HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-09-20 Business and Economic Development Committee Minutes BUSINESS & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Monday,September 20, 2021 City Council Chambers and via Zoom MEETING MINUTES BED Councilors Present: Fournier (C), Davitt, Dubay, Schaefer, Sprague City Staff Present: Bolduc, Caruso, Emery, Jarvis, Laurie, O’Donnell, Willette Chair Fournier called the meeting to order at 6:08 P.M. ______________________________________________________________________ 1. 2 Hammond Credit Enhancement Agreement – Request for modification Action Requested: Approval of staff recommendation of a credit enhancement agreement extending the 50% rebate from 2 years to 7 years. Councilor Sprague moves approval of staff recommendation to proceed with a credit enhancement modification to the agreement extending the 50% rebate from 2 years to 7 years; seconded by Councilor Schaefer. Roll call vote: Davitt – yes, Dubay- yes, Schaefer- yes, Sprague – yes, Fournier – yes. 5-0, motion has passage. 2. Bangor Municipal Golf Course Membership and Rate Discussion Action requested: Approval of staff recommendation to maintain current fee structure for 2022 and a limit of 400 memberships. Tracy Willette introduced the item, Councilor Schaefer asked about renewal process. Rob Jarvis discussed the two-week renewal period for existing members (2020 and 2021). Councilor Sprague asked why we aren’t increasing fees since we are oversubscribed. Jarvis said if this were a private club we would be, but it’s important to look at the mission of a municipal golf course. While making highest revenue ever (over 900k), it would not feel right to ask for residents and members to pay more. Willette added they try to balance the broad playing audience, and this isn’t the year to hit people with a fee increase. Sprague asked if the fees cover the maintenance and enhancements? Jarvis – the course has changed, services and standards that people expect, there are some infrastructure things they could do to elevate the facility. Golf course is a marquis city asset like the Cross Insurance Center and West Market Square. Sprague suggests a conversation about the big picture, how this fits with the economic development strategy, comprehensive plan, and parks and recreation master plan. Councilor Schaefer moves staff approval to maintain current fee structure for 2022 and limit of 400 memberships; seconded by Councilor Dubay. Roll call vote: Davitt – yes, Dubay- yes, Schaefer- yes, Sprague – yes, Fournier –yes. 5-0, motion has passage. 3. Economic Development Strategic Plan Update –5proposals received, now reviewing for completeness and setting up interviews. Councilor Schaefer motioned to move into Executive Session at 6:26 P.M., seconded by Councilor Davitt. 4. Executive Session – Economic Development – Property Lease – 1 M.R.S.A. § 405 (6) (C) Meeting adjourned at 6:42 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Tanya L. Emery