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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2020-06-02 Planning Board Minutes
TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 2020, 7:00 P.M.
Board Members Present: Ken Huhn, Chair
Don Meagher, Asst. Chair
Michael Bazinet
Ted Brush
Ronda Hogan
Reese Perkins
Lisa Shaw
City Staff Present: Melissa Bickford, Development Assistant
Anne Krieg, Planning Officer
Josh Saucier, Assistant City Solicitor
John Theriault, City Engineer
Others in Attendance Via Zoom: Mike & Sue Jillson, Justin Harlan, Daniel Server (NextGrid), Sean
Murphy (VHB), Gerry Palmer (Property Abutter), Christina & Jeremy Caron (Property Abutter), Phil
Obbard (Property Abutter), Aimee Young (Plymouth Engineering)
Chair Huhn called the meeting to order at 7:01 P.M.
1. Public Participation
It was noted the Board would like to meet remotely for as long as is allowable to
minimize exposure to COVID-19.
2. Land Development Permit for Conditional Use of Site Development Plan 339
Odlin Road - Installation of a drive thru window to the existing
building, removal of existing batting cages and construction of parking area and green
space in the same place. Future additional parking replacing the go-cart track at property
located at 339 Odlin Road, (Map-Lot R18-009-A), in a General Commercial & Service
Meeting Minutes
June 2, 2020 Planning Board Meeting
Applicant Mike Jillson indicated that someone from Plymouth Engineering would be
representing him, as Scott Braley is at a live meeting in Mars Hill. Aimee Young presented
on his behalf. The applicant recently purchased former , changing the use to
ice cream and needs approval for the drive-thru as a conditional use. He is removing the
batting cages and go carts. He proposes to add drive thru to existing ice cream at facility.
The propertys proposed drive thru will have plenty of queuing. The plans also includes the
potential to expand parking if needed with removal of go carts.
Member Brush inquired about removing batting cages and go carts, and why additional
parking might be needed. Aimee indicated that as of right now, the parking meets the city
standards, but leaving options open in case it gets busier. The applicant no longer wants to
maintain the go carts. The applicant, Mike Jillson, stated that they have 5 other shops in
Maine, and sometimes the parking lots are completely overflowing with vehicles. He is
anticipating that this property will be equally as busy with the addition of mini-golf. He think
that they'll need the space for more parking. He added the space will remain impervious, all
gravel, only removed the tar and leveled the gravel.
Member Shaw inquired about expanded seating. Applicant Jillson stated that maybe 15-20
picnic tables outside, which is normal for what they have.
Member Bazinet inquired how long it would take to turn around additional parking from the
go cart track. Applicant stated that it's gravel for now in the overflow parking, so it's usable
on day 1.
Member Shaw asked if some of it will remain revegetated. Applicant Jillson said that it would
remain the same. Aimee provided number of existing impervious surface is at 22,860, and
proposed 22,500, which is a decrease, and that some of the cage area would return to green
space. Member Shaw confirmed that some will be parking, and some will be green space.
Applicant agreed.
There will be no additional proponents, no opponents.
City Planner Krieg provided staff review. Existing parking to be reworked to allow for larger
vehicle queue. Accommodate people getting out during the pandemic, which is a good thing.
City Engineer Theriault had nothing to add.
Member Shaw moved for approval of CU-SDP for 339 Odlin Ro
The motion was seconded by Member Shaw. A roll call vote was taken: Meagher, yes;
Perkins, yes; Bazinet, yes; Hogan, yes; Brush, yes; Shaw, yes; Huhn, yes.
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3. Land Development Permit for Conditional Use of Site Development Plan 280
State Street Robinson House, LLC o/b/o Justin Harlan - 930 s.f. for business office
Total s.f. 3,414. Business office use space is on the ground floor. Property is
located at 280 State Street, (Map-Lot 054-071), in a Multifamily & Service District (M&SD).
Robinson House, LLC o/b/o Justin Harlan, applicant.
Applicant Justin Harlan presented application. His goal is to repurpose part of the ground floor
into office space, remaining as residential. It was used this way for the past 12+ months.
