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HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-01-22 66-AA ORDER66 Introduced by Councilor erocntas, San. 22, 1973 CITY OF BANGOR (TITLE.) (Orker, _--Application csr.. Pole u ration.-. Xeon England Telephone .......... Ey the My Council or his atyofBangor. oxnexsn, THAT the attached application for pale location is hereby granted upon condition that the pole in numbered. Vote: Following are the public streets end highways referred to: E9eex tritest, apprmimately "39' southerly of Garland Street . . . . - 1 pole (vile w advertised Dec. 30, 1972 and the City Clerk has not received any object- ions to this application) MM _c-ivco 19HI JAV 12 AR 11:� 0RUeR CI1Y(LE",SOFFICE Tine, MN'IE Pole Location - Nev A91and TeleeM1one IN CITY COUNCIL Tan, 22, 1973 PA55®...................................... C TY cLERR Introduced andHla Councilman PERMIT FOR POLE LOCATIONS In ...... _Hosted of 11 '�. ................. ._.................... ..................... ,Maine ORDERED: That NEN ENGLAND TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY and........ assFoe......._.._._.......................... be and is/are: bershy authorized and permitted to erect and maintain poles and cables and waren to be placed thereon, together with such sunawng, mpporeing and protecting fourth as said .... ".00P?^ . .... .... .................... ... may dam requisite, in, along, upon and across the public streets and highwa of said ... ... ..........e"Y................. .... at here. index designated, as requa[ed lo application of sad.... zO.mA.-. ......... dated the ..._...§ .. ... day %.._Hacemoer ......................... 19.'12..... M constructions under this fermis shall be in accordance with the fallowing spaifiratloty: The poles shall be located berween the vehicular new led section of the way and the faults of the high - nay, shall be tat Entry st the graced, substantially at locations indicated upon the plan marked N. E. T. & T. Co. No. .._.°12!l%� ....... .... _. dated _ December._24.......__, 19 ...22, .... ... filed win said application, had they be of wood or other suitable manorial, and the cables and wires shall to run at the height of not les than 18 feet from the ground at highway crossings and not las than li feet from the Forced elsewhere for electric cables and when and/or not less [hast 8 fear elsewhere for telephone cables and wins. AE ahles and wive to be maim: fined in accordance srith standards of the National Electric Safety Code. Following her the public streev and highways above referred to: Perry Reads £Yost the Intersection of the Meadow Bordt westerly . . — 12 poles The foregoing locations to be identical with those of the Bangor Hysro— £lectrie UompatLv. It is further adjudged and noted that satisfactory proof has been nude that the public notice required by stature has been Fort coon the application of mid . .... ....... ...._4Eak.:.Y..... ....... _.......... _........... _.. to vet poles with the cables and what thereon in, along, upon and error the public streets and highways d....._.._BaregoF_...._......__................... Maine, designated by this pend, BOARD OF UEU14Uf1Rtlrv: E s(fillz XoTFE 17WITIrro &FIgIEWSWO, .........._...4.flxwlw _25 ......... .., 19..23...... This permit is recorded in the Rrecrds of the ..... ........._........... ..... Uhl! ... ..................... ....... ........... ................ of ....... __..... ........ ._ WEEK ................. ........... Fuels ....... 35 Page......._291 Pdv, than. 4, 1973 ........... .. .......................... U `\ Clvk �J/�� �,1 9g3965U �:�. BANGoR �� T AS 1011 INTAM N.E.T.&T. CO. NO. R��Y411 MUNICmnury T�3ANG0R necvn,. L, LJ Igo P"N FOR �O vc LOCATIONS —SCCCCC8 \ P � iSC-, 5 I N}! T Y /� n� �Y �J ILLI I F \QVE\ 30�� TAP - Pi 2 z� i pAV?MENT W 26 5��E4 LE �LEGEND a ANNE LOCATION ®a LO[TAL Reis L..". ryyL .1 AS KeJOINT RPOLE LTATAVARNINS .11. AN, m. 07.Nxeu.00ATION oN PENTEAND ..REP SLB ¢=<a.. . APPRAcRIANH oeumoxom(.00.vON <N.aLOe POINTSINITIAL ARM O FACILITIESwm BE. .er. Ta co. rZACE I— 100 PAIR CABLE lul Iwk I. k AND. bA All all Idl .4 1 Ann, INW Il . 0= ".. ll .1 dd1dk l I, I.N, ,dan'. (To, Arall. I IN. tal I I INAL, 11. .1 addad", Ink, I., I Ad dl I'Ll L andak knadda. dark ,NNN Inknot AD, A 1,31INAL oank ALL, n, an In ANLANI.L. Inalk ILL. *.I'd, dd� A.. I I Al ANTI. all ILI' Inak, .'In . alladdand. I "an .,,A I,,,1II,)l All pon, L,,1110,11 Bal "A'. Inal 11 M, In, Nad, a CaLank I 'I'D,, M.I. Am d,l TDILl Land Iddark Cal .1 1, ANk 114 1.9. Andral .,..III xNaradand kar a I.A.. Il nal ..' Al ..' 