. Housing Programs Manager reviewed this loan request for the Committee. A motion was made and seconded to approve this loan request as presented. So voted. 5. Comprehensive Plan—Council Approval Process Planning Officer Kate Weber reviewed the proposed process for the City's 1997 Comprehensive Plan as amended by the 2000 revisions. The State Planning Office has determined that it is now consistent with the goals and guidelines of Maine's Growth � Management Act. The City Council needs to adopt the Plan so that the Summary document can be developed this summer. 6. SBA/Business Information Center Rod McKay, C&ED Director, reviewed the proposed establishment of a business information center in Bangor and the various downtown locations that have been discussed as potential sites. Committee authorized staff to offer up to $20,000 for one year's rent of office space for the SBA for a Business Information Center with a ' downtown location close to City Ha1L - 7. Review of Development Parcel Disposition Prices for BanAir Industrial Park and Land Lease Rates for Maine Business Enterprise Park and the BIA Commercial/ Industrial Park Staff reviewed recent appraisals that were requested by the City for the development parcels in the BanAir Industrial Park as well as the Land Lease Rates for Maine Business Enterprise Park and the BIA Commercial Industrial Park. After some discussion, it was decided to retain current asking prices. � 8. Unicel—Amendment to Agreement • To receive development incentives Unicel was obligated to create new jobs at its new corporate headquarters on Telcom Drive. This amendment to the agreement will correct the number of employees actually employed by Unicel at its former Cumberland Place location in October of 1997. A motion was made and seconded to approve the amendment to the agreement with Unicel to reflect the correct number of employees. So voted. 9. Code Enforcement—Discussion on the Transition From Regional BOCA Codes to International Codes Dan Wellington, Code Enforcement Officer,provided an overview to explain that the City will be going from a required national code to an international code that is recognized world-wide. The process was started in 1994 and completed in Sept. 1999 and as the codes are updated the City will adopt these new codes. A motion was made to go into Executive Session. � 10. Executive Session—Property Acquisition—Union Place Neighborhood Conservation Proj ect A motion was made to go out of Executive Session. 11. Staff Update • a. West Market Square Improvements Discussion was held to gather ideas on how to make this park more pedestrian friendly and inviting so that people will spend more time there. b. Economic Development Marketing Program Rod outlined the scope and resources of the Marketing Program at�hi.s time and the efforts undertaken during the past year. c. Grants Building Staff reviewed the status of conversations with the Penobscot County of Commissioners and Courts held to discuss extending the option agreement. d. Bangor Waterworks Status of project with EMHC discussed with a recommendation that the option agreement be extended to December 31, 2000. Meeting adjourned at 7:40 PM. �