HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-04-12 21-136 ResolveCITY COUNCIL ACTION 04/12/2021 21-136 Council Meeting Date: 04/12/2021 Item No: 21-136 Responsible Dept: Choose Requested Action: Resolve Map/Lot: N/A Title, Resolve Ratifying the Selection of and an Employment Agreement with Courtney O'Donnell for Assistant City Manager Summary This order will ratify execution of an employment agreement with Courtney O'Donnell to serve as the Assistant City Manager. The Assistant City Manager is responsible for a number of activities including the Community Connector, Human Resources, Risk Management, and assisting the City Manager on a variety of programs and projects. Additionally, the Assistant City Manager serves as Acting Manager in the absence of the Manager. Courtney has previously served as the Town Manager of Stockton Springs ME, Casco ME, and as the Administrative Assistant in the Bangor City Manager's Office. Courtney holds a Bachelor's degree in Public Administration from the University of Maine and a Master's Degree in Business Administration from Husson University. Committee Action Committee: Action: Recommend for passage Staff Comments & Approvals CIAM�,J, City Manager Introduced for: Consent Meeting Date: For: Against: City Solicitor �4W_A-9 Finance Director CITY OF BANGOR RESOLVE Date: 04/ 12/2021 Item No: 21-136 Assigned to Councilor: Schaefer 04/12/2021 21-136 Ratifying the Selection of and an Employment Agreement with Courtney O'Donnell for Assistant City Manager Be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Bangor that, The Council hereby ratifies an employment contract for Courtney O'Donnell for the position of Assistant City Manager. EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT �+IN THIS Agreement, made; and entered into this (lay of April 2021, by and between the CITY OFANGOR (PCIIOIISCOt COUlIty), State of Maine, a Municipal corporation, hereinafter sometimes referred to as'Ernployer", an(] Courtney O'Donnell, of Hampden, State of Maine, liereiiiaf`tei!-,,4()IIICtirl)eS 176CITC(l to as "Employee." WITNESSEITI: WH EREAS, the City of Bangor desires to employ the services of said Courtney O'Donnell ill tile position of Assistant City Manager / Director Of FlUnian Resources of the City of Bangor; and WFIEREAS, the parties have reached agreement as to the; benefits, conditions ofeniployllient, and working conditions of's,aid Einployce; NOW, -11 J-11FREFORE, in consideration Of tile Mutual covenants herein contained, the parties agree as 1`611ows: Section .-L -Duties En-ipfoyer hereby agrees to CITIPIOY said Courtney O'Donnell to pert-brin the functions and duties of Assistant City Manager / Director off-funian Resources of the City of Bangor as speci tied under the Charter and the Ordinances of" the City of Bangor and the laws of the State of" Maine, and to perform such other duties and functions as the City Manager ,hall from time to time assign. Sutlicct to the provisions contained herein, Employee shall serve at tile pleasure of the City Manager ofthe City of Bangor. Section 2. Terrn A. Sul�jeet to the provisions of Section 6 ofthis Agreei-nent, finiployce agrees to reniaill in the exclusive employ of Employer until April 5, 2023 and neither to accept other employment not. to become employed by any other erriploycr so long as E rnployee's, employment has not been terminated by either party. B. Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent, limit or otherwise interfere with the right or tile Employee to resign at any time froni his position with Employer, upon sixty (60) days' notice to Employer, sul�ject only to the: provisions set forth in Section 3 ofthis Agreement. C. Nothing in this Agreement shall prevent, limit or otherwise interi'ere with the right ofthe City Manager to immediately terminate the services ofErnployce at any tirne, sul�jeet only to the provisions set forth in Section 3 ofthis Agreement. 1). In the event written notice is not given by cither party to this Agreement to the other thirty (30) days prior to April 5, 2023, this Agreement shall be extended on the same terms and conditions providing for an additional lean of one (1) year. Said Agreenient shall continue for successive one (1) year periods unless cither party hereto gives thirty (30) days' Nvrltten notice to the other party that the party does not wish to extend this Agreement fior an additional one (I year term, Section 3. Termination mid Severance.Pay Ili the event Employee is terminated by tile City during or at the expiration ofthc aforesaid tern of employnient, or during any extension thereof' and (Wring such tillie that Employee is willing and able to pertbrm Dais dUtiCS undcr this Agrcei-ricnt, then in that event, I'mployer agrees to pay EniployCC as ILIIIIP SUrn cash payment C(ILIal to three (3) months' aggregate salary. [I'mployce shall vacate his, position with Employer immediately upon notice of termination, provided that the Employee and Employer niay negotiate ail alternate (late that Filiployce vacates his position with Employer. In the event L'I'mployce is terminated because of' willful misconduct or intentional wrongdoing related to his employrnent with Employer, or because of his conviction of any illegal aaet involving personal gain to him, then. Employcr shall have no obligation to pay the aggregate severance SUrn designated in this paragraph or to C01"Itil-We Enil-floyer provided benefits, except to tile extent that SLICII benefits are I-CClUircc] by law or the Personnel RuIcs and Regulations of the City ofBangor. Section 4. Sal, A Employer agrees to pay Employee R)r services rendered IRII-SUallt to the Executive pay schedule (Executive Pay Grade 2, Step 3) ofthe City of Bangor with an initial annual base salary of ninety-six thousand Seven hundred thirty nine dollars ($96,739), payable in Installments at the same time as other employees orthe Eniployer are paid, B. I'mployer agrees to handle future salary increases beyond