HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-02-08 Business and Economic Development Committee Minutes BUSINESS & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Tuesday, February 8,2022 - 5:15 P.M. May immediately follow other committee meetings City Council Chambers and via Zoom MEETING MINUTES Councilors Present: Schaefer (c), Sprague, Tremble Additional Councilors Present: Davitt, Fournier, Okafor, Yacoubagha City Staff Present: Bolduc, Emery, Krieg, LaBree, Laurie Guests: Betsy Lundy & Eric Mihan; Downtown Bangor Partnership Chair Schaefer called the meeting to order at 5:27 P.M. CONSENT AGENDA 1. Commission on Cultural Development 2021 Annual Report a. Action requested: accept report and forward to City Council for final acceptance. 2. Historic Preservation Commission 2021 Annual Report a. Action requested: accept report and forward to City Council for final acceptance. 3. PenjajawocMall Marsh Commission 2021 Annual Report a.Action requested: accept report and forward to City Council for final acceptance. 4. Planning Board 2021 Annual Report a. Action requested: accept report and forward to City Council for final acceptance. Councilor Tremble moved the Consent Agenda, seconded by Councilor Sprague. Vote unless doubted, no doubt. AGENDA 5. Downtown Bangor Partnership Updates a. Mid-year Report i.Action requested: accept report and forward to City Council for final acceptance. Councilor Spraguemoves acceptance of mid-year report for the Downtown Bangor Partnership, seconded by Councilor Tremble. Vote unless doubted, no doubt. b. Letter and Response i. No action requested, discussion item only. Eric Mihan, Vice President of Downtown Bangor Partnership, and owner of Bangor Wine and Cheese presented a repeated request for additional services downtown. Councilor Tremble inquired about funding. Betsy Lundy, Executive Director of Downtown Bangor Partnership stated they could stand it up in 45 days. The longest part is waiting on uniforms. Councilor Tremble inquired how they wanted the money spent, and Councilor Sprague asked what the problem was and what solution was proposed. Ms. Lundy reported that employees, residents and stores have tripled; they need more trash cans, and sweet sweeping; continued animal feces to clean up. Councilor Davitt inquired if trash pickup would be handled by Street Plus, and Councilor Yacoubagha suggested collaboration. RFP procedure and the budget were discussed. Councilor Sprague asked about collaboration, or a vision assessment of what the needs are. Councilor Fournier requested data on the downtown residents, jobs, and workforce from a source other than Buxton. 6. Establishing the City's Requirements for Outdoor Seating in Parking Spaces a. Action Requested: approval of staff recommendation to add outdoor seating areas in parking spaces, with conditions and fees as generally outlined, as part of the outdoor seating permit process. Feedback on proposal received from Downtown Bangor Partnership. Discussed fees for outdoor seating, as well as price/square foot; suggested $1,000 per space by Councilors Fournier and Tremble. Staff will work on outreach and revisions, and bring back for future meeting. 7. Commission on Cultural Development Changes to Ordinance Language a. Action requested: approval of CCD recommendation to authorize minor changes to ordinances and forward language to City Council. Councilor Tremble moves approval of CCD recommendation to authorize minor changes to ordinances and forward language to City Council, seconded by Councilor Sprague. Vote unless doubted, no doubt. 8. Regulation of Boarding Houses and Bed & Breakfasts a. Action requested:approval of the proposed language and forward to City Council to make ordinance changes as outlined. Planning Officer Krieg provided overview of proposed language. Councilor Tremble asked about having a provision for bed & breakfasts to have an on-site manager, rather than be owner-occupied. Councilor Sprague moves approval of the proposed language with bed and breakfast change, and forward to City Council to make ordinance changes as outlined, seconded by Councilor Tremble. Vote unless doubted, no doubt. Councilor Sprague moves to enter into Executive Session at 6:36 P.M., seconded by Councilor Tremble. 9. Executive Session Economic Development – Property Disposition – 1 M.R.S.A. § 405 (6) (C) (see attached Confidential Memo) 10. Executive Session Economic Development – Property Disposition – 1 M.R.S.A. § 405 (6) (C) (see attached Confidential Memo) Meeting adjourned at 6:54 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Tanya L. Emery Director Community & Economic Development