HomeMy WebLinkAbout2021-03-02 Business and Economic Development Committee Minutes BUSINESS & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Tuesday, March 2, 2021, 5:15 P.M. Via Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86311095348 BED Members Present:Fournier (c), Davitt, Schaefer, Sprague Non-BED Members Present: Hawes (voting in Councilor Dubay’s place) City Staff Present:Collins, Conlow, Emery, Lundy Chair Fournier called the meeting to order at 5:15 P.M. 1. CDBG-CV3 funding (see attached memo) a. Action requested: none, informational update only. Tyler Collins presented an overview of CDBG CV-1 and CV-3 funding and how the City has allocated and spent funding so far. With the additional allocation, staff recommend business assistance and rental assistance as possible uses. State/federal programs are just now rolling, staff will reach out to Maine Housing to see how our program may help. Councilor Sprague asks about working with Community Health Leadership Board about addressing homelessness (lack of coordinated plan, etc.). Collins says this is probably a better use for our traditional allocation, will look further in to this. 2. 15 Minutes Spots, Parklets, Broad Street (see attached memo) a. Action requested: approval of staff recommendation for items #1 and #2, direction for item #3. Emery presented an overview. Davitt supports staff recommendations on #1 and #2, sees the myriad opinions on Broad Street and a partial closure may make the most sense, but is keen to hear public feedback particularly from the business owners. Louie Morrison spoke on behalf of a group of people. If he didn’t own businesses and buildings downtown he too would think it was really nice to see the pedestrian activity, but it directly affects a number of businesses negatively (restaurant and jewelry store, tenants of 25-27 Broad, 1 Merchants, that end of Broad Street). Who is opposed to the modified (compromise) option b (the modified closure that still allows vehicle accessbut with more sidewalk space)? Councilor Schaefer supports option b, Councilor Sprague doesn’t see strong cry to close it, it does make driving to that area significantly more difficult, there’s a consideration there as well. Agrees with modified closure. Councilor Fournier reports he got a text from Councilor Tremble supporting option b. Councilor Fournier would like to see it shut down but does agree with need to see how transit center plays out, but would like to see long-term shut down plan possibly. Councilor Schaefer agrees and due to the construction, this summer it makes sense to keep it open this year, revisit this long-term. Councilor Hawes agrees. Lisa Leonard of Evenrood’s is concerned to hear the talk about a long-term closure, which she would not support, nor does she think it would benefit the jewelry shop, the hotel, etc. Betsy Lundy shared that during the modified closure last year, there were problems with people stopping in the road or driving up on to the sidewalk/West Market Square. Emery noted if the Council wishes to go in the direction of option b, staff will work together on better signage, delivery/loading areas in that vicinity. Schaefer moved staff rec on #1 –second by Davitt. Roll call vote:Davitt yes, Dubayyes, Schaefer yes,Sprague yes, Fournier yes. Motion has passage. Schaefer moved staff rec on #2 – second by Davitt. Roll call vote: Davitt yes, Dubay yes, Schaefer yes,Sprague yes, Fournier yes. Motion has passage. Schaefer moved option B with one lane of vehicular traffic with expanded sidewalkon #3 Broad St –second by Sprague. Roll call vote:Davitt yes, Dubayyes, Schaefer yes, Sprague yes, Fournieryes.Motion has passage. 3. 2020 Commission on Cultural Development Annual Report (see attached memo) a. Action requested: approval to accept the report and forward to City Council meeting of March 8, 2021 for final acceptance. Lundy reviewed the annual report of the Commission on Cultural Development for 2020 focused on grantmaking and promoting the arts through Artober, and the cultural asset survey and story maps.CCD is working on new five-yearplan and vision statement which should be ready at the end of the fiscal year. Councilor Sprague wants to see the five-year plan coordinated with budget discussions. To what extent is the charge to be activist in working with any of the cultural related businesses? Lundy – the ordinance includes that but the CCD finds that difficult to accomplish with volunteers and small amount of staff time. Sprague – what would be in the best interests of the City to enhance and market them? What should our plan be? Councilor Fournier – MAC could be source of funding for strategic planning Councilor Davittmoved approval of staff recommendation for to accept the report and forward to City Council meeting of March 8, 2021 for final acceptance, seconded by Councilor Schaefer. Roll call vote:Davitt yes, Dubay yes, Schaefer yes, Sprague yes, Fournier yes.Motion has passage. Meeting adjourned at 6:01 pm.