that Outlined in A above in the sarne fashion as salary increases are handled for other Executive Level EIIIII)IOYUS. Section 5. Performance Evaluation . . ............. . . . . .... . . . .......... -... A. Oil ail annual basis, the City Manager and Eniployce shall define such goals and perfortliance objective:; which they deem necessary Im the proper operation of the City Departments and shall reduce said goals and objectives to writing. They shall generally be attainable within the time Innitations specified and the annual operating and capital budgets and appropriations provided, B. The City Manager sliall review and CVaIUatC tile perf"61-1-nalice of tile Employee annually oil or about the Employee's date of'hire. Said review beard evaluation shall be in accordance with the goals and performance objectives jointly developed by the City Manager and Employee and the normal standards used to evaluate the pertbrinance of other City employees whichare applicable to E'Aillfloyce's position. A work plan for the first year will be developed OUtlinilig the above referenced goals and objectives, C, . In effecting tile provisions ol"this Section, the City Manager and Employee mutually agree to abide by the provisions of applicable law. D. Employee agrees and understands that the term. of her employment as Assistant City Manager / Director of Human ReSOUrCeS shall be subject to the Cavity's Personnel Rules and Regulations as they Currently exist and as they may be modified from time to time except where provisions of' this Agreement modify or supersede the Personnel Rules and RCgUlations. Section 6. Outside Activities ........... . .... Employee shall not participate in any non -Employer connected business or cniployment without prior notification to and the approval of the: City Manager, Section 7, 1, HnLw Benefit,,, A. Employer agrees to provide Employee with all categories of Fringe benefits in the sarne amounts and coverages as are provided from time to time by employer to other employees of the City ofBangor at the ExCCLI.tiVC level. B. E"niployer agrees to allow the employee to accumulate four (4) weeks ofvacation upon hire, The employee will be receive one (1) of those four (4) weeks in their annual leave bank immediately ul)(:In hire. C, Employer agrees to provide a contribution total off 0% to the employee's retirement. Of' that 10%, the required amount for the 401 a defined contribution plan will be distributed (currently 8.51NO) and the remaining will be distributed to a 457 retirement account. D. Employer agrees to pay or reimburse flor professional development, education, and training expenses that are related in scope of position, to the extent that Such costs are budgeted and approved by the E",'niployer's governing body. Section S. Indemnification Employer shall del -end, save harmless and indemnify Ernployee against any tort, professional liability claim or demand or other legal action, whether groundless or otherwise, arising out of any alleged act or omission occurring in the performance ol"Em.ployec's duties as Assistant City Manager / Director of 1-1 Liman Resources. Employer will compromise and settle, any such claim or suit and pay the an'101.1111. Of'any settlement oriudgment rendered thereon. Section 9. j.3ondfil J;;" Employer shall bear the full cost ofany fidelity or other bonds required of the Employee under any law or ordinance. Section I OOther Ternia s nd Conditionof s '..E I .............. ............... .......... ...... . . ........... . ....................... ................. ....... 11 The City Manager, In consultation with the Employee, shall fix any such other terms and conditions ofemployment, as may be determined from time to tune, relating to the performance of the Eniployee, provided such terms annrl conditions are not inconsistent with or in conflict with the provisions of this Agreenient, the Charter or any other law, Sectiot'i 11. Notices Notices J)Ursuant to this Agreement shall be given by deposit in the custody ofthe United States Postal Service,, postage prepaid, addressed as follows: I , ^,rnpjoycr: City ofBangor 73 Harlow Street Bangor, Maine 04401 Attn: City ("..ouncil (2) Employee: Courtney O'Donnell 1027 Carmel Rd. N 11,arnp(len, Manic 04444 Alternately, notices requircd pursuant to this Agreement may be personally served in the sarne manner as is prescribed Im personal service Of process Under the Maine Rules of (,.,ivil ProccdUrc, Notice shall be deemed given as ofthe date of personal service or as ofthe date of dCj,)OSit Of SUCII written notice in the Course OftrklnSrukSion in the L)nited States Postal Service. Section 12. General Provisions A, The text herein shall Constitute the entire Agreement between the parties. 13, This Agreement shall be binding ul)on and nuffe to the benefitof the heirs at law and exeCUtOrS ofErnployee. C, This Agreenient shall become effective commencing April 5, 2021 or when Employee ,ISSUnics the position as Assistant City Manager / Director OfliUrnan Resources, whichever shall OCCUr first. 1). If any provision,, or any portion flicreof, contained in this Agreement is held Unconstitutional, invalid, Or Unenforceable, the remainder ofthis Agreement, or portion thereof, shall be deemed severable, shall not be affected ,in(] shall remain in 11611 force and effect. IN WFFN ESS WHEREOF, The City of Bangor has caused this Agreernent to be signed and executed in its behalf by its City Council, an(] duly attested by its City Clerk, and the Employee Naas signed and executed this Agrecinent, both in duplicate, the day and year first above written, CITY OF BANGOR ...... Catherine Conlow City Manager .3 COUrthey O'Donnell A1714ct)"'I: APPROVED ASTO 1"'ORM: City Solicitor IN CITY COUNCIL APRIL 12,2021 CR 21-136 Motion made and seconded for Passage of Consent Agenda Vote: 9—0 Councilors Voting Yes: Davitt,Dubay,Fournier,Hawes,Nichols, Okafor, Schaefer, Sprague,Tremble Councilors Voting No: None Passed CI Y CLE