HomeMy WebLinkAbout2006-04-19 Business and Economic Development Committee Minutes �
April 19, 2006
� Councilor Attendance: Greene, Pa{mer, D'Errico, Hawes, Farrington, Gratwick
Staff Attendance: Barrett, McKay, Comeau
� 1. Preliminary Review of Projects and Activities Proposed to be Funded Next Year
with Community Development Block Grant Funds.
� The City annually receives CDBG funds from the US Department of Housing and Urban
Development. The program has been in effect since 1974.The funds can be used for a
, variety of activities that benefit low and moderate income individuals or aid in the
elimination of slums and blight. McKay said the City has used funds in the past for both
categories. Traditionally the City has received $1.3M annually. The amount has been
� reduced over the past two years, and this year it is approximately$1,060,750. In
addition to this amount, McKay is projecting program income of$600,000, making a
total of$1,660,750 available. McKay reviewed a proposed use of funds including
� $100,000 for business development loans, $76,734 for Park Woods social services,
$703,857 for property rehabilitation, $7,000 for property disposition costs, $i00,000 for
the waterfront area infrastructure improvement to include local matching funds for the
� federal grant of$547,000 received for the floating heavy vessel dock, $40,000 for
downtown revitalization to include design and engineering for West Market Square
improvements, $50,000 for the Enterprise Park infrastructure improvements, $202,412
� for street and sidewalk improvements in eligible neighborhoods, $285,747 administrative
costs, and $15,000 for reimbursement to the City Planning Office for services provided
to Community Development An application needs to be submitted to HUD by May 15,
and it requires a public hearing that will be scheduled at the May 3ro BED meeting.
� Council needs to approve the application at its first meeting in May. Council has the
ability to make changes throughout the year to the program. McKay reviewed
� neighborhoods eligible for CDBG funds. Barrett mentioned that $80,000 for
improvements to Williams Park is also included.The playground equipment is close to 20
years old. Farrington asked if stafF had any idea when federal funds would be
� completely not available and are there other projects that can be added to the list
without much difficulty. McKay indicated that as long as an activity was included in the
annual submission to HUD, the Council could move funds between activities, but if a
� new activity were proposed, the City would need to submit a revision to HUD to include
the new activity. Barrett said he would look for continuing reductions in the level of
funding. Responding to Farrington, McKay reviewed several past projects for which
� CDBG funds were used and the spin-off effect from the federal dollars. Responding to
D'Errico, Barrett said that streets in the tree street neighborhood ofF State Street that
have been tom up for sewer work will be repaved as part of the sewer project this
� summer. The streets need to settle over the winter months. Palmer said that Birch
Street from State to Mt. Hope/State to Garland needs attention. He spoke about his
concern of vandalism at Williams Park. Responding to Greene, Comeau said the parks
utilized the most include Fairmount, Stillwater, Hayford and Broadway. The others tend
�., to be neighborhood parks. Palmer said that Bangor has the best parks of any Maine
community. McKay said that if Councilors have suggestions for the proposed project list �
they should contact McKay or Barrett.
2. Request for Extension of Deadlines in Agreement with Penview Associates. '
McKay provided background information regarding this project. The city has a
development agreement with Penview Associates for the development of a 28-unit �
residential condo project on the waterfront. Penview is required to start construction by
the end of June 2006. There are certain deadlines within the agreement which have
thus far been met. Penview has requested an extension primarily because they need to �
have evidence of all permits, licenses and govemmental approvals by May 3 including a
building permit. The buiiding permit fee is based on the development proposed.
Typically the contractor would pay that fee as part of the construction contract. Ames �
and Russell have asked for a 7-week extension based on the delay on the transfer of
land between Chris Hutchins and the City which took place some months ago. That
exchange of property was needed by Ames in order to proceed with the site pian �
application approval, which was completed within the designated timeframe. In the
option agreement, by)une 1�Penview is required to provide evidence of financing,
evidence of a construction contract, close on the property by June 2"d and commence �
construction by June 30 with construction completed by September 30, 2007.
Russell, attorney for Penview, addressed the Committee. �
Farrington asked if the deadline for the evidence of financing is still in place. Russell
said it is currently June 2"d and the requested seven-week extension would move it to
July 15. Farrington asked what steps were slowed down due to the delay in the �
property transfer which resulted in the extension request. Russell said it is a fair
question but the agreement doesn't say it will extend the deadlines if it impacts the
approval process of the plan. Responding to Farrington, Russell said the extension is �
not automatic.
Responding to Farrington, Heitmann provided background. Hutchins on behalf of �
Summer Street Capital executed an agreement for the land swap of November 1, 2005.
The Council then approved the agreement. Language as approved in the agreement
anticipated the need for an e�ension to prepare plans for state approval; it did not �
provide for a 7 week extension. Once the Council gave their approval, it was discovered
that Hutchins did not have clear title due to a properly mortgage. Given the delay,
Heitmann said there was a provision that an extension can be negotiated in good faith. �
There was no language requiring a specified timeframe. Timing is now the challenge.