'I'. nakdank, beddan Chl addladary Ill DAN laddlaban, I VIld., I.. No Adn't. I I ank Nbd, ILIAL ..' hall In., LaIt .11TIALL.C.4 ALI INLAIN11 I Ill 'III . —I MINNINILLINACk DO Nk inalandank ILI Inat .1 1 L 0,11,11"I candmar, ,dand, 11. 1. b, rkal dbal Ilk ...1, .111 In ALL d In lar,old, al A I T Ilk T, NO N. Ml Da" jDandmar 1, HILL Lot A., a AN I III An Lall NAN, anatial .1 11 all aw down, all la, N It I l I III had bark It ka, fand, In '1., .1 NON ky .11 .., .1 kla 1.1, A Ilk f.. da� dand Ll D, al al add did, and all at "I' Abla I al ,Adadd, III na,da, kAbDI al all An ALL and Lana N. In an In andal LINDA Ith dandalk E N, Dan. .1 Zdak INDIA 1.11 ILL Latta" TEAll AND TRIAL CAWl h A .A, I Al —al NalkU 9 alabILAIN 3.. ALL, III IN' Neal E L -AW noe e,loam59 al, Bo. R40 mM maa way en as"oov, Maine 04401 cno"o (207) e40.9eso December 26) 19T2 Municipal Office" City of Bangor Mein 04401 Gentlemen: We present herewith an application for a pole location on Essex Street in Bangor. An required by lew, (Maine Ravines Staunton Armotated, Title 35) we propose to give public notice of this application by publish- ing the tart of same in a newspaper circulated in the area. A copy of this public notice willlbe forwsried to the City Clark for City Records. If no written objection has been received within 14 days after publicatiov, the Councilman should date and issue the permit. When approved by a majority of the Board of Co'mcilmen� please return the permit marked "Tel. Co. Copy", duly signed: dated, recorded in the City Records, and attested by the City Clerk. If you have aqy questions or desire further Information, please can us. Sincerely yours, e BES:cc �.� -� gaol. PERMIT FOR POLE LOCATIONS ., ......_B.I(FG.R .............._...___......... Mame ORDERED: That NEW ENGLAND TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPAN3 and _._... ,......... Ate succes SpFs •nd ,4SaiEP5....... ............... ... _.... be and is/are hereby, authorized and permitted t0 erect and maintain lance and cables and were; to be placed thereon, together with such vstaieng, supporting and protecting fixmra az uld...—Gail@pp. .. .. may deem requisity m, along, upon and acmes the public steady mad highwar of said CIV.... ....... hero inafter designated, as requested in application of said ..._�F RPIV.........__. &ad the ...2,M ......... . day oL.A.acam6.ex_.................__.... 19..7i_ ..... All contraction under Dee permit"be in accordance with the following speeifientiom: The poles shall be formed between the radde tar travchd action of the way and the linin of the high- way, shall be xt firmly in the ground, cubsmndally at locations indicated upon the plan marked N. E. T. & T. G. No. ..... 9G1.26Z9 ............... dated ...Aacemher..26........., 19 92......... filed with said application, and shall be of weed or other suitable material, and the cables and wiry shall be run at the height of not low than 18 feat from the ground at highway cro nags and not les than 15 feet from the ground elsewhere for electric cables and wires and/or not less than 8 feet eh<where for telephone cables and whet. All cables and wires to be maintained m acdordaace with standards of the National Electric Safety Codd. Fonowhm are rhe public avers and highways above refusal to: Essex Street, aopiroxfmately 39t southerly of Garland Street The foregoing location to be identical with that of the longer Eydry Electric Comedy. It u furcba adjudged and voted that satisfactory prof bas been made that the public notice required by analogy has been given upon the application of said .......... ..... 6.9mRaBy............. .........._................_. to treat pole with the cables and wires thereon in, along, upon and acroz the public server and highways of ._....Bangor ..................._........_......., Maine, designated by dda Recruit BOARD OF COUNCIL UOI, BANGOR, !NINE PERMIT GRANTED Thrpermit is recorded in the Records of the ..................... citz.:................................................................... of ............... .............. Danger .......... ........ .._... Book ...._ 25.............. page ...... Adv. Dec. 30. 1972 .....I ............. .. ... ..... ...................... ©er N. E. T. & T. Co. PLAN FOR No - MurviaenuTv LoO W �!a li GARLAND ! STRET S cz _ G4 3 Ll< U, os,f _a �N 5 ',eS B, sir—vq O' �' I LEGEND O SCALE PCILK mcn,ex ®a mnrvi SIT munaa rvxxc NO ®=Lroe:xE wce1._L_�O Axx,ry SIGN Lxsnex xo D Ov ANNE NmaT,eryXNIGAIII ETA- —' t W "'I LINE REAR=Eun,eG cea¢icrnvvn LOCATION "I'll, PROPOSEDINAMEAL FACILITIES HOPED lO. llLHS.EE. "I 11 1 50 7C^r GF 'C"_3