HomeMy WebLinkAbout2004-04-28 Business and Economic Development Committee Minutes • BUSINESS AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITI'EE
APRIL 28, 2004
Councilor Attendance: Palmer, D'Errico, Farrington, Greene
Staff Attendance: Barrett, McKay, Moses, Martzial
1. Waterfront Design Services —Amendment to CR7A Contract for Additional
McKay explained that the waterfront project is broken into several
different elements. A map was distributed outlining the various areas except for
area 8, which is the area down river from Railroad Street. The majority of area 1
is Front Street including the Front Street parking lot which has been completed;
area 2 is currently under construction on Railroad Street from Main Street into
Front Street; area 3 is the next area to be worked on which is the subject of the
contract amendment with CR]A; area 4 is from the Chamberlain Bridge up into
the downtown area to the parking garage area; area 6 is along the Kenduskeag
Stream behind the parking garage; area 7 is West Market Square. Each project
area will be complete, as funding becomes available. McKay also provided a
� funding summary for each of the project areas noted above. Design
development has been undertaken for the entire waterfront area. As each area is
started, staff completes design development, which designs specifications to
30% complete. As funds become available, staff undertakes construction design
to complete the specifications for issuance of bids for construction projects.
Area 1 is completed. Area 2: there are funds to complete the project.
Area 3: there are funds ($2.6M) to complete the project. The contract
amendment for the CRJA design contract would add $83,000 to complete
additional marine and soils planning in that area. The bulkhead needs to be
strengthened to hold the heavy dock for which the City has applied for a grant.
This is the area that will accommodate the cruise boats. American Cruise Lines
will have 8-11 visits this summer and they are talking of adding a second vessel
to visit Bangor. McKay asked for Committee approval of the contract
Greene asked for a breakdown on the $55,000 cost for Bourne Consulting
Engineers of Franklin, Massachusetts. McKay said it is the design for
supplemental work that needs to be done to stabilize and strengthen the
bulkhead area, designing the work to make connections for utilities to service the
cruise boats, and design work for the floating barge which will be complicated
• due to the ADA requirements. Greene asked about the scissors ramps. Stan
Moses has been concerned that the ramping system would be visible above
ground level during high tide. Palmer suggested looking at an elevator pracess `
and perhaps other optians that would be more visually appealing. McKay said
this has been explored but there is concern with maintenance and operational
prablems. Tn respanse ta Farringtan, McKay said tha� all of the items outlined in
his memo need ta do be dane prior ta future development on the waterfront.
Palmer asked abaut the flat raiiing alang the waterFront, which is a haven for
seagulls, and said that Bar Harbar has piping for their railing. The wooden
railing is temporary and a new railing will be installed as part of the landscaping
element. McKay said it is planned to be in place in area 3 prior to the Folk
Festival and the remainder after the Festival but in this calendar year.
Farrington made a mation to approve stafif recammendation to amend the
CR]A contract. The motion was seconded. The �tem will be referred to ful!
Council for approval. McKay taiked about the waterfront project tying in with
West Market Square and the downtown. Stan Moses indicated that last fa!! fihe
City applied, through the Maine D4T, for $600,000 in federal Fish and Wiidlife
funds under the Boating Infrastructure Program to fund 80°!0 of the cost of a
heavy vesse( floating dock that will accommodate the cruise ship, (arge private
recreation boats, and a possible future passenger ferry. Act�an on the grant
application was initially delayed pending Cangressional passage of its FY 20Q4
budget, Moses has asked the Maine DOT for the grant status, but have E�eard
nothing. He indicated this is a concern. �
2. Review of Propased Activities for Community Development Funding for the
Period ,7uly 1, 2004 to�urte 30, 2Q05
Each year the City submits a statement to the US Department of Hous�ng
and Urban Develapment explaining the City Council's intent for the use of
Community Qevelopment Block Grant funds. Approximately $1.2M-$I.3M is
received by the City annually. This year, the amaunt is $1,216,000. In addition
to that, McKay is expecting approxima�ely $375,040 in program �ncame, which is
largely repayment of loan payments. McKay reviewed the intended use as
outlined art the a�tachment provided to the Committee as part of their agenda
packet. Farrington asked about the $5Q,000 from CDBG funds which will be
used to reimburse the Planning Department for their work an special act�vities for
CDBG projects. Barrett said the amount will be shown in the Planning
Department`s operating b�dget. Plannir�g Department's intended use of this
fund will be far the proposed update of the Comprehensive Plan, Farrington
talked about the downtawn brick sidewalks not being practical. McKay said that
the new method is to use asphalt under the bricks. Palmer talked about
improving existing sidewalks in the downtown.
A motion was made and seconded to approve staff's recommendation.
� The item will go before the next Council meeting where a public hearing will be
held. Palmer expressed appreciation to McKay and staff for an excellent
3. Executive Session — Properry Disposition — 6 Central Street
A motion was made and seconded to go into executive session.