HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963-11-13 9-R ORDINANCE9-R
Introduced by Councilor Ranlett, Nov. 13, 1953
(TITLE.) MrMnmire,. A, C,d_n. Zor n r L and arcs PL r us strQ et
Bek ordaiudAy the City Couuil o(W C(W o(Banpor, ae /dlome: That the Zone Boundary Lines
as established by the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Bangor on January ], 1954, as
emended, be hereby further amended as follows:
To be changed from Residence "A" Zone to "Local Business Zone" the parcel of
land below described:
Beginning at a paint on the west side of Perkins Street said paint being 010 feet,
more or less, from the northern street line of Hammond Street,
Thence nortbwastwaidly along the said weal aide of Perkins Street for a distance
of 160 feet, more or lass,
Thence enuthwestwardly along the northern property line of Lot 119, City Assessors
Sheet 6, for a distance of 150 feat; thence northwerdly for a distance of 19 feet;
thence southwestwardly for a distance of 50 feet or to the eastern boundary of Lot 106,
City Assessors Sheet 6,
Thence southeastwardly along the said eastern boundary and the prolongation thereof
for a distance of 140 feet, more or less,
Thence northeasterly along the northern property line of Lot 107A, City Assessors
Sheet 6, for a distance of 50 feat,
Thence s0utheastwordly along the rear property line of Lot 118, City Assessors
Sheat 6, for a distance of 40 feet,
Thence northeesnardly along the southern boundary line of Lot 118, City Assessors
Sheat 6, for a distance Of 150 feet, more or less, or to the place of beginning.
The aboue being intended to describe all of Lots 110 and 119, City Assessors
Sheat 6.
1963 Not) -5 'M 2:22
-,Iv Lc Rrk�inP NIKE
Nov. 13, 1963
Referred to Planning Board,
Nov. 26, 1963
Voted to remain on table.
Dec. 9, 1963
Voted to remain on table.
Jan. 13, 1964
(TINE,) Amending Zoning ordinance - Perkins Bt.Taken from table, Planning Board report
read, public hearing held and motion to
table lost by the following yes and no
vote: Councilors voting yes: Higgins,
Hughes and Bailey, Councilors voting
o: Barry, Brountas, Conti, Dinsmore,
Houston and Ranlett. The ordinance was
Inirrrbuced andElLed by then indefinitely oostooned.
� O],oMllWm --C v Ty v CLERK
fflis onluvance is correctly engrossed.
Dec. 23,"1963
Taken from table, Planning Board report read,
Clerk directed to advertise public bearing to
be M1aid January 13, 1964. Tabled
in. fily Ii
Notice is hereby given that there is passing before the City Council of the
City of Bengw, "Ingo the following ozs Stones:
Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Bangor, as follows:
That the zone boundary lines as established by the Zoning Ordinance of the
City of Bangor on January ], 1954, as amended, be hereby further amended as
TO be changed from Residence "A" Zone to "Local Business Zone" the
parcel of land below describedi
Beginning at a point on the west side of Perkins Street said point being
810 feet, more or lees, from the norShern street line of Hammond Street;
thence ncrthwestwardly along the said west side of Perkins Street for a
distance of 160 feet, more or leas;
thence southwestwardly along the northern property line of Lot 119, City
Assessors Sheet 6, for a distance of 150 feet; thence northwardly for a dis-
tance of 10 feet;
thence southwestwardly for a distance of 50 feet or to the eastern
boundary of Lot 106, City Assessors Sheet 6;
thence southeastwardly along the said eastern boundary and the prolonga-
tion thereof for a distance of 140 feet, more or lessl
thence northeasterly along the northern property line of Lot 107A, City
Assessors Sheet 6, for a distance of 50 feet;
thence southeastwardly along tte rear property line of Lot 118, City
Assessors Sheet 6, for a distance of 40 feet;
thence northeastwordly along the southern boundary line of Lot 118, City
Assessors Sheet 6, for a distance of 150 feet, more or less, or to the place
of beginning.
The above being intended to describe all of Lots 118 and 119, City
Assessors Sheet 6.
A public Basting will be held In two Councll Roam, City Radio January 119 19641
at 8;00 o'clock Poo. All peasoes for or againot Na approval of this ordinance
my be heard if they desire.
Jan. 29 Ig6e Jay E. Alley, City Clerk
Bung", the cane" eJ Maine—the Gateway to Maines Need, Woods and Seembere R Ssels
December 20, 1963
TO: The Hord rable city council
FROM: Planning Board
IN Ret city Council Items 9-R ___ Change farm Residence "N" Zane to
Local Business Zone a Parcel of Land on the West Side of
Perkins Street between Hammond Street and Fourteenth Street
Please be advised that the City Planning Eoad has hold a Public
Hearing and given careful consideration to the above request.
The existing commercial function w its present location prior
to the adoption of the Local Business Zones The Zoning Ordinance provides
that "any lawful building or use
of premises, s any part thereof, existing
as of December 2, 1900, o any amendment thereof, may be continued although
such building or use does not conform to the provisions thereof." This type
of use is classified as a non-cunforming use.
The granting of this request would allow a existing non -conforming
e to expand its present operation. It is the op^nion of the Planning Board
that this action would not be in keeping with the spirit and intent of the
Zoning Ordinance.
The Planning Board would respectfully reconmend that this request be
Reapectful_y sudeitted,
R. Lirdsey�3antmire
Acting Planning Director
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