HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-06-06 Business and Economic Development Committee Minutes � BUSINESS AND ECCJNOMIC DEVEL(JPMENT COMMTTfEE � .3une 6, 2007 Minutes � Councilors: Farrington, D`Errica, Stone, Gratwick � StafF: Barrett, McKay, Bolduc 1. Lease Agreement with Stillwater Enterprises, Inc. — Building #269 � Bolduc indicated thafi Chris Higgins of Stillwater Enterprises had wanted to attend this meeting but, due to an equipment breakdown during the day, he was .� not able to do so. Stiilwater Enterprises is a custom metal fabricatian business. They started as a smaEl business and have grown over the past years. Their � space needs exceed what they currently have in the Maine Enterpri�e Park and they would like to move into building #269. Negotiations between the Airport �taff and Stiilwater Enterprises have resulted in a lease agreement. The terms � are a 3 year Iease, the initial rafie at $1,500Jmonth, the tenant woufd assume responsibility for utilities, a sharing of maintenance for the building and also - prov�de insurance. Areas of the lease that are slightiy diffierent because of the � age af the building include the repair of the roof by the City, replacement of some windows and averhead daors, making certain that plumbing, etc. is in � working order. The tenant wil! do some interior renovations in terms of painting, � suspended cei(ings, etc. at a cost of approximately $2,000. The eiectrical system currently in place is the original one. It does not meet code requirements for a �� manufacturing business so the eiectrical entrance needs to be repiaced and then wired to the machiner}+ at an est9mated cost of $20,000. Stillwater as agreed to undergo these renovations with a reimbursement through the rent that would be � I spread over the initial three years of the lease. Stone asked if the $1,50t? monthly rent is before the credit. Boiduc said no and he anticipates the credit to ' be $500-60Q p�r mor�th. Respanding to Stone, Bolduc said that most of the � buiiding repairs have been completed by the Airpork. Bolduc indicated that this company is the first spin-ofF efFect from the Brewer's Cianbro announcement and Stillwater Enterprises will be a subcontractor far that project. Responding to � D'Erricaj Boldc�c said the buildir�g was previausly occupied by the Guard as training space. Gratwick said the building seems to be worth the City's money in � terms of future investment return. Gratwick asked Bolduc to find out if Stillwater Enterprise offers health insurance to its employees. Stone said he isn't certain that health insurance is of concern ta the City. Gratwick said while it could nat be � mandated by the City that it could be strongly recommended for City praperry _ using City funds, Gra�rvick further s�ated that he would vote against the projec� if health insurance is not provided. Farrington suggested that the item be � discussed at full Cauncil incorparat9ng the information that Gratwick has requested. � � � which helps find an appropriate balance for arts, culture and humanities in which the � entire spectrum of community needs. The vision prepared has four basic sections: Bangor is recognized as a � community that attracts creative individuals and the regional (Hancock, Knox, Penobscot, Piscataquis, Waldo, and Washington counties) center of arts and cultural areas; provides venues in which creative participants can demonstrate and profit from � creativity; provides a forum for networking and delivering technical assistance to individuals and organizations; makes certain that Bangor's established cultural organizations are financially stable, and collaborate with one another and other � community organizations with marketing and programming activities. Bates reviewed seven strategic objectives in the Cultural Plan that support the � vision. The objectives were developed from a Discovery Research Process that included public surveys and a series of public meetings. � Bates reviewed the annual work plan for year one. 1) establish a separate City website for cultural matters and link it to the City's official site. 2) establish an e-mail newsletter. 3) partner with media to help the public access information about arts, � cultural and heritage activities. 4) provide technical assistance for cultural organizations collectively, artists and businesses. 5) encourage and support activities that break down barriers between arts, cultural, and heritage organizations and potential audiences. 6) � the Commission will closely follow and comment on plans for the replacement of the auditorium/civic center as they progress. She indicated the plan is ambitious but attainable. � Rohman joined the meeting. He spoke about the need for communication and partnership in the following through of the Cultural Plan. �j A motion was made and seconded to recommend approval to the full City Council. � 6. Executive Session - Economic Development— Negotiations for Disposition of Waterfront Property— Railroad and Summer Streets — 1 M.R.S.A. � § 405(6)(C) A motion was made and seconded to move into Executive Session. � 7. Committee Action on Above Item � A motion was made, seconded, and approved to recommend to the City Council that the tentative developer status for the Waterfront development site on the corner of Railroad and Summer Streets granted to John Sites by Council Order 07 101 be extended 90 days. � � � � � � � A motion was made and seconded to approve staff's recommendation to � full Council. 2. Executive Session - Economic Development— Negotiations for � Disposition of Property — 113 Maine Avenue — 1 M.R.S.A. § 405(6)(C A motion was made and seconded to move into executive session for � agenda items 2 and 4. 3. Committee Action on Above Item � A motion was made and approved to recommend to the full Council that � FGS/CMT, Inc., Fessenden Geo-Environmental Services, be granted tentative developer status of Building # 26 at 113 Maine Avenue for a period of 90 days. � 4. Executive Session — Community Development- Residential Rehabilitation Loan - 1 M.R.S.A. § 405(6)(fi� and 5 M.R.S.A. § 13119-A � 5. Committee Action on Above Item � A motion was made and the Committee voted to approve the staff's recommendation for an additional loan of$20,860 to Peter and )ennifer � Brown to pay of the existing first and second mortgages held by Maine Stream Finance on their property at 110 Pearl Street and consolidate the existing City loans and mortgages, all to be secured by their property at � 110 Pearl Street. � � � � � � �