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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-02-21 Municipal Operations Committee Minutes Municipal Operations Ccarmittee '
February 21, 1994 ' I
. Minutes
Councilors in Attendan�ce: Cohen, Blanclvette, Sullivan, Poppex, Tyler, and
Soucy (for final ite�r►)
1. Golf Cart Policy.
Dale Theriault presented this it�n. Ztao requests were made by golf cart
users at a recent Parks arbd Recreation Advisory Board meeting. T'he first was
for consideration for handicapped golfers who are unable to walk the course.
The Miuiicipal Op�xations Cc�nmitt:ee recently adopted a policy regarding golf
carts which would grandfather the curr�ntly existing ni�+eteen pern�ittees but '
whiCh would el�mina� privately cxnmed Carts avnx time as their golf carts
were no longer usable. Scgr�e concern was expressed that this would mak,e it
very difficult for certain individuals to golf since they would have a hard
time ccening up with the daily golf cart fee. Z'he second issue was the extent
of the increase in the seasonal rates for golf cart usac�e. The Cc�mittee had
approved an in�creas in seasonal rates frc8n $125 per y+ear to $150 per year for
five day cart usage and $200 pPx day for seven day usage. Con�cern was
expressed as to the extent of this increase. After discussion, the Carmittee
appraved the follawing changes:
1. Seasonal rates for golf cart use shall be in,creased frcan $125 to
$150 for sev+exi day cart usage only. T'he fee shall rEsnain $125 for 5
day perniits.
2. If an individual can qualify for handicapped plates f�can the State
� of Maine, they can hav+e a pennit for a private cart. This will
allaw currently handicapped cart aHmQxs to replace their carts when II
necessary and provide an alternativ+e to individuals who becca�
handicapped in th�e future.
The Ccenmittee also requested that an O�r be prepared outlining our policy
on the use of private carts for full Counci.l action. ,
2. Discussion of Public Fire Alann Bo�es.
�"Y�e City Manager presented thi.s iteqn to the Co�rmittee with th,e assistan�ce of
Arthur Stockus, the Director of Operations and Maintenance. The City Manager
i n�i cated that the City naw operates a fire alann systeqn which serves both ,
individual builclings and provides for public boxes. There are currently 300
� total ala�n locations in the City. Of these, 154 are services to buildings '
and 146 are public pull boxes. Private services pay the City $280 per year
for fire alann sezvices. �
The City Manager reccam�ended that th+e current public pull boxes be �ra�ved.
These boxes do not serve the entire ccamnuiity, are v�ry infr+r��Pr,tly used to
report actual fires, and must be lawered to m�et the requi�nts of the I
Americans with Disabilities Act. This will put the boxes at an even greater
risk for false alann.s since smaller childr�n will be able to reach th,�sn. In 'I
general, the public pull box syst�rt is a hold aver frcgn the days wh�n
• telephone service was not univ+�xsal and 911 service was rwt available frcan
public pay phones.
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There was significant discussion airong the Ccarmittee m�nbers not only �
rega�cling the public pull boxes l�t also the appropriateness of the City
being in the fire alaYm b�usiness. Z�r� was soarie sentim�.nt e�ressed that I
� perhaps we should consider stopping the entire progra4n rather than just
el�m�n�ting the public pull boxes. The City Manager indicated that private
fire alann fees currentl ate about $42,000 in revenue for th�e
Y �
electrical division. Eliminating this revenue while reallocating the I�
personnel of the electrical divi.sion to other work such as mai.ntenance and '
impmv+�nent of our traffic signal and stre�t lighting sy5te�n.s would hav�e an �
effect on the cceming year's budget. He reccer�r�nd�d that this issue be mr�re
fully explored as an elFsrent of the City's progr�n review in the
budget process.
Councilor Cohen also requested that we specifically check on whethex I
gliminatirig th� publiC pull box systc-sn would have arYy impact on insurance ,
rates within th�e coHrcminity prior to taking any final action on the ite�m.
With this caveat, the Ccarmittee voted to recc�r�nd to the full Council that
vue p�rooeed el�mina�on of th+e public pull box systFsn. Please also see
the additional infozmation pravidsd at the meeting by Arthur Stockus head,ed I
��fire alazm box facts.��
3. Federal Grant for Police Officers -- Update and discussion. I�
Police Chief Randy Harrimari presented this itc-�n to the Ccarmittee. At the
present t.ime th,e City has been awarrl�d a project grant to hir� two police
officers for a ccermunity policing program. Th�e airaunt of the grant award is
approximately $150,000. The total cost to hir� �two officers for three y��.rs
is approxima.tely $223,000. The reqnaining $74,000 iraist be funded by the �I
City. In addition, it shauld be noted that the accepta.nce would prohibit the ,
• Police Departarent f�can cutting personnel for the next three years.
At the present time, th,e Chief has not received the final pape.�rk on the I
grant. As a result, it is not necessary to m�ke a final decision at this i
point. He anticipates that a deaision wi.l.l have to be made within the next
60 days which will allaw this itc-sn to be consic�ered at least during the early
stages of the annual budg+et process. The Chief will provide the Cca�mittee
with more inforniation as it becceries available. i
4. Scsraer Abate�nt Request. I
The City has received a sewer abateznent request frcen Mrs. Ruth F. Epstein of !,
31 Parkview Avenue. Mrs. Epstein received a slightly higher bill in October I
of 1994 due to a leaking pipe. T�ve Bangor Water District di.scov+ered th+e leak
wh�en they came to check her meter. Mrs. Epstein imr�diately took the I
necessary steps to have the leak corrected. Brad Moore, S�perintendent of
our treatiru�nt Plant, rec�nded an abatenent of her bill fro�n $55.84 to I,
$44.04. This represents an estimated 4 consumptions in leakage which wauld
be charged at the City's actual p�mrping costs. Sirvice Mrs. Epstein took ,
correctiv+e action as soon as she became aware of th,e probleqn, the Coa�mittee
approved the abate�nent as recc�miexbded. I
• li
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