HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997-09-15 Bass Park Committee Minutes Stadium Committee � , '
� Monday, September 15, 199��a,4:00 PM
PRESENT: Chip Hutchins
Hugh Morrison
Doug Clendenning
Dave Clark
Peter Baldacci
PRESENT: Councilar James Tyler, Chair
Councilar Nlichael Aube
Cauncilor Joseph Baldacci
PRESENT: Caunciiar Patricia Blanchette
Radney G. McKay,Director of Comrnunity&Economic Development
3ames Ring, City Engineer
Ran Heller,Finance Director
� Norman Heit��ann,Asst. City Solicitor
PRESENT: Roxanne Saucier,BDN
Fred Nichols,Bangor Raceway&Advisozy 1VIeznber af the Stadium Cammittee
Arvilla Verceles,Bangor Resident
Martha E. Day,Bangor Resident
Royce J. Day,Bangor Resident
Fred Vardamis
Gary Bulduc
Peter Webb
Mark Rath
Tom Palmer
This meeting was called to order by Chair, Councilor Tyler at approximately 4:44 PM.
He asked that the members of the Stadium Cornmittee introduce themselves and give a brief
statement as to their business affiliation in the cammunity. Alsa,Advisory members af the
Stadium Committee are; Dorra:nna Moreland Fichtner of the Bangor Convention&Visitors Bureau;
Fred Nichols af the Bangor Raceway; and Dean Gyorgy af the Bangar Blue Ox.
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Councilor Tyler then gave the floor to Rodney McKay, Director of Community &
Economic Development who proceeded to explain the purpose of today's meeting. Rod stated
that it is the intention of this committee to review the sites that have been suggested as possible
locations for a permanent stadium facility in Bangor. At this afternoon's meeting it is hoped to
narrow down the number of sites that will be seriously considered in order to begin establishing
the real costs. The Blue Ox has been very diligent over the past few months in looking at various
alternate locations in Bangor both along the waterfront and Bass Park and other locations
throughout the City.
Ciiy Engineer Jim Ring and Planner Peter Witham put together an overhead projection
show reflecting each possible site. Jim Ring stated that the site will need to encompass
approximately 12-15 acres. Other factors key in location are accessibility and visibility; be near a
major travel route so as to be visible to tourists; ready access to sewer and water and ability to
drain the facility without impacts on adjoining properties; compatibility with the City's overall
land development policy and the comprehensive plan;take into consideration existing and fuiure
development; and the parcel should also be readily available. Jim explored the waterfront sites
on the raikoad property and indicated that the railroad tracks are a situation which any
development on the waterfront would encounter. The waterfront site would allow for little space
for development of parking. The two sites considered at the waterfront on the railroad properly
are the former roundhouse site and the site located at the north end of the waterfront near
• Railroad Street. It has been determined that the roundhouse site is not large enough. Problems
with the 2nd area are the railroad tracks as well as the City's main interceptor sewer-the main
line which serves most of the City and connects it to the treatment plant;this would be a very
expensive proposition to relocate. Jim showed yet another representation of the stadium layout
which avoids the railroad tracks but it closes off Railroad Street and impacts the existing parking
lot. Jim further stated that the City has plans to realign Main Street near Railroad Street to
provide a sepaxate turn right onto Summer Street which will have a negative impact on this site.
Staff has also looked at Bass Park as a possible site. There are a number of issues for any
Bass Park location such as the current impact and future uses. The area available is large and the
topography is quite varied so this needs to be taken into consideration. Several stadium layout
representations at Bass Park were shown- one depicting the stadium using some of the existing
parking but noting that additional parking would have to be established. Another representation
showed the stadium extending down to the area of the location of the Paul Bunyan statute-the
impact being obvious. Another layout gets into the area of the auditorium which involves, of
course, other issues; yet still another layout would require acquisition of private property. Jim
went on to depict a layout concept to place the stadium behind the current grandstand where there
would be little impact on existing parking or the other facilities. With this type of layout,
however,there would be a considerable amount of earth work and expense. Another concept
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with the stadium orientation is to place it further back up the hill;this would reduce the amount
of earth work required but it would mean some additional Bass Park buildings would have to be
relocated. Jim stated that the remaining layout was one that was presented by the Blue Ox- it
makes use of the entire infield area and the race track and appears to be a good concept.
Discussion then took place on the various concepts presented. Councilor Tyler stated that
in addition to capital costs and any other constraints with any selected site, we need to think
about what the operating costs are going to be in order to get to a final figure. The original report
provided by Coopers & Lybrand on an operating cost basis stated that these costs were much
higher then what the Staff felt the facility could support on its own. In refining these numbers,
one of the things considered was if this facility were located in the existing Bass Park Complex
then some sharing of labor and other operating resources would assist in bringing the operating
costs into line.
Councilor Aube reiterated Councilor Tyler's request that the various stadium layout
representations be numbered in order to make it easier when referencing them. He further stated
that all of the potential sites discussed all have considerable expense associated with them in
order to ready a site for a stadium. With this in mind he requested that Staff gather cost data
estimates for the associated site work, etc. to be made available to the Stadium Committee.
• The Stadium Committee will reconvene on Wednesday, September 17 at 4:00 PM in the
Council Chambers.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 4:50 PM.