HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-03-22 Business and Economic Development Committee Minutes BUSINESS & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Tuesday, March 22, 2022 - 5:15 P.M. May immediately follow other committee meetings City Council Chambers and via Zoom Meeting Minutes Councilors Present: Schaefer (c), Sprague, Tremble Additional Councilors Present: Yacoubagha City Staff Present: Collins, Emery, LaBree, Laurie Chair Schaefer called the meeting to order at 5:15 P.M. 1. Public Hearing - CDBG Funds (required second public hearing) a. Action requested: move to open public hearing. Moved by Councilor Sprague, Seconded by Councilor Tremble, vote unless doubted, no doubt – motion has passage. b. Accept public comments. c. Action requested: move to close public hearing. Moved by Councilor Sprague, Seconded by Councilor Tremble, vote unless doubted, no doubt – motion has passage. d. Councilor comments. e. Action requested: approval of staff recommendation for CDBG activities for federal fiscal year 2022/city fiscal year 2023. Councilor Sprague moved to approve staff recommendation for CDBG activities for federal fiscal year 2022/city fiscal year 2023, seconded by Councilor Tremble. Vote unless doubted, no doubt – motion has passage. 2. CDBG – New Acquisition and Investor Rehabilitation Loan Program a. Action requested: approval of staff recommendation for new CDBG acquisition and investor rehabilitation loan program. This item would then move to the March 28, 2022 City Council meeting for final approval. Collins gave an overview. Councilor Sprague encourages staff to make sure developers know of the opportunity, especially since the funding is first come, first serve. Councilor Sprague moved to approve staff recommendation for new CDBG acquisition and investor rehabilitation loan program, seconded by Councilor Tremble. Vote unless doubted, no doubt – motion has passage. 3. Outdoor Seating and Parklets - Stakeholder Feedback a. Action requested: approval of staff recommendation for parklet standards and outdoor seating fees. This item would then move to the March 28, 2022 City Council meeting for final approval. Councilor Tremble supports parklets and sidewalk space at the same rates, since parking spaces have higher value. Councilor Sprague suggests staff clearly tie the fee to the costs incurred. Councilor Schaefer thinks the structure is fair. Councilor Sprague moves approval of staff recommendation for parklet standards and outdoor seating fees, seconded by Councilor Tremble. Vote unless doubted, no doubt – motion has passage. 4. Council Priorities Monthly Updates a. ED – information campaign by target audience i. New resident mailer topics developed, working on content. b. ED – investigate strategies for redevelopment of Bangor Mall i. Meeting set with Mason Asset Management. c. Housing – research legal issues/ability to escalate actions for vacant/placarded properties i. LD 1694 update - bill passed out of committee with amendments, with 12 legislators voting in favor, and one voting against. 5. Standing Monthly Updates a. Working Communities Challenge i. Meeting with team and FRB to revise work plan and discuss budget for first six months. b. Broadband i. Two vendor meetings (3/18 and 3/28). c. ED Strategy Councilor Tremble motioned to move into Executive Session at 5:47 P.M, seconded by Councilor Sprague. 6. Executive Session Economic Development – 1 M.R.S.A. § 405 (6) (C) (see attached Confidential Memo) a. Action requested (after leaving executive session): approval of staff recommendation. Councilor Sprague motioned to exit out of Executive Session at 5:56 P.M, seconded by Councilor Tremble. Vote unless doubted, no doubt – motion has passage. Councilor Tremble moves approval of staff recommendation, seconded by Councilor Schaefer. Vote unless doubted, no doubt – motion has passage. Meeting adjourned at 5:57 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Tanya L. Emery, Director, Community & Economic Development