HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966-07-11 157-T ORDER157-T Introduced by Councilor Hunt: July ll: 1966 CITY OF BANGOR (TITLE) (ffirbfro.......... .....Petition far. Water. Pipe location format -Bangor_.. By he Cary Cmausl of Hit My ofBanpor: ORDERED, MT the attached petition for permit to construct and lay water pipes bad water utility facilities is hereby granted. Note: Following are the public streets and higtweys referred to: Approximately 3OW feet of 201 ductile iron water main under the westerly shoulder of Hogan Head starting at Mt Hope Avenue and pretending northerly toward Interstate Highway No. 95. y 157-T 0 R D 6 R ��(•.ft Title, IN CITY CIERK July us 1966 Tabled CI CLERK IN CITY COUNCIL July 25, 1966 Taken frm table, PASSED Water Pipe ]ucation Permit -Bangor ...................................... Water District ...................................... Introduced and filed by Councilman CITY OF BANGOR PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that there is new pending before the City Council the following order: (TITLE.) ORDER, Petition for Water Pipe Location Permit - Bangor Water District. By the City Council of the City of Bangor: ORDERED, THAT the attached petition for permit to construct and lay water pipes and water utility facilities is hereby granted. Following are the public streets and highways referred to: Approximately 3000 feet of 2Cc ductile iron water main under the westerly shoulder of Hogan Road starting at Mt Hope Avenue and proceeding northerly toward Interstate Highway No. 95. All residents and owners of property upon the roads and highways described n this petition may file written objections thereto, to this Council, on or before July 25, 1966. \ /0�. Jay E. Alley J:qy 5, 1966 0City Clerk BANGOR WATER DISTRICT P. 0. Box 804 Bangor, Maine June 24, 1966 LOCATION PERMIT APPLICATION FOR WATER FACILITIES CONSTRUCTED IN PUBLIC WAYS In accordance with Chapter 284 of the 1963 Public Laws of the State of Maine the Bangor Water District hereby makes written application to the City of Bangor, Maine for a location permit to construct and lay the following water pipes and water utility facilities: Approximately 3000 feet of 20" ductile Iron water main under the westerly shoulder of Hogan Road starting at W. Hope Avenue and proceeding northerly toward Interstate Highway No. 95. BANGDR WATER DISTRICT DISTRICTo IJ . Jt a4e Joseph 8. Taylor VV Superintendent xxxxxxx+xxxxxaxxxxxxx+x++x++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++x+++++ This application has been published in the Bangor Dally News on July 5, 1966. No objection to this application having been made by Ju1v 25, 5 1966 this application Is granted on Ju1v 25�� Time, Date, Place of Hearing if Required: In City Councel Date Ju1v 25, 1966 Passed A True Copy Attest: City Clerp 7 bls permit is recorded in the records of Bangor, Amine in Book 24 . Page 76 Attest: Clerk BANGOR WATER DISTRICT P. 0. Box BOA Dangor, Me ine June 24, 1966 LOCATION PERMIT APPLICATION FOR WATER FACILITIES CONSTRUCTED IN PUBLIC MAYS In accordance with Chapter 286 of the 1963 Public Laws of the State of Mal" the Bangor Water District hereby wakes written appi[cation to the City of Bangor, Maine for a location perwit to construct and lay the following water pipes and water utility facilltles: APprox Innately 3000 feet of 20" ductile Iron Water we In under the westerly shoulder of Hogan Road starting at Mt. Hope Avenue and proceeding northerly toward Interstate Highway No. 93. �RRAANNosaCCO(h8 RANCOR WATER DISTRICT p. Taylor xxeuexnx:xxxxxrxxweuwws:wxxxxxu+xp a�iu�wat�xxuuxxxwxxxuxxw This application has been published In the Danger Daily News on No objection to this application having been :mile by this apps lcatlon Is granted on Tim, Date, Place of Hearing If Required: In City Counsel Date Passed A True Copy A"mfi City Clerk This peralt Is recorded in the records of Bangor, Maine In Book PIEAM =RN To CITY DIERR 157-T Introduced by Councilor Hunt, duly ll, 1966 CITY OF BANGOR (TITLE,) (909ia......... _.Petition for Nater. Pipe.. Location. Permit Beadece . BY dw City Ca cuff of City of Banger; ORDERED, THAT the attached petition for permit to construct and lay water pipee and water utility facilities is hereby granted. Note: Following are the public streets and highways referred to: Approximately 30 feet of 20' ductile ironmin in under the westerly shoulder of Hogan Road starting at Mt Hope Avenue and proceeding northerly toward Interstate Highway No. 95. APPROVED: CPM ENGI1ffifR /PLEASE RETURN To CITY CUM 1674 Introduced by Councilor Hunt, July ll, 1966 CITY OF BANGOR (TITLE.) a90Erg_.... Petition for. water. Pipe. Location Permit .Bangor... BY W City Council of City of Bangor: ORDERED, THAT the attached petition for permit to construct and lay water pipes and water utility facilities is hereby granted. Note: Following are the public streets add highways referred to: Approximately 3WU feet of 20n ductile iron water main under the westerly shoulder of Hogan Road starting at Mt Hope Avenue and proceeding northerly depend Interstate Highway No. 95.