Member Brush asked about parking lease on another property, and if this plan is contingent on
ney, prepared
Planning Officer Krieg advised that the property would technically be in violation if not meeting
the parking requirements should the lease expire or be otherwise expunged. Shared parking
allowance is underutilized and a great way to share parking. Challenge is making sure that the
agreements stay in place. Would be considered a zoning violation in those 5 years. Applicant
Harlan advised that the Crosby House occupant(s) have expressed interest in the parking, and
possibility as well. Planning Officer Krieg shared the parking allowance in Ordinance 165-72,
king, especially on State Street with
limited on-street parking. She also added that the b
approvals needed from HPC. She discussed the relevance to the Comprehensive Plan and found
that this type of development is exactly what the City intended to see happen. These homes
along State Street are significant, and its great to repurpose as necessary.
Applicant Harland stated that it was a beautiful property and feels that the use is cohesive with
neighboring properties, a good use of space and intend to preserve it to the greatest extent
possible. Prior owner did a great job before. Historically important, all though not historical
property. Would be proud to live there and have office there.
Member Shaw inquired if it would be appropriate to attach a conditional use to the motion
regarding parking lease? Would it be appropriate to ask that this be revisited in 5 years? Not
undue burden on the applicant, but keeping the applicant accountable versus a zoning violation.
Assistant City Solicitor Saucier advised that you can have the conditional use in writing which is
fine, or can have the lease signed at this meeting. Later on, it would be a Code Enforcement
type situation. The condition is that the agreement is to be executed prior to having a building
permit issued.
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logistical challenge. Planning Officer Krieg advised the applicant
that the applicant would have the agreement endorsed prior to the issuance of a Certificate
of Occupancy. Applicant Harlan inquired about a sign, and Planning Officer Krieg advised
permit/review from them.
Member Shaw moved approval of CU-SDP for 280 State Street, Robinson House, LLC o/b/o
Justin Harlan. The motion was seconded by Member Bazinet. A roll call vote was taken:
Meagher, yes; Perkins, yes; Brush, yes; Shaw, yes; Bazinet, yes; Hogan, yes; Huhn, yes.
4. Land Development Permit Site Development Plan 302 Pushaw Road Map-
Lot R20-009 NextGrid - installation and operation of a 4,670 MWdc solar array at
property located at Map-Lot R20-009, at the corner of Pushaw Road and Broadway, in a Rural
Residence and Agricultural District (RR&A). Applicant, NextGrid.
Applicant Daniel Server, Director of Development for NextGrid advised that they had about 14
projects in production in Maine, as well as Massachusetts and New Jersey. For the sake of
brevity, same equipment for both projects, same height, same panel, same brand inverter,
shapes are different, nuts and bolts are the same. Systems utilize central inverters, fixed tilt,
25%, 2.5 feet of the ground, and 6.5 feet general height. Wildlife fencing around perimeter to
allow animals to go freely. They will use native grasses, which are good for storm water.
There were concerns from abutters regarding glare, which is a common concern. In the last
ten years there have been substantial changes to the glare put out by solar panels. The
purpose of the panels themselves is to absorb light and not reflect it so every photon shot in
the opposite direction is wasted. Solar panels are thus very absorbent of light and also have
anti-glare /non-reflective coating. That being said they are not 100% immune to glare and
have a reflectivity of about 2% whereas water would be 3% and auto glass and snow
reflecting substantially more. We are proposing the buffer to mitigate visual impact to
residential abutters not necessarily block glare which we don't anticipate being an issue to
driver safety.
The noise is 67 decibels at 30 feet. 30 feet away is normal conversation. The fixtures will be
about 500 feet from the street, and 750 feet from the nearest home, and not on the property
line. It will be inaudible to the street and to the nearest abutter.
The last concern was regarding extending buffers between the street and the system. The
applicant had proposed single wall of evergreens.
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June 2, 2020 Planning Board Meeting
Two comments received wanted that to be widened, and the applicant indicated they are
amenable to doing this. Tree installs are expensive at the 6-
a single row more of a staggered variety and put in 1-3 trees
that would provide a substantial buffer over 3 years
to be good neighbors.
Member Brush asked about the buffer conditions and if the application needed to be modified
to increase buffer. Applicant Server indicated that this project, specially, is pending
submission into the state program. Need to have everything in hand by June 11. Due to
COVID-19, this was extended from April. Would provide up to date landscaping plan, but
would rather condition it before issuance of building permit. Condition depth of buffer, or say
with an updated landscaping plan, linking to the planning board before
issuance. Planning Officer Krieg recommended that Board recommend the width of buffer, if
Member Bazinet inquired how many homes this would power. Applicant Server said
approximately 1,533 homes.
