HomeMy WebLinkAbout1993-05-03 Firearms Discharge Committee Minutes :'�Tii]UTES OF '�':i.�'. �II-`aY :5 � 1993 MEI�TIN-G �F T?iE FIREAKPdS CONiMI5S10Id . `��mbers pr�sent::aere Kay Grant-Redman , �ohn �Ierrill , 8haron Bab�oc.�, Don r�Jinslow for Chief :iarrianan , Dr . Jotsn Ordway, Dr. Phil Hu:�ter , �?aughn Smi�li and Paul Vance . �ca.y c;rart_�e�im�n �.�as- elected chairpe-rson by unanimous vateo The ?roc:a:.ure in filling the commission was talked avout ar_d Lhos� present wro had not filled out the aoplication were going ta �n s:� . :av was �-oing to �ind out how to fill tne commission if �2 appl�c�- •cians were not A�ceived . {ay mGde a moi.ion �o iormalize the data gathe.r. ing prncess to J'anu�:iry ; co Dec�mber 31 . Paul Vance 2nc� . Vote was unar.imny:s . "'I�ae ccmm=s�ioi: talked about goais . The goals are a }Keep trac:t. o:E c�_a.y �3e�al:apme:�t �o protect city interests in zeRa,d o�E i_xaarnR� sat�t;z . , U }`r� kesp firearms commission diversifed . �;,�,r ��r'-'1 �.�og �uilding stats to Don Winslow. ';.'he _�irear.;�s Commission recommends no boundry change�-�r a:�m�nd� , mezi-ts to L:�e �ir��arms ordin�ance. The Commission wouid ii:;n ro bri�g �t ::� tne c�auncils attention that there was an. ir.c�dent ^.� vri-,ere a s�cray �uliet possibly from Glenburn or Herman thit a-: . ^omP �n :?aazgor arid recommenc� that Glenburn and Hermor. �e �n��.� sb��r:=. c;f our �irearms ordinace. Dr . Ordway made 3 moti�n •,:a r��d t. := rer_ommer.dations to council as wr3tten. Pau� `J�;r�c� ?nis . Va•ce was u�aziianous . 5haron �i«�cock �a�ll do a PSA by October 1 , 1993 . . �7ohn :�Sar_r-i._3 s�i11. take ��scharge-zone maus to PCC in Be��te:�b�r , ` ICay wi?1 ta?�e -naps to hunter breakfasts in the area . :�ay t•�i:;_1 call �ane Robbins at Ed Barretts office to ma}c� �ure uhe firearms re^�mrnenccations are on the agenda ror Ju1y G���r,c:i� meeLing . ::�y wi'.� ask if cve nesd Council action req�:est °oren. P�u� �anc� made a motion:�to adjourn the meeting . u.r . Or.c�vru�� 2nci . Meet�ng adjorned , .