HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970-12-28 57-Y ORDER51-Y Introduced by Councilor ealdacci, Dec. 28, 1910 CITY OF BANGOR (TITLE.) Mr1¢Ir_... Application. for Utility Location permit aangor xyaro- BY the Oily Cwu of Me My of Ranger. - ORDERED, THAT the attached application for utility location permit is hereby granted upon coidition that the pole be numbered. Note: Following are the public streets and highways referred to: To relocate a utility pole number 1818 new located on the southwesterly aide of Ohio Street rear Westland Street to a new location approximately 17 feet northwesterly from its present site. (This was advertised Dec. 9, 1910 and the City Clerk has not received any objections to this application) RECEIVED 19TO OEC2d AM 9;03 CIiY CLERNK-S OF PCE ^.IiV OC Fn 70p 'Me Nr IN CITY C=IL Dec. 28, 1970 PASSED 5]-Y ORDER Title, ptilitX Ia atian eexmit - BX-ECo. .............. ..................................... .. Introduced and filed by ^ncilren BANGOR HYDRO ELECTRIC COMPANY BANGOR MAINE December 9, 1990 Mr. Say A11ey City Clerk Bangor, Meme Dear Sir Enclosed are application sed permit forms for a location in Bangor. This application vas published in Bangor Daily News on DELI 95 1990. Youre very truly, 0. �ro-e" H. E. Moor Asst. Field Engineer H Rrd ET.cloI APPLICATION FOR UTILITY LOCATION PERSp[T TO: MUNICIPAL OFFICERS _ CITY OF MOOR RANGOR HYDRO -ELECTRIC COMPANY, a Maine corporation having its principal place of business at Bangor, County, of Penobscot, State of Maine, being duly authorised puresult to the lavers of the State of Maine to generate, sell, distribute arol supply electricity in City of Bangor , County of Penobscot State aforesaid, hereby applies for a permit to authorize it to locate, construct and maintain certain of its facilities, hereinafter described, upon along, o and across certain public ways situate in the municipality hereinbefore referred to. Any person, firm, oraorporation claiming to he adversely affected by this pCptosed lomtlon stall file a written objection with the Municipal Officers y of Bsngor stating the causeof said objectlon within fourteen 14 days after the publication of this notice. WCATION To relocate a utility pole rumber Ielg now located on the southwesterly aide Of Ohio S.reet near Westland Street to a new location approrlmately 17 feet northwesterly from its present site. DESCRIPTION: The facilities will consist of a line composed of wood poles and supports therefor, crossarms, wareand/or cables together vith associated appurtenences. The minimum clearance of the wires and/or cables, other than guy, hires, will be at least eighteen feet orer the public way. The poles will he set within the limits Of the public way, but outside the part thereof customarily need for travel by vehicles. The initial operation of the facilities will be at 2600 volts three phess; the voltage will be increased as occasion therefor requires for operation not in excess of 20 U. to ground. Dated at Barr , Maine this BzUDMR$H("9RO�-/ELE�CT�R/IC GOIRANY Adho day of December 19 -Q. By: !'Y. (. , /�7s. TITLE: Asst. Field Engineer Wl= MCAMOR PEIOfTT Upon the application of HBECAR RYnAO-giECTRIC CCF3ABy noted Dawmbar 4 191& . requesting permission to located certain of its facilities hereinafter des- cribed upm, along, over and across certain public says in oily od Bomar , County of Pavoboact State of Maine, sll as set forth in its applimtim, it eppesre that public notice thereof baa been given by publishing the text of said application on Beeaber 9 1970 in Bamor Daily Base�� + a newspaper circulsted in the sforesafd anxicipal- Sty{ that within 14 dgve after the aforesaid publication, no written objection to the granting of said application has been filed vitb this licensing autbonty by aqv person, firm or corporation claiming to be adversely affected by the location descri- bed in the application referred to. Wherefore permission is bereby given to said Bangor $Nm -Electric Comwasy to locate, construct and maintain certain of its fac- ilities bereinafter described upon, along, aver sod across certain public ways sit- uate in this mmic1pa11ty as folloss: Iocation To raloceta a Utility pole "mbar 1818 nw located on the Sauthvesterly aide oP Ohio Street near Westland Street to a new lowtkm approximately 17 feet northresterly from its present site. Description. 'fie facilities shall consist of a Use composed of vood poles and Supporta therefore, cresearms, siren and/or cables together with associated appurtaae ons. its mlNmum clearance of the vireo and/or cables, otber tban guy vires, Shall be at least eighteen (18) feet over the public say. The poles spall be act vith]n the limits of the public way, but outside the part thereof cuatomsrily used for travel by vehicles. The initial operation of too facilities viii be at 2400 VoltaShier phase. The voltage may be, inereasad as occasion tberefor re- quires for operation not in excess of 20 W. to ground. 3 ) ) ) ISCRIBllC �; ; 0.LTBORITY ) ) Dated at sanmr —_, Maine Received ami Recorded in this 99_ day of no , 19� Hook 24 Page 579 on December 28 , 19� Atteat: Clark of itiew3 nee 9, 1 90