Member Shaw inquired about the decommissioning plan. Applicant Server advised that it was
submitted with the materials. Planning Officer Krieg advised that the decommissioning plan is
part of the standards for review.
Abutter, Jeremy Caron, inquired about traffic turning left, as their driveway is right there.
Would it be possible to send construction vehicles out Pushaw Road versus Broadway?
Concern about dump trucks and in relation to their driveway. Applicant Server advised that
30-35 guys would be working at the peak, and have already contracted with Labor Ready in
Bangor to provide local labor. Laborers will be bused from facility, which will not generate a
lot of traffic. There is not a lot of trash, so not a lot of dump trucks. They plan to keep natural
grade, so little or no soil removal. There will be deliveries mostly, then the equipment will stay
on site. The applicant indicated that there is not as much traffic as abutter is picturing, but still
valid concern. The abutter asked if it was possible to have the vehicles exit onto Pushaw Road
versus Broadway. Applicant indicated that the path to Pushaw Road passes through wetlands
so they are unable to use that area for access. The applicant has gone through DEP permitting
for wetlands already, so addition of additional wetland crossing is not really feasible at this
time. Abutter asked about a flagger to assist with large deliveries, as he knows
flow of traffic all day, difficult to turn left across the other lane. Applicant shared his screen to
show the plans. Can condition a flagger when needed, per applicant.
Abutter, Phil Obbard, had concern that there was different between a single tree row, and a
mansion entrance versus 20-Maine forest trees, which is better
protection and less maintenance.
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He thinks that the saw tooth idea with a mix of trees is great, and
great idea.
Planning Officer Krieg advised that this was the first application of the new ordinance for solar
t this ordinance will be used. When we looked at this at a staff level,
focused on storm water. The issue was resolved with fabric for drip line, which was our only
technical question. This does get reviewed at DEP level as applicant indicated.
Member Shaw asked for assistance in locating the decommissioning plan. Chair Huhn advised
that he saw it somewhe
standard? Planning Officer Krieg advised that it follows standard practice, and must be
decommissioned if not in use for one year.
Member Krieg advised that the condition would be to increase the buffer. Sean Murphy (VHB)
indicated that the landscape plan would be approved by Planning Board and Code
Enforcement as designated.
Member Perkins asked about allowing for a minimum of 2 rows in the saw tooth design
whereby tall tree then small tree.
Member Perkins moved approval of SDP at 302 Pushaw Road, Map-Lot R20-009, NextGrid.
The motion was seconded by Member Shaw. A roll call vote was taken; Meagher, yes; Perkins,
yes; Bazinet, yes; Hogan, yes; Brush, yes; Shaw, yes; Huhn, yes.
5. Land Development Permit Site Development Plan 615 Pushaw Road
Map-Lot R29-006 NextGrid - installation and operation of a 7,151 KWdc solar array at
property located at 615 Pushaw Road (Map-Lot R20-009), in a Rural Residence and
Agricultural District (RR&A). Applicant, NextGrid.
Applicant Server presenting the application, similar in all ways, except this one is larger DC
ratio with more panels. He added that the shape of this array is dictated by the wetlands. This
is set off Pushaw Road, different buffering, set back more. There are no glare issues and no
sound issues. He is a
need for this.
Member Shaw inquired if both projects were going on simultaneously and their relative
proximity to one another. Applicant Server advised 7,000 linear feet from one another, or
togee proThey plan to hire 30-
35 workers and go from one site to the other. He wants to keep as many ongoing jobs as
possible. They will work steady for 6 months if winter allows.
The deliveries and labor will last approximately 1-2 months. Then there will be 2 months of
testing, clean up, and wire management. The major construction and deliveries will be about
45 days. Hopefully we will be notified form the state in August so they can move forward.
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Planning Officer Krieg advised that storm water was looked at and they have their permitting,
and staff had no other concerns.
Member Brush moved approval of SDP for 615 Pushaw Road, (Map-Lot R29-006) NextGrid.
The motion was seconded by Member Perkins. A roll call vote was taken: Meagher, yes;
Perkins, yes; Bazinet, yes; Hogan, yes; Brush, yes; Shaw, yes; Huhn, yes.
6. Meeting Minutes - Meeting minutes of May 19, 2020 were approved with no changes.
7. Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 8:14 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Melissa Bickford
Development Assistant
Planning Department
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