HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969-07-07 194-W ORDER194-W
Introduced by Councilor Cam, Scaly ], 1969
(TITLE.) (®rb¢r,....... Authorrzmg Sale of City Hall, to Bangor Urban Renewal Authority
BY the My Coumil of W Oily NBondar:
t'1 1
THAT That the City Treasurer be authorized, on behalf of the City,
to sell to the Urban Renewal Authority of the City of Bangor land together
with buildings known as the City Hall Property, and described in the attached
quit claim deed, for the sum of $241, 000 and that he be further authorized
to execute all instruments necessary to transfer said property to the Urban
Renewal Authority of the City of Bangor.
Ammo AR
.uly 3, 1969
July ], 1969
„Auth„ Eale, of, City, Slgll, to, P"gp{,
U. R. Authority
Introduced and filed by
K N 0 W A L L M 9 N B Y T R 8 1 E P R B 5 B N T S, BRAT
THE IMMAITANTS Or THE CM OF BANGOR, a body corporate, located at Bangor, in
the County of Penobscot, and State of mine, in corotderatlon of Co¢ dollar
($1.0u) and other good and valuable comlderations Paid by Urban Renewal Authority
of the City of Banger, a public body, corporate and politic duly created and
existing under the Lead of the State of Raine and located at Bangor. County of
Penobscot, State of Metre, the receipt aneteof is hereby acknow1mgm, does
hereby raNae, release, sell and forever quit -claim unto the said Urban Eeceeal
Authority of the City of Bangor, its smeeseors and assigns forever, a certain
lot or parcel of Land together with the buildings thereon located in said ImSor,
bounded and described as follows, via:
Beginning at the intersection of the southerly line of pursuing street.
and the generally easterly line of Columbia Street; theme southwesterly
along the sa'E easterly line of Columbia Street, ane hundred and aventy-
three (173) `feet m u
r Le, to the northeasterly a of 'and n
r formerly Owned by Abe L. Goldsmith and Ida B. Goldsmith; thence South-
easterly, along the gemvally northerly Ilse of said Goldsmith -and,
ninety-four ;94) feet, more or lee&, to land mew or formerly owned by
Kirs Cein Holding Co.; thence northeasterly, along Sand of said Cirsteln
Holding Co. and land now of formerly owed by Bangor Hydro-Blectric Co.
and Land n r formerly owned by the Urban Remwal Authority of the City
of Bangor mo
me hundred and three (103) feet, more or less, cc the South -
met Corner
of o parcel of land conveyed by Samuel Larra6ee and Sidney
Theater rtothe City of Bangor by deed dated July 19, 1851, and retarded
In the Penobscot Registry of Basis in Val. 218, page 23; theme southeasterly,
Zen (10) feet, more
or lase, to the southeasterly Corner of Said parcel
conveyed by Increase and Theater to the City of Bangor; theme southeasterly,
along the easterly Line of said parcel conveyed by Lactates and Theater to
the City of Manor and the westerly lines of parcels conveyed b• the City
of Bangor to the foLlovlmg: Joseph C. Stevens by deed dated Ju_y 19, 1051,
corded in said Registry in Vol. 219, Page 69; Patrick gall by deed dated
July 18, 195_, recorded in Said Registry In Vol. 219, page 78; John S.
Jenmas by deed dated July 19, 1851, recorded in said Registry n Vol. 383,
page 486; and Samuel taranoee by deed dated July 19, 1851, recorded in said
Registry in sol. 218, Bade 19, a distance of Or.,, hundred and twenty (120)
feet, dernc
or lees, to the said southerly line of Hammond Street; thee
westerly along the mia southerly line of Hammond Street, one hundred and
twenty-one (521) feet, more or Les, to the point of beginning.
Enables am _standing to convey all of tae Land acquired by the City of
Bangor from the following:County of PamWam by deed dated April 21,
L831, recorded In said Registry in Val. 25, Page 211; 'dflliem !Crit, at at,
by deed dated May 10, 1850, recorded in said Registry in Vol. 206, Page 427;
Samuel Larra6ee and Sidney lhaxter by deed dated July 19, 1851, recorded In
said Regietq In Vol. 210, Page 23; Joseph J. Vatting, at at, by deed dated
June 10, 1852, recorded in Said Registry In Sol. 224, Page 420; and
James Burbank by deed dated August 4. 1852, roc nrded In said Reglstry to
Vol. 226, Pegg 69, excepting however those parcels as
conveyed by the city
of Bangor to said Joseph C. Stevens by dead recorded to said Registry to
Vol. 219, Page 69; Patrick Jall by dead recorded in said Registry in
Vol. 219, Page 78: John S. debunks. by dead recorded in said Registry in
Vol. 383, Peas 460; and Samuel Larra6ee sy dead recorded in said Registry
in Vol. 218, Page 19.
TO SAVE ANO TO HOLD the aside, together with all the privileges and
appurtenances thataunm belonging to the said Urban Renewal Authority of
the City of Bangor, its successors and mneigna forever. AM it does
covenant with the said Urban Renewal: Authority of the City of Bangor, its
successors and assigns, that it will warrant and forever defend the Premises,
to the said Urban Renewal Authority of the City of Bangor, its succeasoce
and assigns forever, against the lawful claim and demands of all persona
claiming by, through. or under the grantor' herein.
Caused thin instrument to on sealed with its corporate seal and signed in
Its corporate nam by John G. Field, Its Treasurer, thereunto duly authorized,
this day of it, the year of our Lord one thousand nine
hundred and sixty-nine.
Signed. Sealed and delivered INHABITANTS OF THE MY OF BANGOR
in fhe Presence of:
Ite Treasurer
County of Penobscot, as. d.8. 1969.
Then personally appeared the above-uamed John C. Field, Treasurer of the
City of Bangor and acknowledged the above instrument to be hie free act and
deed in his said capacity, and the free act and deed of said bury corporate.
Before me,
Justice of the Peace
Notary Public