The request was presented last week. Heitmann suggested that Council action would
be needed at their April 24"'agenda. Waiting until the May 8�' meeting would go �
beyond two of the deadlines contained in the agreement. If this Committee has
concems with the requested extension, Heitmann suggested an executive session
whereby Council would provide direction to staff. Russell responded to Gratwick's �
questions regarding meeting evidence of financing deadlines. Ames talked about
dealing with a financing institution and reviewed some of the steps Penview has taken in
order to satisfy any conditions of private financing. They now have financing proposals
from investors other than banks, that are offering Penview 100% financing and they are �
now in the process of evaluating these proposals. Ames said there has been a steady
� stream of requests for information since the commencement of dealing the new
financing entities. He said that at some point the financing entities will commission an
appraisai,which takes several weeks. Ames cannot guarantee a deadline for the
� appraisal. From a business point of view, Ames asked if Penview would be smarter to
extend the full seven weeks and hope that it can be accomplished more quickly or would
the City want Penview to come back each step of the way. Penview has acted
� expeditiously, Ames has provided all that the financial institution has requested, has
done a new market study. The more information requested by the potential financers,
the more it slows the process down. Ames said it is not unreasonabie to ask for the
� seven week extension.
Palmer applauded Ames for his vision and said he senses Ames'frustration at this point.
� He said it would be appropriate for the Council to meet in executive session to discuss
_ its options. Palmer made a motion to go into executive session. Heitmann cited the
MRSA title. The motion was seconded.
� Prior to executive session, Farrington said the committee's responsibility is to assure the
best use of City property. He indicated the developer's patience throughout the process.
� He is concerned that the City not inappropriately lose its control of this property. He
wants to be certain there are adequate safeguards in place so that the City does not
loose control of the taxpayer's land. Farrington questioned the financial proposal in
� place, which Ames had previously discussed. He said that 100% can be risky and more
difficult in terms of ineeting qualifications from the lending institution. Ames said it was
not the only proposal but appears to be the best. If the project fails, Gratwick asked
� which entity has right to the land. Heitmann said the land would be owned by the
developer; the bank would have a mortgage. There are provisions in all city
development agreements that contemplate mortgages. The bank would have the right
� to complete or find someone to complete the project. Ames talked about the 100%
contractor bonding required by the lending institution. He said the contractor has an
insurance policy that guarantees-he will perform the project. The lending institution will
put all of the money that the contractor needs into an account for the developer to pay
� the contractor. Once that happens, the project is on a course of its own. Heitmann said
that Ames made a very good point. The City also requires performance and payment
� bonds.
D'Errico confirmed that Ames was asking for an additional 49 days beyond the June 2"a
� date.
Greene stated that the Committee is in executive session.
�. A motion was made and seconded to go out of executive session. Greene stated that
the committee had deliberated this item considerably and the recommendation is to
� have Penview representatives meet with City stafF. StafF has been given direction from
the Committee. The item will be placed on the April 24�' Council agenda.
Ames asked to speak about windows. He said the plans are to order the model unit
� next week. Inherent to that unit is the design of the end unit itself. (he stepped away
from the mic to describe plans— could not hear well). He talked about adding bay
. �
windows in the living room, dining room area, and the second bedroom. It would '
provide two bay windows on each end, would add several thousand dollars to the
project, but Ames feels it is well worth it. The Committee had no questions. �
A motion was then made and seconded to go into executive session for the remaining
, items. �
3. Executive Session - Economic Development- Negotiations for Property
Disposition - 107 Maine Avenue— 1 M.R.S.A. § 405(6)(C) _ �
A motion was made and the Committee voted to go mto execut�ve
session to discuss negotiations involving the proposals received for the
disposition of 107 Maine Avenue. �
4. Committee Action on Above Item �
Followi�g the executive session,the Committee determined to not
further consider the proposals received from the Warren Center, and
Liz and Paul Leonard. �
5. Executive Session -Economic Development- Maine Business Enterprise Park
- Negotiations for Property Disposition - 1 M.R.S.A. § 405(6)(C) �
A motaon was made and the Committee voted to go into executive
session to discuss negotiations for the possible sale of property in the �
Maine Business Enterprise Park for developmen�
. 6. Committee Action on Above Item. The Committee took no action on the above �
item following the executive session.
7. Executive Session -Economic Development-Lease of City Properly at 110 �
Hildreth Street to Hallowel) International - 1 M.R.S.A. § 405(6)(C).
A motion was made and the Committee voted to go into executive �
session to discuss negotiations involving the lease of properly at 110
Hildreth Street to Hallowell International.
8. Committee Action on Above Item �
Following the executive session, a motion was made and seconded to �
recommend to the full City Council that the City Manager be authorized to enter
a lease with Hallowell Intemational as recommended by staff and substantially
under the terms set forth in Council Order 05-273 passed August 8, 2005. �
9. Executive Session -Request for Economic Development Assistance - Hallowell
Intemational - 1 M.R.S.A. § 405(6)(C) (Confidential Memorandum provided �